
Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Dec 10, 2014 16:08
clever people
Dec 10, 2014 16:02
I'm trying to work out a percentage completed of a song... If the song is 275 seconds, what percentage is 7 seconds?
Dec 10, 2014 14:27
I'm trying to animate the current position of a track with the soundcloud API ?
Dec 10, 2014 14:26
has anyone here used the soundcloud api?
Dec 8, 2014 20:36
ok ta anyhow
Dec 8, 2014 20:36
and there's no console error, or no visual error (like php would show)
Dec 8, 2014 20:35
yeah i can access it that way. it's more because angular isn't compiling it
Dec 8, 2014 20:32
is there a way to var_dump an object in angular? my ng-repeat isn't working and that kind of thing would help.
Dec 8, 2014 20:11
ah okay, thanks.
Dec 8, 2014 20:11
is locally not on the object?
Dec 8, 2014 20:07
I'm in angular, and it likes the second, not the first :s
Dec 8, 2014 20:07
I'm inside an object and I've done var self = this;
Is there a difference, when creating a variable, between these two:
var newVar = 1;
self.newVar = 1;
Dec 5, 2014 15:27
seems to just chop off the 'px'...
Dec 5, 2014 15:26
yeah you're right, i can do it with parseInt too.
Dec 5, 2014 15:25
aah, will that disgard the px
Dec 5, 2014 15:24
Dec 5, 2014 15:23
Is there a way for it to log as an integer rather than string?
Dec 5, 2014 15:23
If I log an elements position, it shows me in pixels: $('.first-slide').css('left') is 0px
Dec 5, 2014 11:07
This is my weaning myself off the tit of godaddy
Dec 5, 2014 11:06
Hi. I've only ever used cheap shared hosting. What's got the easiest learning curve, Heroku, Openshift, Appfrog? App would be in PHP
Dec 4, 2014 15:24
Dec 4, 2014 15:22
great :)
Dec 4, 2014 15:21
Okay, thanks ssube :) Will do so
Dec 4, 2014 15:19
yeah :)
Dec 4, 2014 15:19
svg, image, gif, whichever
Dec 4, 2014 15:18
Afternoon. I want to randomly float / move some elements on a HTML5 canvas. Is there a plugin for something like this, or is it simple enough without?
Dec 2, 2014 11:14
I need to return a boolean if an element is overflowed from its container — not completely overflowed, just half. Like so: Any starting points?
Nov 30, 2014 20:38
or will it just change once https is successful, regardlesss?
Nov 30, 2014 20:38
angular problem: I need to load a json file before the template is rendered. do I have to use routing for this?
Nov 30, 2014 12:51
Hi. I have a JSON file with some data I want to use. What's the simplest library that would let me just loop through it? e.g <h2>{{data.title}}</h2>. There seems to be a lot of things out there
Nov 23, 2014 09:03
aah okay
Nov 23, 2014 09:01
that's what google delivered ha
Nov 23, 2014 09:01
sorry, html width rather than inline css. so width=224
Nov 23, 2014 08:59
googled. had to use inline width rather than css
Nov 23, 2014 08:57
no idea! just experimenting.

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
Dec 8, 2014 14:43
thanks @BasementKeyboardHero, that was a mindfuck
Dec 8, 2014 14:40
yeah, I can't seem to get it working.
Dec 8, 2014 14:39
that seems to write it literally
Dec 8, 2014 14:36
Any idea?
Dec 8, 2014 14:36
Hi guys, I need to use a this unicode as a pseudo element (:after)
Dec 4, 2014 20:14
thanks :)
Dec 4, 2014 20:13
really? i thought this wasn't shorthand? background-position: center center;
background: url(;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
Dec 4, 2014 20:10
Odd problem. Why is this background image not centering?
Dec 4, 2014 19:29
aah. maybe a bash script?
Dec 4, 2014 19:28
nah, it would have some basic html, common css code
Dec 4, 2014 19:27
Hi people. I keep creating the same 5 files whenever a make a new project. What's a good away to automate this? (index.php, style.css, etc). Something from the terminal?


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Dec 1, 2014 12:13
okay thanks :)
Dec 1, 2014 12:11
ah okay. you know a better place for me to go?
Dec 1, 2014 12:10
Hi guys. Anyone used the WP-API for WordPress?