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Of course it does. It makes 2000+ requests to xkcd, out of which 19 result in 2048x2048 pngs.
how does an American pronounce the name "Craig"
I always hear it as "Greg" when said by USA folk
@Ell CrayG
I hear it as "Greg" or "Creg". Hmm
on dinosaur office anyway xD
@Ell If pronounced properly it's CR EGG
@Chimera that's how I've heard it
@MooingDuck Yep...
@Chimera ahh see in the uk it's pronounced Cray G (properly)
which is why I find "cregg" weird
@Ell That is how it's pronounced in the US.
I am getting conflicting ideas now :L
"If pronounced properly it's CR EGG"
"In the uk it's pronounced Cray G" <- "That's how it's pronounced in the US"
"CR EGG" != "Cray G"
@TonyTheLion Holy shit, FF is pegging at 100% CPU on that.
Gaaah, damn ghost flags
not sure about this ^
@Mysticial haha
@TonyTheLion Why not? seems interesting.
I just got an e-mail from our company owner written in pirate :|
FF peaked at 3.5 GB openning that link... damn...
that's something...
dammit. my wildcard compare is broken on VS2012.
> However, as a philocalist and masochist I felt compelled to write legible code and decided to use C.
@Chimera you just contradicted yourself. In the UK they pronounce it "cray" followed by a "g" gutteral. In the US it's like "greg" but beginning with a "k" sound.
So much for trusting codeproject
so much for GCC's libstdc++.
@TonyTheLion That’s awesome.
@MooingDuck The U.S. pronunciation is the same as the U.K. pronunciation. ( Craig = Cray G even in the US )
@DeadMG When will you head to Austria?
@Ell CrayG
@Chimera I have never in my life heard it pronounced that way in Western USA.
@ScottW It is where I'm from.
Everyone knows everybody in America pronounces words in the same way.
@CatPlusPlus Fuck you
@Chimera what area of US?
@MooingDuck Nevada
@Chimera huh
Just east of the rocky mountains near California
@ScottW Yes, that's what I say and what I've heard.
@ManofOneWay Not wholly sure
@ScottW I pronounce Craig with a K sound and in one syllable.
@Mysticial ...
@ScottW Oesterreich FTFY
Oh, then I pronounce it as KRAYG With that y-ish tone.
forvo.com/word/craig Has Americans saying Craig the way you guys say we do. But I've heard it pronounced the UK way many times.
And just to be clear, I grew up in the Bay Area so all nor-cal accents apply.
@Prætorian that doesn't load for me :(
@Chimera <3
@CatPlusPlus You are such a smart ass. :-)
@TonyTheLion I think the website got slashdotted, it's really slow for me too
Technically, he's a cat. :)
@Prætorian oh I see
@ScottW I think that depends on what part of America you're from
So @DeadMG can you confirm yet if I'm gonna see you weekend of 30th Sept?
Soda. WTF :/
I just Coke or Fanta or whatever
I've even heard people call it "soda pop"
I'm UK and I say fizzy drinks, or occasionally pop
@TonyTheLion Uh, I might have to cancel on that. Might be, well, flying out to Austria.
@DeadMG ok.
@TonyTheLion That webpage is failing pretty interestingly. It comes with no way to scroll down on Opera
@Prætorian Sue them over copyright infringement!
@ScottW Both, depends where you from.
@sehe Might've happened if they'd decided to mimic iOS6's maps
@ScottW I say Soda
@sehe, mumble?
@DeadMG have you suddenly found a passport that resembles your pretty face closely enough?
@TonyTheLion no thanks, headache
You need a passport to go to Austria?
@sehe I will have one in time.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Heh. Only from the UK.
because Britain is not a Shengen country
we opted out of the Schengen Area.
Ah. Right. I keep forgetting you guys are a bunch of isolationist bastards. ;)
You need a passport to go there anyway, especially if you fly.
@sehe Pretty sure that's not true for intra-Schengen-Area travel.
@sehe Erm, I never needed one when I flew to Spain, Italy, nor Greece.
Is this a valid raw string literal? R"@(Hello, World!)@"
I've flown between Belgium and other EU (Schengen) countries and didn't have to show my passport once
gcc complains error: invalid character '@' in raw string delimiter
Technically, you could travel across the border without one (by car) but you'd still be required to carry a passport there. I think you're even required to carry ID inside the Netherlands (ages > 12)... ICHBWT
but that's a recent thing I think
@R.MartinhoFernandes What? I always needed them. Only ever flown to Greece and Spain
And yes that was when Greece (and Spain too, for that matter) was in the Euro
Wait, Greece left the Euro already?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I mean, not before that :_)
On spaceships.
Well, my experience was eight years ago.
@R.MartinhoFernandes No.
Okay, who plays GW2.
How do you even checkin? What is check in all about, without identification?
@DeadMG Ok. For a moment there, I was double checking if there was a rock above me.
Besides Cicada who's not here anyway.
@sehe With my regular national ID card.
@sehe I think you a word
@CatPlusPlus what is that anyways?
@TonyTheLion a partially elided word too
I knew that much
Well, I'm buying it anyway. Fuck everything, I want the gaaaaame.
What about Felix?
I've shown too much restraint anyway, not buying it on launch day.
Or preordering, really.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well. See. What's the difference. Really, the difference is puny and uninteresting. Of course, an ID is roughly half the price. Is still expensive and you need to acquire it (long) ahead of time.
> Sorry, Guild Wars 2serial codes are temporarily unavailable.
@sehe It's mandatory here.
In Belgium ID's are mandatory too
Honestly, I have trouble understanding how ID can be optional.
Your ID should say: Robot, Serial Number 00000000001.
@R.MartinhoFernandes in some countries it is.
I think in USA everyone just uses driver's license instead.
@CatPlusPlus Except those that don't drive.
@R.MartinhoFernandes In NL, you can simply opt for passport directly
@R.MartinhoFernandes You can get a state ID if you don't
I only need passport to travel outside EU
We have passports and IDs.
@TonyTheLion Recent as in 1985
inside EU I can use my ID
Dominican Republic is satisfied with a Belgian ID card.
Inside Schengen.
I don't remember if it's entire EU now or not.
@sehe But the point is that I don't have to wait any time at all, unless I am less than 9 years old or something.
Does Poland have lots of tourism?
I know nothing about Poland.
If I need to wait to get an ID to travel to Greece, that means I'm illegal.
Well, we have the sea and the mountains.
@ScottW lol.
Tourism is non-zero in any case.
VS2012's STL is weird. Or my code is really broken.
Probably both.
I don't know the figures.
Definitely both.
thanks for the support.
Problem is: GCC no show problems
Any time.
Neither does Clang, but that used the same libstdc++ anyways.
I really need a Mac VM.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah. Yeah, back when, I didn't require an ID until I required a passport. Passport was expensive and took a while to request.
These days, indeed the ID rules have changed the game: persons of >~12 will have to have an ID anyways. That just shows my age ....
Noooooooooo forums offline how will I live.
Which forums
Error: Missing Dependency: libstdc++ = 4.1.2-52.el5_8.1 is needed by package libstdc++-devel-4.1.2-52.el5_8.1.i386 (updates)
Package matching libstdc++-4.1.2-52.el5_8.1.i386 already installed.
> It was probably a PHP class.
Edit: for those who don't understand, in PHP you can literally just put parentheses after a variable and it will attempt to call a method named whatever is in the variable.
@Mysticial lol
> Even shorter, but totally incomprehensible by anyone outside of programming languages would be: Functions are the first production rule of the lambda calculus, variables the other one. - Theta
> I know some of those words. - ApologiesForThisPost
@R.MartinhoFernandes unless the variable is assigned a lambda, such as $foo = function() { echo 'fuck this shit'; }; $foo();.
It doesn't call it?
It does.
Then what is "unless" about.
function foo() { echo 'fuck this shit'; };
$bar = 'foo';
// works too
It does A; unless X, in which case it does A.
Good thing it doesn't C.
@daknøk So? I fail to see your point.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Calling the method named whatever is in the variable and calling the function in the variable are not the same thing.
The function is not in the variable.
It wouldn't fit there.
Oh, here's a slightly less laggy version of a zoom-in on the xkcd: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4543202
Whatever. Fuck PHP.
How are lambdas implemented in PHP anyway? Don't they just create an unnameable method and stick its name in the variable?
People are really bored to do this xkcd stuff.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Probably. create_function worked that way.
Lambdas in PHP are implemented using the Closure class.
Since they can capture variables using use.
$fuck = 'poo';
$set_fuck = function($foo) use(&$fuck) {
    $fuck = $foo;          ^ fugly capture syntax
echo $fuck;
Lambdas that don’t automatically capture suck.
> Yet isxkcdshittytoday.com still isn't impressed
To be honest, that capture syntax looks better than C++'s (except for the & part).
You like descriptive names over syntactical abuse?
No way.
Also manual closures or GC, pick one.
If you create a function named __lambda_func, create_function won’t work anymore.
PHP is of course terrible, so no wonder.
@CatPlusPlus Yes way. If there were a concise amalgamation of symbols that would express the same, I'd consider it. However C++ is anything but concise.
I don't like manual capturing at all, so vOv.
Haskell ftw.
is pushing back from a double into a vector supposed to kill double precision?
It makes a copy of the double, that shouldn’t change its precision.
#TorChat @evilrooster @doctorow Guis were a mistake. Multi-touch an error. Even TTYs may have been a step too far.
Sounds like UB.
Ah, GUIs.
@daknøk for some reason it is
@daknøk PHP just makes you feel like you're rich with all the $ signs in it
TTYs were terrible, are terrible, and always will be terrible.
@pyCthon Well, not unless it is a vector<float> or something
@TonyTheLion But, but, Haskell. :(
@pyCthon [sscce needed]
@sehe the vector is <double>
@TonyTheLion No, because you're doomed at competing with high-schoolers for less-than-minimal-wage.
@CatPlusPlus notice how I said feel like.
Kevin Bacon.
Haskell has better allocated $ symbols.
From the MSVC 2012 library sources:
_TMPLT(_Ty) inline
  _CMPLX(_Ty) proj(const _CMPLX(_Ty)& _Left)
  {  // return complex projection
  return (_CMPLX(_Ty)(
    _CTR(_Ty)::_Isinf(real(_Left)) ||
      ? _CTR(_Ty)::_Infv(real(_Left)) : real(_Left),
    imag(_Left) < 0 ? -(_Ty)0 : (_Ty)0));
@daknøk a garbage collector (pun intended) earns more than a PHP programmer
Standard library writers are insane.
@CatPlusPlus The best part is that "There are identical sub-expressions '_Ctraits < _Ty >::_Isinf(real(_Left))' to the left and to the right of the '||' operator"
@sehe OMG! That's fugly.
is that from that link I posted earlier?
@CatPlusPlus To their credit some of their customers might be insane enough to #define template, yet still demand an explanation as to why the library doesn't work.
TIL about hugeURL:
@TonyTheLion It’s library code so they have to use all the _Capitalletter crap in order to prevent you from breaking it with #defines.
@TonyTheLion I think I might have posted that. Or I found it on twitter
@TonyTheLion Have a look viva64.com/en/b/0163/#ID0EDIAG
oh ok
@sehe I posted that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The fuck.
@Xeo Only 3452 characters.
@TonyTheLion Ah. Apparently I did too:
12 hours ago, by sehe
Oh hey, PVS Studio now detects "Strange Loops" as well :) (/cc @R.MartinhoFernandes)
Does this question appear to have an accepted answer? The OP says he accepted an answer.. but I don't see it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nice link target as well. Strangely link didn't work first (before clicking '(show all)' ?)
@sehe lol
@sehe lol, it borks chat.
Why is question with shitty formated code walls upvoted.
@Ell Awesum
@sehe I know that.... I just don't see the normal check marks for accepting an answer..
ahh i get it now. its the average of the results matching that search
I assumed it meant the average of that job
@Chimera Huh, it's not your question?
@sehe No, I wasn't aware that comment was added to the OPs post.
@Chimera he thinks he did, but he has not accepted an answe.r
@Chimera I reckon the guy doesn't know about accepting and thinks accepting is upvoting. I assume 6 rep is too low to be upvoting.
@sehe Hmm... and duh, I don't see the check marks because it's not my question. derp derp
> 8KBytes = 2^13 Bytes
wait? wut?
It's... correct.
@TonyTheLion Mostly true, right
2^10 == 1024 is quite a wellknown equivalence
Brain fail :(
Nice typo, eh
Missed the K? 'Cause that's ugly when glued to the 8 like that
i have no clue why its killing my precision
Q: Memory Modern Oses

Jonas RakhI am new here and I have few questions regarding a problem that I am kinda stuck on it. Suppose a system with virtual address of 48 binary digits, page size 8KBytes and main memory size 2GBytes with memory management of 1 byte per memory slot. a) If for the virtual memory implementation is ...

@pyCthon "its"?
that was from this question
It's the insert-that-word-i'm-not-sure-about-but-you-know-which-one-here precision assassin.
Seriously, fuck you brain.
@MooingDuck yeah lol sending a double array into a std::vector<double> with push_back kills my precision
@CatPlusPlus lol
@CatPlusPlus Deadly?
@pyCthon it shouldn't, no. Maybe you're referring to something else by "precision"?
Like I said, [sscce needed]
Maybe if you posted the damn code already, we'd know.
Asking questions is not rocket science, really.
@MooingDuck well something like .9999932432423423423 becomes .999994
@pyCthon no it doesn't. I'd guess what's happening is you're displaying them differently
@pyCthon How do you send an array into a vector using push_back?
@Prætorian for loop
By pushing it really, really hard.
ARarghh. Stop feeding him anything until he shows code.
i've been working on it lol
@pyCthon vector::insert might be cleaner, but that's not the cause of your problem
I'm waiting on a glorious time when other rooms start using our wonderful guidelines.
Who cares about other rooms, amirite.
He says as he is one of two people in the Haskell room.
@CatPlusPlus Pin something in the Haskell room!
@pyCthon ideone.com/gmtjv no precision loss
Haskell room life cycle: HURRAY ROOM, 3 days of silence, short discussion, 10 days of silence, short discussion, 5 days of silence, a question, 5 days of silence, a question, 14 days of silence, freeze, 14 days, unfreeze, HURRAY ROOM.
@pyCthon When observed... how? Actually never mind, see Stack Overflow. And go away.
With stream set to fixed precision, most likely.
Or :magic:
Asking questions is obviously hard for you, and chat is making it even more impossible
@CatPlusPlus Ismapoint. Anyways, what's precision anyways on a number like .9999932432423... That looks like the definition of inaccuracy or floating point error to me
@sehe yeah i'm still trying to get a complete example of everything else i did
@pyCthon And post it on Stack Overflow
Wait, you're not supposed to have an example with everything.
It's supposed to have as little as possible.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Don't confuse him. Everything will be better than nothing. We can always mildly cut and burn the unneeded parts.
Maybe you can.
Hey, I'm not as bad as some ducks. <ducks/>
@sehe Duckface while being ducked?
While mooing, mostly
Evil ducks.
Mooning duck? Lol.
@StackedCrooked common :(
Hey, this may come as a surprise, but I love bacon!
Join the nerd queue.
Also, who doesn't read Gunnerkrigg and why.
fuck me with a stick

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