Feb 15, 2019 00:37
and decorating my component, like so:
@graphql(GET_PRODUCT_GROUPS_QUERY, { name: 'getProductGroups' })
Feb 15, 2019 00:37
<Query query={this.props.client.getProductGroups}> . <-- that is what is generating the error
Feb 15, 2019 00:36
So, I have a question regarding this error I am getting:
Argument of undefined passed to parser was not a valid GraphQL DocumentNode.
Feb 14, 2019 22:21
maybe I am just not that familiar with graphql in these regards.. I'll do more reading. I just thought it could behave like redux as that is what apollo was sorta preaching with the apollo-link-state, but it only works in a very flat, small data set, imho. Or I just don't understand quite yet. Let me read further. Can I ping this chat if i have an additional question in an hour or so?
Feb 14, 2019 22:19
cool.. I thought you could use graphql as a state machine, like redux.. but if I have to nest my components with 5-10 queries, that seems really inappropriate, when I could just wrap it with a SESSION query and update the values in it.. no? I mean,
Feb 14, 2019 22:11
I use to wrap all my components with the SESSION query, and yeah.. it would cache because I front loaded everything and when I "mutated" it got the update. great... BUT, now I totally bare-bones it.. so HOW do I have get it back in piecemeal into this same "SESSION".... that was the source of truth.. I want to maintain that.
Feb 14, 2019 22:11
but does it manage the cache in a "state machine"? If not, then I need a mechanism for that right? So, lets say I query a product and ALL its data.. I need that data on another part of the site, maybe with a bunch of things the user "clicked on and mutated etc..", how do I then access that data on another part of the site? I can't wrap everything in nested <MUTATION...<QUERY... wouldn't it be better to just wrap everthing in ONE QUERY, a session or "state machine".. I mean, there must be a disconnect.
Feb 14, 2019 22:11
graphql mutations & other queries.. so the goal is to have a subset of data loaded so I can load the site and have bare minimum data. THEN, as a user moves thru different parts of the app, I will QUERY additional items.. merge that into the session. Then if they fire mutations, I merge the results of that mutation into the session etc..... This would be sorta trivial in Redux, but.. in apollo..maybe I am doing something wrong.


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Nov 3, 2016 04:58
kinda.. let me see if I can come up with a better example.
Nov 3, 2016 04:50
I probably wasn't succinct enough in my need. I am not adding/multiplying these, just sorting.
Nov 3, 2016 04:48
let me see..sec
Nov 3, 2016 04:39
So, this is working and this is what I have, I feel I can reduce this quite a bit. I guess I could just use .reduce, but was trying to use a more functional approach

var a = [22,33,44] // default sort
var b = [1,2,33] // current picks
var c = [43,44,1,666,7,33,99,22,222,2]

_.flatMap(_.partition(_.flatMap(_.partition(c, val => b.includes(val))), (val) => a.includes(val)))
[33, 44, 22, 1, 2, 43, 666, 7, 99, 222]
Nov 3, 2016 04:38
and those conditions are defined by being included in those arrays you mentioned.
Nov 3, 2016 04:37
yeah.. basically, I have a set of items in an array, and if those items fulfill condition 1, they get moved to the front of the line, BUT, those at the front can move further to the front still, by comparing against conditon 2...
Nov 3, 2016 04:29
.map(somearrya, _.flatMap(.partition(sizes, val => byid.includes(val))), (val) => sizesortby.includes(val));
Nov 3, 2016 04:28
I thought something like:
Nov 3, 2016 04:28
I have this data I need, and it needs to sort an array, against two other arrays and create a sorting precedent. I solved it by doing the following, but it seems too terse.. I feel I could use a map or compose and shorten it up.. but I forget the algorithm.

_.flatMap(_.partition(_.flatMap(_.partition(sizes, val => byid.includes(val))), (val) => sizesortby.includes(val)));
Nov 3, 2016 04:19
Hey - any lodash experts here tonight? :-) I have a question
Mar 1, 2016 21:35
hey all, anyone have experience dealing with a default object with React and it being modified, yet only using it for assignment?

this.obj = {
name: '',
error: false,
id: 0

and when I reset some state, I'll go..

base: this.obj

YET, it seems during some "merges" somewhere else, that "id" in this.obj is being overwritten?? I NEVER make an assignment to this.obj.. I ONLY assign that to state values... yet, that ID is being overwritten.... any ideas?
Mar 1, 2016 01:04
ok. eems short enough.. I was looking for succinct.. thanks
Mar 1, 2016 01:04
('id' in object) ? object : false <-- that would work
Mar 1, 2016 01:02
yo! anyone know of a shortcut with lodash to test if an object has properties, if so - return whole object, else false.. like

_.hasIn(object, 'id', false) <-- but instead of true being a boolean, it returns the object?
Nov 8, 2014 08:03
its a simple approach - I probably wouldn't do it this way, but this way should work.
Nov 8, 2014 08:03
actually -- try again I just updated. my original post.
Nov 8, 2014 08:03
do you have to get this done tonight? If not, is it possible I can do this in the morning _ I am on my way to bed, but I don't want to keep you hanging. I know what the problem is, we are queing too many of the actions. I can create an example fiddle tomorrow. cool?
Nov 8, 2014 08:03
yeah, my bad... I didn't edit it out after I was typing.. its late, I apologize. lol. I removed the var.
Nov 8, 2014 08:03
Can you post it to jsfiddle.net?