SO Close Vote Reviewers

This room is for support and discussion about reviewing and co...
Jun 30, 2017 19:06
@NathanOliver agreed. Downvoted them.
Sep 8, 2016 19:41
@NathanOliver That makes complete sense. Thank you for explaining that to me.
Sep 8, 2016 19:37
@NathanOliver oh that makes sense, you'd think that option would let you pick from all possible (or at least related) Stack Exchange sites.
Sep 8, 2016 19:34
I've been curious, for a while now, why more Stack Exchange sites aren't listed in Off Topic -> Belongs On Another Site? I've run into some questions that belong on AskUbuntu or Unix&Linux but they aren't listed so I flag them as blatantly off-topic.
Aug 23, 2016 21:44
@Tunaki oh didn't know that. Awesome thanks!
Aug 23, 2016 21:43
@Tunaki but the older question does not have an accepted answer and is currently at -3.
Aug 23, 2016 21:41
How should I flag a question that was asked by a user who already asked the same question? New question and older question.
Aug 19, 2016 17:45
I went with unclear since it provides a link to the "how to ask" page.
Aug 19, 2016 17:42
Should I have flag this question? If so, what should I flag it as? Too Broad?
Jul 15, 2016 00:02
@Tunaki just saw the comment, have a good night. : )
Jul 15, 2016 00:01
@Tunaki after further reviewing insert node into a binary search tree in java, I noticed I jumped the gun on marking that question as a duplicate. At first glance the code does resemble a pass-by-value question, but it's not.

 SOCVR Request Graveyard

This room is ONLY to receive action requests (cv-pls, etc.) fr...
Jun 30, 2017 18:44
Primarily Opinion Based / Too Broad…
Aug 19, 2016 18:58
Belongs on Super User or Ask Ubuntu Unidentified web page redirect
Aug 10, 2016 20:42
Off-Topic: Asking for off-site resource Xuggler Binary for Linux - RaymondLowell - 2016-08-10 20:39:25Z
Aug 9, 2016 01:56
Blatantly off-topic Jailbroken iPhone in Limbo - Brett Nelson - 2016-08-09 01:54:11Z
Aug 5, 2016 07:00


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Feb 22, 2017 18:31
@Luggage thank you so much, I was lost in a sea of links searching "nodejs run jar" on Google.
Feb 22, 2017 18:29
@Luggage thanks for the advice, I'm going to look into node.js.
Feb 22, 2017 18:24
@Luggage sorry not MPI, openMP.
Feb 22, 2017 18:24
@Luggage So I spent a lot of time writing the program in Java and I'd rather not re-write it in javascript. Also I was thinking about re-writing it in C and use MPI to multi-thread some of the algorithms. If I re-wrote it in C though I'd still have the same problem.
Feb 22, 2017 18:20
: ) thanks for the warm welcomes. So I wrote a program in Java that outputs some JSON, it has a O(n!) runtime. I'm trying to find a way to periodically write output to a stream and use AJAX (or something) to probe the stream and update my webpage. I'm also trying to run the .jar through javascript (or something, maybe php not to sure). I've never done anything like this so I was hoping to get some insight (along the lines of "this is a bad idea, instead do this ...").
Feb 22, 2017 18:12
wow I can't believe I asked to ask a question, it's stated at least 3 times not to do that in the room rules X(
Feb 22, 2017 18:10
@CapricaSix thanks for the welcome, that's good to know I'll review the room rules.
Feb 22, 2017 18:10
anyone care to answer to a quick question?

Documentation Review

Seeing as there's no review queue yet, post links to your draf...
Jul 30, 2016 00:18
Reason for rejection: Dotfiles are not configuration files, a dotfile is any file whose name is prefixed with a '.' . You're talking about "runcom" files, denoted by the trailing 'rc' in their filenames.
Jul 30, 2016 00:06
Almost an exact duplicate of another example in that topic
Jul 28, 2016 21:09
@A.M.K word I'll follow suite, have a good one
Jul 28, 2016 21:08
@A.M.K do you wan't me to reject the Add an AJAX preloader one?
Jul 28, 2016 21:06
@A.M.K that link lead me to the "Oops! Something Bad Happened!" page
Jul 28, 2016 21:05
@A.M.K Yea I gotcha
Jul 28, 2016 21:03
@A.M.K do you know why isn't registering in my last message?
Jul 28, 2016 21:00
Reason: Other - This is completely opinionated and superfluous.
Jul 26, 2016 08:54
@Will na just that one example
Jul 26, 2016 08:54
@littlepootis thanks
Jul 26, 2016 08:48
A user pretty much copy pasted an example from the official documentation, only they made it worse.…
Jul 26, 2016 08:30
@Will it's all good, I stopped when I noticed you where doing it.
Jul 26, 2016 08:27
@Magisch that's not a bad idea : D
Jul 26, 2016 08:24
@Magisch you forgot to properly indent code in…
Apr 24, 2016 01:59
Hey I'm back online for now. If you could upload your project to an online repository or download source, and provide me a link to said source, then I could take a deeper look into the code and provide some hopefully helpful insight.
Apr 23, 2016 10:27
gotta run though, I'll be back online later if you need any more help, I'd be happy to help.
Apr 23, 2016 10:26
I edited that code a couple of times. Notice how I changed the while(true) to while(!responded) and removed the break.
Apr 23, 2016 10:25
I didn't realize how hard it was to post multi-line code in chat.
Apr 23, 2016 10:23
while(true) {
    try {
        while (!responded) {
            response = is.readLine();
            if(!response.equals("")) {
                responded = true;
           // no break here
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.err.println("IOException:  " + e);
    if(responded) {
        timer = new Timer(1000,new TimerC());
        responded = false;
Apr 23, 2016 10:22
Now your inner while loop is breaking after one iteration, every time. You should remove the break statement all together.
Apr 23, 2016 10:21
But can you click the card again? Also did you surround everything in your run method or just the while loop?
Apr 23, 2016 10:21
Your run method executes the while loop only once, you need to surround everything in your run method with another while loop that iterates until game over. Also you should choose to either remove that break after responded = true or change the while to while(true).
Apr 23, 2016 10:21
Note: while (true && !responded) is the same as while(!responded).