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hi,how do you use the jQuery submit event with bootstrap 3 forms...the event is triggered but e.data is undefined
@Loktar seriously though, $150k + "Lead" title and I'm there. How badly do you want Angular talent?
yeah I doubt they would do the 150 :/
also I have the lead title :p
Your company isn't big enough for more than one lead?
so idk if they will/would have 2?
I mean it is pretty large but there aren't any other UI devs but me..
they are building the team now
so there just isn't anyone to officially "lead" yet lol
I dont care so much about Angular talent... just some friggin UI talent
anyone who can JS
yeah basically, well anyone who can JS at least mediocre
yep, very familiar with the problem.
We want to hire four more engineers by the end of Q2
two for this year, and two we planned to have by now but haven't found
@Loktar where is job posting?
I mean what state (assuming inside U.S.)?
Nebraska, not sure if we have a UI one currently, we kind of gave up and they are just looking for a wordpress dev now for contract/partime work
How long did you guys look?!
almost a year
they are kind of cool though
if a good resume comes through they interview regardless
im guessing you guys are a product company
@DemCodeLines You work in an agency?
@monners No, I am a college student ;) But I'm not interested in being job-less after graduating. So might as well learn now so I get a job.
You know you've been writing too much angular when you try to write: $if($scope.
I purposely rewrote public git history. Please don't hurt me.
/me breaks @KendallFrey's legs
nobody knows anymore
@KendallFrey unless someone has a clone...
(from before the rewrite)
they won't, unless they're super ninja
well, unless they were super ninja
it was only public for severl minutes
and if they cloned my repo, fuck them
What about those massive github caches?
@SomeKittens I'll leave it for the GC
@Zirak please merge #220 when you can <3
@SomeKittens So when's the room meeting?
4 hours ago, by Second Rikudo
Room meeting is rescheduled for tomorrow per popular demand
yeah, I saw that, but what time? As in, how many hours from now? (different side of the world, remember)
@SomeKittens what was that?
It's a slack command
/shrug does the shrug guy
No, I mean your comment on gh
You guys use slack?
it's a commit from ages ago. forget it
well, I just now got the notification
so it must have been your screwing with history
@monners yeah
We're trialling it
(Slack > HipChat) <<<<<<<< KittensChat
@SomeKittens nah, probably just the fact that I pushed
Is there anything visibly wrong with the following? The very last line, the fillText doesn't seem to happen... I don't get any errors, or anything, so I'm not sure what the issue is
var width = element.width * (this.track.value / this.track.max);
if (element.texture) {
	ctx.fillStyle = "#444";
	ctx.fillRect(0, 0, element.width, element.height);
		0, 0, width, element.height,
		0, 0, width, element.height
} else {
	ctx.fillStyle = "#444";
	ctx.fillRect(0, 0, element.width, element.height);
	ctx.fillStyle = element.fill;
	ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, element.height);
ctx.fillText("|/-\|", 0, 0);
Oh... derp...
my Y coord can't be zero. I figured the text would be rendered from its top left corner, but that seems to not be the case. Kinda odd.
1. Write your XSS payload 2. Put it in your book 3. Get it published on O'reilly Safari Books 4. Profit! :) http://t.co/YFkwnQVuSg
@SomeKittens nooice
Fantastic feature that I now don't have to write myself developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/…
does anyone in here use sublime text 2?
nah, npp ftw
@SomeKittens i just installed it for first time....how do you get the editor to automatically fill in the class syntax for you if you type this: <h2.update instead of <h2 class="update">
hope i explained it
h2.update then hit tab
thanks, off i go
what do you call that?
trying to see if there's an equivalent shortcut for dreamweaver cs6
@NickDugger yea...its all we can use at the corporate environment
With all that bloated javascript?
at least adobe is giving us brackets
Not really. Adobe started it, but really only steps in when it suits them; otherwise it's run by the open source community
another sublime text 2 question....in dreamweaver u can easily select a group of text and then hit CTRL T and type in something like "div" and dreamweaver will wrap that selected text with the opening and closing div tag. How do you do this in ST2 instead of having to manually type it
You can't...
I don't think
wow ok
Dreamwaver pampers you.
Ever used notepad for web development? xD
Dreamweaver is like having a butler with no arms; It's great that you have a butler, but he's not very good at making eggs.
More like with one arm
It can actually help, but it fails when things get complicated
It's my damn analogy, I get to say how many arms the butler has.
I set each walking frame to subtract 5 health to test the healthbar recordit.co/XPBidXY16t works awesome so far
Hello there
@ZubairPyromaniac Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Firedrake969 Does Notepad++ count?
Did the SO look and feel change overnight?
It looks so weird.
They've tested it on meta for quite a while now
Everything looks so subtle. It forces me to squint my eyes.
Perhaps it's because I just woke up.
@NickDugger my talk didn't make it
What was the topic?
Building real time multiplayer games with node, websockets and canvas
Boo, that woulda been awesome!
Ah well, more time to work on Card Minon.
I need a name for a project that generates markdown documentation from code
cleverness has abandoned me
@KendallFrey MGFC
Very creative - an acronym :3
@KendallFrey Nah, it's way better
that much is true
so clever kawaii
omg amazing
nevermind, that's already a thing
That's also a problem
I don't want a name used by a gazillion other projects
@Firedrake969 not Word, plis
forget about the code part, because it's not actually gonna read source code
markdown + documentation = docudown
terrible name... lol
I've already looked for docdown
too unoriginal
Me moo?
That might be the worst name I've ever come up with
thought of gitdown. cool, but not unique
How about gitup?
How would you write the css2json found in this answer (seems a bit messy atm)? This is what I have so far: jsfiddle.net/MadLittleMods/w3wkmLgm
@monners scratches head
@KendallFrey You with the questions, stop!
Decided to stalk coworkers on github. Disappointing results :(
Good, that still works
@NickDugger Have you not seen docco?
Hello everyone! I am wondering if anyone has come across a collaborative open source platform like Google Docs? I have found plenty of text editors but not many spreadsheet projects. The only one that seemed close to what I wanted was EtherCalc.
because it involves some xml, doxxml?
@Yamaha32088 online, or...
a self hosted solution online preferably
Because there are OpenOffice and LibreOffice or something
@Yamaha32088 Why not just use Google docs?
@Yamaha32088 You can use the Google collaborative API if you are wanting to make your own real-time collaborative app
sharkdown because c sharp
This is getting weird
@monners Google Docs requires everyone to have a Gmail account I believe and if we have an employee that creates a document under their account and that employee leaves the company they still have control over that doc if no one else is set to administrator
Is function composition associative for higher-order functions?
@Yamaha32088 You can make a copy of the document("Copy of..." in file menu) if you still have access to it
@Yamaha32088 Google Docs lets you set up corp accounts
@Yamaha32088 That's a configuration issue. Just make sure your docs are started on internal accounts
@monners We came across this recently when an employee created a sales report under their personal gmail account and shared it with others, the employee left and now we don't have control over the original with proprietary info
@Yamaha32088 That's just poor organisation
and bad legal standing
@monners You are correct
I have been playing around with Auth0 lately so I downloaded the node.js seed project. However I cannot get my views to update. Nodemon doesn't watch that and traditionally with every other node app I have written, it doesn't have to (because its a view). Any ideas?
@Yamaha32088 As always :D
Has anyone experienced something like this before when using node/express?
@SomeKittens I will check into that
Every company I've worked at has used that
I was thinking about rolling my own solution and turning it into an open source project if I could not find anything although it does look like Google Apps for Work will be an easy solution for now.
Nevermind, it was using swig which apparently caches as if its in a production environment by default. Fixed it by setting that the other way around.
What's the IDE of choice for you guys?
Sublime Text 2
Oh man, you have to buy that.
It's got an unlimited free trial
Sublime Text 3
Not that I use any features that don't exist in 2
I just like the number 3
Ya know those projects that make you question whether your job is really working out? Yeah, I'm on one of those.
@monners oooh, ouch.
Two FEDs have already quit over it
...really ouch
Same deal I gave Loktar earlier: 150k + Lead title
@SomeKittens To what, come work with you?
other way round
You'd work for me?
Oh, you're saying that's your price?
absolutely. These are my principals. If you don't like them, I have others.
I'll do it for 145 :P
I got scouted for a 120K position last week
Made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
That's awesome
I didn't pursue it.
I got asked to name my price a few weeks ago
I haven't quite finished cutting my teeth in agency work yet
@phenomnomnominal what'd you tell 'em?
That I'm still interested in my current project, but to come back in a few months
I only work for equity in companies with no future
@monners that was me!
I wanna move to Canada
Close enough to enjoy the States without having to live in the States
talk to @rlemon
Did StackOverflow just become prettier?
here is something I realized for fact, emberjs is werid
@RahulDesai yeah I noticed that, the answer text fild and its decorations look cool and the webpages itself looks a bit less crowded
{{ action 'increaseRating' artist.rating }} />
<span > {{rating}} </span> this inside a #each loop doesn't seem to work, huh, I have add those components or itemController and what not things for this simple stuff
The font seems to have changed too.
hello guys
what do they call this layout for the page: blogs.office.com
when it looks like post cards, what's the name of this layout?
Same as Pintrest
Could someone link me to a solution for a tabulator tab not to lose its "focus" color?
$( "#first-tab, #second-tab, #third-tab" ).focusout(function() {
$('#first-tab, #second-tab, #third-tab').css('color', '#30B230');
this is what I have, but it's not working and it doesn't remove the class from the neighbour tab clicked
or, rather something like this
if($("#first-tab, #second-tab, #third-tab").focusout {
$('#first-tab, #second-tab, #third-tab').removeClass('green');
need some help with webrtc, is there any way to detect the frame rate of the video streamed from your browser on the other(peer's) browser
@mido22 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1 hour later…
can somebody give a solution
yes no maybe
am using angular and bootstrap modal
and applying a draggable directive, its getting applied
but only for the content inside, not for the whole modal
here is the plunker
Well that was weird. I just heard a ping and can't find any notification or message that i have been pinged :/
it's a room event... look at the top of the page
ghost might me
I thought I was going mad for a second
@SomeKittens did you ever teach using John Resig's Khan Academy course? (cc: @room)
@BenjaminGruenbaum If you're on a non-VM windows, do me a favour and check if copy.sh/v86/?profile=kolibrios works or gets stuck on "CPU frequency is …"
Firefox or Chrome, doesn't matter
@SecondRikudo Dunno if I'll be on tonight either, when is it due?
@copy I'm on a VM - sorry. Not at home.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you don't have windows at work?
Ping me in an hour
@FlorianMargaine I'm not at work - this is a windows XP computer.
then it's what he wants :P
The first thing I did here was to log into a VM and run stuff there - logging in to stuff on a non-vm windows xp I'm unfamiliar with is terrifying.
@copy downloading images...
@copy I got a desktop after the boot-process thingy (W8.1 x64 FireFox 34)
Good, thanks
In my VM, it appears that calling performance.now a lot makes the Windows clock go out of sync
Not the Windows clock
The time measured by Date.now
@KendallFrey Lurv you
Youtube video?
Too obvious
Should have used goo.gl
Can i get an html file relative to the JS file loaded using require JS?
@BenjaminGruenbaum give me something to read about testing
Anyknow do a tabs simple?
@UlisesContreras That's not even anything.
@phenomnomnominal tabs even anything, better?
What? X u r watching pokemon or wonderland?
@UlisesContreras use correct english.
I'm spanish! but thanks. :)
I'm french.
How can i access an html file relative to the JS file loaded using require JS?
Please help
@Mosho look at letscodejavascript.com
@Zirak I don't really get what's that "scripting language based on JavaScript"
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks
would making a node server that calls our API rather than using VS for that purpose be a good idea?
Not even anything, yep(tabs).




tired of how slow it is sometimes
Q: JavaScript function chain with lazy evaluation

Ken OKABEI have checked the possibility of duplicate question, and cannot find the exact solution. Please do not judge just from the title and refrain from flagging with inadequate manner without checking the other question thoroughly. I have found so many people do that around here. I wrote some functi...

@dystroy Flagged one of his comments...
@Zirak 23:00 our time
@SecondRikudo so... Israel is in the same timezone as Iceland?
@FlorianMargaine Doesn't seem likely
2100 UTC+0?
We're UTC+2/3 (depending on daylight savings)
@Zirak Yup
@BenjaminGruenbaum He's really good
I mean, he's probably less good with JS than most of the regulars here, but he's got very strong methodologies.
Hi guys
        $(document).ready(function() {
                url: "Image/",
                success: function(data) {
                    var images = [];
                    $.each(data, function(i, val) {
                        images[i] = new Image().src = val;
                        $('#Panel1').append($("<img src=" + images[i] + "></img>"));
                error: function() {
im using jquery-1.11.2.js but while debugging it gives me: "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected" , on $.each()
console.log(data), see what it is. My suspicion is that it's a string.
@Zirak: it contains url for all the images in 'Image/' folder.
As what? An array? An object? A string?
How can each know how to iterate over it?
you mean i should define 'dataType: ' as well? Actually im tinkering with this
I don't know, it depends on what Image/ is. If you've told us...
its a folder containing 9 images in it
How is that represented?
What do you get? Visit Image/ in your browser, what do you see?
console.log(data), what comes out? Literally
Not its meaning, meaning is inferred.
its simple HTML
Good, so you need to convert that html into an array of urls, right?
ok @Zirak
how can i convert tht easily?
I mean if theres any attribute which can do tht automatically
like if i define some dataType or like ... ??
If you didn't use jquery, you could use XHR and set responseType = 'document'
The common pattern I see with jquery is api.jquery.com/jQuery.parseHTML
Once you have it parsed, you can traverse it using jquery as you would a regular document
thanks a lot for your support dear
let me see
@Zirak is theres any book or something where i can learn jQuery in the best way
jquery is just a bunch of functions...
jQuery = function(){}; then fix all your unit tests.
ok ... isnt there anywhere i can be learnt
i mean other than tinkering around...
@FlorianMargaine jquery is just a bunch of function
Charlie Hebdo being sold worldwide. This is why you don't shoot people, islamic extremists!
You don't shoot people, you shoot anti-Islamic aliens.
What does the front cover say here: jesusandmo.net/2015/01/14/small ? I can't read it.
I don't mind islam. Everyone can choose the lie to live in.
@mintsauce "Tout est pardonné"
Ah, thanks!
Another photo: metro.cz/…
The whole CH can be found as PDF or on imgur too
Now, do I want to support the paper by buying a copy? The jokes are kinda rough...
People are buying it to support freedom, not the paper itself.
I'll wait until freedom comes from the official sources.
@JanDvorak People are the problem.
@JanDvorak :-D
@mintsauce God can get rid of people ;-)
@JanDvorak That's unassailable logic!
why is this not working jsfiddle.net/4FF7R/2
@argentum47 jQuery objects are not DOM nodes
Isn't he a little excessive ?
So many upvotes for a question that will never help anyone else, and that is asking about four questions at once, all of which have been asked for. Have a downvote. — Lightness Races in Orbit 17 mins ago
I think this isn't a fabulous question but one that can help a lot of new coders...
inb4 he answers it anyways...
@argentum47 Dunno, but undefined, much like religion, is not a function.
@JanDvorak not sure, it's already crowded (with both good and bad answers)
When there's will, there's a way
i think dataTables must be deprecated owing to painful documentation
@dystroy I don't think the question is good, but it seems to have got a decent answer
religion isn't a function ? Ok...
Output isn't guaranteed for a given input. Plus side-effects.
ok, the point is clearer now
@mintsauce God's promises seem pretty solid
@JanDvorak no way to catch the exception, though
Which Promise library though?
Religion is not a function. It's a framework.
@argentum47 is your jquery plugin for data tables being loaded? looks like you are getting a network error on it
@dystroy no need. The God object will handle it..
@JanDvorak It's a good job that the God object never throws exceptions.
And if it does, I wonder who catches them; hopefully no subclasses of God.
@HatterisMad yeah the url was wrong
@argentum47 happens :) at least it was an easy fix right?
Not only God never throws exceptions, the God object is immutable with a single generic "call" method that returns by modifying the environment...
@HatterisMad yup, thanks
@JanDvorak God.call = function(f){ return f(); };
power cut , don't talk God
> FORTRAN was the language of choice for the same reason that three-legged races are popular.
:-) That's why I like golfing in JavaScript.
I like golfing in REBEL :3
today is an awkward day
@mintsauce I like your perspective
@SecondRikudo I'm glad you liked it :)

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