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A: How can i make a switch button that each click it will do something else?

james emanonsomething like that can easily be done like so - or you can put your actions in a array and just pop them off as the user que's thru them here is the simple boolean approach: var prevClicked = false, slideUpInQue = false; function pauseSlide() { if(!prevClicked){ cle...

james i added to my question the function slideUpdate that make the countdown count down. The problem in your solution is that each time i click the button on the first time it does pause and then continue but then each click make the countdown move faster and faster it's not pausing/continue anymore. I need somehow to avoid it from making the countdown to be faster and that it will pause and continue on all clicks in this button like you mentioned above.
Can you post it to
james tried some times but it didn't realy work. The idea in this whole project to make images lsideshow wich is working but now i want to make this button switch. This is in the jsfiddle:
The problem is i'm using xampp with netbeans to test my project. so all the images on my hard drive.
Updated there the code: i wish i knoew how to use the jsfiddle the right way. I can upload the whole project somewhere it's not that big.
james i tried the edited code still when clicking the button more times it's making it count faster. I also see that the variable slideUp there is a line in gray under it mean it's not in use.
james i see you declare slideUp twice once out of the function and once inside. If i remove the var inside the function then it's all in use but now it will pause and continue only once after that each click won't do anything.
yeah, my bad... I didn't edit it out after I was typing.. its late, I apologize. lol. I removed the var.
This is my complete project: I have 3 files one is php one is javascript and one css. Maybe you can somehow to add it to jsfiddle or just take a look on it if needed: Called it…
james after removing the var now it pause and continue once after that each click make it hold maybe for a second and continue it's not pausing anymore. Only pausing once on first click.
james sorry for the troubles.
do you have to get this done tonight? If not, is it possible I can do this in the morning _ I am on my way to bed, but I don't want to keep you hanging. I know what the problem is, we are queing too many of the actions. I can create an example fiddle tomorrow. cool?
Yes no problems. Show me your solution tommorw according to my code not example that is not connected to my code but with my code. Sorry for the troubles and thank you very much. I will catch you here up in the morning.
actually -- try again I just updated. my original post.
its a simple approach - I probably wouldn't do it this way, but this way should work.
I tried it now sorry just saw it now but it's making the counter move speed after the first click. First click pause it but then each next click make it count down faster and faster and it's not pausing anymore.

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