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@Greg The preferred method is CSS media queries with JS support for old browsers.
@Greg How twitter bootstrap uses this too onextrapixel.com/2012/11/12/…
@greg +1 what Roel said, your page should work fine with javascript disabled, you should think javascript as "added bonus"
I thought that for a really responsive approach, you need to couple a few different methodologies together. I've had issues with media queries.
Media queries give issues on browsers that don't support it (read, internet explorer). Use a polyfill such as respond.js to make them work there too :P
most, if not all responsiveness of Twitter Bootstrap is through the CSS, not through JS
Good to know, I didn't know that.
All of twitter bootstrap responsiveness is indeed CSS, but you'll notice that fail on IE8.
@RoelvanUden Which unfortunately a large quantity of our customers use; they have old shitty computers.
@Greg Hence Respond.js is added to pages for them terrible peoples. :)
Okay. I'll read that article, that would more then likely be the approach I want to take.
Hmm. Usually Bill is here to tell me to go to school. He hasn't been visiting chat much, right?
@CCInc Haven't seen him in a while.
@CCInc Go to school... Clearly you missed the condescending response, so I shall provide the negative tone you've grown to miss.
any free MSI creators or EXE to MSI converters?
WiX is free, isn't it?
And it's hella powerful.
@Greg much appriciated.
@CCInc appriciated You mean appreciated.
just spent last day getting clickonce in visual studio to do everything I need, just need to package one exe+files into an msi, used Advanced Installer but thats just a trial
Iexpress is a super simple installer.
@RoelvanUden @Gimly Would you say this is a viable format in styling as well: 40px by 40px with a 10px by 10px margin for touch? For easier more fluid touch?
It's simply a self-extracting file.
@JasperManickaraj yes
very busy ya @Neha
ahh ya
Just i wish u a happy weekend...
I got my problem fixed..
ohh thanks.. ok
same 4 u too ..
hmm fine @Neha.. thanks a lot fo rhelping
@RoelvanUden Can you implement the Twitter Bootstrap into an MVC Application without turning it into a nightmare?
thats hard?
@Greg Why not measure in points instead of pixels? Pixels don't say much on a full HD 5" screen :P
@Greg Sure, bootstrap is nothing more than a CSS with optional JS.
You can even load them from a CDN
@RoelvanUden Well, I was thinking 7mm basically.
@RoelvanUden But will it be simply the Framework? Or will the fact I'm building a CMS become even more difficult to bend the Twitter-Bootstrap to it?
So that the more crucial benefits I need to leverage still exists.
bootstrap is merely scaffolding for your design
really not hard to use and use however you want
@Greg I see Twitter Bootstrap as the foundation of the house you are building. It provides a solid (front-end) base to build upon. The CMS you are building is the house that is dependent on the building materials (ASP.NET) according to the design you prefer. Then your users consuming the CMS are the ones that put furniture in :P
<div class='row'><div class='span3'>Im a left column 3 wide</div><div class='span9'>Im right col 9 wide</div></div>
^^ == bootstrap
If anything, Twitter Bootstrap saves time by giving you that solid foundation.
(Of course, there are other frameworks too to use as front-end foundation too!)
@RoelvanUden Well, perhaps I'll look into it then more serious.
I always wanted to do everything myself once upon a time. Pulling in the modules for a good base does work much better though (as you picked ASP.NET and IIS instead of writing your own HTTP server and mapping code).
@RoelvanUden Yeah, I was really trying to do alot of it myself so I understood it very detailed. Plus, I would essentially not rely on any third-party. However, that could make this already absurd project even more absurd.
I usually pull in Twitter Bootstrap, an additional icon pack such as Fam Fam Fam, base server structure such as ASP.NET MVC (on ASP.NET) or ExpressJS (on Node), authentication code such as DotNetAuth (on ASP.NET) or Passport (on NodeJS) and a database layer such as dapper (on ASP.NET) or mongoose (on NodeJS).
@Greg Jup, control is good, but you can go too far.
I need to search through 10000 strings and find all substring matches in real time in C#, any suggestions?
.Where with .Contains - not fast enough.
@RoelvanUden Why dapper? Don't you feel it's kind of weak unless you really need performance?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm a NodeJS man. I don't want automatic generated SQL. Dapper has excellent and performance and allows me to write the language I want to use for database communication... SQL. There is no better database language than SQL, it's what it was designed for. Literally.
LINQ is nicer than SQL, especially in functional syntax.
I don't care how it gets translated as long as it's fast enough.
@RoelvanUden True.
LINQ is not as powerful as SQL, you rely on "magic" conversion, and you can pretty much guess what the result is going to be (with a fairly accurate idea). SQL is always the way you want it. There is no deviation, and it is easy to test and use SQL features with (sproc, views, triggers, etc).
You write expressive C# code and not SQL, you get type safety and syntax validation, you get to test it in memory on things. SQL can be really unexpressive sometimes.
Well, I disagree, but that's OK. Many programmers prefer a single language for everything and that is fine. Once you really need dramatic performance, you can't stick to that, however.
Doing Person.Name +" has a" + Person.Pet.PetType+" called "+Person.Pet.PetName is a lot shorter and more expressive than doing a JOIN on table pet based on ID and doing concat and so on and so on.
I'll just throw it out there that Linq is no longer supported
But it isn't a replacement for a database; you have alternatives to a Relational Database Management System. The reality though, is native SQL will always be faster then an expressive C# approach.
Yeah, I do SQL a lot and I use it only when I need performance
(I do a lot more Node than C# too by the way)
Jup, a lot of programmers are like that. I prefer SQL at all times tho :)
And you normalize?
Of course.
I have some queries that need 11 joins (for example, when generating the flat structure from the relations to serve to the client)... writing all that in SQL would be very time consuming.
Make a view?
I'd still have to write it... once you write it you don't have to write it again anyway..
Indexed views are really convenient to express raw data in a "human readable" format (that can be queried) and even dramatically improve performance. I love them.
Yeah, but they're a solution to an optimization problem I don't have... writing a view would be faster, but the development cost of writing a view for anything we generate and push to the cache won't be fun to do.
Not to mention, going with only views (and not generating results into a document store) is much slower, and once I do it daily into a document store I don't care about performance very much.
Good point. Performance is something you should optimize for when it is becoming an issue. Otherwise I would prefer maintainability.
Morning y'all
@JLott Morning Jessica.
It's not about performance or optimizing for me. It feels natural to do SQL when talking to a SQL database, that's all. I'm not trying to win a discussion or something.
I love it when it feels natural
It's not an argument, it's a discussion.. there is no winning or losing here, just exchange of information or opinions.
@CharlieBrown You don't use condoms?
I feel that EF significantly reduces the time it takes to develop things that work with the database.
Does it not depend on the required level of abstraction? :)
How is everyone?
Yeah, but I still always have SQL for stored procedures when I need resource intensive things.
I feel the opposite, EF significantly increases the time it takes to develop and debug the quirks it generates.
wait what/ how?
When was the last time you tried it? I used to hate it too.. it got significantly better since they open sourced it.
ef is the dizzle
@BenjaminGruenbaum EF 5.1 IIRC
That's fairly new
Not that long ago really.
Hi all
No, 5.1 is pretty new
in C++
plz don't ask me that it's better to ask it in C++ room
no one answer it
everytime someone says ef sucks, its b/c they are using it for something its not designed for, or they are using it incorrectly. (not to say @RoelvanUden that there are not issues even with the correct usage)
in Lounge<Zzz>, 3 hours ago, by MRS1367
void CMatlabInterface::reset(
	int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
	CSGInterface::reset(); // Error occurs in here.

like buying an SUV and trying to race with it
in Compile time I face with this error:
 C:\Users\Mohsen\AppData\Local\Temp\mex_FL6h5Y\matlabInterface.obj:matlabInterface.cpp:(.text+0x2b): undefined reference to `shogun::CSGInterface::reset()'
I've this in matlabInterface.cpp file:
@CharlieBrown Personally I feel like I'm boxing with EF. Sometimes I win a round, sometimes it wins a round. In the end, I tend to get K.O'ed by EF.
Keep calm and draw 8-bit art?
Anyone here uses telerik on WP?
@BenjaminGruenbaum right now i am
void CMatlabInterface::reset(
	int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
	CSGInterface::reset(); // Error occurs in here.

@CharlieBrown Quick, I have a question :)
CSGInterface::reset(); refers to the following in the SGInterface.h:
class CSGInterface : public CSGObject
		/// reset to clean state
		virtual void reset();
@RoelvanUden although i would defend it all day, i do admit there have been quite a few boxing rounds that i lost as well
@MRS1367 your killing me, paste the code in a gist and link the gist
That would totally work in the JS room !!/mute MRS1367 70
@KendallFrey Or, keep calm and be thankful you're not writing in C.lol
@CharlieBrown So I'm trying to do autocomplete properly, I'm searching in a list of stocks (5799 items). My problems are a) It takes a while to respond to the first click on the list and b) I need to filter on multiple properties
@CharlieBrown -> it's not long
@BenjaminGruenbaum i have problem (a) all the time. (b), I have that somewhere, checking
Any idea how to deal with problem (a)? For (b) I can just define a property that's a string concat of the two properties I want to filter on
no idea, i think the issue is it binds the list in the background before it shows it. i tried virtualization iirc, but no joy
It's so slow in responding
We can't give that sort of bad UX
I solved it in another app by rolling my own search, took a long time and did actual XAML manipulation and stuff... wanted to avoid that now and figured out since telerik controls cost money (I got a free year from Nokia) they might be better
Even if I could just get it to build the index in advance instead of when the user clicks it - that would be swell
Random question; what is the best performing FFT in C#?
Where does it need to run?
A computer...
(I meant, is it for a GPU or a CPU...)
FFT is a recursive algorithm which shines in environments with lots and lots of dumb processors.
@BenjaminGruenbaum If that was regarding FFT, the CPU on a x64 machine (unsafe allowed).
Can you call C++ code?
Sure. I have a double array to compute.
fftw.org is supposed to be fast
I don't know if it's the fastest but I heard people say good things about it before
Won't the overhead of .NET=>C negate the performance benefits over a pure C# implementation?
What overhead?
@RoelvanUden Depends if you're doing 'slow' C# operations (e.g. arrays)
we use National Instruments for that stuff, and basically their entire .net lib just wraps C assemblies. the performance is amazing, but you have to pay a ton for their package
Large amounts of array access is slower in C# because it does bounds checking.
I figured out what this code does! o(^â–½^)o ... It frustrates (>_<)
ahhhhh @KendallFrey have any good WiX resources? tutorial on their site is .... it hurts my brain
Nope, never actually used it.
@dirt, when you download the toolset it installs manual info
on WiX, Windows Installer, and Deployment Tools Foundation (DTF)
I'm looking at this and looking at plibid, I'm not sure if all my objects should share the same interop GUID or have their own GUID. anyone familiar?
@RoldanTenido Welcome to the chat!
don't mind the fact it's obsolete
@KendallFrey Thank you
we have a comment /* UNIQUE, Replace with new Library ID */ next to it, but we also have 122 files where its not unique in 110 of them. haha
how do i format code posted in here?
Ctrl-K @John
@John or `backticks`
<UserControl x:Class="ionWpfUserControlLibrary.Node"
             d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300"
ContentTemplate Binding doenst work
or I dont know how to do it
Am I being sarcastic?
(Just wanted to see it in action)
@JeffBridgman No, not at all
C# - .Net Framework = null
@Sam Not true.
C# can be compiled to Mono, or even to native code.
@NinjaEcho search for COSMOS
Cosmos generally refers to an orderly or harmonious system. Cosmos or Kosmos may also refer to: Astronomy * Universe, synonymous with cosmos * Kosmos (satellite), a series of Soviet/Russian satellites * Kosmos (rocket family), a series of Soviet/Russian rockets * Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS), a Hubble Space Telescope Treasury Project * Cosmos 1, a privately funded solar sail spacecraft project Companies * A/S Kosmos, a Norwegian shipping company * Kosmos Airlines, a Russian airline * Kosmos (publisher), a publisher of books, toys and games * Kosmos Energy, an oil company * Cosmos...
@NinjaEcho search for COSMOS operating system
@KendallFrey Yeah I know, but Mono doesn't offer all the same functionality as .Net. How can C# be compiled to native code?
@Sam See the google search
Oh ok, it actually looks quite cool.
Has anyone heard of "Programmers Day" before?
I've only just found out.lol
Today was the first I heard of it, but I'm celebrating.
@NinjaEcho help
@Kendall Frey Same, at least us behind-the-scenes guys get some appreciation.
If I constantly need to keep accessing a control (in a non-model WPF app) from multiple classes/namespaces would it be better if I just wrote everything in code behind, or should I keep passing the control as a parameter?
Thanks to whoever put I and U together on the keyboard, because it makes typing "List" so easy.
S and T aren't to far from each other as well.
On my keyboard S & T are only one key apart. Anyway there should be a keyboard especially made for .Net programmers with built-in key's like, "class", "int", etc.lol
Maybe you missed the point of what I was saying.
I know I did ;)
I think I probably have.
@NinjaEcho Should I take the afternoon off?
I can't believe you're asking a computer to help you with such a simple decision.
@NinjaEcho Should I quit early?
Why not?
Fun :)
Don't we have another bot in here? Caprica Six or something?
Or just quit work and code a program to code for you.
!!mustache 945456
Darn, think we lost her in the reboot.
@KendallFrey User -1 was not found (if the user is not in room 17, pass a user-id instead of a username).
@KendallFrey User 945456 was not found (if the user is not in room 17, pass a user-id instead of a username).
@zirak you moron
!!fuck Zirak
@KendallFrey thump thump thump
I love that
hey can someone help me with my question
that involves datatables, and finding the min value in a row
Q: c# min and max value from Datatable row

programmer_41So I have 2 datatables, The 1st datatable is a traditional datatable which gets its data from certain sql statements. Datatable 1: | user_point | | lat | | lng | | radius | -------------------------------------------------------------- | userpoint0 | | 43.702943 | | -7...

And a bonus question!
lol ya...
I don't like databases, their evil.
its not database stuff mostly dealing with datatables in c#
basically the question is asking how do i find the min value for a data table row where columns are dynamically generated
i know how to find the min value for static datatable
but my table is dynamic
I don't do much datatable/base work atm, so i'm not of much assistance here.
@programmer_41 You alter tables at runtime?
based on the result from datatable 1
so if there are 5 userpoints/rows in datatable 1
i need to calculate the distance from each of those points in datatable 2
and find the closest point, which falls inside the radius of the cloest point
How does @CapricaSix work? I guess it's pretty customisable... (looking at the docs...)
Why would you not compute the distance when querying?
there data is coming from 2 seperate databases
and those values are not stored in database at all
the lat and long are coming from google api
so only part of the data is coming from database rest is dynamically generated
at runtime
I give up; I have no idea what you are talking about anymore.
!!tell JeffBridgman help
@JeffBridgman 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, color, convert, define, findcommand, fuckable, get, github, google, hang, inhistory, learn, 5318008, bewbs, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, 3point14, camel, ihatelanadelrey, fa, knock, lick, insult, ultimateinsult, microlove, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, ninjad, adventure, w3schools, 3mdn, joystick (page 0/3)
!!learn customizable "<>@JeffBridgman yes, it's customizable"
@KendallFrey Command customizable learned
@JeffBridgman yes, it's customizable
!!forget customizable
@KendallFrey Command customizable forgotten.
You can't be serious.ROFL
!!am i serious?
@KendallFrey Certainly not
@JeffBridgman hehe hehe hehe hehe..... hehe hehe ... hehe
!!too much time on your hands
@dirt That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: foo, todo
Okay, back to work :P
@RoelvanUden if i can do it with sql only please suggest the query required than
table1 will have(userpoint, lat, lng, radius)
table2 will have(id, lat, lng)
is it possible to find the closest points using just that all?
srry i am not very good at sql
which is why i am trying to do it with c# only
but if sql is a simplier solution, please anwser my question with your solution
I can't see the items in my collections while debugging. I get the count, but nothing else. anyone get that before?
!!Is Edward Snowden right?
@Sam Impossible
@programmer_41 So, you have a table containing points generated by users. Each of these user points has a lat, long and radius. The second table is a table containing points that can be matched upon, let's call them origin points. Now you want to find the closest and furthest origin point for each user point in the database. Is this correct?
This thing is hilarious.lol
!!are you hilarious?
@KendallFrey Certainly
!!ilove <->
!!Will i find a £1'000'000 check in the post tomorrow?
!!ilove <dirt>
@Sam Indubitably
That's a shame...
What's a shame?
<3 u @CapricaSix
!!define indubitably
@KendallFrey indubitably In a manner that leaves no possibility of doubt; undoubtedly.
@RoelvanUden yes, exactly. also each of those user points has a radius(circle) around them, i have to match the orgin points which are closest to a userpoint and falls within its radius circle
@KendallFrey Not getting a £1'00'000 cheque in the post tomorrow.
!!tell sam define indubitably
@sam indubitably In a manner that leaves no possibility of doubt; undoubtedly.
!!tell sam echo use a fucking dictionary :P
@sam use a fucking dictionary :P
I'm still waking up.
!!is sam still waking up?
@KendallFrey But of course
!!Will C# rule the world?
@Sam Of course!
!!do you ever say no?
@KendallFrey Definitely
!!will you prove it?
@KendallFrey Nope
Yay, paradoxes
!!Will Apple ever be more popular than Microsoft?
@Sam No way
!!Do you ever say "lol"?
@Sam Nope
!!How about "rofl"?
@Sam That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@RoelvanUden sometimes a origin point will fall within radius of 2 userpoints, but i need to determine which is closer of the 2 userpoints and match it to the closest userpoint
do you understand what i am trying to say? :o
!!Why don't you use the help command instead!?!?
@Sam That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@Sam That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!one + one =
@Sam That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!what is one plus one
@Sam It means I aint got time to learn your $5 words
@programmer_41 Jup. I suppose you want something like this
	SELECT min.id, DISTANCE_TO(u.lat, u.long, u.radius, min.lat, min.long) AS dist FROM `origin_points` AS min
) AS min_id,
	SELECT max.id, DISTANCE_TO(u.lat, u.long, u.radius, min.lat, min.long) AS dist FROM `origin_points` AS max
) AS max_id
FROM `user_points` AS u
Make that DISTANCE_TO stored procedure with the formula for distance.
Then do a join on min_id and max_id if you need the concrete data
Should give you a nice start I guess.
(Your origin points need an id field for this to work :P)
they do have a unique id
and i dont really care about the max value
only need the min/ closest pooint
Then remove that bit :)
You might want to make this a view so you can do queries on the result as well
the issue is ><
userpoints are from one database
and origina points are in another database
which was why i was trying to do it in c# itself ><
... Can't you fix that retarded design of yours instead? :)
its a bussiness logic by the company
mapping stuff is stored else where
and userpoints are auto generated in another environment
but i understand what ur saying
i will try to figure it out
!!Will Roel van solve programmer_41's problem?
So you have the tables on different machines?
@Sam No
just different servers
@programmer_41 MSSQL?
... If so, or when using MySQL, you can just link the databases.
Great, establish a link and do the query as normal
yep working on that
i will try out your solution
how would that affect the process time
do you know
making a call to two seperate table which exist in different database
!!How many chickens are in 1 happy meal?
@Sam I expect so
would it take a long time to process
Instead of pulling data from 2 database engines and writing C# to sort out the data, you ask one of the two databases to pull the data and compute it instead. In terms of networking, you're using only half when using linked servers.
CPU performance will be roughly the same (in case you write good C# code)
!!Sum up the entire C# 5.0 specification with one word.
@Sam That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!What is the C# specification?
@Sam All signs point to yes
!!I think you need to work on your english...
@Sam That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!Are you sure i'm not making sense?
@Sam Not at all
!!That's confusing.
@Sam That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!Are you made to only give a yes/no answer?
@Sam Indubitably
!!Are you sure?
@Sam No
!!define no
@Sam no Not any.
!!define the opposite of yes
@Sam My pocket dictionary just isn't good enough for you.
Reading parsing .pdfs is not much fun right?
There are some libraries that can read them for you like SharpPDF
I tried PdfSharp it was nice for reading metadata but I could not figure out an easy way to read contents
Should check other libs out

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