Yeah. Helps a but with burnination and fixing tag implications (i.e. node.js without javascript, android-studio and android (naive assumption and removes android-studio), adding tags that're being burned is also supported)
@Zoe Additionally, while I disagree with it being a replacement, it's almost certainly not gunna bring up fp's so not too bothered by it, it's not like program is wrong, it's just the programme isn't either :)
Don't know why, the thing I'd use against Infinite is that it copies way too much from Bioshock 1 and just switches some details around. City in water = city in sky, most notably. I just wish I could go on more adventures with Booker theWitt and Elisabeth, they're easy my favorite game protagonists (and sometimes antagonists). It doesn't have to carry the name "Bioshock".
Of course Bioshock Infinite was supposed to be a completely different game, much darker. They had to cut a lot to meet the hefty deadline set by the publisher.
I tried HL2 again like last year after several years of not playing it. I was kind of turned off by the fact that they really hammer on all the physics stuff which was completely new back then. "Ho boy, drop bricks on a wooden plank to make it fall down"
No! I have long ago given in to the fact that there will never be a HL2 Episode 3 or a Half Life 3 and I'm not going to play all the offshoots that people keep producing just to try to fill the hole.
Of course I played HL: Source. Yay it's low quality textures with high quality water :)
@GeorgeStocker Well George, I wish I had your strength of belief :)
It must be tiring to continuously try to educate people on how to do things differently from how they were done in the old days and see 30-40 downvotes as thanks for it. Yet you keep at it. It's impressive.
Every one of my positions can cite things I’ve said for years and has been the policy for years (the favorite punching bag of people’s is trying to close “how do I do X” as too broad when X is appropriately scoped but the OP didn’t put effort in). I think what’s changed is because the people putting those voices forward have stopped participating on meta, people assume it’s no longer policy.
@Magisch that seems to be my experience as well. The only people showing up are the ones that want things a certain way, even though there is years of precedent against it.
Sometime last week I was talking to a friend on discord who asked me about joining stack and I was halfway through my "wait a while before going to meta they bite" talk when I realised I care a lot less about defending it
@GeorgeStocker yes. Maybe I worded it wrong. Sorry, it comes out of nowhere but it is only so often that I spot you in this chat room when I'm mucking about ;)
I don't see it as "specific culture", I see it as personal opinion of what it should be instead (and a lot of people seem to have the same opinion), but maybe that's just me
because no matter how much you repeat to yourself that downvotes shouldn't affect you and aren't about you personally, when you consistently get them for trying to be helpful and putting your actual best effort forward, it stings, a lot.
You've clearly never been yelled at for saying "she" about someone who looks like a woman but "doesn't identify as a woman", or clearly don't remember (or know about) when "Baa Baa Black Sheep" was changed to "Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep"...
I agree with Druckles though, it's not that much worse. What is worse is the assumption that people make that something will offend somebody somewhere on some planet. And that causes a really drastic overcompensation where you can't say anything anymore.
@Druckles No, more disappointed with the fact they didn't just tell me so I could be like "Oh, alright, sorry, they", and instead get yelled at for something that it's impossible to know
So we have a cartoon in the UK called Fireman Sam, which is about a fireman... called Sam... recently, a school decided that they would no longer use him as their mascot for firefighters because it's "not inclusive" and they're concerned it "discourages women from joining the fire brigade", so now they've got 3 fire extinguishers with different names instead...
Even though he's been the cartoon fire fighter for the last 30 years...
@Magisch it does, and it’s not a useful way to register disagreement. “You’re wrong/I don’t like what you say” isn’t useful. What is useful is “this is where I disagree. This is why. This is how I see us solving X differently”
But that requires a lot more effort than clicking the downvote arrow