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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

got my form working :D, had to seperate the functions with <script>
Mac Mini are awesome // in terms they are cheaper
i am buying one then , as i already need a desktop
and fixing this laptop tomorrow
@Abhishek , the main issue that i see is that the radio-waves as carrier is likely to have only short time-span of utility for a civilization. I kinda suspect that by year 2100 most of the communications will be using either quantum entanglement based channels or some currently unknown medium/method
The fact that the Ansible became scientific fact before Ender's Game became a movie makes me happy.
what's Ansible ? I have not got around reading Ender's Game yet
@tereško true , we are edging towrads a failure
of current communication systems
@tereško Basically a real-time (distance is irrelevant) communication device based on quantum entanglement
@Abhishek I'll push it to github when it's somewhat structured.. right now it's just everything in one file
@ThiefMaster and then we make it more powerful with web api's ;D and our awesome experiences
there is also several other factors, for example, there has been floating around an idea that "highly evolved life forms" might be a new thing for universe in general, based on time that is require for forging of heavy elements and then recombining them into new solar systems , coupled with time that is need for said life to actually evolve
it of course is based on assumption that current form of "big bang" is at least vaguely true
not entirely , but the Drake equation might be off by few orders of magnitude
@SomeKittens i doubt we are alone
cause if we are .... then the universe is completely empt
it might not matter
it is actually possible that travel between galaxies is impossible
in which case , only question that would matter is : are we the only one in this galaxy
@tereško how about wormholes ?
they ease transportation , yes ?
as i understand the concept, you would not be able to send matter through them, only information
and even then it would require an ability to create them
are bent space time basically
so u can just move , or did i got it wrong
Hope i'm not interrupting anything important. I'm in need of help here: stackoverflow.com/questions/14112311/…
@Abhishek you are assuming that gravitation affects the space an time, not vice versa ... i am not sure sure about that part
@michiokaku make a stackoverflow account , you are more needed in JavaScript room then on discovery channel -_-
also , @Abhishek , to "travel" through a wormhole (if you can make/find a stable one) , you first have to fit through it
If you guys are interested in this kind of physics, check out sixtysymbols on youtube.
i have subscribed to it already
Okay room this is my mac-mini
Mac Mini with 4 gigs ram , 2.3 GHZ i7 quad core
and intel HD 4000 GPU
does it seems fine ?
only thing bothering me is the 5400 RPM ATa
with the rest of that power, that'll be a huge bottleneck
even the HD 4000 GPU seems a bottle neck
okay mac's u cant see me (XD)
Jst wondering btw who the hell buys a Mac Pro ?
seriously ?
2x 6core intel xeon ?
what the hell are they going to use it for ??!?!?!
For facebook, of course!
@SomeKittens i doubt they will need it seriously
12 core xeon + a kick ass GPU is totally nuts!
esp in common use
Bleh apple is shit if i even wanna think of games
HD 4000 is old
@ThiefMaster what is the best way to turn on auto dj , when somebody wants to connect
i know SAM or broadcasters dont expect to be re-directed
so any idea , something you use ?
turn off you mean?
yeah turn off *
i currently use a proxy [ basically relays the data to actual shoutcast ]
but the node.js proxy is too expensive resource wise , any better idea ?
In my case they tell the autodj program to stop after the current song and then get a countdown and a message when they need to connect
How is the proxy expensive? It doesn't need to do anything but some I/O
i dont want to host it (XD)
there must be a simple elegant solution
instead of foolishly relaying the data
//current code is something like this

 /* Turn off auto dj program via an http request */
 /* Start buffering the data to shoutcast */
@ThiefMaster thats leet!
I think turning it off automatically is a bad idea. People don't want a song cut somewhere in the middle...
So a clean shutdown is the most elegant way in my opinion
well implementing something like that i can easily :D
with nodecast though ( the thing i m working at shoutcast )
it handles everything internally :D , basically since a lot of clients use relay servers
we made them free off lag using the node.js proxy for everyone
otherwise its inbuilt broadcaster is mature enough to handle everything [ which is also its autodj]
but meh for my current radio station i need some better solution then me turning it off everytime -_-
Hello all. Does anyone know of a way to show a spinner while the DOM is loading? Never mind any onclick functions, just simply always, whenever the DOM is loading?
/* Make an animation */
/* Put it by default */
  /* Hide it */

@ThiefMaster is there any way to watch activity on a port ?
something like a file watcher
in node.js ?
uh, on a port that your program opened?
or some other port?
some other port
run it as root and use libpcap to sniff on that port
that'd be better with my dedic :D
@ThiefMaster github.com/mranney/node_pcap you are awesome :-)
and to avoid running it with full root access: github.com/ThiefMaster/node-posix-caps-ng
(you probably need CAP_NET_ADMIN and CAP_NET_RAW )
well i will fiddle on it and see if thats implementable , cause this can be leet!
cya i gotta study for exam tomorrw aswell
heh, that's really professional (signature of the shoutcast developer in the official forums)
> everytime someone asks about a dnas release date... it will be pushed back a month even if it was ready to be shipped
function b(
  a                  // placeholder
  return a           // if the placeholder was passed, return
    ? (              // a random number from 0 to 15
      a ^            // unless b is 8,
      Math.random()  // in which case
      * 16           // a random number from
      >> a/4         // 8 to 11
      ).toString(16) // in hexadecimal
    : (              // or otherwise a concatenated string:
      [1e7] +        // 10000000 +
      -1e3 +         // -1000 +
      -4e3 +         // -4000 +
I wonder what one has to smoke to write code like that :p
(it creates an uuid4 in case anyone wonders what it does)
OK simple question here for you wizards...
I want to load function alert() when I click on any row in the table. This function is not working... can you guys see any blatant errors? thanks

    $(document).ready(function() {

        $("tr").click(function() {
            var href = $(this).find("a").attr("href");
            if(href) {

just managed to git myself into a hole...
!!/tell BenJones format
@BenJones Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
@SOChatBot Sorry about that, thought I had...
and the (hello) should be ("hello") but that's not the problem..
Ok here is the script for the html table row:
$(document).ready(function() {

    $("tr").click(function() {
        var href = $(this).find("a").attr("href");
        if(href) {
            window.location = href;

now how can I replace "window.location = href;" with the following code
function show_edit_aifs (){
moar jquery , MOAR !!!!!111one!!
@tereško got any ideas teresko?
have you heard about event delegation ?
"if there is a href element" then "run that function"
what is that?
I can look it up...
relevant to this i suppose
Does anyone here know of a good AJAX HTML framework
that's a difficult question
there is ASP WebForms
@Greg What are you trying to do?
Ah cool, I have a home brew one, but its a bit hacky. I prefer to go with tried and supported technology
I have created bookmarklets like live CSS edit from within page with auto-save (named MagiCSS) and put them my site http://jsbookmarklets.com/jsb/#MagiCSS I would like to know as a UI/UX developer, what is fastest way you prefer for developing and testing your CSS changes

what all things do you think can I improve in my bookmarklet solution to match upto your best/favorite approach?
essentially, im loading html forms for users to fill out using ajax. Those forms contain both html and attached javascript.
I have my own framework right now, but its pretty nonstandard
@jsbookmarklets.com That's borderline spam....
On a side note, I like clojure more and more.
I believe not ... initially I preferred using Firebug's CSS edit tool and it worked fine for me ... I also realized that some people have tried to develop simple bookmarklets to apply dynamic CSS styles
But I wish to find out how do people test for their CSS changes especially for huge JavaScript based sites
@jsbookmarklets.com how is it different than firebug lite?
btw, your username is spammy.
@ThiefMaster is it acceptable? ^
well Firebug Lite is one of the best tools for cross-platform development
On a scale of 1 to Paris Hilton, how fucked am I if Windows can't be installed properly?
Justin Bieber
There used to be some high-rep guy who named himself "Replica Gucci Handbags" or something like that :p
but for most of my projects, I also had to support IE ... and I struggled with applying dynamic CSS things ... it was like I could modify changes but it is usually harder to keep track of all your changes which lead to the final solution
Well, you can understand it like my tool is simply like the CSS editor part of JSFiddle, but it applies all the changes immediately, can be run directly on any site, and the CSS someone writes is auto-saved
@FlorianMargaine i.e., practically virgin?
@SomeKittens Madonna.
How do you prefer to write and preview CSS ... especially when your site takes lot of time to reload or involves various AJAX requests ...
to reach to the point where you want CSS changes
@jsbookmarklets.com in what browser?
@jsbookmarklets.com LESS CSS
I had a problem with this motherboard before...it didn't like any of my SATA HDDs\
Had to configure something, completely forgot what.
@Zirak You needed to load drivers?
No, it was something small
in all browsers ... I mean to support testing CSS on any browser including IE and Opera ... LESS ... does it support reloading the CSS without reloading the page
guys guys, I wrote tests in clojure, and they passed!
For like one year or so, Firebug's direct CSS file edit mode was my favorite
@SomeKitt: Greg:I mean even now I use Firebug's CSS capabilities, but in conjunction with my bookmarklets which opens a simple text editor on page and whatever CSS you write gets applied immediately
I'm in need of great help, I seem to be lost, any help is appreciated!

Well, in fact, Paul Irish had implemented this thing in 2008 with a simple window.prompt()


and also a refresh CSS bookmarklet by him
@DJDavid98 simplify your issue and maybe one will help
With great help, comes great responsibility.
can anyone explain this comment please?
use jquery-mobile instead — metal_fan 6 mins ago
He tells him to use jquery mobile
Instead of trying to duplicate it
Q: Is there any way to quickly and easily convert standard website loading to AJAX on entire website?

PaulMaybe that's not a good question but I'm wondering if it would be somehow easily and quickly (with just 1 function perhaps?) possible to change ALL links on website from refreshing webpage to loading the URL that user clicked via AJAX? My website has standard links everywhere but if you want to ...

It depresses me a bit to look at the main site
A: Javascript Date() to calculate age work by the day,months,years

kakarottfunction getAge(dateString) { var now = new Date(); var today = new Date(now.getYear(),now.getMonth(),now.getDate()); var yearNow = now.getYear(); var monthNow = now.getMonth(); var dateNow = now.getDate(); var dob = new Date(dateString.substring(6,10), dateStri...

@Zirak ugh
@ThiefMaster that doesn't work? stackoverflow.com/a/10539402/851498
possibly; already found the problem
forgot that this points to something else inside the event callback
haha :P
too many other languages
Hey, can anyone here give advice on choosing client side javascript MVC frameworks?
I am working on building an Intranet web application with Django on the server side. On the client side, I am trying to decide if I should use something like Backbone.js and Underscore.js for templating, or if I should handle that on the client side with Django's own templating engine.
Does anyone have experience with this type of thing?
will just display your user-agent on a page
and the ones of people clicking
thx to the Mac guy
> Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu/10.04 Chromium/24.0.1312.2 Chrome/24.0.1312.2 Safari/537.17 < me
> Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.45 Safari/537.17
windows... now
Mac guy was me
I could get up and do windows for you... Or I could stay right here :P
> Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)
what that?
Google bot, it appears.
Q: Adding Background Image to Windows 8 App?

dstaI'm currently designing a Windows 8 App and I'm wondering how to draw a background on the main page, right after the splash screen. I'm using JavaScript to create this app, and I have not found any tutorials or help for just drawing/displaying a simple background image. I am very new to web-based...

Any one know a simple way to display the contents of an array in its raw format.. i can't use json.stringify on an array as i just get null null null etc
that gives me all drop down stuff
i can't copy paste it
Anyone an idea why jslint dislikes comparing typeof x with a variable instead of a static string?
Override Array.toString() if it's that important
Expected a string and instead saw 'type'.
else if(type !== undefined && typeof value !== type) {
@phenomnomnominal thanks hmm i just get ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
So you have an empty array?
its not empty when i console.log(array);
@Abhishek: github.com/ThiefMaster/jscast - first working version; no buffering etc. yet
thats how it comes out
first line is standard console.log the second is toString
Array.prototype.toString = function () {
  str = '[';
  for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
    if (this[i] === null) {
      str += 'null';
    else {
      str += this[i];
    str += ', ';
  str = str.substring(0, str.length - 2);
  str += ']'
  return str;
ok ill try
Cannot set property 'toString' of undefined
thats odd
Array.prototype is undefined?
yeah =/
where are you running this?
in a game engine i changed Array to the array name
myArray.prototype.toString = function () {
but Array is the global array constructor?
you have to set it to Array
so that it changes the toString function on all Arrays
hows it know what array to iterate through ?
Because that's how prototypical inheritance works
every instance of Array has the same prototype, therefore this in the function always refers to the array it was called on
so now whenever you do console.log(arr);, it looks at your new custom Array.prototype.toString() rather than the default one.
So myArray = Array.prototype.toString ?
oh dont even need to assign then
Nope, don't assign

Array.prototype.toString = function () {
  str = '[';
  for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i += 1) {
    if (this[i] === null) {
      str += 'null';
    else {
      str += this[i];
    str += ', ';
  str = str.substring(0, str.length - 2);
  str += ']'
  return str;

if you mean that - im getting the same result in both console.logs
oh, you need to use the actual toString
Array.prototype.myMethod = function() {
var myArray = [];
myArray.myMethod(); // logs "1" to the console
console.log(myArray.toString());, I thought it would work without that, but apparently not.
I thought console.log used toString?
For what it's worth, extending the prototype of native objects is stupid and bad and shouldn't be done
this is bizarre
Dave, your arrays have nothing in them
it does on my screen
@phenomnomnominal It does - least this works for me in Chrome:
Array.prototype.toString = function () { console.log(1); };
console.log(new Array);
@DaveRandom, which version? Doesn't seem to want to in Canary for me
@Dave, okay, something weird is going on
yeh i thought i was going crazy at first
Are you assigning properties to arrays?
Version 23.0.1271.97 m
Q: How do I loop in Jquery

Lara YoussefHow do I loop in Jquery to call a new function every 1 minute? thanks in advance

you mean the ID / Build_ID stuff
yeh those are
@Feeds Quit trolling
maybe the inner most array should infact be an object
Any particular reason they're not objects instead? Or do you want something that looks like an array but has other stuff with it?
well this is the idea the keys of the arrays is the grid co ordinates
If not, it makes sense that it isn't working, because that toString function I wrote isn't looking at any properties on the array, just values in it
so say:

myArr[x][y].ID that way i can interact with sprites on my grid
So what actually goes in myArr[x][y]?
Another array?
this is how im setting it :

			myArr[x][y]['build_id'] = build_id;
!!/tell Dave format
So an object then
@Dave Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
its only one line :P
okay, but wouldn't it make more sense to do myArr[x][y] = { build_id: build_id}
like that
!!/tell Dave tell2 So what?
@Dave So what?
@cyril Your ass has X/Y coordinates?
I think I'm missing something
@phenomnomnominal ill try that but i still can't stringify an array
You can, you just need to change how it looks at the objects in the array once it gets there
how would you expect an Array with properties to look when it's printed out?
@DaveRandom edited with left/righ :p
@DaveRandom, everything has x, y coordinates :)
i gathered it created the object from assinging properties automatically because i wasnt using numerical indexes
guess i was wrong :P
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
arr['hello'] = 'hello';
console.log(arr); // [1, 2, 3, 4, hello: "hello"]
@phenomnomnominal I just had this image of 4 ass cheeks arranged in a square. Like a really horrible version of the chick with 3 knockers from Total Recall.
that still counts as an array key not an object property?
ass = [0,0]
@Dave, is that a statement with doubt, or a question?
for example would arr[5] == hello or arr[5] == undefined
it'll be undefined
ah i see
Arrays are just objects
With particular functions that map the keys to indices
just like I can go var myArr = { 0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4}
(except you won't inherit the array methods from the prototype)
ah :)
thanks for the info
Man we live in a world with so many pressing issues: nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/news/…
> ...and are also fearful she will write a damaging song about him if it ends badly.
Holy crap, if that's not the end of your life, what is?
I tell you what, if Taylor Swift wrote a damaging song about me I'd have to kill myself immediately.
Also isn't that the guy who was dating his manager who was twice his age?
!!> new Date()
@cyril "2013-01-01T22:52:31.000Z"
oh happy new year, didn't noticed
I always thought Taylor Swift should take a bit of a look in the mirror aye...
Maybe she's the problem
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

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