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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

I made an SO question! Aren't you all proud of me?
Q: Fetch String in target language

GraemeI know how to get strings based on your current Locale. What I need to find is, if I have English and French language resource strings, and my device is in French, is it possible to retrieve the English language strings? (Context: We have been asked by business to use user displayed English str...

Yes. Deleted.
No Question for me :(
API 17+ only, tho
That's quite new
cries in froyo
Good because I was going to downvote you for asking a googlabe question
froyo 4eva
$10 says google invents a Q dessert before Android Q launches
Android QClosedasunclearwhatyouareasking
Android QuitAskingMe
@DaveS So you've never tasted Quetschentaart, Queijadinha, Qurabiya, Quindim, Qottab or Quesito?
Now you're just making up words
Wikipedia is an unreliable source, anyone can put stuff on it
Source: I'm on it
people don't usually have all the free time students have to write weird stuff on wikipedia... and students are not like you, they don't usually contribute to wikipedia :D
You don't need free time yourself when ML can do it for you
We're on to you, Mehdi
You can run, but you can't hide
should have finished it :D
@MehdiB. this shit aint qidditch
quit it guys
Quitters don't get dessert, Tim
@MehdiB. also no, I've never tasted those but I have had a delicious Quesarito
@DaveS XD
pay relatively small fee to get a lawyer to squash the bail
didn't even have to flag that offensive comment, it just got removed
Seriously though can't wait for chatse mobile
I wouldn't be excited about code Tristan wrote
Yeah but mayker has contributed so hopefully the writing/Reading of messages work :D
maybe =p
I thought tristan was more like the organiser
In the fact that he organizes the clean up of his code spill, yes
mauker did the UI, anubian the original set up, nathan osman the socket stuff and adam the rest
And Tristan casually inserted divides by 0 and removed "unnecessary null checks"
"make sure the image upload unit test uses images of cats"
And opened git tickets
[bug] I saw an image being uploaded that was not of a cat
user image
^ doing the lord's work
Was wondering why the app was this smooth
Good fix (y)
damn spotted a bug in github
user image
clearly a bug
looks like you can't react by an emoji to a commit
please no advertising
please no subpar bots
please no orange president
It was Adam, you didn't post enough political posts on Facebook
it could have been different
@TimCastelijns try it bro
@DaveS The more I think about it, the more this should have been: > Dave: I'm pregnant. > R15: Not another Tristan!
Please don't compare my daughter with Tristan
a line too far
shit you're right I can't make this joke anymore
quick start talking about random shit
night guys
@DaveS How dare - I google the heck out of it
11:45 am is a little late for me
make the text on top disappear
@TimCastelijns quick erase the star board
You have to use a fragment.
@Graeme back to school for you, need to retrain you on how to use google
You all can't complain about chatse unless you actually contributed so hush
says the guy who refactored a string
I'm starring that, but damn.
@AdamMc331 it was your fault you didn't vote
It's okay Tristan, I appreciate you.
"Android get language content" "Android get not current locale language" "get english string when device in french" "android get alternate language string"
"Get localizable string in different locale"
Sometimes your brain and the questioners brain is on a different language wavelength
Wait what string did I refactor
I mean if I had a question about fragments I wouldn't google "Android thing that runs in an activity issue"
See the star board
Pffft - "How to search for questions to which you already know the answer" :P
OI. That was because one of you complained about the spelling and was too lazy to do it themselves
lol we know you contributed Tristan but that commit is the perfect material for our faux narrative
I knew CAPTCHA was an acronym but I never looked it up until now. "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart"
Come-on Adam Please Tell Chat How-to Android
that's not an acronym
You're not an acronym.
TBH I always thought it had something to do with pokemon
gotta captcham all
ash captchum
that's really good
@DaveS Don't you trust me Dave?
No because there's no way you have enough free time to thoroughly review everything Tristan wrote
Fair enough
"unless" he wrote nothing
@DaveS lol
in "soviet" russia. lol
Sigh Airline server crashed
Of all days for this to happen
at least it wasn't the planes
Lol Dave yeah :D
1:0.75 ldpi was the worst idea ever
no one wants 1dp to be 0px
minimalists do
I want minimal Tim
|	|i
||	|_
There you go Adam
oh my gosh
something something joke head me
it's loss
Done Tim, glad to be of service
Hey Tristan, make like Mauker's joke and get lost
jk, sorry I just liked that setup
got 'em
Dave what do you even do all day
I'm the head of software and I make apps believe it or not
More than just building another chrome extension.
I don't believe it
dave might just be the best android dev in the room
Yeah and I might be a refrigerator, but I'm not
woah woah woah
And the first Android dev i met who actually knows how to code an animation :D
Tristan you're totally a refrigerator what are you talking about?
Also, can someone tell me why fridge has a d but refrigerator does not?
@Mauker i don't get it :D
@AdamMc331 Really? That's cool!
that sarcastic comment is quite offensive to those who identify as fridges
@DaveS So you're head of software?
user image
I get it now
Q: Why is "fridge" spelt with a 'd' but "refrigeration" spelt without one?

ShemSegerThe question is in the title, why does the word, refrigeration not have a 'd' in it when fridge does?

Mauker, what do YOU even do all day?!
@AdamMc331 I'm about to leave office lol
Tristan, when you see my two awesome Android apps that I built alone in 6 months while also managing the project, designing and working on the backend as well, you'll be impressed, or the project will fail miserably and I'll get hit with imposter syndrome pretty badly
@MehdiB. It's a meme
@DaveS I'm impressed. <3
@DaveS I'm proud <3
@DaveS Or you could hire a brazilian dev to help you out
@Mauker oooh :D
@DaveS But I am impressed <3
@DaveS I'm not a suckup. You will get praise when deserved
None of you will be able to do more than look around though
it's a Phoenix only thing for now
welp guess we're all gonna have to migrate so we can break dave's app for him
*Dave gets home from work*
Dave: "I had a terrible day at work. Tim wasn't impressed by my work"
Dave's Wife: I'm pregnant
oh man what a title
Tristan your joke is backwards
That's the joke
@MehdiB. That's how twitter works these days?
@Mauker seems like our pigeons got out
please don't insult my friend mehdi by insinuating he spends time or even has an account on twitter
Thank you Tim
But I thought he used twitter for data mining and ML stuff
he just uses his botnet accounts for that
he wouldn't make his own
^ :D
Mehdi is seeking to replace Raghav I see
Mehdi wrote Raghav
this explains so much
my code usually works, Dave :/
DAMN lmaooo
this room is getting TOO funny lately oh my god
yeah it's gotten much better since you switched jobs and are busy most of the day
That's the beauty of ML, Adam
We don't get dad jokes
Tim XD
user image
The battle of the ultimate bot
I've never seen so much buggy code represented in a single image
Hi! Welcome to Stack Overflow! You are very welcome to be here, we love having your here. It's just your question that we are having troubles welcoming, because we are not a code writing service. So you are welcome and we welcome you, please feel that you are welcomed, but your question is going to get closed and deleted. — Davy M Aug 7 at 19:33
Hey everyone
You wanna know something really funny
Jesus has 12 followers on GitHub. Just like the bible said.
I wonder if that was on purpose
@AdamMc331 XD
but look at that contribution graph... :O
I don't know if someone watched "Baki the Grappler" 15y ago... But they made a 2018 season and it's awesome :D
would be better if the followers' names were the same as the disciples
Would be better if the Romans crucified him and impaled him with the spear of destiny but lets not get too picky
too far dave
to be fair I was saying we shouldn't do that
Jesus is tired of your shit, Dave
He still loves me
I love this place.
@TimCastelijns rofl
Eski xD
Fu mobile chat :/

Adam can't tell the difference between a JSON Object and a JSON Array

Mar 16 '17 at 15:15, 28 seconds total – 5 messages, 1 user, 28 stars

Bookmarked 8 secs ago by Dave S

I like the airport decorations for the Independence day :D
Dave btw I am in the city where the place I told you about eating in choki dhani
Are you gonna eat any?
Yes you don't get the chance to eat authentic food too often
Yo cM my indiana man
yo CF my indian man!
Autocorrect lol
uh huh
Reminds me of Adams post about Indians losing :p
not much
what did they lose?
.net sucks. Well apparently just how we're using it
I mean he said he wanted Indians to lose
Oh .net sucks I agree
dotnet core is semi-decent
.NET, not so much
I've never really done much. I guess we're kind of integrating packages with both which makes it difficult
Nah, .NET really just does suck
I updated a bunch of packages. And it's working. But had to work with a team member today to revert them with fear of it breaking something else
It's a lot of legacy philosophy
Wrapped around Windows
It's basically what you get when you let a 5 year old build something on a sandbank
And then people will wonder why it keeps falling down
@AdamMc331 Has he been banned from Github after one of his followers reports him?
2 days ago, by Raghav Sood
Petition to ban Tristan
more like dumb contract amirite
The contract is only as smart as the one who wrote it
Tbh, it's easy to make mistakes writing smart contracts
The whole point is to make sure you catch them before going to prod
Once it's on the chain, you're fucked if there's a bug
that's why they aren't smart contracts
smart objects make hard things simple
I've spent months testing like 30 lines of code for just this reason
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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