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12:17 AM
Pretty sure there still exist shared hosting for PHP
Not something you'll get with Node
@Bloggrammer you can get a VPS from digital ocean for $5 a month. It can serve approximately the same number of requests for either PHP or node. Your own development time will be more expensive than the hosting.
@Girgias nah. shared hosting got banned in 2018 as a bad idea.
@Danack Eh
@Danack I wish
12:33 AM
@Girgias, my thought too
But again like Dan said, hosting is the least of your problems
"VPS from digital ocean for $5 a month" sounds too good to be true. I'll check it out though
It isn't
"But again like Dan said, hosting is the least of your problems" not for someone who's on budget.
Well, you spend more on that on writing the code and getting it setup....
12:37 AM
If you can't paid a Spotify subscription for hosting
Not sure what budget you even have
ask mom for 5 more dollars a month
I once saw a guy come into to a gas station I was at and ask for $2 dollars on number 3 lol
@Danack I would rather spend more time in development than spend an additional $5 in hosting
That's idiotic
If you don't want to pay for hosting you've only got static websites
12:40 AM
@Girgias, You won't understand
@Bloggrammer No, because apparently you don't seem to understand the cost of development at all
And I'm not exactly in the mood of reducing myself to an IQ of 5 to understand such whack logic
if you really don't want to pay anything - aws.amazon.com/lambda could be worth looking at.
@Girgias meh. some people have literally no spare income.
that is true
12:42 AM
Isn't AWS more expensive?
@Girgias, I am a solo developer. So I can build everything by myself
I mean, sure, but $5 is barely anything
for people with few requests per month, no - aws.amazon.com/lambda/pricing
@Danack, Thanks for the link.
12:43 AM
it's kind of appropriate for say local clubs that might have a few thousand requests per month
.and Mnapoli is pushing - bref.sh which....is a thing, that exists.
I know bref, but it's pretty idiotic that a language made to just run and die... is not supported natively by AWS
1:37 AM
Gotta love when someone walks into R11 and talks down to half the internals team xD
In all seriousness though, didn't PHP shared hosting just get taken over by docker?
@MarkR it still exists. Also, there's a team?
Ummm yeah might have been placing somewhat too greater emphasis on that in my tired state, I just saw the back and forth with Girgias and Blogg
yeah, no. that started with me being nasty at shared hosting.
not that it doesn't deserve it.
ah the days of uploading to some random shared host through dreamweaver...
and phpbb, those were the days
1:54 AM
whenever someone says "those were the days" I hear the Bastion narrator in my head
They were simple times, back with few responsibilities. Back then if I accidentally borked an upgrade my clan's webpage went offline for an hour, now if I bork an upgrade I've potentially caused an outage effecting tens of thousands of people x_x
2:16 AM
PHP shared hosting got taken over by containerization. Not necessarily docker specifically. ;-)
(Signed, someone who works for a non-Docker-based container-based PHP host.)
What are you using instead, cri-o? I run all our production workloads on containerd
2:29 AM
We built our own system on top of LXC, before Docker was stable/usable.
Interesting, you find the overhead of maintaining a custom system provides better benefits than moving to an industry standard one?
Our CTO feels so. Also, Kubernetes is a mess. :-)
Only if you don't know how to use it right :-)
Because it's purpose-built, we skip over about 5 layers of indirection in the Docker/Kubernetes/Helm world.
Our containers are also multi-process so they feel more like VMs, whereas Docker is optimized for single-process containers.
We also do copy-on-write data-cloning for each branch that no one else does, AFAIK.
What benefit to multi process ?
2:39 AM
You can login over SSH, see both nginx and FPM, run additional commands, etc. as though it were a full system. In fact it is. Our file system isn't layered like Docker, but just a series of normal unix mounts of mostly read-only file systems.
(I don't work on the core engineering team, so I can't speak in actual detail here.)
Fair enough :-)
3:32 AM
@NikiC What's the best way to do it?
@LeviMorrison zend_class_serialize_deny and zend_class_unserialize_deny on the ce
3 hours later…
6:11 AM
has anyone ever proposed use function Foo\Bar::baz as baz; before?
@DaveRandom no, but been thinking about it as a whole package foo; thing.
seems like it could stand alone tbh
(in that it is simple obvious and self contained)
$package = [
    'functions' => [
	'Foo\Bar::some_static_method_baz' => 'baz',
        'Some\Deep\Namespace\function_name' => 'john',
Also, adding traits to classes by default, and declaring strict mode...
but yes, also, just aliasing would be useful.
2 hours later…
8:12 AM
4 hours later…
12:33 PM
2 hours later…
2:10 PM
Hey everyone
Does anyone know why is_integer return false for command line argument? Even though it is 2
Because you're performing a type check, not a value check. use is_numeric instead
Thank you. Makes total sense
2:51 PM
@bwoebi Are you happy with the RFC? Wanted to ask you specifically because of your continuous involvement over the months.
1 hour later…
4:19 PM
@IluTov When is the vote on that starting? I wanted to review implementation tomorrow
4:29 PM
Tuesdayish, probably.
Tyson has been over the code in detail, although your input would absolutely be appreciated.
@NikiC We haven't set a fixed date but were targeting Tuesday. If you need more time we're open to delaying it a couple of days.
5:06 PM
i have deployed 2 applications on google cloud (2 VM instances). i want to single sign on for both applications.. please suugest me any solutions...
both application developed in laravel
any one there?
@IluTov I think it's regrettable that you got rid of the inner class, allowing for enum-case specific methods
@IluTov Is __toString() also forbidden on enums?
Similarly: __debugInfo()
5:23 PM
@BilalAhmed I mean... simplesamlphp.org
it depends on what you've tried searching for already
Q: Single sign on using SimpleSamlPhp wrapper on Laravel

Danyal SandeeloImplementing single sign on in my laravel application. I have decided to use this plugin https://github.com/aacotroneo/laravel-saml2 which is basically a wrapper on famous SimpleSamlPhp. I downloaded the code via composer and as per given information Remember that you don't need to implement tho...

5:36 PM
@bwoebi Yes
@bwoebi Yes
@IluTov then I have no more thing to add :-)
@IluTov Are static properties allowed? Yes, right?
you list "Enum/Case properties" as disallowed, but does that imply static properties? I assume no, there's no reason to have them disallowed
5:53 PM
@bwoebi No, actually. Should be clarified.
Not inherently a problem I guess. We also allow static variables inside methods.
@IluTov Yeah, I would simply allow them
@bwoebi Well, I think it would be viable to only add subclasses on demand, specifically when the case has case specific methods (which I'm personally not in favor of) or associated params. We'll revisit this for ADTs.
@bwoebi @Crell Thoughts? I'm ok with static vars.
We can't really disallow static state anyway since you could simply move it to another class.
@IluTov It depends on the use case of the enum, and its size, whether the grouping of the intrinsic properties (as exposed by the methods) by method or by enum is more apt for a specific use case. (i.e. the one way needs you to repeat all the methods on all cases, the other to repeat all case names in all method bodies) But it's acceptable for now - can be improved at any time
Hmm. I'm having a memory issue caused by this zend_hash_release:
static void ArrayIterator_free_obj(zend_object *object)
	ArrayIterator *iterator = ArrayIterator_from_obj(object);
	if (iterator->ht != &zend_empty_array) {
		iterator->current = 0;
		iterator->ht = (HashTable *)&zend_empty_array;
This is an arbitrary array passed in from userland. Should I be calling a different function?
Also note that weirdly it does not leak if I don't release the iterator->ht. Should I be doing this in dtor_obj instead of free_obj, maybe?
@bwoebi I think repeating the enum names will always be shorter than repeating even the shortest method signature. But if it's easy to implement I'm not going to fight it though.
6:41 PM
@IluTov not if we get arrow shorthands for single expr functions …
but that's not for now
Nevermind, Nikita, found I had an asymmetric GC_ADDREF/release in one case.
5 messages moved to Trash can
6:56 PM
Okay, weird, zend_hash_move_backwards_ex when pos=0 will set it to *pos = ht->nNumUsed. Not sure why it would do that.
I guess so you can wrap it forever?
7:22 PM
Is there a danger to opening too many new DomDocument()?
thanks you all.. i have figured out 2 solution
1- laravel-saml2
2- redis https://redis.io/
i have google but not found any details.. i wnat to know about which one is better for me (i have deployed 2 applications on google cloud (2 VM instances). i want to single sign on for both applications)
both application in laravel
@LeviMorrison you are experienced person.. can u help me?
I can't help you, sorry. Also, it's rude to ping someone you do not know to ask for help on your problem.
@IluTov Better to forbid imho
Static properties are dubious at the best of times, and on enums? I don't think that should be allowed unless there's a strong reason to do so
@Sara Houston, we have a problem. git clone git@git.php.net:/web/php.git && cd $_ && git submodule init && git submodule update is not working for me, not at all, in any circumstance. It's the only thing that is missing on my side to have a smooth release. Do you have any ideas on how to debug it? There's no message in the terminal to help debug it :(
I do have the php-distributions cloned locally, and I'm able to push the tarballs
8:05 PM
Match documentation not available in french ・ Translation problem ・ #80692
8:46 PM
@GabrielCaruso git submodule update fails?
9:05 PM
@CupOfJava depends what you mean by "danger"
a notable property of libxml-based APIs in general is that they don't use the zend memory allocator, so they are not subject to memory_limit
so if you are opening an arbitrary number of documents based on user input then yes it would potentially leave you vulnerable to a DoS
however as long as you are managing concurrency sensibly that shouldn't present a problem, i.e. when you destruct a document all the associated memory will be freed immediately
9:36 PM
ftr this is a limitation of libxml2 rather than PHP ^
9:50 PM
@bwoebi One of the big uses for case-specific methods, IMO, is for methods that only exist on one case at all. Mainly useful for state machines and parsers and such. I'd love it if we can bring them back in some form as things evolve.
@Crell that's true as well
@IluTov Static vars on the enum itself? That's... Hm. That would still make it easier for a case's behavior to change over time, but no more than static variables in a method or globals already do, and we're not banning those. I guess... I'd prefer not, but not a hill I'll die on.
@Crell seems quite arbitrary to disallow them, but yeah
10:43 PM
@bwoebi Honestly, I just want the path of least resistance. If we add them it's gonna be hard to remove them. On the other hand, I do think having static variables but no static properties seems very arbitrary.
@IluTov I don't think that's arbitrary
You allow methods, and that implies anything a method can do
You don't allow properties, without an exception for static properties
11:00 PM
@NikiC Btw I haven't renamed some things according to the latest changes of the RFC, keep that in mind when reviewing.
@NikiC depends on what you consider arbitrary, if you say static properties are just properties with a static modifier, yeah … but I'd rather distinguish "instance properties" and "class properties" as their individual things where individual decision needs to be taken to allow either
and a property of unit enums is that they have no state, i.e. they have no instance properties … but that does not say anything about the enum class
11:15 PM
Honestly, it just "feels" like tempting people to get themselves into trouble more than a static variable or global does. You can do evil things with all of them, but static properties feel like they'd be more likely to be abused.
I don't have a scientific way to explain that.

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