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@VladimirGatev in my country Paypal donation and google donation is not available ... and my client almost kill to get it .. i have to managed by Singapore ...
@VladimirGatev Check out AktiveMerchant on github.com/akDeveloper/Aktive-Merchant - I am using their library for Realex (needed modifications, but the approach is really good)
Ahoy hoy again
Advice .. what company ask in interview and exam ? isnt it only Data structure , maths and reasoning ?
@NullPointer depends.
@Neal i am fresher .. so going to interview first time ... and only prepared only those 3 i mentioned above .. should i read anything else ..?
@NullPointer huh? idk what "fresher" means...
depends on what position
posted on January 17, 2013

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 5.4.11 and PHP 5.3.21. These releases fix about 10 bugs. All users of PHP are encouraged to upgrade to PHP 5.4. For source downloads of PHP 5.4.11 and PHP 5.3.21 please visit our downloads page, Windows binaries can be found on windows.php.net/download/. The list of changes are recorded in th

@Neal means .. we say fresher to those who are either in final year or completed degree and trying to get job
@NullPointer in my country all International online transaction are illegal. Govt allow only internal.
@NullPointer eh? That is a weird name...
@NullPointer I lost my freshness long time ago. Still not in JOB.
@ircmaxell doesnot matter(dont want to much) just want to work in something interesting project ..
@shiplu.mokadd.im its horrible
@NullPointer horrible but true. We can not order anything from amazon or ebay. We can only earn.
@Neal i have also cleared Cdac exam (kinda hardest in India for computer ) but not done training due to some reason is it good to show exam marks sheet ?
I somehow managed a US Bank account and now I can do the online shopping.
Hehe it seems like one out of every 1.5 people on Stack Overflow are from india
@shiplu.mokadd.im how ... i think to open account in bank we have to go to personally and verify
@Neal that could be reason that in a single state of india every year ~30,000 computer science student pass out
My Brother use to live there.
and also its truth that 70% of them just know only Counter strike
@ircmaxell @Neal what is general requirement to work in some kind of research lab(nasa) ?
@NullPointer LOL why would we know? depends on the position too!
@Neal you guys are experts ...
@NullPointer I are not a expert.
Or in plain english: I am not an expert. :-P (I am mean)
No-one who programs primarily in PHP is likely to be an expert in the things required for Nasa to employ you.
on a related note to my last cv:
@DaveRandom :-P (or so you think)
@DaveRandom php is just my hobby..... even i stopped working on php and start learning/practicing maths again ..
@NullPointer if you are graduate I believe you know C
@shiplu.mokadd.im yes ... at a certain level ...
Till know I find only C/C++programmers never run out of job offers.
@shiplu.mokadd.im also its always hard to get job in c/c++
either you are expert programmer or not .. there is not kind of intermediate afaik
This is because those employes C/C++ programmer running a high performance or legacy software.
They only need expert hand
Two years ago I worked on a LISP compiler using my C knowledge.
@shiplu.mokadd.im same with Cobol developers
and pedantic note: same with PHP developers in NYC
I want to work in kind of space technology.... is c is way to go ?
@NullPointer Are you going to work for the ISA?
space technology is not something like MVC or compiler or anything like that at all.
once my grandfather(who is a hydraulics scientist ) told me to learn math ... ad its 1.2 year i am learning maths
@Neal yes exactly its one of my goal (ISRO)
I'd tell you a joke about UDP, but you might not get it
My brother is working on increasing HDD space on a company. He is doing research. Even though he is from chemical engineering background. I feel interest in his work
I could tell you a joke about TCP over and over until you get it...
They use 3-4 python programmers to control their hardware
@ircmaxell ?
So you can not tell exactly "space technology" will require C
@shiplu.mokadd.im than what else than maths should i care ?
@NullPointer maybe you shouldn't care.
If I were you i'd care. I learn whatever I find.
It helps a lot
@shiplu.mokadd.im i learned php,css,html, little jquery... and its not helping :( (at my own)
Thats really a few thing you learned
How about XML, RSS, Parsing (regex, xml, html ..)
@shiplu.mokadd.im with maths, gk , geology , history (dont know why history ), Law(i love law)
How about Internals of Zend Engine
@shiplu.mokadd.im i have got internet for only 8-9 months so .. havenot got that much time ... to learn everything
As an IT guy history just helps me to get a historical project name or pass good time
@NullPointer Internet?? When it became to depends on Internet. I learnt DHTML on public library!
@ircmaxell You can't dangle the carrot like that and take it away...
@shiplu.mokadd.im well in my collage there is only those book which are in subject ...and worse thing is that writer are local so only covers syllabus ...
@NullPointer as ircmaxwell pointed out this, Did you ever implement a protocol reading specs in RFC?
@shiplu.mokadd.im not yet but now ill learn .... noted in list ...
Trying to think of an ICMP based one but I can't think of one that isn't sh*t
@NullPointer as a web programmer you must know HTTP RFC.
Okay. I gotta go.
@shiplu.mokadd.im i dont want to be a web programmer ... i just learn for fun
@shiplu.mokadd.im later
@ircmaxell Ping me if you can think of an ICMP based joke
That's the best I can come up with and it's still sh*t
any of you others have issues with firefox and login
Login to...? SO?
with google accts
fucker just redirects
god i hate FF
^ i second that
Nope, but I never have to do it, I only use FF when I need to be running two accounts simultaneously and it has the cookie saved anyway
@PHPNooB i love FF.....
but Google needs to get their shit together, and fix the font rendering issue on win 7
@DaveRandom to SO account simultaneously ? (:-p)
@NullPointer Good for ya :)
@DaveRandom why not run third one .. So chat boot
It's only for testing purposes when I need to watch exactly what's going on with cv requests
Chatbot is kinda cool but it's a proper shite magnet.
It certainly was when they first started running it, people playing hangman with a computer in a chatroom, wtf is that?
@DaveRandom but its very cool and useful if we not talk about hangman
@DaveRandom hehe it is useful in the js room to look up stuff fast
Using @Zirak's script
agree with @Neal .. why not use here ?
@Neal Yeh we're looking at (maybe) implementing something similar but on the client side, so you have to be running the plugin in order to have it do anything. My major problem with chatbot is that it's open for anyone to use (and abuse) with zero effort to go and find/install it. Also we won't be adding and of the frivolous toys like hangman.
Just for manual lookups etc
@DaveRandom well you can use the ban command with @Ziraks bot
I have a second account too. I made it, After I got banned from asking in SE with this account. Then, I upvoted all of my answers from that account, sadly SE took it all back
Yeh but when you get banned it means you have been abusing it in the first place, I don't want to even give the opportunity for abuse
We don't have a ridiculously long list of room owners who can bin stuff like they do
they can ignore chatbot
Yeh but it is useful
why not make some more room owner ..
@Neal again agree with you ..lol
I wasn't absuing, i just asked noob questions, and they got downvoted. I thought SE was very much like daniweb, digitalpoint
@PHPNooB that is illegal on the SE (not to have a second account, but to upvote all of your other accounts posts)
@Neal @PHPNooB A second account for the purpose of working around a ban is not allowed either if I'm not mistaken
That too @Jasper
thanks monday morning quarterbacks
I know it all now. Infact, I am not as inclined as I was about getting reps now. There is nothing worse after having so many reps and yet not know anything about PHP
reps don't matter anymore. But, I would love to have the ability to vote on closing/deleting question :) hehe
in JavaScript, 33 secs ago, by Sam
Btw is it true that PHP has some native methods in snake case and others in camelcase ?
  href.indexOf('ab') >= 0 ||
  href.indexOf('cd') >= 0 ||
Is there a better way of writing this?
@webarto not sure better but can be done by ___ array than loop and check in loop
@webarto if (/ab|cd/.test(href)) {} ?
@DaveRandom What is this :O
@webarto Regex
@NullPointer Yes, return true if match is found.
I'd tell you a joke about IPv4, but there aren't any left...
Crap, I need two new tyres for my bike.. gonna cost ~£140 :'(
I could tell you a joke about IPv6 but not enough people will understand it yet.
Evening all
function indexOfPartialArray(needles, haystack)
  var l = needles.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < l; i++)
    if (haystack.indexOf(needles[i]) >= 0)
      return true;
  return false;
@DaveRandom something like this mate.
Can't run PDO prepare statements in UDFs because the PDO conntection handle is declared outside the scope of the UDF. What would be best approach to fixing this? Should I make the PDO connection a global one?
@ircmaxell LOL
@webarto Where both args are arrays?
@DaveRandom First arg is array, contains e.g. "ab", ... and haystack is a string e.g. "abcd", I just need to return true if anything from first array is contained in second string. I hope I make sense.
@webarto Is the array of strings totally arbitrary or are there any rules to what it may contain (e.g. all numerics or sth)
@DaveRandom It's just a part of URI. e.g.
var href = $(this).data('ctorig');
  href.indexOf('qa.site5.com') >= 0 ||
  href.indexOf('kb.site5.com') >= 0 ||
I just need to "detect", so I can handle them separately. It's from Google Custom Search Engine...
Not very fluent with JS...
@Chris what's UDF?
@webarto OK, always the domain portion of the URL?
@DaveRandom Yes, yes, it can contain e.g. example.com/blog, sub.domain.com, etc. In that manner.
@PHPNooB User Defined Function
Well, then I am not trying to teach, but I had the same problem, but I passed the object $conn by declaring it global. Have you tried that way? or you can pass the resources as argument
@PHPNooB i.e. Any custom function your write yourself, like my_own_function) that is not a standard PHP function like parse_str().
@PHPNooB I tried passing the connection handle as a parameter but that bugged out.
@PHPNooB Haven't declared any globals, should I just do that then?
@webarto OK so path parts as well... In that case the loop idea is probably your best bet, any regex-driven solution will not be foolproof unless you do stuff that makes it less readable and less efficient to sanitise the data. If it were just the domain portion it would be maybe better to pull out the domain portion and do indexOf on the array but the strings are pretty much arbitrary so there's nothing to match in a regular way.
I asked if I could use globals for the same purpose, and I was told it was bad idea in here, because it may result in confusion or some sort of problem. But, I am using it, because I only have one global and that is for the connection, so there won't be anything to confuse me.
@DaveRandom Yes, yes, thank you for your advice. I appreciate it. It's not too random, but I just forward this to further server side processing, and I'm sort of fluent with that :P
Q: Why does PHP replace pluses with spaces in $_COOKIE?

user1630830So from my understanding of PHP and cookies, if I use the setcookie() function, then I get a cookie that is automatically url encoded. And when I go to the $_COOKIE array, I should get the cookie back, automatically url decoded. Problem is, it seems to be decoding the cookie twice when I look i...

@NullPointer I spent about 5 hours yesterday, because I forgot to urlencode :) I used Blowfish + base64 and results were always wrong on the "other side".
I'd tell you a joke about multicast, but I have no idea who else may be listening
LOL, where do you get them?
I'd tell you a joke about PHP, but E_NOTICE: $joke not defined I don't have one
I think ircmaxell's account is hacked today :)
@ircmaxell I think the donkey in your office is on your account.
@webarto lol... its really like a head desk moment
@webarto An IPv4 address walks into a bar and says "quick, give me a drink, I'm exhausted!"
He has a Donkey in his office??? why,.. I only have donkey kong
@ircmaxell The fact that that joke works makes me :-(
WOW codepad.viper-7.com support a curl !! codepad.viper-7.com/Yth2c6
@shiplu.mokadd.im They support all sorts of things that no other codepad does
@DaveRandom are there any instances in functions, where arguments are not allowed to pass?
@DaveRandom I wonder how they sandbox it!
@DaveRandom found it. Its on github. github.com/Viper-7/Deployable-PHP-Codepad
Good Night Everyone
@PHPNooB I'd tell you a joke about aliens^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HTHERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ALIENS.
Our latest development in Open Horse Programming http://t.co/WyCaarL3
@ircmaxell NBC has some interesting people employed ;)
So, my userland PHP web server is now as fast as node.js over 100,000 requests with a concurrency of 500 simultaneous requests. But at 1000 concurrent requests my php server slows to about 25% of the speed of node.js at the same level. Anybody have any suggestions for how to improve that? Is it just down to sheer code execution speed at that point?
@Lusitanian Horse programmer is a valuable member of our team! He introduces very few bugs into our code, but the flies are murder...
@ircmaxell I wasn't talking about the horse (:
@rdlowrey depends on so many factors that what you asked is very ambiguous
@ircmaxell I know. I'm not even sure where to start trying to address that issue ...
Is it even going to be possible? Am I limited by the php socket implementation?
again, depends on so many factors...
look to see what is slowing down
@rdlowrey codez or it didn't happen.
@DaveRandom Yeah, I'm sitting on the code until things like this are worked out. Just seeing if anyone had any suggestions of the top of their head :)
Not without buggering about with it, no
@DaveRandom I guess I kind of knew that. I'm going to keep playing with it, but I'll want some outside assistance in the next few days or so.
kk, ping me when it's public :-)
I'd tell you a joke about C, but SEGMENTATION FAULT
hello .. is there any website were I can see output on different version of php ?
yes: 3v4l.org
Have a good evening all =]
@ircmaxell thankyou
parallel processing but I'd tell you a joke about it very well. I might not tell
A developer has a problem, so he tries to use threads. has Now problems two he
Using the MSSQL PHP extension, how would I achieve the same results done with PDO fetchColumn();?

EG: $order_match = (boolean) $order_id_query->fetchColumn(); //except this done is mssql
Seems to be on a way to a protected question no? stackoverflow.com/questions/996139/…
@DavidEugenePeterson Use PDO_sqlsrv
@DaveRandom it seems to me, that he is trying to get away from PDO
Should be functionally identical I would imagine.
ARG!!! I hate IE
@ircmaxell everyone does!
sadly , it's far from true , @Lusitanian
which is part of the problem
@tereško :/
ZF1 question, adding index.php anywhere in the URI breaks route parser?
@PeeHaa good morning
@PeeHaa Evening
@NikiC way to pin your own post -- so this would be for 5.5?
@Lusitanian What point is there to being a room owner if you don't pin your own posts?
@NikiC unstarring stuff and moving things to the C++ room randomly
@Lusitanian Oh yeah, I like unstarring a lot too
I would prefer it if you moved posts at random into C++
Especially posts containing PHP code that could also be intrepreted as C++ code, just to screw with'em.
'cause seriously, if there's any language community more screwed up than the PHP one here on SO, it's C++.
They've gotta be insane to actually maintain a worthwhile book list.
wiki php slow for everyone or just me?
@PeeHaa just you
actually as i said that now it's slow for me too
good :)
Also, if any one of you votes "No" on this I may not like you anymore afterwards :P
@NikiC @LeviMorrison is planning on voting 'no'
@NikiC Good thng the site just went down in that case ;)
That thing took a rather incredible amount of work
For a thing that is so simple in principle
Did the stupidity about nullable/unsettable stuff ever get resolved? The drama made me stop caring about the internals thread.
@Charles You cared about the internals thread?
@Lusitanian Well, I care about the feature because I think it's nifty, so I cared about the pre-drama thread by proxy.
@Charles That's a different RFC ;)
@Charles Ah
I didn't call the vote on that one yet
@Charles But yeah, I think it got resolved. ("Resolved" as with nearly all internals discussions means "Stas stopped arguing" ^^)
@NikiC and lester started
@NullPointer ah childhood memories of seeing that video
@NikiC Wait, it is? I'm so confused now. Did we have multiple competing getter/setter RFCs, or am I just that deeply confused?
you have no idea how funny 6th graders thought that was @NullPointer
@Lusitanian this is more hilarious when the little one laugh after byte
@NikiC how does performance compare for read only properties versus the current implementation accessing a public property?
(sorry, I'm in mode)
Javascript need a way to yield control back to the parent process syncronously without using a timeout with a callback... something like yield...
@Lusitanian its hilariousness ... when boy laughing at him after biting
@NikiC: no alternative syntax?
anyone ever used laravel?
@hanleyhansen me, what do you need?
I've heard it's decent, but very static-y and thus unpopular with this crowd.
@Juanma just wondering what you guys thought about it
i just found out it existed. what do you guys think?
it's pretty crappy, has an activerecord implementation by default, etc
very anti-patterny
@Lusitanian you use any frameworks?
@hanleyhansen the code is straightforward and easily readable but I prefer Flourish.
@Juanma what do you like about Flourish?
i'm looking to add a few frameworks to my skill set. just looking for some suggestions.
@hanleyhansen first at all, it's not a MVC solution so you can create a simple solution or your custom MVC FW like me. It's easy to use, very powerfull and you can use it with other libraries if you want.
i'll look into it
@Juanma Flourish is also one big static fest :(
@Lusitanian what do you think?
@PeeHaa any suggestions?
@PeeHaa yes, a lot of functions are called with Class::function() but that's no problem for me...
@Juanma That's because you don't do tests
@PeeHaa we do TDD :)
@hanleyhansen I don't really like the popular frameworks, but if you really want to look into one look into symfony 2
@PeeHaa sorry but why not ZEND ?
or simpler CI ?
Or zend framework2,
But not CI
@Juanma But not OOP
i found CI most easy framework ...
(with the advantages of it)
@PeeHaa or PHPPHP ??
@NullPointer That's not a framework, that's just a monster ;)
@PeeHaa haha ...lol
There's a lot of FW: Phalcon (it's a FW into a DLL), FuelPHP, ...
well depends on what you need and what you want
Nov 1 '12 at 23:39, by Lusitanian
Microframework (n): A small amount of crap. See also Framework (n): A large amount of crap.
choose that one you need not want

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