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@EJoshuaS It is not "protectable" in its current state.
@EJoshuaS The question can't be protected. It's only two hours old. It has to be here at least 24 hours before it can be protected. See stackoverflow.com/help/privileges/protect-questions
@KenWhite Good to know :( In that case, can a RO bin the request?
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
^^ Now comment is gone still off topic
@Shree I flagged it as R/A and it got insta-deleted b/c of the profanity. The user really ought to be suspended if they keep it up.
@EJoshuaS I just wait to R/A before question close :) it's ok.
@Shree Still deserves to be downvoted and closed either way
Yep :)
@EJoshuaS any way HAPPY DIPAWALI TO ROOM(Today ior biggest festival Laxmi Puja). Every one gone to home (Real home not city where job). Unable to go home for circumstance so I am in room. :)
@Shree I hope you have a good holiday even if stuck at the office for now
Well, I'm already out of close votes... the burnination is a killer for the votes.
@EJoshuaS thanks :) N happy dipawali to room
Is this question on-topic?
Hi, I asked a question, and later I found the bug out. I think it is very specific to my case, I got no answer (a few comments though), no up/down votes. Should I just delete the question? I would do it immediately, if it were not for the people who took some time to comment on the question...
@bilbo_pingouin if you feel that additional attention is a waste of time, deleting would be the responsible thing to do
@tripleee thanks. Done.
There's a new version ( of the Beta Unclosed Request Review Script (GitHub) (install). Changes include various requested features and bug fixes. This should be considered a release candidate (it's been in beta way too long).
^ probably simply close as off-topic, there is no point in migrating it to Meta just to have it closed as a duplicate there, is there?
@MadhurBhaiya LOL literally "unclear"
@tripleee Well honestly in that case it kind of makes sense
@Jean-FrançoisCorbett yeah, surprised that why this question is still not closed down.
morning all \o
@yivi Please only say it's an "exact duplicate" when it really is an exact duplicate, not "this new question fits this other 8 year old question quite well as a duplicate". In other words, use "exact duplicate" for things like the OP reposted a nearly-identical duplicate of their earlier question.
^ can't close myself any more, since I VTC'ed as No MCVE.
@tripleee Thanks
sure (-:
@Makyen Thanks Makyen. But said that because I believed it was a exact duplicate, nevermind that the dupe is 8 years old. Nothing has changed since that question and today to my knowledge.
@yivi "exact" still means "word-for-word" to most of us here
just "duplicate" is enough to express that they are about the same issue and that one of them should be closed as a duplicate of the other
people do sometimes copy/paste another question; then it's less of a judgment call whether the new one should be closed as duplicate - it's a slam-dunk
i.e. you need absolutely no understanding of the topic to decide that it's a duplicate
@tripleee ok, got it. Thanks.
This user asked the same question twice (rephrasing it differently but the heart is the same), is it allowed? stackoverflow.com/questions/53187828/… and stackoverflow.com/questions/53114026/…
@IslamElshobokshy ^ close as duplicate if really they are about the same thing
@IslamElshobokshy I'm normally a bit more lenient on interesting questions like that. There likely is a canonical answer to it, but that answer would have to come from an authoritative source (e.g. developer for PHP)
n.b. this previous message is referring to this request. Only just realised chat is linking to the wrong original message
Though it's now been mod-closed anyway so a moot point
no it was a different OP
looks very familiar but I can't find the right duplicate, my memory was playing tricks around the blurred images, sorry
its ok
This is the question with blurred images
@tripleee blurred images one: stackoverflow.com/questions/53182283/…
yeah, thanks
^ I'm withdrawing my flag on that one, might be salvageable. User has genuine questions and answers, let's see if they're open to dropping the spammy part of that answer.
n/m, too late
Right, half day today, see you later
Oh, spam as well
@Shree Sucks that you can't go home. Happy Diwali!
wonders why so many people say crushes instead of crashes when their program crashes
@NathanOliver When your program fails, you don't pour orange soda on your computer to punish it?
Um... NO
1 hour later…
bah... didn't post that cv-pls in time
@EKons you can still get that [del-pls] in - it deserves it
I think you only put extreme cases here...
since a mod decided to close but not delete it, not sure
@EKons Yeah it'll be roomba'd in 10 days. I dv'd everthing (not to roomba but because they all deserved a DV - just to make that clear :D)
@K.Dᴀᴠɪs yep - which means that a request is unnecessary
@EKons Well - to be fair when I made that comment, it wasn't eligible for Rooma
yeah, that's why I used the other reason; a mod has decided otherwise
@Makyen hm, regarding Unclosed Request Review Script, I would prefer if the text that appears while hovering the "update" button is behind a clickable "?" button next to it (i.e. click it would pop something that contains the text up) or something
@EKons That's a good point. Actually, would it be better to remove that button? The updates are basically completely automatic at this point, unless the user has changed settings so as to minimize SE API requests.
@Makyen well, maybe, unless the user has set something like a minute or more for the auto-update setting and wants to skip it a bit (the other update setting is more unlikely)
@EKons An update won't be made at a frequency more rapid than a minute, even if you click the update button, unless the requests would not be identical (i.e. there's a change in the number or identity of the posts that would be requested). SE explicitly states that no application should repeat identical requests to the SE API more than once per minute.
@Makyen yeah, I meant if somebody wants to use the button to perform a new request based on e.g. a new being posted but the setting being a little high, while the setting is there for a reason
btw, : the bottom slider (not the auto-update) in the settings can go to 0 minutes...
@EKons The tooltip for the slider explains that 0 means no time-based auto-updates.
How can I change a scheduled room event's time as RO?
@πάνταῥεῖ You can't. You have to delete it and recreate.
@Makyen ah, I only read the other tooltip so far... :P
@Makyen I can't spot how to delete it (that was my 1st idea)?
@πάνταῥεῖ isn't there an X (you must be a RO)?
@EKons Ty, I just overlooked it, it's just right the big export button.
@πάνταῥεῖ I'd assumed there was an X, but I wasn't actually remembering, so I was going to test it. Looks like you solved it already.
@Makyen Yup. There must have been something wrong with the time chosen originally. I'll reschedule a new announcement now.
@EKons True, the user may have set the minimum delay to some larger value and want to control it via clicking "update".
What would the best converging time (in UTC) for mostly European and US users and ROs?
Frankly, those adjustments were originally due to me thinking that updates would burn through a huge number of SE API calls. My experience is that it really doesn't use all that many (relative the the 10k quota). It would really only be an issue for someone if they have other scripts that consume a lot of API requests, without using an API user auth-token (gives different quota pool).
@Makyen that... although, the sliders also allow for some really huge settings
60 minutes anyone?
@πάνταῥεῖ I'd either use a survey of those people who might be attending in the room you are doing this, or make a guess at it based on the limited results we've previously gotten from similar surveys in here. You own survey would probably be best, as your group of attendees may be different than what we have in here. It largely depends on if you want to accommodate the US or China/India.
@EKons True. When I first made them the room had more days that were quite quite during the 04:00–07:00UTC time-frame. At this point, that time-period gets a bit more traffic.
The settings are also something of a hold-over from prior to implementing a freeze on updates when the tab is not visible. At this point updates are not done when the tab isn't visible, but an update is done immediately upon the tab becoming visible, if enough time has expired (1 minute SE API delay) or there's a change in what would be requested (so the required SE API delay doesn't apply).
btw, is there a way to disable auto-updates altogether (i.e. both sliders)?
@EKons No, but you can disable display of the data in chat/transcripts entirely. I must admit I had not considered the case of someone wanting the updates to be entirely manual.
ninja'd, again :-)
I'm just that good :P
Is it a problem if a person makes a new account to ask a "follow up question"? stackoverflow.com/questions/53195952/…
It's not a straight duplicate, slightly different with the same core code base
socks are usually allowed
(ironically question is about socks)
as long as nothing naughty happens between the socks...
though it doesn't look like the person is trying to get around any sort of blocks
@EKons wait, is that the US version of "naughty" or the UK version of "naughty"?
also, plop jon
well, it obviously doesn't mean full of noughts... ;-)
(mind the different spelling)
oh, you're from Greece. Sorry, that bit of culture inside-joke might have gotten lost.
ah, it's not lingual?
UK "naughty" means "doing something bad". Like a little kid breaking a vase. US "naughty" is usually said in a sexual way, being a "bad boy/girl/whatever in bed".
ah, UK meaning then... honestly, how could you infer that "US meaning" o_o_o
because I'm from the US
Honestly, how could you not
Plop everyone =p
....and that's how we think
Don't lump me in with your naughty thoughts
me neither...!!
What is this room about?
dumb stuff
yeah, let's reel it in...
Then I'm at the right place
@gunr2171 though still looking for more suggestions on what to do here
yeah, that's what I was going to suggest, before the dumb stuff upon my opinions started for apparently no reason...
my bad
@gunr2171 I'd mod flag. Technically there sock is allowing them to subvert the system (ask another Q because they are rate limited).
um... how does one prove somebody is rate-limited though?
Aren't new users automatically rate limited?
^ what he asked
mod flag sent
If I don't show up tomorrow, it was probably Madara who banned me
hm, I'm pretty sure I've seen new users pew-pewing many questions the day they're created
@NathanOliver asking once every 90 minutes IIRC
That's what I though. I'm searching for some documentation now
Look at the sunset ... that is where documentation was last seen ...
ok, so it was a rules violation
let's hope the mods agree
@NathanOliver hmm, interesting comments on the deleted answer there. From the time I was being nice.
@rene Does that me you are no longer being nice?
Correct, I'm being CoC these days ....
Cautious of Cats
@rene lol. I was going to asked that but it looked like it could be flag worthy
@gunr2171 I think we're all cautious of @Compass after that ankle biting incident
ankle biting? I thought that's something @PaulStenne would do!
As a reminder for anyone not already participating, is currently being cleaned up - we have lots of questions in the CV queue under that tag, as well
@NathanOliver All users are rate limited; new users are rate limited more
deep, deep in the plops of horror, danger lives... will you let your ankle to such treatment?
@TylerH Agreed. Additional people filtering on the design tag in the CV queue would be helpful. We've had a few questions where the closevotes have aged away and dropped the questions out of the queue. As of right now, there are 127 questions with active closevotes.
I'm in the queue now
Hi in the queue now
though I think Tyler simultaneously wants and does not want me to do cv reviews
@NathanOliver that's Mr. The Queue Now to you...
Good news is the closures in there have moved at a steady clip. And we still have a lot to sift through
Does anyone have weird urges to go back to a programming language 101 and utterly destroy the class?
@gunr2171 Schrodinger's CVQ?
as long as I don't have to pay for the course
ps @Makyen congrats on the first "RC" version of the unclosed requests script
@gunr2171 Sorry Sir, forgive my lack of formality. I was trapped in land of for several seconds and and am still readjusting to being back in civilization.
I know you mentioned some changes in the chat message; is there a full changelog anywhere?
@Compass I've effectively done that in a couple/few classes in various topics. It has some momentary appeal, but when actually doing it, and in retrospect, it's not that great (I did it through lack of knowing other ways to get credit). I strongly recommend investigating ways to test-out of such classes or gain credit for them through some other means. Overall it's a waste of your time (and money), along with wasting the professor's/teacher's time and the school's resources.
@NathanOliver Don't adopt that indian "sir" culture please. I always feel left that someone just pissed at my blue suede shoes while giving me a friendly face.
@TylerH Thanks, it's been way too long since it's had an update.
@πάνταῥεῖ I'm not. I'm making a joke relating to his that's Mr. The Queue Now to you... message.
I am far too old to go back to undergrad :3
@NathanOliver As a joke it might get through, well. ;)
@Compass I have the desire to go take a Comp Sci undergrad course but I would not destroy it... I would learn a lot actually and probably struggle. I got my degree in business!
You would be fine!
@TylerH I normally do a PR for version changes (w/ listing changes), but I didn't this time (I got lazy). The best changelog would be to look at the commits on that branch, which are reasonably fine-grained wrt. what changes/fixes were made (i.e. largely one change per commit; I'd have to go back through to see if there were ones which were grouped). The changes in this version were all commits after 2018-02-26.
I uh
walked into academia SE and the top topic is
@TylerH At least regarding teachers and professors seem to be incredibly bad to teach the right and appropriate stuff. The SW production industry fails badly with the apprentices they generate. There's seriously need for changing the education systems and force the Teachers / Professors to update their knowledge.
@Compass lol
oof =w=
My sister teachers high school students. They have largely given up the fight on cell phones
And they even have chromebooks for all the students
here we go, posting a possibly poorly optimized bucket answer to a highly system-intensive operation! takes cover from downvotes
@HovercraftFullOfEels General Java question. Just because it can stream, doesn't necessarily mean you should stream, right?
All streams lead to the ocean. The oceans are full of garbage (and fish poo). Use streams carefully or you'll be surrounded by garbage (and fish poo)
Some streams are headed into video players. Still sometimes full of garbage though.
In other news: another 1000 bits from IDontwantMoney69
I'm losing my mind... I have an overwhelming urge to give someone teh codez.
@Compass Makes logical sense to me, although streaming does have benefits, and not all of them are obvious
1 hour later…
7 votes remaining... Make them count!
There's an alpha release of the Request Generator (GitHub) (install). I'd appreciate people testing/using it & reporting any problems/suggestions. It enables sending requests from basically everywhere. It's an alpha version, because it does not work in Greasemonkey 4.
In addition to being able to send requests about questions and answers from all question pages, NATO (w/ and w/o NATO Enhancements), and reviews, there's also review-pls requests from suggested edit reviews. In addition, it allows you to schedule a revisit of a post for a later date. A tab for the post is then opened the first time after the scheduled time that you open a SE page on which the script runs. Greasemonkey 4 support is planned, but has not yet been implemented.
If enabled, it also permits some limited interaction with SmokeDetector. You need to have SD privileges in either your request target room (or Charcoal HQ and selected to send all such SD interaction to CHQ) in order to use it. See the Options to enable these.
@Undo A long time ago, I said I'd ping you when a version of the script which enabled scheduled revisits was released. The above alpha release is that script.
Wow, it certainly isn't shortchanged on LOC
That Feel When: You mean to type "add" but get two off-by-one errors in a row

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