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Hi, is there any friendly with Google Adwords API
I has a english language question
should check whether leave is in weekend or not
should check whether leave is in holidays or not

Is this good english?
@argentum47 No :D
If you can make it better, plz tell me
@argentum47 No
@argentum47 What is leave?
@Basj yeah, you should follow the convention
@Basj leave is taking a leave from office .
@argentum47 ROFL
Fuck sake
when I typed no the first time it timed out
And then it sent again
well what can I say, :D => weirdly funny
"I should check whether my leave is on a weekend or not"
"I should check whether leave is this weekend or not"
"I should check whether leave is on a weekend or not"

"I should check whether my leave is in the holidays or not"
"I should check whether leave is in the holidays or not"
All of that is valid
@GorgiKosev lol :) I'm at lunch I'll look into it later. How's married life?
:( well I get it and its also my mistake, I was writing unit test
@argentum47 OHHHHH
"Should check whether leave occurs on a weekend"
"Should check whether leave occurs on a holiday"
Those are fine for that.
Apparently suggesting a better solution than one of 2 choices an OP offers doesn't "answer the question"
So that is not an answer to the question.. — Vladimirs 1 min ago
Applies face to desk
He's right, it doesn't.
You're probably right, but that wasn't the question asked
Isn't the point of that question to get the most efficient way of adding proprties to objects?
@SecondRikudo: thanks
I hate posers
Yea. I edited the answer a bit to more directly answer his question, and explain why both OP's options are wrong...
You don't have understanding of what question is about. example might be simplified to not give whole details of usage which might be a key thing. — Vladimirs 16 secs ago
Heh, how did this guy get 1.8k rep
@Vladimirs How do I pin a nail to my wall? With a spoon or with a fork? By your logic, you'd say the spoon, I'd say it's the hammer. — Second Rikudo 51 secs ago
@Cerbrus But did you generously apply face to desk?
And violently
omg this freaking youtube rewind is clever as hell !
Why would you ever need a container in which the code can dynamically assign properties? Isn't that just a poor design?
Not really
Not always
Also, this vlad guy wrote a benchmark:
Execution time of 1: 127
Execution time of 2: 35
I added my example:
Execution time of 3: 7
Well, I think Vlad has a point. The question is "what is the difference between that and that. and what is the most efficient between the two"
You should first answer to this questions and then give the third solution
The last message was posted 3 hours ago.
3 hours later…
The last message was posted 3 hours ago.
3 hours later…
4 messages moved from Teenage Programmers Chatroom
"in the first you create an object, and assign it to a variable x that you're declaring, then later set a property "a" to this object"
"in the second you create an object than assign it to a variable x that you're declaring, then you create another object that has a "a" property, and assign it to x"
"A better solution, if you can with your code design, would be to create an object with the a proprety and assign it to x during it's declaration"
does anyone have experience with using mocha/velocity in meteor.js? My tests stop running after modify the initial file... (by adding another it(..) for example)
@ValentinZambelli Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ValentinZambelli code sample.
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - what to do - it never works
If anyone has access to a windows 8 touch device, with IE 11 on it, and is ok to make some test with me, I would love to be pinged.
if (!(typeof MochaWeb === 'undefined')){
var expect = require('chai').expect;

describe("a group of tests", function(){
it("should respect equality", function(){

it("should respect equality again", function(){

it("should respect equality again2", function(){

this for example would only give me 2 tests
the first 2
the third one doesnt get run, for whatever reason
I am still playing around with the autogenerated demo files
Hum no, like something on jsfiddle, with the library loaded and everything
when you past code, please ctrl+k
!(typeof MochaWeb === 'undefined') - > (typeof MochaWeb !== 'undefined')
less confusing
fiddles with meteor are kind of a pain still. I don't believe the error is in the code per se. If i delete the second test, velocity still runs it...
innerHTML is bad — Alex 35 secs ago
@Alex: document.write is worse. — Cerbrus 14 secs ago
Installing iOS8 on ipad3...
> 45 hours remaining
teapots ^
I have 4 days to setup "12 days", Who wants to help?
cc @FlorianMargaine
Hey guys (or ladies and gentleman, depending on your mood), sorry for jack moving messages into this room earlier.
you already mentioned interest. I've just been side tracked with crap
Please let me know directly if he does it again.
@rlemon I may be able to, but not before 5PM
I'm going to probably start tonight if I don't have something else come up
I figure node/postgres/passport-js/express and it should be easy peasy
I'll help by nagging if you don't
cough Sorry for spamming. Won't do it again. cough
@rlemon What exactly do you need help with? Are you looking for a system that would allow all of that stuff already? Do you want to rebuild it from scratch (what was wrong with last year's?), if so: which languages?
last years was not a 'system'
I did it all manually
sucked :P
I could still enter my name!
if you know of a system that already does this let me at it! otherwise I was going to press my own
Also, why not use SO OAuth2 logins?
passport will make auth simple if I can figure it out
@Kippie Sure, why not?
No reason not to.
passport allows all sorts of providers. I would probably like to use just one, but not SO
don't wanna make it seem like this is limited to SO users
it's for all of my nerdy friends!
@rlemon Isn't it? :P
there are some past SO users who might wanna join, and others who I talk to on IRC without an SO account
join what?
it was never meant to be "SO exclusive" moreso "friends of rlemon exclusive"
oh, 12 days
I could help with UI/Design, but I'm also not very reliable on side projects... I get lazy and forget.
@KendallFrey's going to bug me at 6pm EST to get working on it
@NickDugger if you wanna take an hour and come up with a design that would be neat. do you remember how last years looked?
I wasn't around last year
lemmy see if it is on this pc
I know it's backed up at home
@rlemon I'm thinking something similar to theamountoffucksigive.com
A wheel with all the names of the registered users, and at night it spins
Alright. I probably won't mock something up in PS, just because it would be faster to just css it up.
eh, wheel might not work
@rlemon How many participants are you expecting?
last year we had max 25 people in a draw, but this year it might be more popular
thing is, I don't know how many will join each day
!!nudge 9h @rlemon 12 days
@KendallFrey Nudge #2 registered.
so I don't wanna limit it like that on a wheel. the taverns \wheel of blame' might work
@SecondRikudo lol that site
@rlemon You could always use one of those slot spinners. That way you don't have to take into account the amount of names, because you'll only show 3 at most (1 center, 1 up + bottom that are "tilted")
that is how the spinner works for the wheel of blame
I don't know what that is D:
@KendallFrey nudge @rlemon 12 days
@CapricaSix 9 hours, not 9 minutes n00b
!!nudge 540 @rlemon 12 days
@SecondRikudo Nudge #3 registered.
What happens if you !!tell a nudge to someone? Does it nudge them in the end, or the initiator?
!!tell Kippie nudge 1 test
@AwalGarg Command nudge cannot be used in /tell.
That answers that question
@Kippie That used to be a bug, by the way
It used to nudge the other person
So we'd set up nudges to remind @jAndy about the game
instead Zirak just hard coded that in
if jAndy says something there is a very small chance it will ping him about the game
Yeah, haha
why jAndy?
also, because he's the only person to actually care.
I am the game
people that spell "grey" with an "a" are a disease
Does that look like an answer to you ?
Q: node.js Buffer not empty

Fabio PoloniWhen I create lots of Buffers they aren't always empty: for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { console.log((new Buffer(30)).toString('hex')); } (Partial) Output: 782668013a0000003b00000035000000b0c17900391100003c0000003d00 e4216801ffffffff000000000100000000000000000000003e0000003f00 40c279001000...

(should not be downvoted or flagged, it just doesn't look like an answer, no way to know if it's right for example)
@NickDugger I hate that
I argue against the "gray" spelling, and one thing that the designer always tells me is that it's "gray" because it's "grayscale"... I facepalm every time.
I honestly don't give a damn about how people spell their colors as long as it's clear what they mean.
You should read that : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
> The two spellings are of equal antiquity, and the Oxford English Dictionary states that "each of the current spellings has some analogical support
@NickDugger are you British?
has anyone here used the soundcloud api?
@NickDugger I bet you hate people of color too, because it should be 'colour'
!!welcome tmyie
@tmyie Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'm trying to animate the current position of a track with the soundcloud API ?
@SecondRikudo I'm gonna spell it grheyh from now on
@NickDugger Not clear what you mean...
I am an american and i put a u in quite a few words americans do not ( I think it is because i used to read english made encyclopedias when i was a kid)
Bet you still call a tap a faucet though don'tcha
@HatterisMad stoup that
Good Morning the folks of the javascript room.
@Neil Stoup that eh?
Cans someone running Chrome on Windows tell me if the images on this pdf show up? (if you don't see any, open in FF or anything else and you'll see what I mean)
@SecondRikudo Irony lost on you?
Apologies for the shit domain
Either it's my machine or Chrome is even more broken than last month when all the images got inverted colors :/
@Neil Was trying to sound Canadian. Failed miserably. Carry on.
@SecondRikudo Ah, then I was the one who didn't get it, sorry
@rlemon yes aaarlemon
No chance that'd work for him
I'm just deciding that it's Chrome, not me. Whatevs
It's all Ogre now...
wrong shade of green, but I applaud the go
@rlemon Is life, is love
that actually was a great question @AwalGarg
damn you're right
I pictured him as a richer green
Can we also crop the photo a bit? Make the focus a bit more on his shrekness
@rlemon You got some paint spilled on his shirt.
user image
@NickDugger better?
@rlemon What's going on with the left side of his face?
he ugly
Right side looks perfect though gj :P
Good response
what am I looking at
that much I know... but...
because he's like an onion
valid point
He makes people cry?
Does anyone here know a bit of ruby :)
@rlemon Definitely
@rlemon No credit? :(
Hi everyone
Jul 7 at 17:00, by Kendall Frey
user image
posted on December 10, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by NerdyWizard */

@KendallFrey repost -1
waaaa fml
Hey guys. What the hell do you do when Google broke everything and you're expected to be able to fix it lol
@sippy_bizzle actually i use the phrase drinking from the tap.... i don't think i have ever called it a faucet lol
@KendallFrey Stop stealing rlemon's work, Kendall
@HatterisMad You beautiful human being
Guys, anyone has the link for that?
@SecondRikudo omg wtf
Japan is such an evil place
Also, why can't they just leave it alone? They've broken PDF rendering in 4 different but equally destructive ways this year. And they ignore the issues opened.,
omg quicker than me
lrn2google, noob
I went on imgur
I did not even google
imgur comments sauce
Still one of the best ones I've yet to see.
@SecondRikudo That was a genius prank
Hmm, not going to watch a 7m clip at work. Is it one of those collegehumor things?
@sippy i typically spell armour, colour, favour.... etc.. etc..
@Kippie No, it's not a skit, just two guys that are on the collegehumor staff
@KendallFrey I couldn't remember who made it. Nick posted it earlier
32 mins ago, by Nick Dugger
https://i.sstatic.net/PvC6x.jpg .
They have an ongoing prank war, and each prank gets worse than the one before
people that don't use Oxford commas are a disease.
You are a disease
If this room had a logo - it would be a slide.
What kind of slide?
a poopy one
@BenjaminGruenbaum That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
That kind
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Command artisticpoop learned
Does anyone know how to post to a fan page not a profile on facebook? my javascript code is posting to the main profile not fan page
@Neil His face when he looked at his pal next to him
@SecondRikudo The look on that face: realization
^ There are some great reaction shots in this one
ok I need to watch the entire history of these
Some of them are pretty mean if I recall
haha, the skydiving one was great
Though they're well thought out anyway
I feel like Ive transported back to 2008
when college humor was good
hey man, it's still okay-ish
I never really was a fan of college humor
but those pranks are golden
Can anyone tell me where do i add facebook access token?
@Loktar how's the Logitech G502 Laser mouse BTW?
I like it, took a bit to get used to since I generally use a palm grip mouse
and its a claw grip
but its really smooth
nice. BTW you included your packing slip for the mouse in my phone package :P
just saying
lol yea I just found it
haha yeah that was the same box, came on the same day
I just put the phone in that box made it easy
made me chuckle
lol didn't realize I left the packing slip in
I figured you asked because I mentioned it on here
I got a free $50 steam card with it as well
so it ended up being a pretty good deal, like $80 for the mouse + $50 free steam dollars
@Loktar Are there any games on Steam left for you to use that on, or do you have to wait until a new one comes out?
lol I'm actually buying kids christmas presents with it :P
there are some games on Steam I want but I'm waiting for the Christmas sale
@Loktar why didn't you include that in the box!?
dammit Loke! you had one job!
@Retsam worst problem evar
it does suck actually, like the last sale I was like bleh.. no games I want
I have all the publisher packs, humble bundles, and my housemates and I all have steam sharing enabled.
There is nothing left to buy.
I have a ton of humble bundles with keys I havent even activated yet
I stopped buying bundles due to that
probably 100+ keys sitting in my HB account
I've since moved to GoG and Desura and started buying games on those two
I was going insane with buying bundles there for a bit
I always activate whatever I can on Steam, so about 80% of my library is unused Humble games
I activate the one game I bought the bundle for
the rest sit in HB :/
I only leave the ones that are gifts
HB did make it easier in the last year or 18 months or so, you can tie your steam account to it and click redeem
a ton better than manually pasting numbers in
So, I have a few gifts in my Humble collection
@Loktar True, though the bigger "point" of that I think is to prevent people from giving away the extra keys
@Retsam There's a gift button next to each one, isn't there?
yeah I still think you can get the keys from it
also you can buy as many gift copies as you want tmk
yea you can gift the keys now
it's just a lot easier to redeem them to your account, and they can track whether you used or gifted them
what is the purpose of the room meeting?
it's all big data surveillance
maybe i'll setup my nephew a steam account and gift him the lot
@ssube Huh I don't remember seeing that before. Either I'm blind of that's a (somewhat) recent addition.
recent in the last year or so
just checked, it's definitely there. It is very recent tho
@Loktar Just realized I was in the wrong room :P
Anyone play NS2?
yeah both rooms are discussing games
@Loktar yes I've been enjoying it :P
and our teamcity server is running out of permgen...
they better hope they get 9.0 released before I actually write a node CI server
Natural Selection 2
Need for Speed 2
How come this guy has 2 avatars?
there are two people with the same name
(type @J to repro)
kk, got it
@Jonathan I love you all
@Jon should ping all four
oh btw, @jAndy I thought you would know...
nvm though
is there a way i can know what grunt version is on my machine?
$ grunt --version
does that not work?
@rlemon thanks a lot!
google is hard
@rlemon do i have to install modules per each project or can i have those npm modules installed once on my system without having to install them particularly per each project?
you can install them globally, but not all of them make sense to be installed globally
look at the npm docs
ok thanks!

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