While we're talking about ast, why am I getting a TypeError: required field "lineno" missing from expr even though I've called ast.fix_missing_locations()?
it's lazy. there are plenty enough interesting programming problems you can set for your students without needing to resort to this. and learning how to reimplement sorted or whatever is not a useful or employable skill.
I generally agree that arbitrary restrictions suck, but you can't always make the students learn something without arbitrary restrictions. Take recursion as an example: What assignment can you give your students that can only be solved with recursion?
A really dumb use case for recursion, but here is my version anyway
import random
def isEven(num):
if random.random() < 0.5:
# let's learn about recursion!
return isEven(num)
# let's be sane!
return num % 2 == 0
disclaimer: if you submitted this ...
teaching recursion in stupid way like this is a disservice to students
I just started working with Flask in python. I was trying to render a html page. But it sends it back as a normal text file
It's a simple code and I am not sure what is wrong. When I searched online, my code is correct. So, I tried a different method of using make_response()
Say I want to inject a function into an AST. Is there any way to insert a reference to a function into the AST? Or do I have to bind my function to a name that's never used anywhere in the code, to guarantee that it's never shadowed by anything?
...this whole thing is such a mind-blowingly massive hack, I can't even begin to describe it
I can't inline it, because the function has a closure with references to objects that don't exist in the code that I'm rewriting. So I have no choice but to store the function in the globals and replace the globals with a custom dict-like object