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Q: apollo-link-state not practical with HUGE data sets

james emanonI'm trying to get this apollo-link-state to work for my app which relies on a tremendous amount of nested data. I went this route because front loading all that data takes 20seconds, can't have that. So, i figure to load the bare minimal, and then when a user moves thruout the site, I make the ne...

You said "when a user moves throughout the site, I make the necessary calls and merge it into cache" -- where are you fetching all this data from? One or more REST endpoints?
graphql mutations & other queries.. so the goal is to have a subset of data loaded so I can load the site and have bare minimum data. THEN, as a user moves thru different parts of the app, I will QUERY additional items.. merge that into the session. Then if they fire mutations, I merge the results of that mutation into the session etc..... This would be sorta trivial in Redux, but.. in apollo..maybe I am doing something wrong.
Apollo manages your cache for you for queries and mutations, so there's no need to utilize apollo-link-state on top of it. apollo-link-state is meant to let you utilize the same mechanism for app state that's specifically not related to your queries and mutations
but does it manage the cache in a "state machine"? If not, then I need a mechanism for that right? So, lets say I query a product and ALL its data.. I need that data on another part of the site, maybe with a bunch of things the user "clicked on and mutated etc..", how do I then access that data on another part of the site? I can't wrap everything in nested <MUTATION...<QUERY... wouldn't it be better to just wrap everthing in ONE QUERY, a session or "state machine".. I mean, there must be a disconnect.
I use to wrap all my components with the SESSION query, and yeah.. it would cache because I front loaded everything and when I "mutated" it got the update. great... BUT, now I totally bare-bones it.. so HOW do I have get it back in piecemeal into this same "SESSION".... that was the source of truth.. I want to maintain that.
"Wouldn't it be better to wrap everything in ONE QUERY" -- maybe in some respects, but that's not how these libraries are intended to be used and there's performance drawbacks to that approach (everything rerenders any time your "session" is updated).
The bottom line is it sounds like you're trying to use these libraries in a manner that they weren't really meant to be used. Rather than forcing a certain approach because that's how you do it in Redux, or because it seems better, I would focus on following the practices outlined in the docs.
If you have a certain problem, there's probably an Apollo-specific solution to it. For example, loading a large amount of data up front is a common problem -- the docs cover how you can address this with query splitting and prefetching.
cool.. I thought you could use graphql as a state machine, like redux.. but if I have to nest my components with 5-10 queries, that seems really inappropriate, when I could just wrap it with a SESSION query and update the values in it.. no? I mean,
If you need to maintain additional local state alongside the data that's fetched from the server (for example, number of clicks or something), you should attach that state directly onto the relevant types, as shown here
maybe I am just not that familiar with graphql in these regards.. I'll do more reading. I just thought it could behave like redux as that is what apollo was sorta preaching with the apollo-link-state, but it only works in a very flat, small data set, imho. Or I just don't understand quite yet. Let me read further. Can I ping this chat if i have an additional question in an hour or so?
You're correct that link state works best with flat data, and in that sense it's not a drop in replacement for redux.
I'm not an export on that lib, but I'm happy to try to help if you have additional questions

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