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Then shoot. If you survive, I will repeat the entire process.
LOL he did it
It's not trolling, it's just not funny.
@Cicada I didn't.
Totally not funny.
Feels like pushing it for the sake of pushing it.
Qushing qit
@WTP'-- I always wondered about guys worrying about their dick size. Why would I want it any longer? Is there something particularly great about making love to a woman while she's in another time zone or something?
I have no idea.
@JerryCoffin I laughed
Hahahah NOT Offensive, NSFW
All I know is that mine is longer than average.
@TonyTheLion not offensive.
@WTP'-- Hurray for you.
@WTP'-- Most of them are.
if most are longer than averageā€¦
how small must the smallest be? xD
It's not about size, it's about what you do with what you got.
Jack off.
And honestly, there is such thing as "too big"
I still don't get why this topic bothers you so much rly
@WTP'-- waste
@Cicada Bothers me?
I don't get why is this a topic.
Oh Tony your pics are funny.
Ridiculously Photogenic Squirrel
@TonyTheLion shoped
no way to get a picture of a picture being taken like this
Why the fuck are you talking about dick sizes?
@TonyTheLion radek started it
Doesn't mean you have to continue it gods.
radek, go play with yourself, and then return here. Hopefully satisfied enough not to have to mention dick sizes again.
@Drise Believe it or not, sometimes photographers hunt in packs.
Or alternatively, go sleep with that girl already.
or that
@CatPlusPlus Girl?! where!
@Drise Behind you.
@CatPlusPlus Don't tell him to sleep with her. He'll not understand what you mean.
@StackedCrooked No, thats a man
Okay. Go fuck her.
I didn't I swear
I don't feel at home in this conversation, or is that the other me? :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes > see Gag Penis.
Okay, metapost incoming, I hope it's not too provocative.
I'm not sure I want to click on that.
oh no, meta
Nobody wants to play EVE? I can give out 10 21-day trial invites that are doubleplusgood.
@Cicada TVTropes is SFW, if you discount the massive productivity drop.
wasn't eve WOW before WOW?
MMORPG are evil.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It only has a big red cock on that page
EVE ain't WoW.
TVTropes looks like a massive self-linking link jungle
that's what it is
a jungle so you can get lost
Spaceships online.
I mean, how can you not like that.
Q: Make chat flags room-local (aka Yet Another Whiny Post About Chat Flags On Meta)

Salad FruitcakeIn order to avoid you the pain of having to search for a duplicate of this question, have this one. It's not an exact duplicate, but hey, let's not be picky. Have you ever read out-of-context quotes of politicians, or celebrities (or anyone, really) that makes them look like idiots or absolutely...

will be declined surely
@CatPlusPlus So, you turned into a marketeer now?
I think it's been asked before
It has been asked before
Read the first sentence
And the last
not in the mood to read
been reading all day
It will most likely just be ignored.
I know
as always
It's still better than nothing I believe
@R.MartinhoFernandes :3
@Cat FTFY.
Why do people always make a typo on that.
why people have different silly nicknames on meta?
@Abyx Because meta is silly!
A: Network wide login

Dmytro ZarezenkoDon't perform logout and you will be logged in on all sites.

what a bologna chode.
lol Anna edited it to fix the tag colors ._. is this a good or bad sign
@Cicada at least you got mod attention
@Cicada It's a grey sign.
Oh wait, those are the red tags.
Closed as dupe. Wee.
@Cicada so, did you got banned?
They took down chat! It's all your fault!
@Cicada Cue mandatory "Told you so" remark.
Funny guys, they put instead.
Oh wait, chat is back.
I'm still blaming it on you.
ow, they banned whole chat?
well.. it would be a wise decision to destroy this nest of evil
@Cicada Flags are chat-wide so they get enough attention to be acted upon in useful time. Or something.
There are many design points that are outright stupid and don't work. But then you get people saying "don't use it if you don't like it" so no point fighting. vOv
forget that.
Maybe Obama should have come here instead
bcoz he's Cat Plus Plus, not Cat Plus
answered our questions
Seems like a lot in meta is all talk and very few changes are made.
yes, that's meta
The only questions I have are "why SO doesn't care about that chat" and "do you want EVE invite".
int 1 = 0, really? :) — FredOverflow 3 mins ago
@CatPlusPlus What do you get from it?
If you subscribe, I get a month for free!
And you get 21 days of trial instead of 14.
@CatPlusPlus We are the thorn in the side of SO
@FredOverflow let 1 = 0 in {- whatever -} is legal.
@Chimera Conversely, if they would change stuff on whims it wouldn't be great either.
@FredOverflow lol
everyone come play gw2 with me!
@StackedCrooked Well, there should be thoughtful discussion and changes made where appropriate. Right now it appears little ever changes.
@CatPlusPlus Weren't you the one also advocating DayZ?
DayZ has no spaceships.
@Chimera Well, there should be thoughtful discussion and changes made where appropriate. How old are you?
Domino's pizza tracker Patent pending what?
Fuck, I checked out my repository without creating a subdir.
room topic still not changed
@Cicada It dried.
@StackedCrooked Why?
Because that sounded a little naive.
@WTP'-- mmm I missed the action ... what did ya he say?
afk - I'll read tonight :)
@StackedCrooked It may be naive, but it would be the right thing to do. BTW, I'm 42.
Today I realized that I've been incredibly stupid.
You're using C++.
@StackedCrooked We've known it for a while. :-)
That should be obvious.
@Chimera I didn't mean to offend you :) Just got home from work and in de-stressing mode. I may act a little unkind. Sorry.
@StackedCrooked No worries, no offense taken.
I've learned to not be offended in this chat room. :-D
@R.MartinhoFernandes Thank you! May I have some more please?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've had better offers, sorry.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've finally read your blog post. It was nice!
Hmm, which one?
@R.MartinhoFernandes The latest, the rule of zero
@sehe nothing.
Glad I didn't disappoint :)
I got fucking suspended for nothing.
I think there was a minor error in one sentence "Come C++11 there are some extra options for our ownership policies."
I'm not sure what Come means there
But I gotta go
See you guys
@ManofOneWay probably "since"
@ManofOneWay It means "With the arrival of ..."
Probably yes
So it's a valid thing to say?
Come C++11 ...
One of my colleagues has been holding the C++ lecture at our University for two years now. He is considering writing a book in the coming semester, in which case I would get to hold the C++ lecture :)
@ManofOneWay I think so.
I shouldn't have drank last night... ugh
@Drise Or you shouldn't have stopped this morning ;)
past perfect
@StackedCrooked I hate those. I'm also protesting it's use, so I refuse to edit.
swim swam and have swum?
@WTP'-- Did you get banned for 30 minutes?
Actually "I shouln't have drunk" is present perfect, I think.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Have you read Modern C++ Design?
It's post-modern now.
again wet topics? ; o
@GamErix Haven't gotten around to potty trainging./
@R.MartinhoFernandes What did you think of it?
It was really interesting, but it's outdated now.
@Drise xd
I hate it when WiFi equipments lacks crucial features...
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is it not worth reading now?
I wouldn't say so.
Asked a question with no votes, no answers, no comments, and low views for a week. Wow just earned it, wtf
But variadic templates would have made for a very different book.
At my first job back in 2005 the software architect told me that you can map types to enums and vice versa. It seemed like such strange concept to me.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is C++ Templates: The Complete Guide also outdated?
And type lists were even more incomprehensible.
@GamErix How's the female situation?
@ManofOneWay Incomplete.
@ManofOneWay It's a comprehensive overview of what you can do with templates in C++03. So it has its value.
But most of the information is still relevant.
@Drise well I still got my GF, we're making progress
I have both C++ Templates and Modern C++.. here, I guess I should read C++ Templates first
Well, in retrospect, drinking that pint at lunch was a bad idea.
Now I don't want to work.
Isn't that your natural state?
@EtiennedeMartel A drunk during lunch can lead to weariness.
Being doing a couple of hours of Scala today. I feel very productive in the language. Kudos to Martin for inventing a JVM language that doesn't suck so much.
Is it like Haskell?
Not really.
@FredOverflow Most JVM languages don't suck as much as Java.
@cat: 5 great things about haskell, go!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not exactly.
Type system, type system, type system, type system, type system.
If that wasn't clear, I'm not always drunk. I just like to drink beer once in a while.
Hello new person I'm likely to destroy.
@EtiennedeMartel I was talking about "not wanting to work".
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh. Well, I like my job. Except when I'm trying really hard not to fall asleep^.
wth I finally got my 40 votes in a day badge
Q: C++11 lambda implementation and memory model

SteveI would like some information on how to correctly think about C++11 closures and std::function in terms of how they are implemented and how memory is handled. Although I don't believe in premature optimisation, I do have a habit of carefully considering the performance impact of my choices while...

And another one who doesn't quite seem to get lambdas

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