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2:00 AM
I love how it can do Regular Expressions!
@CCInc 8.539734222673566
@PicrofoEGY Demonstrate!
cc/tell CCInc regex "I love you" .*
@CCInc I love you
2:01 AM
cc/help regex
@CCInc regex: Executes a regex against text input. /regex text regex [flags]
cc/regex "I love CCInc" ([^\s]+)
@PicrofoEGY I, I
What is that?
cc/regex "I_ love CCInc" ([^\s]+) $1
@PicrofoEGY I_, I_
2:06 AM
It should have returned I_, love, CCInc
@PicrofoEGY Could not process input. Error: Invalid flags supplied to RegExp constructor '$1'
@PicrofoEGY Is this valid JS?
No, better yet, can I use this function with my bto?
@CCInc What do you mean?
Is the script JS?
@CCInc Yes.
2:10 AM
Ok, can I use this with my bot? rick.measham.id.au/paste/explain.pl
@m44m31 "SyntaxError: Unexpected token >"
what kind of math can it do?
2:10 AM
@CCInc 4
@CCInc 5.859874482048838
@CCInc Why not!
2:11 AM
@m44m31 3.141592653589793
thanks hangbot...always forget what pi is
@m44m31 Also, 22/7!
@m44m31 12.587886229548403
@m44m31 "SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL"
2:12 AM
@m44m31 "ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment"
@m44m31 "SyntaxError: Unexpected token <"
cc> var x = 0; x = Math.PI;
@PicrofoEGY 3.141592653589793
2:13 AM
cc>var i = 0; i++; i
@m44m31 1
@PicrofoEGY Wait, can I actually see the source of the script? rick.measham.id.au/paste/explain.pl
it can increment?
@CCInc I do not think so!
2:14 AM
@PicrofoEGY Can I send a get request or somehting? How can I use the perl script?
cc>int i = 0; i++; i=
@m44m31 "SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier"
@CCInc but can't you allow the bot to call the website http://rick.measham.id.au/paste/explain.pl?regex=(input) where (input) is the input. Then, get the data in the website?
cc>int i = 0; i++; var a; i=a; a
@m44m31 "SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier"
2:15 AM
@PicrofoEGY good idea
cc>var i = 0; i++; var a; a=i; a++
@m44m31 1
Okay, I'll be back
cc>var i=0; i++; var a; a=i; i++; a++; a
@m44m31 2
2:17 AM
thought i could trick it
cc>var var = 0; var a=var; var++; var
@m44m31 "SyntaxError: Unexpected token var"
tricked it
No, that was incorrect syntax
no its not
i used it before and it worked fine
cc>var i = 0; var a=i; var++; a
@m44m31 "SyntaxError: Unexpected token ++"
2:20 AM
hey where would be the best place to ask a question about a software design/architecture problem? not really language specific, just how to solve a particular problem in the architecture?
cc>var i=0; var a=i; i++; a
@m44m31 "SyntaxError: Unexpected token var"
@m44m31 0
see? worked...same syntax different var names
cc>if(1 < 0){1+0}
@m44m31 "undefined"
2:22 AM
@CCInc Available commands: help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, regex, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, beautify, convert, get, google, hang, hangs, image, learn, hi, love, m44m31_bitch, sleigh, nudge, ring, roll, s, ss, spec, stat, todo, undo
if dont work?
@m44m31 1
it works
2:24 AM
@m44m31 Many things can be labeled Not a Number; a delay should not be one of them.
cc> var x = 4; var y = 4; if (x > y ) { true } else { false }
@PicrofoEGY "ReferenceError: False is not defined"
@PicrofoEGY Try "true" "false"
@PicrofoEGY false
@CCInc Great!
2:25 AM
cc> var x=4; var y=4; if (x>y){true}{false}
@m44m31 false
i dint even add else
i guess its in javascript?
cc> alert(1+1);
@m44m31 "ReferenceError: alert is not defined"
2:26 AM
@m44m31 if x > y, true will be processed.
@m44m31 In anyways, false will be processed as well
cc> var x=4; var y=4; var output = ""; if (x==y){output += "true, "}{output += "false"}
@PicrofoEGY false
@PicrofoEGY "true, false"
@m44m31 See?
cc> var i=0; var x=1; if(1<x){document.Write("1");}else{document.Write("0");}
2:27 AM
@m44m31 "ReferenceError: document is not defined"
damn >.<
Declare a variable to get the output instead
can it do loops?
@m44m31 "SyntaxError: Unexpected token )"
@m44m31 Do not really know
2:28 AM
@m44m31 "SyntaxError: Unexpected token )"
i gues not?
@m44m31 It can.
@CCInc Maximum execution time exceeded
2:29 AM
cc> for(;;) { false; }
@PicrofoEGY "SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input"
@PicrofoEGY Do you know how to use XMLHttpRequest?
@PicrofoEGY Maximum execution time exceeded
cc>int i=0;while(true){i;i++;}
@m44m31 "SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier"
2:30 AM
@CCInc Not really!
@CCInc Is that in JS?
I need to get the Pre element from the other page
cc>int i = 0; while(true){i++; i}
@m44m31 "SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier"
@CCInc Oh I can find it now in my IDE but I do not really know how to use it
2:31 AM
oh wait
cc> var i = 0; while(true){i++; i}
@m44m31 Maximum execution time exceeded
@HangBot Whats that?
cc> var output = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { output += i; } output
cc/regexexplain ([^\s]+)
cc>>for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){i}
2:32 AM
@CCInc Maybe take a look at this
i think pircofo broke it lol
I think it's still processing my loop!
Nope, I just was resetting it so I could test my new feature
slow bot if it is
2:33 AM
cc>for(var i=0;i<10;i++;){i}
@m44m31 Should have returned an error in any ways!
2:34 AM
star me
cc>for(var i=0;i<10;i++){i}
What is wrong?
cc>for(var i=0;i<10;i++){i}
Sorry, there is an error i need to fix
2:37 AM
cc>for(var i=0;i<10;i++){i}
@m44m31 9
it worked!
cc>for(var i=0;i<1337;i++){i}
@m44m31 1336
2:38 AM
cc>for(var i=0;i<1337*i;i++){i}
@m44m31 "undefined"
@CCInc Was this defined?
cc>for(var i=0;i<1337*i;i++){i}i
@m44m31 0
2:39 AM
it cant do basic math? xD
@m44m31 You added an extra "i"
@m44m31 Since i was defined as 0. Then, 1337*0 will be equal to 0. So, i will never be less than 0 and the loop will not be evaluated
cc>for(var i=0;i<1337+i;i++){i}
cc/regexexplain ([^\s]+)
i broke it lol
2:41 AM
cc did i break it?
@m44m31 Many things can be labeled Not a Number; a delay should not be one of them.
cc/learn no "No"
@CCInc Command no learned
cc/tell @m44m31 no
2:42 AM
@CCInc Could not process input. Error: invalidcommands is not defined
cc>for(var i=0;i<1337+i;i++){i}
@m44m31 Maximum execution time exceeded
cc/regexexplain ([^\s]+)
@m44m31 This will never end since you are adding i to 1337 and comparing it to i.
The result is always true
for(var i=0;i<1337;i++){for(var x = 0;x<1337;x++){x}}
i dont think theres an error with my loop is there?
2:44 AM
@m44m31 Neither do I!
cc/regexexplain ([^\s]+)
@CCInc Could not process input. Error: NETWORK_ERR: XMLHttpRequest Exception 101
for(var i=0;i<1337;i++){for(var x = 0;x<1337;x++){x}}
cc>for(var i=0;i<1337;i++){for(var x = 0;x<1337;x++){x}}
@m44m31 1336
cc>for(var i=0;i<1337;i++){for(var x = 0;x<1337;x++){x=i*x;x}}
2:46 AM
@m44m31 Maximum execution time exceeded
@m44m31 2672
@m44m31 1784896
cc>if(1=1){@m44m31 I <3 you}
2:48 AM
@m44m31 "SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL"
@PicrofoEGY 4294967296
cc/tell m44m31 "I love you"
@m44m31 Command i love you does not exist.
2:49 AM
@m44m31 It performs I love you as a command! It must learn the command first
@m44m31 Many things can be labeled Not a Number; a delay should not be one of them.
cc/learn Love "I love m44m31"
@m44m31 Command Love already exists
@m44m31 i love you
2:49 AM
cc/learn rawr "RAWR"
@m44m31 Command rawr learned
@m44m31 RAWR
3:03 AM
@CCInc In C#, we can do this to obtain the data returned from the target when a POST method is done.

            string RegularExp = ".+";

            WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("http://rick.measham.id.au/paste/explain.pl"); //Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
            request.Method = "POST";  //Set the Method property of the request to POST.
            string postData = "regex=" + RegularExp; //Create POST data
            byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData); //Convert it to a byte array.
@PicrofoEGY It seems that you can't access a script from outside of your domain!
@CCInc What are you trying to achieve?
This throws an error:
    var item;
  req = new XMLHttpRequest();
            req.open('GET', 'http://rick.measham.id.au/paste/explain.pl?regex=' + args, async = false);
            req.onreadystatechange =  function processUser(){
        if(req.readyState == 4)

@CCInc One moment please. I'll try this
but isn't XMLHttpRequest for .xml file extensions only?
I don't know, I don't think so?
3:07 AM
An XML parser converts an XML document into an XML DOM object - which can then be manipulated with JavaScript.
@KyleTrauberman Do you know any moderators?
If you need a mod, post to meta.stackoverflow.com
or join the tavern on the meta on chat.meta.stackoverflow.com
@KyleTrauberman Please? I need help now!
with what?
@user1890551 joined in our PRIVATE room
@PicrofoEGY What can I use?
3:11 AM
and why is that a problem?
rooms aren't private on here
anyone can join
but you can restrict who can talk
@CCInc Let me make sure first
But we were having a lovely conversations with secret material!
Meh. Oh well.
Then you should take your conversation off of SO chat
3:17 AM
@KyleTrauberman we got it taken care, thanks
@CCInc Found what you are looking for?
@PicrofoEGY Nope, how do I make this request?
@CCInc Still trying to find an answer but I do not think that you'll use the XML parser to do this since it's in Perl
Problebly right
WTF is all this sleigh spam on the star board?
and can you give me a reason why should I not cancel all the stars?
3:20 AM
@KyleTrauberman That would be... hmm, let me look into history...
3 hours ago, by rudi_visser
We should totally make all of the starred messages 'OMG A SLEIGH'
well, its annoying
@JABFreeware Can I please have your username?
I would guess it will be in jQuery
@PicrofoEGY I don't know if I can use jQuery within JavaScript?
@CCInc not here, I'll email it
3:22 AM
@JABFreeware Ok, then we can continue.
@CCInc check your email
@CCInc I'm not really experienced enough to answer this :(
@PicrofoEGY Oh well. Over christmas break then :(
Aww, he left
3:27 AM
@CCInc did you get it?
@JABFreeware No email :(
@CCInc I sent it
@CCInc just now
I have three minutes left! :(
@JABFreeware One second, I will search for you
3:30 AM
@CC Inc I have to go
@JABFreeware Ok, see you sometime
@CCInc See you tommorow?
@JABFreeware Yup
@CCInc okay /o take a look at google chat
Grr, no sleigh.
4 hours ago, by rudi_visser
Kendall and Kyle would be so pissed, well worth it
3:36 AM
Star me please
8 mins ago, by CC Inc
@CCInc Could not find anyway to do this except using jQuery. However, I know how to do this in C#
@PicrofoEGY Tell me the jQuery way, I think I can use it
<script src="http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.3.2.js" ></script>
$.get("www.google.com", function(response) { alert(response) });

where www.google.com is the target domain
This will read the page source code
It was suggested by Sergej Andrejev
cc/regexexplain ([^\s]+)
@PicrofoEGY Hey, it works!
3:47 AM
@CCInc Glad to hear it!
cc/regexexplain ([^\s]+)
ugh, something went wrong
cc/regexexplain ([^\s]+)
cc>"Are you there?"
@PicrofoEGY "Are you there?"
cc/regexexplain ([^\s]+)
XMLHttpRequest cannot load rick.measham.id.au/paste/explain.pl?regex=(%5B%5E%5Cs%5D%2B). Origin chat.stackoverflow.com is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'prop'
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = 'http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.2.6.min.js';
script.type = 'text/javascript';

$.get("http://rick.measham.id.au/paste/explain.pl?regex=" + encodeURIComponent(args), function(response) { console.log(response) });
3:52 AM
@CCInc Let me try another solution. Someone said that you can't access other domains this way
@PicrofoEGY Hmm, ok.
cc/regexexplain ([^\s]+)
cc/regexexplain ([^\s]+)
cc/regexexplain ([^\s]+)
cc/regexexplain ([^\s]+)
cc/regexexplain ([^\s]+)
cc/regexexplain ([^\s]+)
@PicrofoEGY Found anything?
@CCInc Just trying
@PicrofoEGY I can't seem to find anything without JSONP
cc/regexexplain ([^\s]+)
@PicrofoEGY Ok, I am off to bed, see you tomorrow!
4:07 AM
@CCInc Okay! Good night
you also
and sorry about that :(
4:24 AM
@CCInc OK. I got it! Turned out it was a problem with my browser
@CCInc Try this to get the response from `http://rick.measham.id.au/paste/explain.pl?regex=[\^s]`

<script type="text/javascript">
ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajaxRequest.open("GET", "http://rick.measham.id.au/paste/explain.pl?regex=[\^s]", true);
ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function () {

if ( ajaxRequest.readyState == 4 ) {
if ( ajaxRequest.status == 200 ) {
RESPONSE_ = ajaxRequest.responseText;

4:36 AM
Is there a way to find how much memory a .NET object takes up in memory?
Maybe you should take a look at this:

Same question I'm looking at :)
I was thinking it's simplest just to create a million of the objects and see how much the task manager memory bar goes up
@FreddyFlares If you would like to get the memory occupied by your process, you may use Environment.WorkingSet which returns the amount of physical memory mapped to the process context.
@PicrofoEGY ok thanks
However, if you would like to get the memory occupied by another process, you may use `Process.PrivateMemorySize64`.

long allocatedMemory = Process.GetProcessesByName("myProcess.exe")[0].PrivateMemorySize64;
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
8:27 AM
Morning all
I told ya it'd annoy Kyle/Kendall
but where are the sleighs?
He removed them
late for work gotta go
anyone around that could give me a quick hand on fixing some code?
8:40 AM
cool, basically i have some code that exports my list into a .txt
and it does something to the contents of my list, and i dont want it to (code was from the internet)
public class CsvExport<Sales> where Sales : class
    public List<Sales> Objects;

    public CsvExport(List<Sales> objects)
        Objects = objects;

    public string Export()
        return Export(true);

    public string Export(bool includeHeaderLine)

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        //Get properties using reflection.
        IList<PropertyInfo> propertyInfos = typeof(Sales).GetProperties();

        if (includeHeaderLine)
and i dont want it to change anything thats inside the list
just take what i have in the list, and output it, i'm not sure which lines need to go
to achieve this
Do you know any C# at all?
yea a little
very basic tho
i tried cutting out the bits that seemed to do it, but for every head of the hydra i cut
another 2 appeared
i think i need to get rid of the makevaluecsvfriendly string
and make it do nothing, but i'm pretty out of my depth here
Well that code is to generate a CSV
So it's going to amend it by making things CSV-Friendly hence the method MakeValueCsvFriendly
If you want to just output a list to a file the code is very simple
Or do you actually want a CSV?
8:56 AM
the data will be processed by excel
so ideally i wanted it to be delimited so i could do that
Ok so surely the CSV code is relevant? Because if you were to have a , in one of your fields and it wasn't properly escaped Excel would recognise it as a column

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