Rahmathullah M


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Feb 15, 2018 12:08
mmm.. yes, even i think the same. I shouldn't be doing this. :(
Feb 15, 2018 11:33
I got this angular2 project, which is bundled using gulp. need to get the project up. can someone help me explaining the above exec command.
Feb 15, 2018 11:31
how does this execute?
Feb 15, 2018 11:31
exec('npm run aot || npm run aot-win && npm run aot-rollup || npm run aot-rollup-win', {maxBuffer: 1024 * 500000}, function(err)
Feb 15, 2018 11:29
@phenomnomnominal so ngc can be replaced with tsc, right
Feb 15, 2018 11:29
Feb 15, 2018 11:08
mm.. ok. thank ou!
Feb 15, 2018 11:07
is it still available? isn't it outdated?
Feb 15, 2018 11:06
what does ngc command do?
Feb 15, 2018 11:05
node node_modules/.bin/ngc -p tsconfig-aot.json
Feb 15, 2018 11:05
hi, what does this command do?
Sep 30, 2015 07:38
is it possible to know the app download progress in a webpage. so that i can show a progress bar while loading, or at least when a app download has been completed.
Its about IOS
Sep 30, 2015 07:13
Its about IOS
Sep 30, 2015 07:13
is it possible to know the app download progress in a webpage. so that i can show a progress bar while loading, or at least when a app download has been completed.
Jul 7, 2015 08:50
@AwalGarg, very funny :D
Jul 7, 2015 08:43
do i make sense?
Jul 7, 2015 08:42
can i use single div for all the three tabs, and maintain the data of each tab in3 different viriables
Jul 7, 2015 08:41
I want to implement a lazy loading list, along with tabs. i mean(three tabs, with three list in each of them)
Jul 7, 2015 08:40
I have a global variable. would it be undefined after a long period of time?
Jul 7, 2015 08:38
Hi, would a variable expire(be undefined) over time?
Feb 10, 2015 10:10
@AwalGarg Thank you for the explanation. :)
Feb 10, 2015 09:46
@AwalGarg . Awesome :). why the other one dint work? may i know
Feb 10, 2015 09:45
Feb 10, 2015 09:45
Hi, why
window.log = console.log;
not working
Jan 16, 2015 09:35
Please help
Jan 16, 2015 09:35
How can i access an html file relative to the JS file loaded using require JS?
Jan 16, 2015 09:20
Can i get an html file relative to the JS file loaded using require JS?
Sep 22, 2014 05:32

Angular2 - Learning

Learning angular 2, confusing
Dec 30, 2016 08:58
Q: How to make Angular2 Service singleton?

Rahmathullah M PulikkalI'm trying to implement an auth guard in my app. ie; Only authenticated users can access certain routes of my app. I'm following the tut given here. Once the user is logged in I change a boolean value in my AuthService to true to indicate that the use has logged in. Which needs to be retained t...


HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
Aug 31, 2016 15:18
@Michael - Yep, I got your point. Just shared my thought.
Aug 31, 2016 15:15
and vertical align center? or may be with JS?
Aug 31, 2016 15:15
@Michael - set height to fixed for all cells? imho
Aug 31, 2016 15:00
Aug 31, 2016 15:00
Yes, Thanks a lot @Micha
Aug 31, 2016 14:58
.abc {
&.efg {
Aug 31, 2016 14:58
Aug 31, 2016 14:57
Aug 31, 2016 14:56
Hello, What is ti meant by the below statement?
`.hero & {`
Sep 30, 2015 07:46
if it is so, you can just remove all other tags, and retain only what u need using jquery/js
Sep 30, 2015 07:41
are those both pages from same domain? so that there wont be cross origin issue.?
Sep 30, 2015 07:19
is it possible to know the app download progress in a webpage in an IOS device. so that i can show a progress bar while loading, or at least when a app download has been completed.


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
Jan 16, 2015 09:31
Hi, I have large scale Javascript application developed using Knockout/KendoUI/MVC.net. Now i want split the different modules in to different project in my solution. How can access JS/CSS/HTML files in core project from module project?


Welcome to ASP.Net Room. Don't ask to ask just ask your questi...
Jan 16, 2015 09:29
@TheDictator . Thanks
Jan 16, 2015 09:28
I want split up the project in to different modules in different project in my Visual Studio solution.
Jan 16, 2015 09:27
I have a lot of JS and TypeScript files.
Jan 16, 2015 09:26
A Single Page Application, which is basically .Net's MVC.
Jan 16, 2015 09:23
Please help.
Jan 16, 2015 09:22
Hi, I have large scale Javascript application developed using Knockout/KendoUI/MVC.net. Now i want split the different modules in to different project in my solution. How can access JS/CSS/HTML files in core project from module project?


Got a SQL question? Any SQL flavor here, just ask. Indicate yo...
Sep 20, 2014 13:14
whats wrong with this
Sep 20, 2014 13:14
SELECT MAX(Serial_No) as sno FROM table_name GROUP BY DateValue(Field1)