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While we're talking about ast, why am I getting a TypeError: required field "lineno" missing from expr even though I've called ast.fix_missing_locations()?
do you have multiple levels of modifications? Does it need to depend on line numbers being in other locations?
pretty sure I only have a single NodeTransformer
haven't really started debugging yet, just wanted to make sure it's nothing obvious and stupid :D
@Aran-Fey I'm curious what diabolical project you are working on
making this possible through ast rewriting
you seem to have the most abstract and meta problems these last few weeks
oh, that :(
I didn't leave my 2c on the question because of the new "be extra super welcoming" policy
What's wrong with the question?
And couldn't you just find a way to word your opinion appropriately?
^^ that and ^ that
but I don't mind to say it here: teachers that can't teach without placing arbitrary restrictions are lacking imagination and creativity
wim's not a huge fan of arbitrary restrictions
ha, nailed it
Teaching their students not to modify builtins is probably a good thing, though
at least the question is putting my imagination and creativity to the test ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
it's lazy. there are plenty enough interesting programming problems you can set for your students without needing to resort to this. and learning how to reimplement sorted or whatever is not a useful or employable skill.
@wim devils advocate: learning how to sort leads itself to learning how to solve problems in general
cut out the middleman and go to the interesting problems directly.
learning how to do specific examples of classical problems leads itself to generalizations of those classical problems which appear often in real life
@wim professors have lives too, and they often don't want to spend the remainder of their lives writing all answer keys
I'm just playing devil's advocate, of course I agree with you in general
no, I'm strongly against this style of teaching. teach to use the tools already available, and build upon them.
otherwise you may as well prohibit calculators and force your students to do arithmetic
I'd say it's slightly different.
I generally agree that arbitrary restrictions suck, but you can't always make the students learn something without arbitrary restrictions. Take recursion as an example: What assignment can you give your students that can only be solved with recursion?
So in that case it would make sense to ban loops or whatever
any problem solvable with recursion is solvable iteratively
you can set a problem which is most elegantly solved with recursion, though
but in a class of 30 students, one or two will probably still do it with a loop
A: Python 3: Recursivley find if number is even

wimA really dumb use case for recursion, but here is my version anyway import random def isEven(num): if random.random() < 0.5: # let's learn about recursion! return isEven(num) else: # let's be sane! return num % 2 == 0 disclaimer: if you submitted this ...

teaching recursion in stupid way like this is a disservice to students
that is definitely a horrible use case for recursion, yeah
oh, some editor has butchered the question.
@wim horrible use, but at least they can come up with a really nice visualization of it in their heads
That's exactly what should be TCE'd though
I just started working with Flask in python. I was trying to render a html page. But it sends it back as a normal text file
It's a simple code and I am not sure what is wrong. When I searched online, my code is correct. So, I tried a different method of using make_response()
but i can't find the import statement for this
Please delete that and check out An Illustrated Guide To Formatting Code In Chat
The quickstart guide in the flask docs has an example that uses it, and the API section is CTRL-F-able to find the docs for it
Say I want to inject a function into an AST. Is there any way to insert a reference to a function into the AST? Or do I have to bind my function to a name that's never used anywhere in the code, to guarantee that it's never shadowed by anything?
...this whole thing is such a mind-blowingly massive hack, I can't even begin to describe it
It might be easier to do at the bytecode level. I think you can have multiple code objects nested in a parent code object?
I'd rather not stoop to bytecode level, because bytecode depends on the interpreter, unlike ast
if I'm gonna write a massive hack it should at least be compatible with all interpreters :p
@wim I like the nice feedback sandwich between you and abarnert over there.
I think the answer to this depends upon what kind of AST you're injecting into. A module? A function definition? Something else?
Not sure why that matters, but it's a module
Then do a leading-dunder with a randomly generated name and check for conflicts at each level
oh joy
alternatively, find a way to inline it in each function that uses it
I can't inline it, because the function has a closure with references to objects that don't exist in the code that I'm rewriting. So I have no choice but to store the function in the globals and replace the globals with a custom dict-like object
@KevinMGranger leading dunder? no
that's for name mangling, doesn't seem relevant here.
I suppose if you're randomly generating a name it's already mangled, yes
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ Honestly, since it's already answered, might as well reopen it IMO
@Aran-Fey no
we can debate whether it needs delvotes, but that's both not a programming question and too broad
also nonsense premise of not using a module
totally deletable
@KevinMGranger thanks
then using math and sin anyway is ridiculous
@wim blame the question
I like the answer because it makes a sincere effort but I hate the question.
However, I dislike the answer because it uses a lot of math concepts it doesn't bother explaining
I blame the question but I also blame users who answer these questions
jpp would answer a dog poop on the street if it asked a question
chuckle I want to star that but my spidey sense tells me I mustn't
You have a good spidey sense
holy s**t, I just saw an Alex Hall answer with text
Oh who is that? Another Ignacio type fgitwer?
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ I'm compelled to presume you mean well but the comment you left for jpp would make me want to slap you were I the addressee
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ Pretty much, yeah
It's sad to see that Tao has moved from PDE and combinatorics to web development.
A moment of silence for the future of mathematics
I was just giving that user a heads up because I did not want them to go complaining on meta later
I see they tend to do that a lot
I'm all ears. It was just a "quick heads up" that you're coming across as pretty obnoxious, in case you didn't intend that.
you're an adult and responsible for your actions, just wanted to give some feedback
Hmm, no, that wasn't my intention
guess, looking at it again, it could seem that way...
I'm also pretty sure the two of you have some history
I've made sure not to repeat the mistakes I made with jezrael
et al. :P
I guess you could say a bit of my frustration from seeing the constant slew of good answers wasted on crap questions leaked out into that comment.
missed the comment...deleted?
yes, I removed it because it was a little tomato-ey
I think the guy is addicted to stackoverflow. This is the ugly side of gamification.
But in essence, it was: "Quick heads up, this comment is being marked for deletion. You should know better than to answer questions like this".
I've said it before and I'll say it again: 20k rep and gold badge in 3 months is usually not a healthy thing
At least his code is usually decent unlike Ajoke1234
spidey sense is tingling
note that both ^ users come here every once in a while so if you have objective criticism you can even bring it up with them
Oh, I do
Ajax mostly to see who's been complaining about them today
I can confirm jez and jpp have some major history
I've stayed out of things, I've even made peace with jez now.
yah the aired their dirty laundry on meta
good job
And for all my nagging they've reduced their hopeless fgitwing on crap questions
so all's well
"aired their dirty laundry" is so soap-drama-ish
oddly fitting
..was that a pun?
side note: airing can do wonders for the smell
yeah, soap too
then again so can rhinitis
SOAP drama? Why not give it a REST?
hyuk hyuk
quick, someone make a lifetime joke
I don't GET it
I'll POST an explanation later.
the trait `Funny` is not implemented for `LifetimeJoke`
I'm a teapot...
That's 406 Not Acceptable
You're 208 Already Reported
httpbin has some funny response headers
e.g. curl -sI http://httpbin.org/status/402 | grep X-More-Info
hahaha, that's a good one for 402

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