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12:01 AM
@LeviMorrison Thank you very much for that link, I laughed at everyone of those, they are truly epic and correct :D
12:32 AM
12:51 AM
Okay, I officially hate LLVM
they have a type: LLVMBool, which is declared as an int. 0 means true, and 1 means false.
Okay, weird, but I can do that
except, sometimes, 1 means true and 0 means false, like how you declare a vararg function: LLVMTypeRef LLVMFunctionType(LLVMTypeRef ReturnType, LLVMTypeRef *ParamTypes, unsigned ParamCount, LLVMBool IsVarArg);
@ircmaxell if the dependency has it's repo listed in your projects composer.json, I thought composer is meant to read that repo each time for the latest version info.
oh, maybe
Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: Module verification failed due to Call parameter type does not match function signature!
[4 x i8] c"%lld"
 i8*  %0 = call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf([4 x i8] c"%lld", i64 1)
looks like those match...
1:21 AM
Unexpected segfault attempting to use cloned PDO object – #77849
1:31 AM
$ php-7.4 bin/jit.php -y -r 'echo 1;'
; ModuleID = 'main'
source_filename = "main"

%__ref__ = type <{ i32, i32 }>
%__string__ = type <{ %__ref__, i64, i8 }>

define void @__ref__init(i32, <{ %__ref__ }>*) {
  %2 = getelementptr inbounds <{ %__ref__ }>, <{ %__ref__ }>* %1, i32 0, i32 0
  %3 = load %__ref__, %__ref__* %2
  %4 = insertvalue %__ref__ %3, i32 1, 0
  %5 = insertvalue %__ref__ %3, i32 %0, 1
  ret void

define void @__ref__addref(<{ %__ref__ }>*) {
  %1 = getelementptr inbounds <{ %__ref__ }>, <{ %__ref__ }>* %0, i32 0, i32 0
Good lord, that's a wall of bargage :D
@sjon I am a baddy apparently? [penalty:0.42:24853:1]
1:51 AM
The double alloca I think I can solve, but can't find out how to mark the function as accepting a constant parameter to prevent the double cast
1 hour later…
3:18 AM
@ircmaxell what? That would have been enough for me right there.
2 hours later…
4:51 AM
Open_basedir bypass – #77850
CLASS empty inside function inside class – #77851
5:32 AM
@Jeeves is that a bug, or was it a bug
6:08 AM
Is there a way to use explode without a delimiter?
"abcdefg" => ["a". "b", ......]
6:24 AM
stackoverflow.com/questions/55529336/… hey anyone want to answer my question? It might be silly but i can't find a way
6:39 AM
@AdamG str_split
7:11 AM
Hey guys, I'm running a simple insert script, it returns no errors and says the query succeeded. But the database remains empty.
What could be . the cause?
7:57 AM
have You started transaction that wasn´t completed (with commit)?
brummagem not genuine : spurious; also : cheaply showy : tawdry
no point to bother - he expects people to magically know the problem just based on "something didn't work"
8:13 AM
8:25 AM
8:36 AM
Do you guys have any suggestion on naming users/members/roles? I don't have much experience with this, and I came up with the following:
visitor --(register)--> member --(login)--> ( user, moderator, administrator )
I need to make distinctions among these, because I'll write functions for each:
is_logged_in(), is_member(), is_user(), is_mod(), is_admin(), redirect_member(), redirect_user(), etc.
( user, moderator, administrator ) is about permissions. All three are members of the system.
The user/member distinction confuses me a little.
(... forgot about redirect_visitor() )
What you are calling a member is someone who registered but isn't logged in?
For all purposes they are just a visitor
Nope. Anyone (a visitor) who registers becomes a member. Calling this visitor/member a user complicates the internal roles/permissions. So regarding roles/permissions it's like this: administrator > mod > user. If I call the member with the least permissions "user", what do I call someone who just registered?
My confusion stems from the common use of "user".
I rarely see "member" (if any) used.
So if a visitor registers and becomes a member, but enters a wrong password, at the back-end s/he is still a visitor and should still be treated as such.
A mod is also a user, and an admin is also a user. I'd just drop the "member" as that just makes it confusing
8:51 AM
My member is confusing
@DaveRandom if you chop it off you instantly will gain 500 oppression points
and be less confused, sounds like a winner, brb
that too
of course, you could always just publicly announce that you want tp chop it off, but that only gives 200 points
afk, work
So it's: visitor --(register)--> user --(login)--> user ( might be a moderator or an administrator )
If I have a "role" column, and I store "" for plain user, "mod" for moderator, and "admin" for administrator, and then if I want to check if a user doesn't have mod or admin privilages, I can do the following:
if (!is_mod() && !is_admin()) {
but, if I want to wrap this in a function, what would I call it? plain_user() ?
9:08 AM
@bwoebi Nope, because I'm not sending a traversable to the generator
pfff :-P
In the meantime, I've decided not to do this, because it doesn't make sense. I just went on a tangent to see if I could
@akinuri this is most likely not a very good approach in the long term, you probably want something more like if (has_permission('reticulate_splines')) and if (has_permission('kill_other_users')) - specific permissions for specific actions. "admin" and "mod" are just templates/profiles with a specific set of permissions
Like at some point in the future you might want to add "power users" or something - you don't want to have to modify the code to accommodate that, rather it should just be configuration
think about how filesystem permissions work, for example
you want users with specific permissions, and groups that permissions are inherited from by the members of the group
"mod" and "admin" are just groups
9:26 AM
@DaveRandom Hmm. Makes sense. So privileges/permissions are the actual things. Groups of them are called mod or admin. And instead of basing things on groups, it'd be better to work with permissions. I guess this way I can have the ability to customize a group. For example, have a mod have a specific admin privilege.
@akinuri Yes, or you could even have users be members of more than one group ("user" is a subset of "mod" permissions, "mod" is a subset of "admin" etc)
or not, it may or may not make sense to do that, depends on the nature of the app
Alright, this has been helpful. Although I feel like doing: xkcd.com/1319 :)
All I had to do for the task at hand is make a simple login page (there's only a single user) to protect a directory (Apache isn't available, so PHP it is). But look what I'm doing :)
1 hour later…
10:41 AM
Typo in example4 code block: extra ')' – #77852
Hi guys, why is that? Even when I removed all the css and javascript. This is inserted statically with the latte template.
It's weird and I kinda dont know what am I looking for here :D
11:19 AM
How does one deal with a dev (new to backend) that writes dirty code? I'm guessing its because they don't know any better, not out of choice but I have super OCD and like to work in a clean code base, any suggestions?
This person is also my boss, so... It's a touchy subject, I don't want to offend them or risk my job. They have the attitude "if it works its good code.".
And to top it all off, this "dirty code" is in a framework, as if it wasn't bad enough.
@misidentified I had exactly that situation. Eventually I just got a different job.
He's more than a boss, hes a personal friend who I knew a few months prior to getting the job, its hard for sure.
11:35 AM
@misidentified Well, if he is a good friend then just tell them to stay away from the code
@JoeWatkins Just forwarded you an email that I (and Kalle) got.
is kalle sorting that ?
if Kalle isn't, please forward the email that needs a subscription to Derick and ask him to do it for us please
Forwarded it to Derick just now.
11:51 AM
Inconsistent substr_compare behaviour with empty haystack – #77853
DateTime object comparison wrong – #77854
Any one need php/wordpress help, I am open.
12:10 PM
@misidentified demand all changes to be covered with unit tests
also, it depends on what you mean by "dirty"
there are PSR-1/2 for code style
and "if it works its good code" is stupid argument, because code is not set in stone - someone at some point in time will have to change it
and if the codebase is a mess, then those changes will be expensive as fuck
12:26 PM
$const = $this->context->constantFromString('%lld');
$tmp = $builder->alloca($const->typeOf());
$builder->store($const, $tmp);
$builder->store($builder->bitCast($tmp, $charType), $format);
god that's dirty
@ircmaxell I feel like you could benefit from a C-Like DSL preprocessor where you can directly use PHP variables as variables and types. something like compile($builder) { printf("%lld", $arg); }; and it generates a code like the above.
The only downside there, is that it's not native PHP. I'm trying to avoid code generation at runtime...
@ircmaxell Well, you can use something like preprocess.io and commit the generated files as well
because I feel like it will improve your readability a ton
to the point that this is not write-only code
and you are probably going to write a lot of code such close to the llvm IR
would be probably also fine to directly write something like llvm IR here, just with PHP variables
Because @ircmaxell you can't tell me that anyone wants to maintain such code like the snippet above
It's going to be pretty necessary to use a metasyntax for that
you are going to write a lot of llvm IR code
And someone who maintains this code will anyway have to understand the llvm IR, so just expressing it in LLVM IR with the dynamic parameters being $php variables would be pretty easily understandable
(To be frank: I've never used a PHP preprocessor. And generally don't recommend it. But seriously, if this is not a prime example where it'd be helpful, I don't know either...)
12:48 PM
So, what I'm thinking is this
abstract that behind a "helper method"
As far as the intrinsics I'm building (addref(), etc), I'm thinking about writing them directly in LLVM IR
yeah sure, but you're going to nevertheless write a lot of LLVM IR
PG: rowCount returns 0 when using CURSOR_SCROLL – #77855
I don't know about that. The type intrinsics, sure. but beyond that, I think the majority of it will by dynamicly built in the compiler
okay, you probably know better than me about that
I don't know. I could completely be deluding myself
My fear with building a DSL, is it's yet another language to build and support
which means yet another parser, yet another compiler, yet another code generator, and what does it really buy me. What information can I express in that DSL that would actually save me something over a code generator?
12:56 PM
well, succintly build LLVM IRs without having to write bloated code
but maybe I'm overthinking that too much as well
private function implementInit(): void {
    $init = $this->context->lookupFunction('__ref__init');
    $init->addAttributeAtIndex(PHPLLVM\Attribute::INDEX_FUNCTION, $this->context->attributes['alwaysinline']);
    $typeInfo = $init->getParam(0);
    $virtual = $init->getParam(1);
    $block = $init->appendBasicBlock('main');
    $builder = $this->context->builder;
    $ref = $builder->load($builder->structGep($virtual, 0));
that's garbage
; Function Attrs: alwaysinline
define void @__ref__init(i32, <{ %__ref__ }>*) #0 {
  %2 = getelementptr inbounds <{ %__ref__ }>, <{ %__ref__ }>* %1, i32 0, i32 0
  %3 = load %__ref__, %__ref__* %2
  %4 = insertvalue %__ref__ %3, i32 1, 0
  %5 = insertvalue %__ref__ %3, i32 %0, 1
  ret void
what would you really gain by making a DSL on top of that? abstracting away the GEP and the Load? sure. Make it a bit more familiar, sure. But other than familiarity, is there really much to gain there?
@tereško Just trying my best to tidy up after him atm.
but what do you mean by "dirty code"?
compile($builder) {
    void __ref__init(int32, __ref__*) {
        %1->0 = int32 1;
        %1->1 = %0;
Unless.... What if I bootstrap the compiler using itself. Meaning compile structs and these functions right from php
That's going to be brittle though
@bwoebi why do you always send me down rabbit holes?
1:28 PM
bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/… i wish i have found this like 10 years ago
Dude, nice!
Btw @JoeWatkins, llvm exposes threads, so :)
my face hurts from three days of frowning, I can't figure out what the significance of that might be ...
@JoeWatkins I did not realize you hadn't implemented them until now - but awesome :-D
I remember having talked to people a few days ago saying you could use parallels with channels :-D
@ircmaxell some rabbit holes end up being good ideas and some are endlessly deep... you just don't see whether they have a bottom in the darkness. I'm always just proposing what I think might be a viable idea.
@ircmaxell yeah, doesn't look that useful, guess I overestimated that
1:53 PM
Though, looking at that bug report from rust, I think directly including ir is probably a bad idea
So that leaves a builder approach with a preprocessor
@JoeWatkins WAAT, this is amazing!!! so much <3
2:28 PM
er... I'm all for machine learning in php but should it really be part of the tag wiki? stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/22656996
I don't feel like that is a meaningful edit to an already quite bloated page..
also mornings
Does anyone know a good book about TCP/UDP but only for beginners?
I really need to know this stuff, I have no idea what they even are, and it's depressing :/
just look some youtube videos
I think some of it has been touched on in youtube.com/user/Computerphile
I tried, but I need an in depth guide, I don't want to skim over it.
Lynda and Pluralsight also have a videos on this, but I am not sure if they are enough. I want to buy the TCP/UDP for dummies, but better to ask here first.
2:52 PM
@JoeWatkins I'm guessing recv is a blocking op?
Guys what are your opinions on testing interaction with dependencies in unit tests to the level where you check the number of calls etc? I see people do this all the time, but I've also heard it's coupling your code to your tests so if you change the code, you fuck everything about the tests. There must be a middle ground.. thoughts?
@samayo You need to aggregate your knowledge from different sources, basically through googling, youtube and reading articles / blog posts. You should know this is how it works by now :P
@Jimbo haha, you are right. I know that, I am just looking for a shortcut I guess. Just one book to plough through from a-z 😀
3:09 PM
@Jimbo it's okay when the number of calls is what you're testing, e.g. testing that a cache layer is caching results properly.....but most other cases, hard no.
And I try to avoid using mocks if at all possible, and just use test-doubles, which don't involved logging numbers of calls.
@JoeWatkins Getting the following building on macOS:
duplicate symbol _php_parallel_channels in:
ld: 1 duplicate symbol for architecture x86_64
3:25 PM
That's basically a deal-breaker.
3:52 PM
@Trowski you prefer your programs to crash?
@Danack No idea what you're talking about.
getenv and putenv have are not thread safe. Joe's put a mutex around them for php7.4, but seems to have forbidden their usage in that library as otherwise they would be causing crashes.
on win10 you can configure three-fingers left/right swipe to change browser tabs. No need to do: ctrl+shit+tab or ctrl+tab
I was gonna make a windows app for this, but I found today it exists already
@Danack That's rather frustrating since getenv is used so commonly. I can drop a @ or function_exists in front of it in Amp's repos, but it's likely to cause headaches elsewhere.
If it's not thread-safe though, it is what it is.
@JoeWatkins Getting an unallocated pointer free: php(96273,0x7000001b2000) malloc: *** error for object 0x7fd11a70a5e0: pointer being freed was not allocated
4:09 PM
@Trowski got reproducing code ?
(sorry, bit busy)
@JoeWatkins examples/parallel-extension.php in amphp/parallel.
No hurry.
version of php ?
@JoeWatkins 7.3.2
can you tell me if opcache makes a difference ?
and or possibly the commit that broke it ...
channel is self contained, so it can't be that one ...
Opcache does not seem to matter. I'm using the commit before channels because I cannot get that commit to compile.
Let me go back further and see where it works.
4:24 PM
I can't reproduce it
I get Warning: getenv() has been disabled for security reasons in /opt/src/amp-parallel/vendor/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/DriverFactory.php on line 38
but if finishes without crashing
@JoeWatkins Yeah, we use getenv to check for debug flags. :-(
I'm curious about getenv. Even reading requires a lock? I suppose because it can be of arbitrary length?
it may be written while you are reading
And because reading is a memcpy of a large block, we need the lock?
if during bootstrap, you may access _ENV safely for reading ...
but only because you know the parent process is blocking while that read occurs ... so "safe" ...
I can't reasonably prohibit access to $_ENV in parallel, so I won't bother, that leaves a secret hole open for you ... but keep it a secret ...
Here's an example of where getenv is used: github.com/amphp/amp/blob/master/lib/Loop/DriverFactory.php#L38
4:32 PM
Hey guys
I know, I just patched it to use _ENV
Do you know of a way of adding a countdown on a README file ?
@JoeWatkins I'm guessing getenv was used there to pick up putenv changes.
So changing it would be a BC break at this point.
Nobody ?
Even ever seen that ?
@JoeWatkins Seems the problem only happens when I have the raphf and pq extension enabled. Having one or the other enabled is fine.
4:40 PM
show @m6w6 a backtrace, it's doing a bad thing ...
I have a jit related problem executing this example in 8
I got nothing...
Amp is an excellent way to find edge cases in PHP.
Amp is an edge case by itself - somewhat :-D
4:57 PM
@Trowski which AMP are you talking about? the client-side one?
Now I can tell people to use Amp on the front and backend.
can't you just take Anthonys project to make it emit LLVM IR and then transpile that to webassembly and execute it in the browser? :-D
As soon as it supports generators.
@Shafizadeh amphp.org
ah ok thx
5:49 PM
> In Go, a name is exported if it begins with a capital letter.
well, talk about an assumed super opinionated convention :)
6:04 PM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier At that point this is not a convention, but a grammar feature.
But well, grammar is always by definition opinionated
AMPHP stands for "action multiplayer php"
evenins, I am home at last
not sure what to do about ONI now - the update is comming in 2 weeks and it's a pretty big change
seems like it would be a waste to sink any reasonable hours into that now
@bwoebi interesting feature, to say the least. no other example of a particular casing having such an important side effect comes to mind. I mean, it's not only case sensitive, it exports symbols!
evenin o/
@Trowski will be a while
6:11 PM
@tereško like, base rebuild type of change? or launch everyone in a rocket to the next asteroid change?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier they are changing the jobs system to a skillpoint system
here ya go
ah, yes, and the steam generator has been changes too
wow that is indeed a breaking change
@ircmaxell I'd question if supporting something as complex as Amp would even be possible or worth it even if it is.
6:15 PM
it 100% is both
that's my target, take libraries and compile them to native
That would be awesome. Amp does a lot of crazy stuff though.
crazy is my middle name :D
6:50 PM
switch i {
case 0:
case f():
> case f():
well, will work
it's ugly as sin, but it would work
the f() of course uses some global state, since there are no parameters
yeah that's in go
@JoeWatkins Is disabling getenv really the best way to go? Isn't it safe as long as nobody writes with putenv after threads are spawned?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yeah, sorry, I really can't see it as a real language :D
^ /cc @Trowski
7:03 PM
@kelunik at first I just did disable putenv, then while I was working on it, I discovered a thing that made me think both should be disabled, but I forgot what it was ...
I think that's not in any release yet, let me review it again properly over the weekend, if it can be enabled again, I'll enable it ...
@JoeWatkins I really don't want to introduce a fallback to $_SERVER and $_ENV in all Amp libs.
Well... some libs, not all use getenv.
@tereško :D actually it er... also works in php? I thought what came after case needed to be a constant
also chat was bugged apparently just now.
@kelunik it's not the best, I can't for the life of me remember why I changed it, but I was deep in the bowels of env stuff, I don't see what it is at a glance and I'm too tired to keep looking ... I'll have a proper answer by sunday, probably tomorrow sometime ...
7:24 PM
Yay .. about 3k unique visitor per day ..! I feel good
@FélixGagnon-Grenier have you not seen shit like that?
switch (true) {
  case is_array($array):
    echo 'array';
    echo 'something else';
@tereško I er, thankfully, have not, or managed to forget it...
@Shafizadeh the bounce rate seems... high however
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yes .. the UX of our website is bullshit .. we're working on i
7:49 PM
8:03 PM
@PeeHaa, quick, cap that water geyser
or you will be fucked
How much does it squirt?
it should say in the properties
but a lot
at 90°C
you will cook your base
hmmm.. duplicants soup
I really like the new "printables" name they got
@PeeHaa what you need to do is wrap it in a insulated tiles, add a pump (gold) at the bottom and start setting up an oxygen room
I will make a quick screenshot
8:07 PM
"and how much time you have" is also in the properties
with "next activity period in" title
Yeah got that.Just not sure about the impact :P
Very good to know though for my next actual run
the first 3 images is a "capped" water geyser
the 5 others should contain a "capped" cool steam geyser and and an oxygen room
sorted images
also, @PeeHaa, grow mushrooms - cooked ones are better food source than mealworms
8:16 PM
and they eat all the slime
that too
Do you people use ranching?
also, if a container is in water (or any other liquid), then it wont evaporate shit (like bleachstones and slime)
and I do ranching for plastics
@PeeHaa you seem to be having problems with powergrid
Yeah. Cannot be bothered to fix it
nvm then
8:21 PM
@PeeHaa trying to. need coal from them hatches, and trying to dig out a hole for the slicksters
@tereško This is a quick and dirty run for my next actual run trying to get a step further for once :)
for next run you will want to wait till the next update comes out
Ugh right :(
that water geyser will actually be really useful, if you do it right
Was that next week somewhere?
8:23 PM
in 12 days
you have a dying dup
Yeah was right on top alttabbing :D
PeeHaa frantically alt tabs all the way through his apps
8:26 PM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yeah, slicksters are a really good way to dump bot CO2 and heat
commuting home. laters
@PeeHaa shooms dont need water
oh now you tell me :P
only algae instead of dirt
8:29 PM
I really need to enhance my English skills on understanding-fun-parts of points
@Shafizadeh all of this discussion has been about a game
well, that's another thing I wasn't aware of!
noted that, if you press Ctrl + F in this page and type "game", there is no result
8:35 PM
@PeeHaa I have to ask - what are those insulated rooms for?
I want to do some experiments with gasses / water
is that an online game? both of you are seeing the same room ?
I feel like I am starting to understand stuff, but not yet to the point I will not fuck everything up
@Shafizadeh so, there is thing called Steam (it's a game store/app), and it has a functionality for live-streaming
basically, I can watch a video with him playing a game
8:38 PM
Aaaand I just now realized shrooms need co2 :D
make it a "pit" and not a "room"
You doing that now
(and this is how you learn that CO2 is actually useful)
Or well actually using the base basement
@tereško :)
8:40 PM
and in CO2 submerged food containers will be in "sterile atmosphere" .. and thus - not spoil food
Yeah I started with that. But thought fridge would be just fine
ya know, the gas geysers stop producing stuff, when ambiant pressure is 5kg/tile
Also I dun fucked my o2 :P
@tereško I know, but I don't know how I can use it yet
the poluted oxygen - you probably wont
I would just build a tiny room around it and forget about it
hmmm that's a disappointing answer :(
8:43 PM
I think it is one of the most useless geysers in the game
also, start sticking up on hydrogen
like 8 tanks would be enough till the late game
I was thinking about somehow using that water geyser for that to generate it?
(you use it for various "cold rooms")
Once it starts doing its thing and I could see it work that is
the polluted oxygen geyser or water geyser ?
oh, the hot-water geyser starts running in 5 cycles :D
water geyser
yes that one
8:47 PM
How do I dynamically bind_results?
SQL query may return 5 columns or 10 etc
@tereško Am I still blocked?
btw @tereško what happens if you get off the planet?
new planet?game over?acchievement unlocked?
make something like this for slime and bleachstone
8:51 PM
I guess so :(
@PeeHaa using rockets you can get rare materials and shit
there are no achievements yet (since it is in early access)
oh right. Didn't I see a message stating they will come out of EA soon?
@tereško That's so simple I love it
@PeeHaa i know
I actually make it usually 1-deep instead of 2-deep (make no practical difference though)
oh, and one more good thing about shrooms - they dont need water
and I suspect that your water supply is tainted (f9 for germs)
8:55 PM
@tereško Nope I am actually decent on the water front
Last I played my guys were urinating on themselves and barely getting it cleaned up before it happened again. I need to start over but I haven't been back on in a while.
there is piss in your main water reservoir
oddly enough, it's not tainted :/
@tereško That's very minimal and bear grills says it 's fine
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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