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Q: Java onclick listeners

user2935569I have a simple program that allows 2 clients to connect to a server. Once connected, They can take turns to click on the blank card image. Once any of the 2 clients clicks on blank card image, the card image will change to Club of Ace image. The changes will be shown on both sides of the cli...

Note: while (true && !responded) is the same as while(!responded).
@JonnyHenly Noted
Your run method executes the while loop only once, you need to surround everything in your run method with another while loop that iterates until game over. Also you should choose to either remove that break after responded = true or change the while to while(true).
@JonnyHenly I tried surrounding everything with another while loop as you suggested but once I clicked, it will be caught in an endless loop.
But can you click the card again? Also did you surround everything in your run method or just the while loop?
@JonnyHenly No. I am unable to. I updated my run() method codes in my post.
Now your inner while loop is breaking after one iteration, every time. You should remove the break statement all together.
while(true) {
    try {
        while (!responded) {
            response = is.readLine();
            if(!response.equals("")) {
                responded = true;
           // no break here
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.err.println("IOException:  " + e);
    if(responded) {
        timer = new Timer(1000,new TimerC());
        responded = false;
I didn't realize how hard it was to post multi-line code in chat.
it's my first time using as well
I edited that code a couple of times. Notice how I changed the while(true) to while(!responded) and removed the break.
gotta run though, I'll be back online later if you need any more help, I'd be happy to help.
well I guess I needed more help because It still doesn't work. probably wait till you are online again. thank you for you help so far

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