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ubuntu is mehcakes factory
@TonyTheLion: Yeah, seen that
although it's only a 13" 1366x768 screen
which sucks
768 lines definitely suck for programming.
@emartel one AudoOcclusionHandler, one ActiveSoundsTracker, one AudioQueryThingy, plus a handful of other auxiliary classes, for example. You know, a single area of responsibility for each class
@emartel Responsibilities. For one class.
I got a Samsung S9 with the same specs but with a LED 15" 1600x900 for about 50$ extra
and some of them, not even that
"Keep a reference to audio data" -> shared_ptr<Sound>.
@emartel it's also "general culture" in gamedev to write broken code because you once saw someone on the internet post some broken code and say it was "fast". Why don't you try to write good code, instead of "typical gamedev code"?
@DeadMG aye
@R.MartinhoFernandes 768 lines of code per screen?
@sehe Lines of pixels.
@sehe Only if you write binary code with a very small font
although there might be a bit more to it. It's not just "keeping loaded audio snippets alive", but actually "keep track of which ones are currently playing", and that might require a class to keep track of that
@emartel Yup. Along with responsibilities for processing said data, along with responsibilities for managing the lifetime of said data
Which should be SoundMixer and SoundPlayer
@R.MartinhoFernandes :(
@kbok Maybe your compiler has a limit to the number of classes you can create and that limit is 10.
(There is a limit, but that is per TU; and if you hit it, you are probably hopeless anyway)
yeah, the Standard's minimum limit would be like, 65535 or something
TIL about revenge porn. It's when you post sex videos/pics of your ex
@kbok where are pics of you? :)
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I'm too careful for that :)
@kbok I saw that too.
@TonyTheLion Of course you did.
Also, Eric Lippert is leaving MS
@kbok Oh. Where to?
This song is good, but so true for too many families.
@kbok link?
@DeadMG and you think we don't have these objects as well? The manager is a "good" way of controller what data is available publicly and through what interfaces, it doesn't mean we only build monoliths with 20 bazillion methods because we're herp derp gamedevs
@R.MartinhoFernandes what do you mean off course?
@R.MartinhoFernandes coverity.com
@emartel But if you have the responsibilities properly separated, there's no need for a manager.
@TonyTheLion How could you not know about something porn?
It's a new kind apparently
@R.MartinhoFernandes erm, because, unlike what the meme is here, I'm absolutely no expert on porn, or have no interest in being one, not now, not tomorrow and not ever!
@TonyTheLion We talked about that yesterday and agreed that it's prehistoric and sucks
@R.MartinhoFernandes you whistle all you want, and I know I failed to see the sarcasm
It's also super noobish
@kbok oh I'm a day late, how usual.
It was yesterday on HN
@TonyTheLion You might be pregnant.
@R.MartinhoFernandes no, it's not my day today.
if (-0.5 <= x <= 0.5) return 0; does not test the mathematical condition -1.5 <= x <= 1.5
I don't know, I'm just not having a good day
Well, no shit sherlock ?!?
I guess it happens to all of us
@kbok I saw that earlier.
It's a good day for me, even though it's already night
it's 5pm here :(
oh you're lucky
same here, night...
Of course silly, you live in Paris too
:-) i didn't know you were near paris :-)
isn't it 5:30?
It's on my profile. I usually check the profiles of people who chat here :)
29 more precisely
I know some timezones work with half hour offsets but I thought Paris was +6 from here
People usually put where they live.
@StephaneRolland ok :)
16:30 here
@emartel Just aggressive rounding for my part
@kbok you can hardly get more aggressive than that :)
@DeadMG in UK?
Walking in the winter wonderland.
@EtiennedeMartel Fucking cold. I lost my right glove, too.
@EtiennedeMartel Aliteration is cool.
bleh, I should get ready to go to my hopefully last blood test... if results are positive it will be pretty shitty :D
already missing 55 weeks of work, that's pretty insane
blood test for what?
that sucks
done with radiotherapy like 2 months ago
actually it's not as bad as I expected
but I have an "easy" kind of cancer to cure so that's cool
@DeadMG It appears to be -5°C here. But snowing. And wind. Wiiiind.
@emartel Read too many HN comments?
@R.MartinhoFernandes HN?
(Also, am I allowed to joke about it?)
@emartel Hacker News
oh sure
oh hehe, never read that site
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is there any autocomplete and/or refactoring features in vim (for C++)?
@emartel Well, it's Reddit for Silicon Valley Hipsters.
@EtiennedeMartel Out of the box you get the basic completion, which uses all text that is visible to the editor: Ctrl+N, Ctrl+P. There is integration with ctags or something, and there is some clang plugin too.
I only use the basic completion. I am that badass.
@EtiennedeMartel well.......... there's many levels of reddit :P /adviceanimals or /spacedicks? :P
More like /programming
ok, should be safe
@emartel I said "Reddit" because of the interface.
The important part is the "Sillicon Valley Hipsters".
@EtiennedeMartel I thought because of the "type of content"
You know, the kind of people who work in startups and think that any new Web API hosted on Github is the second coming?
The quality of the comments there can give you cancer. That's why I mentioned it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I guess I'm immuned now, I should go check it out
Hell, I bet Hitler felt sorry for himself after losing WWII and killing millions of people, and that was just as valid.
That Twitter account tweets actual HN comments.
@EtiennedeMartel what's the new cool thing? I guess ruby on rails is getting old now... meteor?
What makes a language functional is its ability to eliminate tail recursion.
@emartel Probably Node.JS.
Yeah, pretty much Node.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think meteor (meteor.com) is even newer than node with some shiny features
@emartel Not as hyped.
I'd love to see schools teach a logarithmical number line instead of the linear system kids are taught today
the screencast is interesting meteor.com/screencast ... then you realize that you don't need that and you close the browser
OMG, that account is awesome.
Sign that you might be in front of a Hipster API: there seems to be more work on the website that promotes it than on the actual product.
Other sign: the documentation is "totally rad".
alright, gotta go! hopefully I'll be able to remain radiation free for the next few years :D
Woo, Chrome dev broken again
@emartel Fallout style.
Nobody is radiation free
Indeed. Damn Sun.
Damn bananas.
Especially not that sparkly vampire dude on Twilight
I'm sure he causes cancer after short periods of exposure
Bella's going to die in a few months
Would be cool if we could simply take some RadAway.
@Neil Doesn't she get turned into a vampire in the end? I'm pretty sure vampires are immune to radiation.
(Damn, am I really trying to justify plot holes in Twilight?)
I can't actually claim to have seen it, @EtiennedeMartel, so I wouldn't know. *snicker*
Are you really honestly talking about Twilight
@CatPlusPlus That has to be a rhetorical question.
Wait, she turns into a vampire? Holy shit they ended a marketing francise?
That's like a first, isn't it?
It's a shocking disbelief followed by "what the fuck is wrong with you"
I used Stacked's online compiler in an answer.
A: template argument loses a lvalue reference, if not used directly

R. Martinho FernandesThe problem here is that type deduction takes priority over defaulted function template parameters. Therefore you get the T parameter deduced and T never deduces to a reference. You can prevent this by making the type not deducible. template <typename T> struct identity { using type = T; ...

@kbok I wrote code for drise that makes it work
@Neil The whole series is an analogy for abstinence. "Turning into a vampire" is "losing your virginity". She gets vampirized after getting married.
So for a class assignment we were looking at state license plates.
@EtiennedeMartel How do you know these things?
The state of Virginia first required its citizens to register their vehicles and display license plates on their cars in 1906. Plates are currently issued by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Motor vehicle registration statistics As of 2008, the DMV has 7,698,416 active registrations, 1,696,795 (22%) of which are special or personalized plates. In 2008, 1,624,146 pairs of license plates were sold, with 831,361 of them being personalized plates. Passenger baseplates 1950 to present {|class="wikitable" !Image !First issued !Design !Slogan !Serial format !Serials issued !Notes...
@EtiennedeMartel I'm just surprised they would have made a move to potentially end the series
I like their athletics department plate.
They normally linger these types of things for years until they can't sell any more lunchboxes with the characters' faces on it anymore
@Alec lol
@MooingDuck You are evil. We know that.
Which, make no mistake, is the sole purpose of the prequel starwars trilogy
As well as star trek the "cool" generation
@Neil You mean TNG?
TNG was actually nice, it was not just milking more money.
@R.MartinhoFernandes No, I mean the Star trek remake
Don't touch TNG or I cut you, man
I've never watched Star Trek.
Or any of its affiliates.
Kids these days.
Am I missing anything?
@Collin I tend to read about the things I want to hate later on.
@ThePhD That might explain why you did not know what a Klingon is.
i.e. not like the Cat.
Well guys, I'm proud of myself.
I wrote a naked bastardization of std::unordered_map for my <int64, JournalDirectory> type and it actually ended up beating out std::unordered_map.
@ThePhD Debug or Release?
Try again in Release.
Because your class probably doesn't have debug checks, so it's not really a fair fight.
Or.. is it?
It isn't. Stop trying to pretend it is.
It's worthless to compare performance without optimizations on.
2.682 seconds using my bastard class.
Let's see how unordered map does...
Also, standard containers are optimized for the general case, so it's possible (and even sometimes easy) to write something that does better in some particular case, thanks to domain information that your implementation doesn't have.
They are also safe all over the place.
You could probably write a cache-aware container that fucks up std::vector.
I know the guys at Ubi Montreal did.
Safety is for babies.
hi everyone
Fun fact: emergency switches are always mechanical, because if someone ends up under the saw, you don't want the order to lag.
@Ivan0x32 Hi
@ThePhD Debugging AVs or segfaults or other kinds of crazy UB-related failure modes is for noobs.
@R.MartinhoFernandes You know, he reminds me of myself, a few years back. Brings a tear to my eye.
@EtiennedeMartel Of joy, right?
@ThePhD Somewhat.
Still, you really are the typical noob, so, don't worry, that probably means you're on the right track.
Yeah, he's noobish in the sense that he still has much to learn, but not in the sense that he is generally all-around dumb.
I'll only be good in a few years? That's not a good thing. :c
@R.MartinhoFernandes Indeed. Making good progress. And at least he fucking listens.
3.04366 Seconds using std::unoredered_map
I beat it!
On release mode!
@ThePhD Most of us here have been on this for at least a decade.
@ThePhD Reminds me when that intern said I was a fucking killing machine when it came to writing code, but then I realized I had been writing code for 6 years, while he was only at it for 6 months.
And anyway, being a good programmer isn't only about writing good code.
It's about writing fast code that goes NYEEEOOOOM across the processor!
I prefer a decent programmer who's a team player than a guru who keeps to himself.
@ThePhD is the map accurate?
@MooingDuck Good point.
@ThePhD The performance of hash maps reallly degrades when there's a lot of collisions, so maybe your test isn't good.
I tried it with like 3 different hashes for the llong type.
You are missing the point.
Only three?
I tried the std::hash, my MurmurHash<llong>, and FowlerNoVol1a.
That's, like, three times bigger than one!
@ThePhD That is not the point. I thought you were testing your map, not the hashes.
@ThePhD also keep in mind, one easy way to beat std classes is to ignore all the iterator and reference invalidation specifications.
I don't have a single iterator anything.
It's all indices into an open-addressed collection of std::vectors.
It's really dumb actually.
@R.MartinhoFernandes found it
That's what it is.
@ThePhD there's still references
(Get it? Pain? Hahahaha. I hate myself.)
@ThePhD So, you are saying that you beat unordered_map because you did not play with the same handicap? Well done.
@EtiennedeMartel :|
@EtiennedeMartel Oh gawd.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What? I don't need iterators. They're boring and lame. :c
@ThePhD what about references?
@ThePhD So what? You wrote something that does not do the same thing and happens to run the three (!) tests you wrote in less time.
@EtiennedeMartel That was terrible. :P
@netcoder You are being too generous.
@MooingDuck I know for a fact references are not kept by anyone. It's an internal database structure for the Master File System: nobody goes in or out except through some functions that return no references.
@EtiennedeMartel ಠ_ಠ
Still have to implement Resize but ehh I'm too lazy for now, it works.
Oh, right, a fourth guy from Montreal. We're getting close to beat the Berliners.
@ThePhD That's what we have been telling you all along: if you don't play by the same rules, it's easy to beat the standard containers.
@EtiennedeMartel shakes fist
We are losing Xeo soon. That traitor.
Konrad is another traitor.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Har har
@netcoder Gives a whole new meaning to "eat my pain".
God, enough already :P
I'm eating here!
(not pain, though)
agh why is there always french in this room -.-
because french is taking over the world
and we're starting at the Lounge
Now we just need to give Cicada a sword and ask her to kick someone off the Eiffel tower and it'll be complete.
Wow... this thing that linked here yesterday:
Q: Skeptics Stack Exchange intolerable moderation

Ron MaimonIn the "Skeptics" Stack Exchange, there is an intolerable amount of censorship, which prevents questions from getting answers. To explain the issue, look at the question: Is it possible to do the things Derren Brown does with just psychology or linguistic suggestion? . First, contentwise, the sh...

It got spammed deleted and then undeleted by a mod.
> You're appealing to authority when you don't believe in authority? – random♦ 13 hours ago
Oh wait, not spam deleted, but... hmmm It says it was locked by Community.
The funny thing is that he isn't even trolling. Or if is he is, he's really good.
He's just sets the world record for being the most closed-minded person.
@Mysticial Well, standard issue "I'm right and everyone else is wrong" mentality.
@EtiennedeMartel yep
He has a lot of rep on physics. So you can't deny that he's smart. But you have to wonder what taught him those people skills?
@Mysticial Probably Tomalak.
I mean like, I don't consider myself as having great people skills - and I'm not proud of that. But this guy... takes it to a whole new level.
@Mysticial HAve you read his bio on Physics?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes I have...
I prefer to be banned, as a warning to others like me. – Ron Maimon 12 hours ago
I think the community would prefer that too. – Richard JP Le Guen 12 hours ago
@R.MartinhoFernandes He's either a massive troll or an equally massive idiot.
I think we should invite him here.
What is it with you and inviting trouble here?
@EtiennedeMartel Make sure the both the Cat and the puppy are here.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I like trouble.
I also like youuuuuu.
@Mysticial The Cat would probably say something sucks and his life is miserable and leave soon after.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Good point. Jalf would probably be better?
@Mysticial Jalf would probably charge head on and never stop.
@R.MartinhoFernandes And I thought I had antisocial tendencies...
That guy is an Immovable Object, and Jalf is the Unstoppable Force.
he is a troll , I cannot imagine it otherwise
no one would put that in his bio
You still have much to learn about assholes, young Padawan.
whoa, the Javascript room has a bot. :(
oh, it's Zirak's bot
@MooingDuck Yeah. Someone went and flagged everything the bot said at one point.
@Mysticial Sure.
@EtiennedeMartel ;-)
@Mysticial What who where
@R.MartinhoFernandes You suck
@CatPlusPlus Start here:
13 mins ago, by Mysticial
Wow... this thing that linked here yesterday:
Why is this on meta.so
We were teasing the idea of inviting him here to see what would happen.
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha that bio
Of course that's not gonna happen. It's only gonna end in a flagfest.
@CatPlusPlus I knew it!
But at least we can guess at what would happen.
Chrome broke dynamic favicon script again waah
I don't know when people are talking
Anyone else have that running on Firefox? It doesn't work for me.
@CatPlusPlus Can't you just look at the tab's title?
I can't even move to stable/beta channel, because my profile will get fucked
Have what running on Firefox? o_O
Or are you one of those dudes who got way too many tabs open?
@EtiennedeMartel I keep the tab pinned
@EtiennedeMartel He probably has it pinned.
I do.
Well, damn.
And have many tabs open.
Firefox highlights the tab when something changed, but the script used to put a number on the favicon, and make it a different colour if I had been plinked.
I used to do much more than what I do currently, anyway.
On Firefox I regularily had hundreds of tabs.
do any of you have network programming experience? with writing your own TCP "protocol"s?
Q: SE Chat Modifications -- Keyboard navigation and commands for chat

Tim Stone Screenshot Use /command shortcuts to perform common chat tasks: See message history inline: Easily preview replied-to messages: And much, much more... About Legends tell of a prolific Meta Stack Overflow chatter who despised using their mouse above all things. In an effort to keep t...

Now 25 kills my system.
Firefox's a murderous memory hog.
there is an extension in Chrome named Tab Menu, it's nice for navigating between 50 opened tabs
Oooh, shiny keyboard nevigation and command!
No, that's Chrome.
@Ell I had to implement some TCP features on top of UDP for class. I was not too happy.
@ThePhD Used to be.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I want to learn how to do this.
I don't mind FF's memory usage. But prior to the latest update, the garbage collector would run at 100% CPU for a few seconds during and after every single page load.
@ThePhD Meh, 300MB out of 16GB is murderous?
Firefox 3 was pretty bad in that regard.
I'm glad they finally fixed it.
I don't know how to separate the concerns of packets, parsing them/acting on them
Firefox 18 apparently has/will have new JS engine, which might finally make everything not-slow.
So now I can run my auto-refresher without having to restart FF every 2 hours.
firefox isn't slow anyway
@R.MartinhoFernandes Try 1.7 GB out of 8. =l
This is pretty much the only reason I run Chrome.
Because it feels faster.
Yeah, V8 is good.
Did you pay for that RAM?
Hellz yeah I did.
Don't you want to use it?
@R.MartinhoFernandes He downloaded it.
@EtiennedeMartel I would if I could.
Chrome uses much more RAM than Firefox anyway.
Some of my other computer pats I salvaged from dead computers, actually.
I didn't pay for these 16GB, but I don't see a reason not to use them.
Totally got it for free.
Worse sharing because of that retarded process model.
@Ell It is (used to be prior to the latest update) if you had enough tabs open and AR'ed for a few hours.
@CatPlusPlus But it's safe! </sarcasm>
@Mysticial yeah, I'm not one of those with 100s of tabs open
New mathematica is out x)
Firefox does not crash as often now.
I dunno, I feel like the only thing that should take a bajamillion RAM is Visual Studio, but even that is doing better than firefox.exe. :c
I could have Firefox with 500 tabs and it kept at 1.5GB or so.
Chrome with 20 takes 1GB.
@ThePhD how much ram do you have? I have 8 GB so it does not really matter.
@CatPlusPlus Well that's one good thing about firefox. Once it takes 1.5~1.7GB it kind've just stabalizes there.
to stabalize: verb, to analyze stab wounds

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