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@melak47 apptivate.ms/apps/93/dabble has white background and font smoothing using Bezier approximation
about interestness factor, it's interesting that my count of answers was wrong
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Correct. I failed to read the Q correctly
evidently i'm trapped in the same slow-wit universe as all the others
@melak47 look at the third screenshot
mad drawing skillz
@kbok Me as well. Only 500 points away.
Q: Appending To Strings

mazen.r.fIf I have a string x='wow' in Python, I can append to this string using the add function, like so: x='wow' x.__add__(x) 'wowwow' How can I do this in C++?

^ Needs 4 more votes to reopen
You +1'd this question ? Do you realize that it sucks ?
@kbok you're wrong
it is a very good and fundamental question
it touches on deep differences between Python, Java and C++
you can't get a much better question on SO, I think
however, one must have some competence in the area in order to answer it and touch on the relevant things
apparently none of the four who answered, had such compertence
I think you attribute much more to this question that there really is.
neither had the close-votres
The real question, as intended by the OP, is "how do I concatenate strings in C++"
well you'll never know unless you (or other people) vote to reopen, will you?
Which is an exact duplicate of a precedently asked question on SO
Which makes it, indeed, a sucky question.
@kbok pretty fucking stupid to assume the existence of ESP in order to appear to refute my statements
@Cheersandhth.-Alf ESP ?
Oh dear, Alf is on arguing mode again.
Extra Sensorial Perception.
you don't know the OP's intentions. but you say you perceive them. extra-sensory perception, of the kind known as "telepathy"
This is gonna get messy.
You can get that from amulets.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf You're doing that as well.
Wait, we're not talking about NetHack, are we?
why not relate to the question as posed
why assume you know the OP's mind
why not stfu
@R.MartinhoFernandes No. We're talking about realspace.
@TonyTheLion please vote to reopen the question. don't listen to kbok. he just can't stand being wrong
Looks like a rather proud parent.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf You can answer that question if you want, and I agree that it's an interesting question.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I don't know what you're talking about.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Hahahahahahahahaha. That's so ironic.
But I maintain that this is surely not what the OP intended, and that your efforts will go to waste since the question is so poorly worded no one is going to find it again.
@EtiennedeMartel please vote to reopen the question. please don't devolve to silly dominance games
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I already did. And where the hell do you see any kind of "dominance" here?
@kbok your assertions are untrue. (1) the question is perfectly worded, concise and concrete. (2) you don't know the OP's mind
in short you're talking rubbish
@Cheersandhth.-Alf (1) is subjective.
you just can't stand being totally wrong
about such a fundamental thing
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Neither do you. You're just taking his words for granted.
fucking idiots, four wrong answers, and not any correct one, and the question closed
and you guys raising your hair when i point that out
I agree that the question is really concise and concrete: "How can I do this in C++?". It has been answered before, and it has been answered this time, four times.
As idioticly trivial as that question is, closing it as 'not a real question' is just wrong. IF it must be closed, close it as a dupe
what kind of incompetent's community is this
Why are the answers wrong?
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Wait, wait, wait, are you saying that you're write and everyone else is wrong?
@R.MartinhoFernandes you implication that it has been answered correctly this time, is certainly wrong.
@EtiennedeMartel basically that is what he's saying
why do you say such thing?
It's Tomalak all over again.
Hmm, someone tried to recover my Google account's password.
you must KNOW that it is false
@Cheersandhth.-Alf It looks more like a question that should just be deleted...
@Cheersandhth.-Alf You realize the fundamental flaw in stating that everyone is wrong except for you, right?
@Cheersandhth.-Alf would you mind saying what is wrong with the ansers?
@NikiC you're obviously lying. you can't mean that. you can't be so incomptent in technical matters
@kbok Alf does like to argue. And he hates being wrong. It gets to the point that his arguments generally devolve to name calling and ad hominem.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf No, I don't know that. I stand by my assertion.
@thecoshman already did. why don't you READ, for fucks sake
That may even be true, but you might as well tape wings to pigs for all the good that'll be
@EtiennedeMartel He actually has a point - all answers are wrong, and the question has not been answered at all.
and plonk
@EtiennedeMartel why do you use an ad hominem argument now? because you know you're wrong
shit dealt with
@Cheersandhth.-Alf What.
move on people, nothing to see here
Now I'm starting to understand why @sbi is so pissed about that guy.
you made an ad hominem argument about me. because you KNOW that you're wrong.
it's pretty dumb to do that
Cry me a river.
you only show that you care a lot about fitting in in this group and don't care about truth or honesty -- or waylaying someone, for that matter
I'm afk for five minutes and a flamewar?
you other owners need to bin more actively
afk for dinner :-)
@DeadMG It's Alf going apeshit again.
but you guys suck
it's nothing unusual
Q: Appending To Strings

mazen.r.fIf I have a string x='wow' in Python, I can append to this string using the add function, like so: x='wow' x.__add__(x) 'wowwow' How can I do this in C++?

just plonk him
@Cheersandhth.-Alf there, it's reopened.
FOUR wrong answers, CLOSING, and then NOT WILLING TO ADMIT. jeez
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I don't know whether you realize, but we have the concept of closing something as General Reference, i.e. if the question is plain RTFM. This is such a case. You can disagree with the answers, but you can't really disagree with the closing.
Enlighten us. I'm really curious what you can add other than append, stringstream or operators + +=
Now go answer that shit and we'll see if anyone cares
@Cheersandhth.-Alf how are the answers wrong?
@Cheersandhth.-Alf What else would you expect from a bunch of nitpickers? Seriously. I've stopped having serious arguments here a long time ago.
An regards for these answer being wrong, I read the comments real hard, but couldn't see a single thing pointing out any flaws in them
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Why not add the correct answer yourself?
(Also read Gunnerkrigg dammit)
@Cicada porn is great for that :P
any hoops, heading home! see who ever is left latter
@CatPlusPlus I see the kyrostat forum is buzzing with activity...not :/
@daknøk That's why he wanted it reopenned.
Oh. :P
Not my fault, can't post for you people
yeah, we have a lot of dumbs with 3k+ rep who close questions they can't understand.
Well, it has been reopened, so we'll find out soon
Ohh I see now.
I want to come off as arrogant, but I'm pretty sure saying "I certainly understand string concatenation, so I can close this one" can't possibly be construed as such.
The answer is x + x, not x += x.
is this right?

LexicalAnalyzer.h http://paste.ubuntu.com/1297729/
LexicalAnalyzer.cpp http://paste.ubuntu.com/1297728/
@R.MartinhoFernandes You want to come off as arrogant?
@rogcg No, it sucks
@EtiennedeMartel I like challenges.
@daknøk Actually, x + x is valid, but might have some unecessary allocations there.
@rogcg no. You didn't qualify the methods, not obeying the rule of three...
@EtiennedeMartel but x + x answers the question, x += x doesn’t.
@daknøk Both do.
@daknøk Why not?
x.__add__ is a pure function; it doesn’t modify x.
@LuchianGrigore what should I do then??
x += does modify x.
@daknøk Oooh.
__add__ returns a new string.
Well. I still think both should be mentionned.
@rogcg ummm... qualify the names in the definitions and obey the rule of three...
@daknøk So, it was a crappy question after all.
@LuchianGrigore could it be the reason of undefined reference to `LexicalAnalyzer::analyze()'| shwing??
@rogcg Yep.
A: Appending To Strings

daknøkYou can use the + operator to concatenate strings in C++: std::string x = "wow"; x + x; // == "wowwow" In Python you can also use + instead of __add__ (and + is considered more Pythonic than .__add__): x = 'wow' x + x # == 'wowwow'

@rogcg yes. You implemented analyze(), not LexicalAnalyzer::analyze() - i.e. didn't qualify the name.
Wait, you're arguing about that question
@R.MartinhoFernandes So Alf was wrong? Colour me intrigued.
That it's wrong answers
What the fuck
@EtiennedeMartel I have no idea who was wrong. The question is crappy, and was answered before.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Let's blame @CatPlusPlus. For being a cat.
@EtiennedeMartel No, Alf was right, but he's a dick
What is he right about, exactly
@CatPlusPlus I don't really know. I stopped caring when he started screaming.
You guys are boring.
The question is shitty and shows no fucking research effort whatsoever, so yeah, downvote away
@LuchianGrigore so I must declare the namespace??
So I did what I always do when I stop caring: I troll.
No animated GIFs.
I don't know what to say to people who upvoted that
@EtiennedeMartel So you bin MLP but not arguments? Douche.
@CatPlusPlus they listened to Alf
@CatPlusPlus Because sometimes people vote just to void the right to vote of others.
It is not useful and it doesn't show research effort
Proof is on the sidebar.
They suck at voting and quality control
@Cicada Binning Alf's stuff would have triggered his Rage Mode.
@R.MartinhoFernandes rights? what's it? I don't care
And seriously if you're arguing that answers are wrong because the question is about + not += then get a life maybe
@EtiennedeMartel oh he has a rage mode too? :P
He already whined when I became a room owner, so I don't want to fuel his bitterness.
@LuchianGrigore ok.. now I added a namespace to my .h class, and call the methods in cpp in this format void NamespaceName::MethodName() {...}
meh, animated gif
@EtiennedeMartel What's wrong with you being owner ?
Stop being cheap and buy PCs that can handle animated GIFs
Like ones produced after 1980
@kbok Dunno. But Alf seemed pissed.
← 1 message moved from bin
@CatPlusPlus Right, privilege, whatever you want to call it. I find voting with the sole purpose of countering other people's votes seems petty. (Disclaimer: I hadn't voted on that question.
@daknøk Stop that.
@CatPlusPlus they are an annoying eyesore
you fackin assholes
@CatPlusPlus It's in the rules, actually.
@EtiennedeMartel I'm a cat
lol, rules. like one read them
@CatPlusPlus me too, so what?
@CatPlusPlus but epilepsy.
@CatPlusPlus No, you're a Pole.
lets go back to laughing at PHP.
@TonyTheLion hahahahahahaha sql injection hahahaha string comparison with == hahahahahahaha md5 ahhahahahhahaa
int minLength = -1; // TODO this.getMinimumLocationLength();
oh gawd ^
@Abyx Hey, don't tell me I've been bashing noobs with them for nothing?
Does that mean we can post animated PNGs?
@Cicada If you can find 'em, sure.
@Cicada Yes.
Not that any browser except Firefox implements them.
@Cicada I bet most people won't even notice.
Not that anyone uses them.
@EtiennedeMartel nah, it's always right to bash noobs. they are noobs after all
That's not animated.
@EtiennedeMartel It is in Firefox.
@Abyx Good. Then I'll keep linking them the rules when they come in with a stupid question.
@daknøk Then I do not give a shit. Carry on.
Also we wrote the rules
Don't expect us to read and follow them
How did I know you guys would just fetch it off wikipedia.
@CatPlusPlus @sbi did. Except the part about asking questions. That was you.
@daknøk it is animated in Firefox.
Yeah, I know, I'm amazing
@Abyx That's exactly what he said.
@Abyx stop repeating me.
@CatPlusPlus for a cat
In Firefox it’s animated.
> discussion should more or less revolve around the same topics you'd find at Stack Overflow
Admin abusin'.
I believe there's motion in mozilla's browser.
@kbok we don't follow that here
@NikiC the question is not an RTFM question. you're taking that out of thin air. possibly by failing to understand that four wrong answers should tell you something.
has been argued over in meta extensively
@kbok Ahahahahahah
When you look at that image through a Gecko rendering engine, it MOVES
@kbok Define "more or less".
I still have no idea why the answers are wrong
Reminds me of that time where I saw a static ball become dynamic: I was using Firefox
@EtiennedeMartel you're lying here
Except for that stupid + and += distinction and generally for being answers to a crappy question
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Wait, let me find it.
And still, a realistic moving ball illusion could only be achieved in a PNG seen with Firefox
Because you know, you'd get a static ball in every browser BUT Firefox
@Cicada A bewitched portrait?!
let me add, as you already did in that discussion
what a weak person
So to sum up: in Firefox the ball moves
Just ignore each other and shut up christ
@daknøk all four answers did an update. that's not equivalent. i've already explained that
Somebody's got a case of the Mondays
@Cheersandhth.-Alf the smiley was not a reply to you.
If I were to make a lists of browsers in which that balls moves, it would be:
- Firefox
Can we please vote that shitty question out of existence please
@Cicada That wasn't funny the first time, you know
@daknøk that observation is compatible with what the reference tells, but why are you telling me that?
Just fyi
@Cicada TorBrowser
It'll get better
It really won't
Pretty sure you'll find it hilarious by the 239th time
I've heard about a PNG which only animates in FF
And in TorBrowser.
And in Thunderbird.
Any Gecko-based browser can, indeed, display motionful little balls.
Oh hey, one more closevote and then we can delete that turd
Oh hey, one more deletevote and it stops existing
@Cicada WebKit-based browser can do that too.
@daknøk No.
If they are in GIF or MP4 or OGG or WebM format.
Oh hey, it doesn't exist anymore
@daknøk Not my webkit based browser :(
And the world is a better place
@daknøk APNG please
nice one Cat
@Cicada you didn’t require that.
Well, damn. My memory was faulty.
And now you’re too late.
@daknøk You suck
@Cicada You suck more
I only found this.
Sep 30 at 5:38, by Cheers and hth. - Alf
@Mysticial jeez, have you started nominating room owners now? it's a heck of a devolution. starting with @sbi's silly power games of having the 10 most frequent, and of introducing rule of no opposition to being ousted, and so on. i think if it was all just to avoid a conflict then you'd not actively support that scheme, but merely tolerate it. it is ungood with dominance hierarchies, even with a self-proclaimed silverback on top.
@Cicada and htmlayout, IIRC
@daknøk accualee no
@CatPlusPlus well i'm just back from dinner. now the question won't ever get a correct answer. you will all keep being as uninformed as you are. you seem to be happy with that
@EtiennedeMartel how do you call that whining. i'm pointing out that you're doing unhealthy power games. at no point am i complaining about my own status, because i do not care about that. in short, you're lying.
I’m gonna make a bug tracker.
The answers aren't wrong
Not that I care
@Cheersandhth.-Alf we'll never know the truth
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I'm not doing anything.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Why don't you just tell us what the correct answer is
in addition, it was not you becoming a room owner
so that was also a lie
I need food
@Cheersandhth.-Alf It was my memory being faulty.
actually we have a lot of food here
This room is unfunny since yesterday
And I agree with @sbi on that:
Sep 30 at 9:02, by sbi
@Cheersandhth.-Alf For some strange reason room ownership seems to have become prestigious for some people. They aren't for others. (@jalf and @Tony recently gave up their spot on their own will.) You seem to belong to the first group. I am sorry, but I really don't feel like it's my fault that you didn't make it onto the list.
@Cicada What happened yesterday.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Some moronic discussion about races and stuff
@Cicada Wut.
@TonyTheLion Huh? What happened to CNN’s website?
In the past the globe in the header rotated as you read an article about something that happened in another country.
@daknøk donno
@Cicada that was just a silly merkin, it wasn't funny
@kbok you have already responded with "right" when i pointed out why the answers were incorrect. so you understood it, and if you haven't had a stroke in the last half hour, you remember. so you are trying to make others believe that i haven't explained that, while you yourself have acknowledged that i did explain that, i.e. you're trying to make others believe that which you know is false
in addition, i just explained it again a few minutes ago
Because you have not explained anything, other than the fact that we're all morons, or something.
and surely you would remember that, even if you don't remember 30 minutes back
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Care to link to your message?
@Abyx That's one seriously silly merkin.
@NikiC which one?
Where you explain what's wrong with the existing answers
@R.MartinhoFernandes Thank you for dropping some random wisdom in this increasingly insane discussion.
Also seriously, the original argument was that that question touches on deep differences between C++, Python and JAVA?
@R.MartinhoFernandes no i haven't said that. i have pointed out where 2 persons here have said things that one could check that they knew was false. i.e., lying
@Cicada uhm... well, I'd said it was stereotypical silly merkin
@CatPlusPlus There isn't any Java in there!
Question has been deleted, get over it, and move on people
There isn't any deep differences, either.
@TonyTheLion Reminds me of a certain animated ball that would display correctly only in Firefox
@Cicada lol
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I think I understand but you're making such a fuss I'm not sure anymore. So in order for me to be sure, and for the others to know, because some actually don't, why don't you just write the correct answer here ?
Yeah, let's talk about something else
@Cicada Esti de calis.
let's vote to undelete
I could link to the places where our ignorance and stupidity was explained, but I'm busy not giving a fuck.
@LuchianGrigore lets not
You see, x.__add__ involves dynamic dispatch via dictionary attached to a runtime type, so you can't just suggest std::string::operator+ nuh uh
You have to implement the whole machinery to have an equivalent operation
@daknøk He's a cat. What do you expect?
Scumbag CatPlusPlus
@TonyTheLion It's missing the hat
@CatPlusPlus That's what I think may actually be the issue
@Cicada yes I know
@kbok Except it's not. It's a shitty question about string concatenation.
54 mins ago, by Cheers and hth. - Alf
@kbok he updated x
If the OP wanted to know anything other than how to concatenate strings in C++, you can't possibly claim it's not a shitty question. Because it mentions nothing other than concatenating strings.
note that kbok acknowledge the truth of this
I want to make software.
Are we suddenly in English class analysing questions to find hidden meaning that even OP didn't know was there?
yet a few minutes ago pretended to not remember
@CatPlusPlus Please raise your paws if you want to ask a question.
@CatPlusPlus you just say that because you realize you helped to wrongfully delete a question
omg lol, that bastard
Static gifs allowed?
I think he says that because he thinks looking for hidden meanings in questions is not productive.
@Cicada døh
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Thanks.
Oh hey, next thing Alf is gonna tell us we're an evil cabal or something.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf So that is what all this fuzz is about?!
Cabal is the only decent build system I’ve ever used.
It's important to distinguish evil cabals from non-evil cabals.
@NikiC A bit anti-climactic if you ask me.
Otherwise cabal union might sue us.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, concatenating strings is pretty interesting. especially with python in the picture. because the CPython implementation does this thing in O(n) time for final n character strings. in general.
@NikiC Yes. And we're all incompetent for it.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Like I said, I thought I understood. You shouldn't assume malice from other people like that.
Non-evil cabal union, of course. Evil cabals don't need unions.
I don’t even know how to invoke GHC directly since I always use Cabal.
while e.g. Java gets the same code as O(n^2)
not quite sure of the situation for C++
Percent of relation of this question to Java: 0
//TODO: Actually give a fuck.
but while some of you now know what i'm talking about, the rest will just not find out until a long time when they stumble over it
Are we talking about Cabal Online right now
I'm pretty sure Java doesn't have O(N^2) concatenation.
because the question has been deleted
and because you guys are more interested in group coherency than the technical stuff, or helping people on SO
Seriously, why the fuck would Java have O(N^2) concatenation.
@R.MartinhoFernandes because it has true parallelism
FWIW, I'll just note that acting smug and hiding behind undisclosed "higher knowledge" is not very polite.
so it can't optimize it the way CPython does
@R.MartinhoFernandes Since when is that guy polite?

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