
General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
Oct 23, 2017 12:43
@Metallkiller yeah, well, that would be false advertising from my experience then
Oct 23, 2017 12:41
@Metallkiller As I understood, when you're using Azure AD, you can set "application roles", roles for your users that will be specific to your application. I'm writing an API using Asp.Net Core and I'd like to add authorization to it. Like limit some calls to users who are "administrators" in my app.
Thing is, I can't seem to find the same feature in B2C applications.
Oct 23, 2017 12:12
Hey, kind of a long shot here, but does anybody knows if you can add application roles to Azure AD B2C ?
Sep 26, 2017 09:23
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan completely agree
Sep 26, 2017 09:21
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Well, there are so much parameters to test (OS, etc.), but the code works fine on my machine (obviously) and I've tried on a local VM and it's also working normally, even after hours of uptime of the VM. But it's difficult to be conclusive of anything, as it could be a configuration on the hosting provider or something like that, but anyhow the difference between .net and .net core is not normal.
Sep 26, 2017 08:54
@TomW yeah, I guess I'm going to open an issue on the coreclr GitHub, I can't really see what it could be appart from a framework bug.
Sep 26, 2017 08:48
nearly 24h in the future now
Sep 26, 2017 08:47
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Yes it does :

PS C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\test> dotnet .\datetime.dll
DateTime.Now: 2017-09-27T06:06:04.6123194+02:00
DateTime.UtcNow: 2017-09-27T04:06:04.6216847Z
DateTimeOffset.Now: 2017-09-27T06:06:04.6218177+02:00
PS C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\test> [DateTime]::Now.ToString("o")
Sep 26, 2017 08:42
@RoelvanUden Thanks for the help. That's the weirdest, most annoying bug I've ever seen, worse thing is that it's blocking my delivery... great.
Sep 26, 2017 08:33
Would there be a reason for only .net core be affected by the virtual machine drift?
Sep 26, 2017 08:30
@RoelvanUden Pretty sure, look at the PowerShell output I pasted, only .Net core is sending a crazy output for DateTime.Now and the Windows clock is the same as my computer's clock.
Sep 26, 2017 08:27
@RoelvanUden but wouldn't the whole machine have the time drift? Here it's only .Net core that has the issue
Sep 26, 2017 08:25
@RoelvanUden yes, it is, on a jelastic
Sep 26, 2017 08:24
Joke aside, anybody has an idea on something I could try? Server's a Windows 2012 Datacenter hosted by an external company that has been fully updated. I've installed .Net core .NET Core Windows Server Hosting bundle on it yesterday so it's up to date as well.
Sep 26, 2017 08:20
@Wietlol, that'd work only if the drift is linear :)
Sep 26, 2017 08:17
And I'm saying it's drifting because it's somehow linked to how long the computer has been up, if I reboot, it's nearly in sync, but with time it drifts in the future.
Sep 26, 2017 08:16
sure, it's just calling DateTime.Now and DateTime.UtcNow

using System;

namespace datetime
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine($"DateTime.Now: {DateTime.Now.ToString("o")}");
Console.WriteLine($"DateTime.UtcNow: {DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o")}");
Sep 26, 2017 08:15
Hello everyone, I'm having the weirdest issue ever on a server with .Net Core. The result of DateTime.Now is completely desynchronized from the computer's clock and drifting in the future.
Here's a result of calling .Net Core's DateTime.Now, followed by the .Net Framework and PowerShell's Get-Date.

PS C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\test> dotnet .\datetime.dll
DateTime.Now: 2017-09-27T04:29:16.6493531+02:00
DateTime.UtcNow: 2017-09-27T02:29:16.6630150Z
PS C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\test> [DateTime]::Now.ToString("o")
Sep 13, 2013 13:03
most, if not all responsiveness of Twitter Bootstrap is through the CSS, not through JS
Sep 13, 2013 13:02
@greg +1 what Roel said, your page should work fine with javascript disabled, you should think javascript as "added bonus"
Sep 13, 2013 12:50
@greg in a CMS it would probably make sense that your "content" is nested within a section, or even an <article> if it makes sense semantically
Sep 13, 2013 12:48
yeah, <article> should represent "data", like a blog post if you're writing a blog
Sep 13, 2013 12:47
yeah, you can define multiple header and footer per page.
for example, a <section> can have a header and footer, so does <article>
Sep 13, 2013 12:45
@Greg a header can have a class, yes. You can also have multiple header by pages (header and footer are linked to article)
Sep 13, 2013 12:43
makes it a lot more readable and SEO friendly. But I don't have the complete picture of what you're doing, so I might be wrong
Sep 13, 2013 12:40
@Greg but that's the point, why do a mockup with those nested divs when you could have done using a simpler structure with <head> <footer> tags
Sep 13, 2013 12:38
@RoelvanUden for sure I'll think about it during the calculation :) thanks
Sep 13, 2013 12:38
@Greg not sure if I get it correctly, but any reason why you're not using HTML5's <head> <footer> tags?
Sep 13, 2013 12:36
@RoelvanUden IMO code readability & reusability > performances. But then again, I'll use the complex structure just for the "façade" and configuration of the calculation, not for the calculation itself.
Sep 13, 2013 12:14
I thought about the Point, but it lives in System.Windows...
Maybe I'll do my own "DataPoint" implementation.
The list should also be ordered since it's a x y coordinate, it would make sense that it's ordered by X
Sep 13, 2013 12:09
yeah, I thought about that, but it still feels weird. For example, I have a 2 dimensional array that represents a set of series of data points. Cleary, using a IEnumerable will not make it more user friendly for users of the library.
Sep 13, 2013 12:05
So, of course I'll have to use arrays to pass the information to the C library, but it feels quite wrong to have my code that uses the wrapper use also arrays of double.
Sep 13, 2013 12:01
well, the goal of the numerical library is to make the computation heavy calculations. It's a C library that is very powerful (NAG). I'm writing a wrapper around it so that it's easier to use and also to be able to change it if the need be in the future.
Sep 13, 2013 11:55
Hi everyone, I'm struggling about a design question. I'm writing a wrapper around a complex numerical library. I've defined an interface that would make it simple to use this library.

Thing is fine, but the function I use is making heavy use of arrays of double, and I've used that also in the definition of my Interface. Thing is, I don't really like that, it feels like it makes it show implementation details. But I'm not really sure by what I should replace it.
Apr 20, 2012 13:10
I'm trying to use Selenium to test an ASP.Net MVC app on UI level and I'm struggling to find the "correct" way to run a web server configured with an in-memory database to run the tests. Or an alternative if that's a bad idea.
Apr 20, 2012 13:01
Hi there, anyone has some knowledge about SpecFlow and how to use it to do integration testing?