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@PM2Ring Agreed, but the OP doesn't seem to know pandas, that's why they're reinventing the wheel. So not a dupe (unless they say it is).
1 hour later…
@smci "so not a dupe". But your dupe comment suggesting pandas is still there. I'm confused.
@AndrasDeak Oh. I'll go delete, edit and repost it modified
Hey guys, when u have a for inside a for and u used (underscore) for the first iteration, what do you usually use for a second iteration '__'?
@Gabriel_Koch You could use for _1: ... for _2: ... (a bit ugly) or i,j or i1,i2 if they're integers.
@simeg I'm assuming it's imported and used in multiple classes. See questions on [python] class import multiple files.
when does django.db.utils.ConnectionHandler is used?
2 hours later…
I'm having an issue with weasyprint: it'll take:
but it won't take:
def save_pdf(worksheet_html, filename, location='..//..//..//generated_worksheets'):

    filename = check_add_file_extension(filename, file_format='.pdf')
    write_target = location + '/' + filename
when location isn't given in the call, and filename = test_text_worksheet3
check_add_file_extension just appends .pdf to the filename string if it isn't there.
I've checked in the shell if that concatenation gives the same as manually putting the sting in the write_pdf call, and by printing when running the script.
Any ideas? I've tried using os.join, and pathlib, but weasy print didn't like those solutions, or several combinations of raw strings, forwardslashes, backslashes, escaped slashes...
What's the output of print(repr(write_target))? Does it match "..//..//..//generated_worksheets/test_text_worksheet3.pdf"?
Actually, maybe the difference is HTML(string=html_out) vs HTML(worksheet_html) (without string=)?
1 hour later…
Any idea, how can I launch a python script in the background and can run commands that the script understands....
through prompt, and in the end I can kill the script using any "exit" or "quit" phrase.
So, basically a (hopefully less complex) interpreter?
yeah, you can say so
but I believe its similar to what nohup command in shell does ...
except this time, every successive command I issue, will go to that python script
, will be processed and its output is thrown into stdout (i.e. screen itself)
If I am able to understand that part, using a phrase to kill it will be a piece of cake
@AseemYadav Not sure if this is the best approach, but you can have a streaming listener on stdin and then based on a end phrase or enter key, you may process the gathered input and give out resultant output on stdout.
@smci OK. Now it's pandas self-duped by OP :/ I'm afraid 6-rep OP didn't do it fully consciously
@shad0w_wa1k3r that did the trick actually, streaming listener on stdin is exactly what I was looking for
however, its one of the requirements of the task to process the command as it is entered...
@AseemYadav unsure how you might possibly achieve that, unless it's trivial arithmetic operations that you are doing (even those would be difficult if you include brackets)
a single keystroke may change entire lexical structure of the input
not to mention it'd definitely screw the possibility of showing command errors or the like
2 hours later…
Good day :)
3 hours later…
I want "lacks minimal understanding" back
That's "too broad" now, innit?
"We can't possibly teach you all of this"
How do I close "how do I unpack a 2-tuple into two names?"?
So basic I couldn't even find a dupe
How's this?
Yet again, the Spyder default behaviour strikes.
I really think it's a design decision they should make more obvious :/
The fact that questions almost always get downvoted when people find themselves in this situation must surely indicate that the whole thing is really unintuitive. Most commenters never even ask for clarification on the IDE
@AndrasDeak what is the distinction you're making in the comments to this? Did hygull delete a comment?
Or, I'm missing some reasoning in their existing comment that you've picked up on
Yea, it's for the case if you call any function and get tuple as return value finally assigning the values to variables. Thanks. — hygull 39 mins ago
tup = (200, 300)
m_pos_x, m_pos_y = (*tup,)
Context ^
@Aran-Fey I suggested adding to canon, care to check/fix/expand? sopython.com/canon/129/…
Hole in my knowledge. So splat operator creates a new tuple?
@roganjosh (*tup,) should be the same as tuple(tup).
@AndrasDeak Looks fine as is.
@Aran-Fey thanks. I'll finalize it and try to find more links later.
If there are more links, doesn't that just mean they need to be dupehammered?
<facepalm> got it, thanks.
@Aran-Fey I guess, but there could be one with tuples or iterators, they may apply better to new posts... mostly trying to prepare for the bleak future
There's a question about "Pothon" now. The community really is fragmenting :/
stackoverflow.com/questions/51467126/… It's a basic syntax error. I'm not sure if there's a dupe.
Gah, I waited for the 10 min counter and another answer snook in :)
Typos are exempt
I'll be more pro-active in linking them
I'm trying to strike a bit of a balance of not throwing too many close-vote questions here. There's a remarkable number but I had a feeling that was just going to invite more and more low rep users to answer
And good answers come from low rep users too, but I think you get the point I was making
@Simon you around? I'm attempting to stream on twitch
Yeah I am :)
Just trying to do that myself and it is driving me barmy laurel
@Code-Apprentice Sorry for the late reply
@Simon no need to apologize. I was just pinging you to let you know.
Have you got it working?
Yup, I can stream my entire screen. Unfortunately, I can't stream an individual window
I'm doing Android today if you want to come watch.
Cool. Is it basics?
Actually I'll check it out for myself :)
@Aran-Fey Thanks...I had been adding string= in and out, guess I didn't try this particular combination with that. In the reading around I was doing, it appeared that I was supposed to be using pathlib or os.path instead of string concatenation, is what I have inadvisable in some way?
@toonarmycaptain Well, if you use a higher-level approach like pathlib it's harder to make stupid mistakes like forgetting a / or using two of them instead of one. If you're only concatenating a path with a file name then it's no big deal. But the more you manipulate file paths (e.g. stripping the file extension, or concatenating multiple file paths, stuff like that) then pathlib is much more convenient (and less prone to errors) than manual string manipulation.
@Aran-Fey Maybe I'll look into it. It will really be just saving to a specific folder or using os save as gui, which I assume can just pass selected folder and entered filename to what I have and go from there.
@Aran-Fey FWIW // is the same as / on unix
Hmm, on Windows too, actually. Apparently python collapses them into a single one, because I get an error if I try to enter C:\\Users into the file explorer.
how about C://Users?
Should be the same...
Yup, same error
@Aran-Fey From a bit of reading last night it seemed like double slashes were for escaping purposes, at least in some instances?
not in windows paths, where backslash is the path separator
but on unix the separator is a forward slash which also works in windows
@Aran-Fey if you write 'c:\\users' in python that's probably because you are not using raw strings so you have to escape the backslash to avoid problems in cases of 'c:\users\newton' where \n would be interpreted as a linebreak. so the actual string contains only a single backslash. the better way to write it is r'c:\users' - in a raw string no backslash-escapes are evaluated
I think he meant trying C://Users from python
>>> os.listdir(r'C:\\\\\Users')
['All Users', 'Default', 'Default User', 'desktop.ini', 'Public', 'Rawing']
^ works fine
Aran was an expert in Raw things in a previous life ;)
hahaha, true :)
Hi can someone remove the [hold] from this question so I can type out the answer in a cleaner format than what commenting offers. I worked with the requestor to clarify the question. stackoverflow.com/questions/51466241/…
Is the question less unclear now than when it was closed? Is the question clear now?
it doesn't look very clear to me
the comments cleared it up, let me edit his/her question from the comments then we should be good to go :)
note that you already have a pending edit suggestion that doesn't make it any clearer
try now
@PydPiper ah, yes. Now it's a duplicate of stackoverflow.com/questions/9205081/… :)
Many thanks :)
I also added that dispatch one to the canon sopython.com/canon/130/…
here's hoping that works in this context stackoverflow.com/questions/9205081/…
1 hour later…
pip v18.0, what the heck? I only just finished fixing everything for pip v10.
seems like a mistake pypi.org/project/pip/#history
hmm, maybe not
oh, 18 for 2018; change in versioning?
how to get md5 of form uploaded file request.param['file']?
i can get md5 of file on disk
but when i try to do same for request.params['file']
it throws TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, instance found
what's request.params['file']?
file uploaded from <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Select image to upload:
<input type="file" name="fileToUpload" id="fileToUpload">
well one way or the other you need to obtain the corresponding bytes from that "file uploaded form"
if you have the bytes you can compute the hash
how i can do that?i am using pyramid
I don't know any web dev

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