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3 hours later…
@PeeHaa \o/
I don't understand why we can't from/tryFrom a non-backed enum
It's basically coercing me into making it backed just so I can access these methods. That's lame
How does "from" or "tryFrom" make any sense on a non-backed enum
What do you expect from to do for a non-backed enum?
Use the name obviously
That's what constant() is for.
An enum is not a fancy string
There's literally nothing else it could do
It could always throw or return null because you don't have a backed value
That's SPL-tier design
@TimWolla constant(MyEnum::$var)?
Your idea is SPL tier design
@QuolonelQuestions If $var contains the name of the enum case and you add quotes, yes.
Alternatively with 8.4 or 8.3 you can MyEnum::{$var}.
That's much better than enumerating cases() which I was considering, but it's also non-intuitive. One would expect the useful methods to be part of the OO API
I mean, one does not automatically think, oh I need <method I've literally never had cause to use> (constant) which is not even clearly related to enums in any way
I find it nice that non-backed enums come with a clean API for me to use myself.
I find it nice when I don't have to repeatedly reimplement the same thing every time because the language is complete
Yes, that's why there is constant() and the dynamic class constant fetch.
Dynamic class constant is nice
@StatikStasis My dude! been way too long (again) :(
Goes for everybody in here I guess :D
10 messages deleted
I think we have some unfinished tracks we want to force upon you soon again @StatikStasis :D
Can't wait. =)
Some you may even like
You been doing anything besides working and family lately?
Not a thing... no time to play games... just working.
Getting my wife's business off and running and hopefully I'll have some more free time again.
@StatikStasis No problem, feel free to move the deleted messages away if you don't want them in the transcript.
(Any room owner can do that)
@StatikStasis You have been saying that for as long as I know you though :P
...story of my life
@PeeHaa But I think you know how it is. =)
Yeah specially now with black Friday and Cyber Monday around the corner it is pretty much madness right now
But you still find time to do music.
tbf I have been sleeping only 4 hours a night ^^
About the same
@QuolonelQuestions looking up an enum case from a string containing its name is on roughly the same level as creating a class from a string containing a class name: it's dynamic programming, not something you should be doing every day
if you want to expose a stable string value for an enum case, that's what backed enums are for
Be that as it may, I don't feel like pasting each name to its value
2 hours later…
@QuolonelQuestions Foo::{$caseName}
And, also what Rowan said.
huh. it appears that somewhere between php 7.x and 8.0 the 'Class thing does not exist' message acquired double quotes around the class name?
which makes this thing either fail the 7.x suites or 8.x:
    public function testMakeInstanceThrowsExceptionOnClassLoadFailure(): void
        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Could not make ClassThatDoesntExist: Class "ClassThatDoesntExist" does not exist');

        $injector = new Injector;
caveman helmet would probably strip the double quotes before making the assertion, is there a better alternative though?
Are there any plans to retroactively create PHP 8.4 builds for the most recent stable releases of PECL extensions? I have a vague recollection of that being done in the past after a PHP minor release dropped.
1 hour later…
@kelunik Thanks for the Auryn merge. I've opened a PR with what I felt was natural consequences of the php version bump, github actions and namespace change commits you added afterwards. I got the 7.x testsuites to pass, however the phpcs is whining. On 8.x there are four tests that fail, but I'm not sure what should happen with those. I would be grateful for a few words on what should happen with the 8.x tests, and if it's wanted for me to fix the phpcs or make it not whine for now.
pinging here in case chat medium is more comfortable than gh issue, though whichever works best
3 hours later…
@jmikola That used to only be a thing for DLLs, which we haven't done for a while automatically
@Girgias sorry for not clarifying. I was just referring to DLLs, which I think have been building automatically for most of this year (after a hiatus).

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