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1 hour later…
ahoy hoy
I just wrote a blog post entitled The True Problem With PHP. Am I going to go to hell?
what is the thesis ?
The thesis is that most of the beginner tutorials suck, and that's the real problem...
@LeviMorrison The refactoring is good. I haven't been able to do as much as I'd like because my sister and her husband are in town for the holiday. Last night when everyone went to sleep I stayed up till about 330am catching up :) I'm almost finished with some implementation improvements with the Routing package as well as several other general-purpose things.
Before the end of the weekend I'll have an updated example app to get your opinions on and then it'll be time to decide what the next hurdle is.
@ircmaxell , in that case i completely agree
you are not going to hell for this .. you have just explained why we all are already there
anyway , it's 5am , and i have been trying to sleep (with questionable success) for two hours
Go back to bed
good night
naah ... i give up
it's already light outside
@CarrieKendall oh snap!
I am agree with all exponential meme growth!
damn .. i will have to give it another try
i have to rest eyes =/
2 hours later…
Yay! My latest project will be done soon!
And that is all I have to say about that.
@minitech, congratulations. . then :D
Morning phpeople!
Is there any good reason to use iterators?
If you're working with iterable objects instead of hammering your entire application into arrays you'll need iterators.
But for simple use-cases involving arrays, the sheer wealth of finely tuned array functions in the standard library can certainly do what you need.
There's not much you can't do with some combination of array_* functions if your data lives in an array.
@rdlowrey thanks!
can't seem to get a row count here
if (isset($table)) {
if (isset($field)) {
$count = $dbh->prepare('SELECT $field FROM $table');

$count = $count->rowCount();
always comes back as 0 even though there are three rows in the table
tried with field as a binded parameter and had no luck that way either
@ert3 test using old mysql_num_rows()
you could always do SELECT count(*) AS count FROM $table, if you don't need the entire table passed back. It's way faster.
thanks for the tip and mysql_num_rows() does work properly
SELECT count(*) AS count FROM $table doesn't seem to do anything
it should return a scalar value (a 1x1 table with the column labeled, in this case, "count") with the total number of rows in the table.
$count = $dbh->prepare(SELECT count(*) AS count FROM $table);
echo $count;
im assuming
yay and jumped ship
though for anyone listenting my way with the table set static over variable worked so thats the problem
since its just not being passed into the counter at all
OK for some reason
$count = $dbh->prepare('SELECT $field FROM $table');
$table is just coming back as $table and not its value
anybody good with codeigniter?
@SalmanKhimani Noob here. Hoping someone is.
actually I want to make installer for my script
just like wordpress/joomla
so i need a way to proceed with my functions before any controller loads
Hi, How do i set up my Facebook App as website mode when creating the application in developers.facebook.com
canvas apps get 'Go to app' and websites get 'login with facebook'
I need the button text should be Login with Facebook
So I have to set my app viewmode as "website" not canvas
kindly advice , Now I created my app as canvas mode, How do i change to website mode ?
I have been trying for past 2 days. I stuck on this. Kindly save me :(
Hello everyone....
I wanted to know is Codeigniter better than CakPHP...pls comment..
also according to you'll which is the framework that every PHP programmer should nail. it...
according to me, you should first learn to do without the frameworks.
particularly those two
learn php first. then, when you have a feel for what's good and bad, you'll end up making up your own mind about such things
hi anybody is there to help in datatables plugin??
I have a selectbox having two values "Active" and "Inactive". Whenever I am trying to search through "Active" then results are coming along with the "Inactive records"
Can you help me to get accurate result
@Mckenzi Neither. They're both terrible.
There is no such thing as a framework that "every PHP programmer should nail."
@rdlowrey hiee..is it really..??...i think if you take up any framework u learn the core, the flow, that working of what goes where and what it does. Learning MVC is crucial i think according to me. May be you are right too...but how...
I didn't say you shouldn't learn MVC. Unfortunately, though, CI and Cake are what I would call terrible examples of MVC. And I would certainly not call either "object-oriented." Just because code uses classes doesn't make it object-oriented. Both frameworks are very poorly written if you look at the source code.
You'll be much better served to learn programming concepts, not PHP frameworks.
Read Patterns of Enterprise Architecture, Code Complete 2nd Ed and Clean Code
@rdlowrey what are you working as currently..???..
I aggregate, analyze, repackage and sell financial data on a subscription basis. Translation: I program all day every day.
@rdlowrey interesting...
All of the popular frameworks have major shortcomings. If you're going to learn one, Symfony 2 is your best bet. It's the least offensive, though it is terribly bloated and makes some real mistakes in terms of object-oriented coding.
Code Igniter is just awful. Don't look to that as an example of how to write good code in PHP.
what you guys think about Zend framework ?
@rdlowrey is it good a beginner...to learn or its just too complicated for a newbie...??
@Mckenzi Well ... if you really don't have much experience, you might consider CodeIgniter. It's most people's first framework. Using it will likely result in better applications than you can otherwise write when you're first starting out.
use codeigniter to create one or two projects ,,move on to symfony2 or zf..
@rdlowrey thanks ...really appreciate it..
@Krish kk....thnks...
@rdlowrey Have you seen the latest prototype.php.net ?
@LeviMorrison one click away, just a sec
Be sure to browse documentation as well
@LeviMorrison I don't know what it is, but the front page jumped out at me as much better looking than I remembered it.
@rdlowrey A lot of small details :)
And I last looked at it this morning ... is that my imagination?
There's been some good discussion on what to do with the Thanks To stuff
Nitpick: It seems like there's a better way to present the information on prototype.php.net/manual/en/index.php than a forever-scroll vertical list?
Most definitely
Even the jQuery whatever it is called would be beter
The page content is going to change.
brb, restarting machine
I like it ... though I've never really thought the icons (like in the Tips, Warnings, etc.) mesh visually with the rest of the site.
@webarto can you help me regarding datatables plugin?
@Bappa I do believe that is a JS library?
@LeviMorrison i think the left sidebar should have been static as there is lot of content to scroll down.....prototype.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.php
I'm getting annoyed -- I'm trying to set up simple integration tests for a basic Atreyu web app so I can automate testing of the bootstrap file, but I can't seem to make a curl connection to localhost
@Mckenzi Can't. That sidebar gets really long on some pages. Needs to scroll
I can connect to it through my browser address bar, but not using curl or file_get_contents either.
@Levi so shall I ask in JS room?
Have you set the port number to something other than default?
@Mckenzi See prototype.php.net/manual/en/function.array-pop.php for an example of a long sidebar . . .
yes, and I've used the appropriate curl CURLOPT_PORT setting to no avail ...
@rdlowrey can you do it from command line?
wget or curl or anything?
Goooooooooood morning people
@rdlowrey Shouldn't you be sleeping now?
well, I can do it with exterior sites just fine, but not when the server is running on localhost.
@PeeHaa yes, it's the story of my life.
@rdlowrey Even from the command-line?
I'm running it through 5.4's built-in server ... I'm wondering if you can't access resources served by another php process from php?
@rdlowrey Which is why I asked about the command-line . . .
Oh sorry, that's where I'm testing it ... can't make it work in the CLI
I'm trying to set up an automated script that will fire up the built-in webserver, run tests that hit it to determine that everything works as expected, then kill the webserver process.
but I can't convince php to connect to the php web server, even though it's running in a different process :(
@NikiC I saw the comments coming in. Good thing to get positive reactions
It's weird, because I can start the server and kill the server no problem and using a sleep call in-between access the address from my browser.
But can't connect to it in the CLI ...
It works if I just do a straight curl http://localhost:8000 from the command line but no love if I try to use curl functions inside my php code.
@LeviMorrison @rdlowrey What time is it there? 3am or something like that?
yeah, 325 for me
nice :)
@PeeHaa 1:34am for me
hello guys :)
hello guys I got one problem with javascript onClick event in safari browser I nead your help
For the record, I'm a moron. I was referencing the wrong process ID in my PCNTL calls, which resulted in the same process that was hosting the php web server being asked to make the curl connection to that same webserver.
This is why coding at 4am is not always a good thing.
@tomexsans morning
@SanjaySingh what is the problem?
@rdlowrey You just need moar whiskey
@Mckenzi 'hiya
@PeeHaa or sleep :)
what lovely weather we're having today
@Leigh I don't believe the weather in the UK is better than here
I.e. wet and hot
@hakre jo!
Just must jump into the water.
And then swim. Swim. Swim.
Hi all
@PeeHaa it's exactly the same, the "lovely" was sarcasm ;)
@hakre I basically had to walk down a river to get to work. The drains are full... I chose Doc Martins this morning to give me a little extra height away from the water ;)
@JulienITARD hiya
@Leigh :)
@rdlowrey, hi i would like to read the book 'Patterns of Enterprise Architecture, Code Complete 2nd Ed' is that free, where can i get it?? there are many with the same titles , i want to read what you just advised. .
@Leigh Oh, over here yesterday there was rain, too. Suddenly, rushing. Probably that from Britain comes over here later today. Let's sit and wait ;)
Where is "here" ?
@Leigh germany.
Aha, my gf is German. From Karlsruhe. Apparently they've had over 30 degrees temperatures down there.
other than regex how do you validate passwords or username?? if there is
any . .:)
@tomexsans Why would you need to validate the user / pass other than checking whether username already exists?
@tomexsans what do you mean? password validation can have a duplicate meaning.
damn you ;)
eh folks, I think both were right. You need to check user+pass as one
Tbh, let people supply whatever they want for passwords, if they can reproduce it, let them have obscure characters.
@hakre, @PeeHaa for example this characters are not allowed or something like that. ,
@tomexsans Why wouldn't that be allowed?
Unless you mean checking they have at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number, 1 symbol, blah blah
i mean restricting characters or something. .
Why wouldn't you use a regex to validate a username?
@tomexsans That's an implementation detail. You first write the tests, then the function. How-ever you do that in the function does not matter much.
If I want to use this (Ό ISͮ̂҉̯͈͕̹̘̱ TO͇̹̺ͅƝ̴ȳ̳ TH̘Ë͖́̉ ͠P̯͍̭O̚​N̐Y̡ H̸̡̪̯ͨ͊̽̅̾̎Ȩ̬̩̾͛ͪ̈́̀́͘ ̶̧̨̱̹̭̯ͧ̾ͬC̷̙̲̝͖ͭ̏ͥͮ͟Oͮ͏̮̪̝͍M̲̖͊̒ͪͩͬ̚̚͜Ȇ̴̟̟͙̞ͩ͌͝S̨̥̫͎̭ͯ̿̔̀ͅ) as username let me
What you might be interested in is how to validate/filter unicode input to your application.
@Leigh, hahah look at @PeeHaa 's answer i would not like that on my database.. so other from regex is there any other way.
@tomexsans Y U NO REGEX?
Give chapter 4 and 5 a read.
@tomexsans Why would you not like that in your db? It's just some utf-8 encoded data
You find example code on the oreilly website btw.
@hakre thanks,
@Leigh, i suck
but if there's no other option, then regex it is
@tomexsans There are always more than one option. You probably can do it with regex, but you first should understand what you do.
Also that part should be under test so you know that it does what it should do.
Anyone can dump me an example of a curl response of a page which return a 100 continue?
You have got an URL which gives that?
@hakre Nopez. That's why I was asking ;)
I cannot llogin the my server from the office so I can't test it
Is it considered trolling when someone asks how to do something without foreach and you give them code that uses for and each ? :x
@Leigh If it is a ridiculous requirement (sounds like it) I would love to see that answer
heh, it was probably How to loop through an array without using foreach.
Oh god, he actually changed mine to the accepted answer... wasn't expecting that. Probably is homework and he's going to be cocky to his teacher.
@Leigh, hahaha trolled
@Leigh Well, I'd say you don't get the potential of for and each right in your answer ;) stackoverflow.com/a/11360015/367456
finally to use validations with minimal regex ,Ctype Functions correct me if i'm wrong
@hakre nice. I was just going for the quick troll, not best abuse of language features :)
@Leigh Yeah, I was troling only, too. Let's see how teacher goes crazy.
if he accepts your answer I'll delete mine, I can't right now :(
no, we should merge both then.
but only then, so if he accepts mine, I put my answer into yours and then leave a link in mine to yours.
Saying that it's the same bla bla bla
I don't really care, you gave the best answer, no need to keep mine :)
No, my answer is more a comment. I'd say the TS needs to understand to better ask here.
All answers given so far are technically correct.
I guess you could also do for (reset($data); $user = current($data); next($data)) { :D
ow lol @hakre
heh, when I get over 3k, I'll make you guys a webservice so you can use my vote while I'm away ;)
@PeeHaa Yeah, we must have been in the same second or so. Both comments are in there.
You see a pattern? (this is mosaic v 0.0.1):
@NikiC heja!
hey @hakre
what's up?
can any one help me in here stackoverflow.com/questions/11360536/…
@PeeHaa morning
i am open phpmyadmin
error will be show
phpMyAdmin - Error
Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly.
this error show
Cannot start session without errors, nice :D
any idea
i am useing magento
@NikunjAkabari Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly.
how to solve this error
plz help me
@Leigh how to solve this error
Probably from India :/
I like the way it can't start without errors :D
errors are mandatory
hey @ircmaxell
A: filesize from a String

Theodore R. SmithThere is only one correct and guaranteed way for determining the file size of a string: $fileSize = strlen($string) + 1; // +1 for the EOF character, which is a byte. The mb_strlen() function will NOT WORK!! Consider: Consider the following user input is received (as UTF-8): $input = "I am w...

he downvoted me for supposidly being wrong, and posted his own wrong answer
@ircmaxell wow, the summary alone makes me want to punch him
@NikiC and you
He is using "jesus" quotes... says it all
@ircmaxell Btw, do files have an EOF character?
Yes, but it's included in the strlen
wait, I don't think so
hrm, that has me confused now
They have one if you put one in them...
I don't think there is an EOF character
No, they don't
@NikiC there is, but it's a sentinal value returned by fgets and the like
In computing, end of file (commonly abbreviated EOF) is a condition in a computer operating system where no more data can be read from a data source. The data source is usually called a file or stream. In the C Standard Library, the character reading functions such as getchar return a value equal to the symbolic value (macro) EOF to indicate that an end-of-file condition has occurred. The actual value of EOF is system-dependent (but is commonly -1, such as in glibc) and is unequal to any valid character code. Block-reading functions return the number of bytes read, and if this is fewer th...
aka ctrl+d .. a..b...c...d .. oh look 4 :D
@ircmaxell Yeah, so it doesn't exist in the file is what I mean ;)
doesn't exist in his file
@NikiC yeah, looks that way
@ircmaxell is his "—" character multibyte?
yea ok, if you put that string in a file, will it auto-insert a BOM ?
I should really test this myself :p
I wrote a blog post that's going live in 2 hours called The True Problem With PHP
Is the content "the average developer" ?
Hey guys. I've got a question:
my function createPage() count's the number of records in a database and, depending on this creates one new page per 10 records resulting in something like './page/i'. now there was this issue that if, theoretically, the page is not visited while there are 10 new articles inserted, it would not create the matching folder. should i go safe now, and check for all possible folders, slightly increasing the time the script needs to run, or would you recommend to just check the last 3 pages or so if they do exist or not
hi all
when i tried to create a file like this
$webRoot = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$css = $webRoot.'/html/css/';
$fp = fopen($css, "w");
getting error, but if given relative path it is working.
pls some body help me.
@NikiC it's not sighworthy :-P
@ircmaxell It is.
Read it, and then we'll talk
it goes live in 1:30...
Oh, the content is irrelevant
That's not what the was about
what was the sigh about?
It's rather a about how much power assholes like Jeff have over us
Not at all
the title is because of all of that garbage, but the content has nothing to do with it
So you mean, you wrote it just like that and you would have also written it if Jeff hadn't written that post?
Okay, then everything is good ;)
I would have likely had titled it differently if he hadn't, but the content still would have been written
what is sigh tag, can somebody explain
My still stands though, even if it does not apply to this particular situation :)
Oh, and my blog income has skyrocketed recently. I'm up to $0.50 per thousand page views...
and I've got way over 200k page views (in total)
that's pretty good
basically you have self-sustainable blog
well, not really. It's still just beer money at this point, but it's enough to be happy about
ok, shower time...
naah , it just means that you have really high maintenance costs
50-100$ should cover few month of hosting , if nothing else
@ircmaxell 200k * 0.5$/k = 100$ ?
well , if it's 0.05 $/k , then yeah , thats few beers
@ircmaxell Hrm, I haven't reached that milestone yet ^^
Hosting is free... I use blogger...
vps is £100 a year pretty cheap to run anything you want
@Leigh What specs do you get for £100?
Pretty sure that's shared something
cheapvps.co.uk/plans-kvm.php - 2 IPs, IPv6, 512mb ram, swap as much as you want
@NikiC I have some worklog burndown right now. Doing multiple things, one after the other as quickly as possible incl. biking through the city.
and when I have a spare moment, I think about why and how php -l could be placed into a tutorial.
512mb isn't a lot of you want to run anything. I neither see anything about cpu?
has 4 virtual cores
and 512 is enough for me
@Leigh Ghz?
Hi all
im in a meeting, ill let you know when i'm out :P
hehe k :)
@JitendraPancholi hiya
dont have my phone, and my server has 2 factor auth, so cant log in
@Leigh I pay less than $600 per year for a dedicated server
Let me rate your question: done. — PeeHaa 47 secs ago
Hi @PeeHaa
How are you?
hi, any idea why this works?:

$wishList = array('94','99','274');
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `sandsdb`.`stock` WHERE InternalID='$wishList[0]'") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_num_rows($result); // results 1

and this doesnt?
$wishList = array('94','99','274');
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `sandsdb`.`stock` WHERE InternalID IN('$wishList')") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_num_rows($result); //results 0 where it should result 3.
run 5.4, and turn notices on, it'll tell you
@Ron debug your queries by printing them!
Your second query looks like SELECT * FROM sandsdb.stock WHERE InternalID IN('Array')
Resource id #6
what? no
You're passing an array into a string. It gets juggled into 'Array' so your query is looking for stock records whose internalID is 'Array'
you want to implode(',', $wishList) first
also, @Ron , please stop using mysql_* functions
bloody hell , it's 29°C outside
@MikeB the implode worked, thank you.
@tereško what should I use instead the mysql_* functions?
@tereško that was the temp inside my apartment last night (probably hotter thermostat only reads upto 30) . 40 outside
@Ron the mysql_* functions are no longer maintained and the community has begun deprecation process. See the red box? Instead you should learn about prepared statements and use either PDO or MySQLi. If you can't decide which, this article will help you. If you pick PDO, here is good tutorial.
@rlemon , i am NOT opening the damned window ..
but i need to go to the market =/
@tereško I have a window mount AC (iirc only 4000 btu) and a tonne of fans... does not help.

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