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@jpp Which posts? Can you give some links?
2 hours later…
If i have a python program that generates csv file after some logic, is it possible for me to check if the csv is generated from my code? something like a checksum that when read from by the program the program can tell it is an unmodified output csv
I know i can have a checksum output as well and then have to store this output csv name and checksum in a db to check later, anything else?
Put the checksum in the name of the file
the value of the checksum as a file name?
You would write the file out, compute the checksum, then rename the file.
Sorry I have to break off here, its pretty late for me.
ahh, so if someone else modifies my output csv, cant they just do the same and my program would think it is its own output
thanks for the assist! see ya
Ok good luck
can we talk only python here?
@Wave depends on your question
@TheNamesAlc It sounds like you want a digital signature. That's easy enough if you're running the CSV generator program on a server, but I don't think it's possible if the end user is running the program locally, because the signing process needs a private key to construct the signature.
@Todd See here for a recent fiasco related to open source abuse.
engineers are just like that.. you get these "senior" engineers who do the most underhanded things if you have more experience and they feel threatened by you
if you find a design flaw.. and you're right.. they'll hate you forever
@Todd I learned about Kirkland's schoolgirl problem a couple of years ago, via the Spot It card game. Your recent post jogged my memory about that stuff, but sadly a lot of that stuff has faded from my memory, which is no longer as good as retaining stuff as it was a few decades ago...
I wrote a bunch of related Python code that you may find interesting: gist.github.com/PM2Ring/c758d5ba782f3e6b5eeddb49432dc71b I also wrote some notes discussing those programs, but I posted them on the XKCD forums, which are no longer online, and I don't think I kept a copy on my HD. But hopefully you'll be able to make some sense of those programs. :)
this code is specifically for these grouping problems?
@Todd Mostly. Some of it can also be used for more general finite field arithmetic.
I'll check it out
Thanks. I had fun learning about that stuff, and writing that code. But it'd be nice if someone else can get some use out of it too.
does your code take a mathematical approach to solutions or more of an algorithmic approach
@Todd Both. Some use finite group arithmetic to generate mathematical solutions. But most of those programs use a variety of algorithmic methods to tackle general cases that can't be solved using finite group stuff. There's a program that treats them as Exact Cover problems, which are solved using a variant of Knuth's Alforithm X (aka Dancing Links), and other programs use various forms of recursive backtracking.
sounds pretty interesting.. is it well documented?
@Todd Not really. But the code shouldn't be too hard to follow, and there is a brief file describing the programs: gist.github.com/PM2Ring/…
ah.. i just took a look. it looks clean and easy enough to follow. downloaded it. thank you pm
No worries
seems I need to work on lowering the O score of my latest version
solves it in a fraction of cycles, but runs really slow
were you exploring these problems as a hobby, or is your work related to it?
Just as a hobby. Someone on the XKCD mathematics forum mentioned Spot It, and I got nerd-sniped.
@PM2Ring my script is just os.walk on a specified directory and add name parent folder and size in the csv. From what I know I think it’s not possible to do this without running the script locally. If there are ways I’d like to know.
@Todd I posted an animated diagram of PG(3, 2), which is connected to Kirkman's Schoolgirls problem, with a little bit of explanation: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/6?m=39413547#39413547 The diagram is on PhotoBucket, so it may or may not be viewable...
i see it
you produce that with matlplotlib?
@TheNamesAlc Oh, ok. In that case, the best you can do is use a checksum or cryptographic hash to check for accidental corruption of the CSV file. You can't stop malicious corruption, though, since that needs a digital signature with a private key.
@Todd No, with a free ray-tracing program called POV-Ray. povray.org
and undelete Short rot13 function - Python. If the 'shortest' requirement is golfing, then please replace this with something better. Anyway the answer in 3.2+ is codecs.encode(..., 'rot13')
@PM2Ring I was thinking something along the lines of doing an api call with the checksum calculated (once the csv is created) I don’t know how practical this.
That api can save it in my db. If they new file doesn’t have the checksum in dB then it’s “malicious”. These csv’s are uploaded using a flask generated webpage. So I know the ones using the script have access
@TheNamesAlc Ok. In that case, you don't need a signature. Just store the hash (in binary, or as a hexdigest) in your DB. You could use any of the hash functions in hashlib, eg SHA-256. Or maybe one of the newer Blake functions, which are very fast.
Thanks. I’ll try those.
@smci Sorry, I don't understand why that needs to be reopened. Maybe you can ask Martijn why he closed it.
@PM2Ring If it could be made objective, would it be ok by you? Anyway the library solution is in 3.2+ is codecs.encode(..., 'rot13'), that's worth documenting.
@smci That solution is already mentioned in a couple of answers, although they aren't very prominent.
I also don't feel the need to dig up an old question. It's not exactly code-golf, so it can stay, but not exactly that great a question which needs to have more answers as such.
We get lots of rot13 questions. But they're mostly homework exercises, and the OP is expected to do the transformation arithmetically, so they can't use the codec, or even str.translate.
Hi everyone I am having a dataset and I want to find out trend and seasonality for impressions, CTR, Clicks on year and monthly basis for that I have tried so far github.com/glakshmi-nyros/notebook/blob/master/… but getting these errors please once refer this notebook and help me anyone
@shad0w_wa1k3r It definitely doesn't need more answers. It may be more useful with less answers, but I don't like deleting answers that contain correct code, unless they're blatant dupes of older answers.
@smci If "more objective" means removing the reference to code golfing, I guess that's ok. But I don't think that's really necessary.
That page is a collection of a whole bunch of different ways to do rot13. Sure, in an ideal world, it'd have 1 answer with the best solution (using the codec), but in the real world people have various reasons for wanting to do it in a variety of ways. And that's ok. If some new coder wants to use that page to do some rot13 stuff, they need to do a bit of reading and testing. Maybe they'll actually learn something through that process...
@smci What would you consider "made objective"?
Can anyone help me here If you dont mind?
@sssss Can you clarify what exactly you need help with? Scrolling half-way through your notebook, I see only warnings which already tell you what to do.
Actually I want to find out trend and seasonality for my data on monthly and yearly basis for that I have created clicks_year_pivot and clicks_month_pivot so now at the last two columns I got error while finding trend and seasonality could you please see once
have you tried turning it of and then on again?
What @Todd
=) i just like saying that
@sssss quite honestly, I have no idea what you are doing. The documentation for the failing function does not match the way you use it. It does not have a freq parameter.
judging by the source code, freq is deprecated.
@MisterMiyagi actually I also followed the documentation If I didnt kept the freq then the error is
AttributeError: 'RangeIndex' object has no attribute 'inferred_freq'
@Todd We don't mind a bit of humour in this room, but please try to avoid confusing the newbies, especially those who may not be native speakers of English.
@MisterMiyagi what does this freq means?
I have literally no idea.
which version of statsmodels are you using?
@MisterMiyagi 0.9.0
is this actually your own code, or did you receive it from someone? the introductory header makes it seem that way.
@sssss have you tried upgrading to the current stable?
Yes I had received it from someone
Yes I tried @MisterMiyagi
@MisterMiyagi I'm not sure in this case, that's why I'm asking you. Is removing the the reference to code golfing enough? If not, what might be?
@smci Imo the "Can anyone make it better? E.g supporting uppercase characters." means everything goes. Which is text-book "needs more focus".
However, I don't see a point in removing that, since either it goes without replacement (being still ambiguous) or is replaced by a specific request (invalidating most answers).
@MisterMiyagi I suppose
@MisterMiyagi I tried with upgrading the version without freq then the error is
ValueError: You must specify a period or x must be a pandas object with a DatetimeIndex with a freq not set to None
yeah, well, did you try to specify a period?
@sssss Do you understand what the error is telling you? In terms of how the algorithm doesn't work with your input?
X should have 4 observations means here but I got only 3 from the taken dataset
basically, you can't infer the development a 2-period season when your data does not cover the development of a 2-period season
I'm 50 years old and have been a developer professionally for 25 years and started coding when I was 11
@MisterMiyagi oh okay so I cannot find trend and seasonality on yearly basis now ?
then now which data I need in the clicks_year_pivot I have year, clicks, impressions, CTR other than what data I want? could you please help me if you dont mind @MisterMiyagi
@sssss period=2 on a yearly data set means you have been looking for a 2-year trend
is there any reason why you aren't using the monthly dataset with a period of 12?
No reason Yes I used period=12 now
when I give period=1 for yearly dataset I got like this github.com/glakshmi-nyros/notebook/blob/master/… @MisterMiyagi
did you expect something else?
Now I didnt understand why I am getting like that
because that's the trend of your data.
it should match what your yearly data contained.
oh okay for monthly data what is my trend means?
I was unable to find answers under the keywords [python] convert minutes seconds to float or [python] convert mm:ss to float. But tons for the reverse. And as for [python] convert time to float, there are surprisingly few of those, and many of them start from datetimes, not a string 'mm:ss'
@MisterMiyagi can you please explain me the trend and seasonality for monthly dataset based on my graph if you dont mind
@sssss Sorry, but you are doing that data analysis. You should know what you are expecting, and what your data means.
Yes I got the graph right I am asking based on that @MisterMiyagi
@MisterMiyagi it is given as a task and those todos in the second cell I should do I am trying to achieve that can you please say the way if you dont mind please?
@MisterMiyagi it is a digital marketing data of the brands that are specified at the top of the notebook and I want to do that todos in the second cell and KPI's means CTR clicks and impressions so I took them seperately on yearly and monthly basis is my analysis is sufficient for my task?
kind of starts to smell like garlic in here
And MisterMiyagi is nowhere to be seen, he must be a vampire
2400 years after the egypt empire, and we're back to pictography
@sssss you've been going at this for 1.5 hours, and unfortunately people are starting to mind. As a room owner I have to ask you to please think about your problem and work on it on your own for a while, because this is not good use of the free help the regulars here are willing to give.
@AndrasDeak Ok Thankyou
Hi guys, a quick question on Python. How do I get both the result and the status of a running command. In perl its done by:
my $cmd = "ls -la";
my $result = `$cmd`;
my $status = $?;
How can I do it in Python?
With subprocess.Popen
@vesii did you check the subprocess module whether there is anything fitting your needs?
I am working on a problem. Objective is to get data from excel into mysql. I got that covered but some of the values are duplicate in nature and my script is not able to filter it out. Each excel cell contains multiple string values.
This is what I tried:
Can you tell what am I missing here?
Indentation. Your code is missing indentation. Can you please format your code?
lst = []
count = 0
# loop over each row
for r in range(5,sheet.nrows):
    # extract each cell
    e_region = sheet.cell(r, 7).value

    region = e_region.split(", ")
    for new_value in region:
        if new_value not in lst:

    for final_value in lst:

        values = final_value
    # write pair to db
    cursor.execute(query, values)
I was wondering if it's just me, seeing how I'm sick and all, but nope... today's just one of those days where it's best to avoid too much exposure to questions
fresh cbg everyone
By following this link medium.com/@stallonejacob/… I also did that plt.plot(ts) but I am getting like this even with months can anyone say what I am missing here?see here github.com/glakshmi-nyros/notebook/blob/master/…
@MisterMiyagi I am able to split the string and insert all the values into database but it does not filter unique values like it should.
@Aran-Fey yup
@sssss I meant a few days, not a few minutes
Yes it is the another problem I started doing it by following tutorial but I got strucked @AndrasDeak
@MunishGupta Have you searched for how to filter duplicates in Python already? Can you provide an MCVE, perhaps?
@sssss the problem is not your question, it's how you can use help.
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη please note the 10-minute grace period for cv-pls requests
@MisterMiyagi Preferably one that does not involve Excel. Instead of a list of strings from a spreadsheet, create a Python list of representative test strings.
@MisterMiyagi I did apply few of them but none of them is working on this script. Is it because it involves excel sheet.
@AndrasDeak do you meant to wait 10 minutes after i vote for close ?
@MunishGupta We don't know because we don't have a MCVE
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη just read the cv-pls guide I told you to read yesterday :|
@MunishGupta You've said that you are splitting strings, which aren't related to excel. It's very important for us to know whether you can replicate the issue without excel.
@MunishGupta I kicked you because you were asked multiple times for an MCVE and instead you just reposted the same useless block of code. You're unlucky because multiple people are asking bad questions here right now, but you're one of them. Go read what an MCVE is and please don't come back for help until you have one.
@AndrasDeak If you can't or don't want to help, fine with me. It may be a useless block of code for you but for me it's a working script that I am trying to fix. All my work focus just went down the drain thanks to you. Have a good day sir!
@MunishGupta Thanks, you too
@MisterMiyagi retag pls with
"a working script that I am trying to fix"
@Aran-Fey let's just leave it, please
@AndrasDeak My bad, didn't see it missing. Done.
Thanks. I only needed it to add another target
@MunishGupta you remember me with myself when i were new to this room and i was think that @AndrasDeak is too complex but after time, i just understood that he's doing his best to maintain the order here and helping each one. that's my advise for you. take it or leave it. but just focus on what he wrote and then you will find things is very easy.
Hunters on the track :) Closed 1 min ago by PaulMcG, Andras Deak, Arne.
@AndrasDeak I came to say thank you. I was able to fix it just because you kicked my butt. Indentation was the issue in the same code. Once again thank you.
@MunishGupta thanks for your understanding, I'm glad you figured it out :)
@αԋɱҽԃαмєяιcαη You are right. He is doing his best to maintain some order. I was impatient and new to this. With time I guess I'll learn. Thanks for the advice.
@MunishGupta glad that you got it.
A recent question on the main site asks how to deduce what argument random.seed requires in order to make a subsequent random.randint(0,9) call return 6. Existing answers suggest brute-forcing it, which is reasonable since the solution space is so small. What I'm wondering is: what about large solution spaces?
Example: what seed do I need in order to make random.random() return exactly 0.3141592653589793?
I imagine it'd go something like
1. Search "Mersenne Twister" on wikipedia
2. read
3. think hard
it's weird that the solution space for six is small
I see a lot of literature online about deducing the initial seed given a large sequence of contiguous numbers generated by it, but I don't see much on the topic of forcing a particular number to be generated by supplying a particular seed. I guess it's not a very practical attack vector since "don't let users control your seed" shows up in even babby's first security tutorial
Oh, nevermind, I see
But surely that advice only exists because without it, an attack would be possible
... Or it's cargo culting all the way down.
Wait the number generated is constrained to a given space but the seed producing it is not?
You can pass a seed value of any size to random.seed. For int, str, bytes, or bytearray arguments, it uses all of the bits of the argument to seed the state. Presumably other types of objects are hashed and the hash is used as the seed.
@Kevin is random.random implementation-independent?
I'm 75% sure it is
there's also the problem that a twister can't provide every value, since it has a fixed period.
If I call random.seed(0) and then random.random(), I get 0.8444218515250481. If anyone gets something different, that means I'm wrong
same result here
@MisterMiyagi True. Python's PRNG produces 53-bit precision floats, so it's 11 bits short of being able to produce every float.
$ jython -c 'import random; random.seed(0); print(random.random())'
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.python.core.PySystemState (file:/usr/local/Cellar/jython/2.7.1/libexec/jython.jar) to method java.io.Console.encoding()
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.python.core.PySystemState
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
Just couldn't resist including that slew of warnings.
gotta love Jython
anyone have IronPython at hand?
$ python2.7 -c 'import random; random.seed(0); print(random.random())'
pythoff has smaller floats?
32 bit perhaps?
If sys.float_info.mant_dig gives you 53, that means pythoff has the same size of floats as 3.x
I'm more inclined to blame changes in the printable representation logic
print(repr(random.random())) gives the same result as in Py3
If I'm reading bitbucket.org/jython/jython/src/default/src/org/python/modules/… properly, Jython simply uses Java's default RNG rather than taking pains to implement a Mersenne Twister themselves. I can't blame them.
Building something from pieces of what someone had already built? Sounds more like Jawa.
@Kevin is every float that python can represent guaranteed to have corresponding seed that can produce it? Seems like this is not the case.
@Kevin Surprised to see they have commits from 2020‑03‑01. My assumption was that Jython would silently die with pythoff. What with there not being any Jython3 and all that funky modern disco stuff.
@Dodge Unclear to me. We've determined that a single call to random() will only get you 53 bits worth of randomness, so you certainly can't generate all possible 64 bit floats that way. But AFAICT by itself this doesn't tell us the answer to "can random() return every float between 0 and 1?" or to "can getrandbits(64) return all possible combinations of bits?"
I can't remember how many floats there are between 0 and 1. If it's fewer than 2^53, then we've got a chance
There are 2^53 subnormal numbers, so if we include those, we're doomed
@MisterMiyagi jauthon?
I'm inclined to say that getrandbits(64) can return all possible combinations of bits. Presumably getrandbits can generate more than 53 bits of randomness, or else there would be no point in having it. And the internal state of the PRNG is considerably bigger than 53 bits, so there's no bottleneck there
@PaulMcG eps varies with the number, right? So that's a rough guess at best.
On my machine random.getstate() returns a tuple containing 625 integers with about 9 digits each, so there's plenty of possibility space there
{:,} looks like a sort of snowman emoji
@Kevin the python3 docs say the period is 2^19937-1. This should be enough to cover 2^64, I'm inclined to claim tentatively.
Certainly that's pretty encouraging. That even makes it plausible that a stronger form of my question, "will a single call to random.seed followed by many calls to getrandbits(64), eventually generate all combinations of bits?", is also answered with "yes"
The original formulation of my question doesn't forbid multiple calls to seed in between, which means that very small periods doesn't necessarily make it impossible. Consider Kevin's Random Number Generator algorithm, which takes a seed value x, and generates exactly and only x on all subsequent calls to random. the KRNG has a period of 1, but it's capable of generating all combinations of bits if you give it the right seeds
I don't think that's how PRNG seeds and periods work, TBH.
I don't know one way or the other whether the graph of all mersenne twister states is one tremendous cycle, or multiple merely-very-large cycles, or what
hey guys i know i can sort a list of tuples in python doing
rows.sort(key=lambda x: x[index])
and i can break ties doing this:
rows.sort(key=lambda x: (x[index], x[index2]))
is there a way to do something like
rows.sort(key=labda listofindices)
let me know if my question doesn't make sense
or is it without unpacking...not sure
looking it up sec
@Kevin I've just read through the German Wikipedia on the topic. The only thing I learned was why I generally don't rely on Wikipedia on such topics. Plus, some arcane C code expressions without any context or MCVE.
SO has damaged my very soul.
Localized wikipedia is a mess. At least ours are.
We need a single source that suits all the use-cases. A universal wikipedia that can be translated unambiguously to any language. I say we make it the Esperanto Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esperanto_Wikipedia
The wiki page for PRNGs says that some PRNGs have "Shorter-than-expected periods for some seed states", which means that some PRNGs have more than one state cycle.
But the Mersenne Twister is frequently cited as having "a period of 2^19937-1" rather than "periods of up to 2^19937-1" so it may indeed be one cycle
@AndrasDeak The German one is often very good on technical problems. I blame it on German mentality of being correct just for the sake of it.
@AaronHall we have one, it's called English
@AndrasDeak that got me pretty close
so now i do this
@AaronHall That actually seems like a good use-case for such a language.
TypeError: tuple indices must be integers or slices, not tuple
was only joking, but maybe... :D (haha-just-serious?)
> operator.itemgetter(*items)
@SamuelWakeman so try what I suggested ^ instead
I thought when you said "looking it up" you actually looked it up
didn't anything about the *
@SamuelWakeman I did
I explicitly raised your attention to the problem of unpacking
So this is a thing now... I'm interested to see how this runs on a classical machine ai.googleblog.com/2020/03/…
they did mention it was a hybird bridging, whatever that means. also cbg \o
wasn't sure unpacking meant
thanks for all your help
works great
@MooingRawr bit too soon for april fools
I know right...... but who knows maybe it's here to stay :D
@SamuelWakeman Note that the () after a function name aren't tuples.
I haven't finish reading it as I just got into work... thought I should share the experience with yall
@MisterMiyagi yep i know
@AndrasDeak went from this:
index = 0
        for col in self._cols:
            if col.get_name() == colNames[0]:
                index = col.get_selected_index()
        rows.sort(key=lambda x: x[index])
        if len(colNames) > 1:
            index2 = 0
            for col in self._cols:
                if col.get_name() == colNames[1]:
                    index2 = col.get_selected_index()
            rows.sort(key=lambda x: (x[index], x[index2]))
to this
indices = []
        for i in range(len(colNames)):
            for col in self._cols:
                if col.get_name() == colNames[i]:
        return rows
i think its obvivous which one is better
Glad to hear that.
you should use for col_name in colNames: instead of the loop over i
what kind of objects are colNames and self._cols[0]?
MT has 19968 bits of internal state, which means it could have up to 19968 - 19937 = 31 cycles. If every state is guaranteed to be a part of a cycle, then there can't be any fewer than 31 cycles. I don't know whether every state is guaranteed to be part of a cycle, though.
@SamuelWakeman Looks to me like for i in range(len(colNames)): if col.get_name() == colNames[i]: is the same as if col.get_name() in colNames:.
@Peilonrayz they are building an index for each column name, so they need that to be the outer loop
I had a quick thing, but I thought it wouldn't matter with the break. I'll have more of a think
Can anyone suggest a good learning curve for Git? I made a Python program and use Bash. Now I would like to put it on Github to start building my portfolio.
@AndrasDeak Ok, yeah. I'm wrong there
it's a great game and teaches you everything except how to resolve merges (because for that you have to go down a level into the actual changed files)
^endorsed, this site took me from "hopeless with git" to "not very good at git"
A gulf which no other resource was able to traverse
not very good at git is probably better than 80% of git users :)
You can get to a "able to upload to github" level of competency about halfway through the tutorial
if you finish that game and learn how git works you can read the git contribution guide to any major project (I read numpy's first because that's what I use most and wanted to contribute to first)
@AndrasDeak the objects are cols in ans sql table im implementing sql in python yay me....
You mean you're not using a dedicated sql library?
i have to build it.
gotta love programming assignments
In cases like these, my advice is to do the assignment, receive your A+, and then never write a SQL engine again
teaching the next generation how to reinvent the wheel as unsafely as possible
actually though
Programming assignments: choose only two.
- Teaches something useful
- Clear real-world uses
- Not already available in a dozen pre-existing libraries with superior efficiency and security
@JaakkoSeppälä moro, git-scm.com/book/en/v2 :P
is it still a learning curve if it goes like _| ?
@AndrasDeak yes it is still a curve.
Curves are typically continuous so you're going to need to do some magic if you want a vertical line
Maybe something with parametric equations...
well, one can argue that learning is always discrete and not continuous so
the entire word "learning curve" is a lie. it is not a curve at all.
@AndrasDeak pretty sure a mathematician can handle the git book.
I've seen many kinds of mathematicians
Perhaps it depends upon what level of abstraction you're using. Maybe I know a discrete number of facts, but they're stored in a brain composed of molecules whose states are measured with continuous values.
Zoom in far enough and everything becomes a wave or a string or something and then who knows
The biggest misconception is that a steep learning curve is like a steep climb, when in fact, if something has a steep learning curve, it means you can learn it in a short amount of time. The hard ones are those with a shallow learning curve, since a long time (of presumed applied effort) is required to make progress.
unless you represent it in hard's complement
can anybody spot the didfference here?
they look the same to me
[(36, 'dont', 7, 36, 'dont', 7, 36, 'dont', 7),
 (33, 'hi', 4.5, 33, 'hi', 4.5, 33, 'hi', 4.5),
 (36, "hi 'josh'", 7, 36, "hi 'josh'", 7, 36, "hi 'josh'", 7)]
[(36, "don't", 7, 36, "don't", 7, 36, "don't", 7),
 (33, 'hi', 4.5, 33, 'hi', 4.5, 33, 'hi', 4.5),
 (36, "hi 'josh'", 7, 36, "hi 'josh'", 7, 36, "hi 'josh'", 7)]
and its not that expectd is indented
dont and don't
It bothers me that "cant" and "wont" are words (respectively, "a secret language" and "one's habitual way of doing things"), but "dont" is not a word
@SamuelWakeman please avoid using that word going forward
@AndrasDeak was word?
for future reference: if you see two containers that are unequal and you don't see why, start 1. looking at their length, 2. running a loop to compare items pairwise, and continue until you find the difference
oh crap...
@SamuelWakeman yeah, that one's fine
sorry mb
it's alright
random.random() generates 53 bits of randomness by... Generating 64 bits of randomness, then discarding 11 bits of it. This bothers me.
Not because this is an inefficient way to generate a float in [0,1], but because random() is the basis of almost every other function in the module, some of which would benefit from having more than 53 bits of precision
I was going to say "randrange, for instance" but I see that as of 3.2 it doesn't depend on int(random()*n) any more, so kudos to the devs
I'm decently sure the range [0,1) isn't 64 bits wide on a 64 bit float.
but I remember vaguely having seen an implementation where they generate MAX_INT as an integer and push it down to [0, 1).
My attempts to determine whether choice depends on random() is stymied by the fact that random.py contains both _randbelow_with_getrandbits and _randbelow_without_getrandbits, and I cannot untangle when one or the other is used
lesson of the day: don't put all your knowledge into snide comments. Keep it in snide posts that are findable by google.
Huh, I found a bug in re.Match's __repr__:
>>> re.match('.*', 'Notice the missing closing quote in Match.__repr__')
<re.Match object; span=(0, 50), match='Notice the missing closing quote in Match.__repr_>
@MisterMiyagi Agreed. It's more like 53ish bits.
@Kevin see the __init_subclass__.
Let's see... Looks like the logic is "use getrandbits() if you have it, use random() otherwise"
Perhaps the documentation's claim that "Almost all module functions depend on the basic function random()" needs to be revised
@Aran-Fey can repro, if the regex is longer than 48 characters, the repr cuts it off to 48 - including the closing '.
return PyFloat_FromDouble((a*67108864.0+b)*(1.0/9007199254740992.0)); is kind of sort of equivalent to "generate MAX_INT as an integer and push it down to [0, 1)", if MAX_INT equals 2^53.
And if "a double representing a whole number" counts as an integer
I bet if I report it they're gonna be like "that's intentional, it tells you that the text was truncated"
I double bet that if you have a patch ready that changes it to [match.pattern:48] + "...'" it would be accepted
you found it, so the laurels are rightfully yours
@Aran-Fey good job, now the whole chat transcript will part of that repr :'(
pretty sure the re module is written in C, I'm not touching that
Here is Match.__repr__'s implementation
It is indeed in C, but not super arcane C
too arcane for me nonetheless
Merely moderately arcane C
Writing a patch is probably beyond my own powers admittedly
match=%.50R sounds like 48 characters plus quotes, except no quote checking
I don't see the R type code in the format mini language so it's hard to say what it's doing
Probably something like the !r flag, I wager
I don't think you can shorten that without an explicit if
question for statically-typed stuff (in general, i guess, but asking here because i've been using the mypy stuff recently)
how does one typically deal with errors inside of a function that's said to return something specific (like a particular type of database model or something)
Raise an exception?
As I suspected, %R is repr
Could you provide an MVCE
@AmagicalFishy can you clarify your question? it's not really related to typing, or anything specific for that matter.
lemme give an example:
In the rare situation where I need to write a function that returns a fancy type on success, and am not allowed to raise an error on failure, and there's no obvious way to make an instance of the fancy type that represents an error state, I just return None
^ that's pretty much what i was getting at @MisterMiyagi
Granted this violates the letter of the law of "must always return a fancy type" but in 99% of OOP languages other than Python, you can make a null pointer of any type, so it pretty much follows the spirit
do statically typed languages generally allow that @Kevin ?
(like if i were doing something in c++, would the compiler throw an error if i returned null in a function stated to return [something else]?)
i suppose they do :D
there's Optional, and for all the other poor souls there's NullPointerException
hrm. i feel like i can think of a lot of scenarios where you'd want to return something non-trivial
but like... optionally return something non-trivial
from typing import Optional
def my_fancy_func() -> Optional[FancyType]
  if all_is_fine():
    return FancyType()
    return None
since Python's Exception story is pretty good and accepted, I've never needed Optional as a return type ever
like, if you were making a game and you wanted to return the object that a raycast hits
especially for that I'd use exceptions. Raycasts are likely to hit something
That seems like a fine time to return None
Or, hmm
@AmagicalFishy I'd agree with MisterMiyagi, having consistent and clear types plus good exception handling might take a non-trivial amount of work, but your code will be a lot better
:nod: i think so too @Arne . i'm moreso just speculating at this point
like, say you wrote a function that returns [Object], which is what a raycast hits—and you shoot that raycast somewhere where there isn't a tile
iterables are also sometimes useful to avoid None situations, for example a Raycast can return all hits, not just the first
i guess the exception-handling in that case would be in whatever is using that function, not the function itself
raycasting is likely to be a performance bottleneck so definitely keep returning None in mind when you're optimizing
(i.e. - "If this function returns None, [do something]")
@Kevin from my totally not scientifically generalisable tests, exceptions are faster if the exceptional cases is 1 out of 13.
And the alternative if guard is equivalent to a pointer comparison
Empiricism is good and we should do more of it
Tests and benchmarks for all
has anyone played programming game exapunks?
@AndrasDeak Just completed that, nice resource
i am new in python what does "reshape" does in the following statement
X_test = X_test.reshape(X_test.shape[0], X_test.shape[1], 1)
@frincit that's not native python, that's the .reshape method of numpy arrays docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.reshape.html
surprisingly enough it changes the .shape attribute of numpy arrays ;)
(numpy or something close enough)
Specifically, that line injects a trailing singleton dimension in the array, turning shape (m, n) into (m, n, 1). In numpy I'd do that as X_test[..., None] out of laziness.
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