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1:58 AM
2:11 AM
2:46 AM
@rupinderjeet you would need a Module when you want to inject a class from a library like Retrofit. You don't need 3 modules. You can have just one NetWorkModule
1 hour later…
3:49 AM
morning roooooom.
4:25 AM
5:13 AM
5:31 AM
2 hours later…
7:39 AM
does someone have a reference link to a good dagger2 article? I have been through 3 of them, I am still confused about things a bit.
8:11 AM
you have to try to use it in an app, you can't learn it by reading about it
good morning
@WarrenFaith i'm having a goddamn headache with bitrise. can't make my build work
that doesn't sound like a good morning
well it didn't work already yesterday
either i'm too dumb or bitrise is too dumb
but i've ended up hand tailoring commands and Still the build result is wrong
build #22 was the first one to work, but the apk was wrong
let's see what build#23 delivers.
> x | install-missing-android-tools@2.1.0 (exit code: 1) sigh
8:31 AM
ignore the title, it's basically an intermediate tutorial covering a whole range of topics
8:51 AM
Funny how @Jordy mentioned cascading deletes within Realm yesterday and this morning I wake up to see that it's been implemented now but not yet released: github.com/realm/realm-java/pull/5678
looks like c-dog broke the build
build #24 worked and provided a valid APK
Is it just me or does that guy from Realm look like Gilfoyle from Silicon Valley?
but two libraries failed to install themselves
@MarkO'Sullivan with short hair, yea
where can you see what will be in the next major release by realm?
9:05 AM
in the Palantir
let me call mr. Took
@MarkO'Sullivan They read my complains and thought damn, this idiot actually makes sense.
Btw, morning all o/
9:12 AM
@TimCastelijns doesn't seem like they have their milestones up to date
@Jordy it's a good suggestion and it looks like it was in high demand
Hopefully they release the new version soon
4.3.3 is the latest version, so perhaps with that being a major feature it'll be in the v5 release?
> All checks have failed
yeah I remember reading on some page what would be release in 4, but don't remember where that was
@TimCastelijns thttps://github.com/realm/realm-java/releases ?
9:26 AM
Found a cool website for people wanting to share code: carbon.now.sh/…
exports images?
tweet and save
but no imgur button
what spawn of evil shares code as image
think of it more of a tool to make a slideshow or a presentation about a feature
that requires code
or a training
to a intern
"this is a lambda expression. look at it until you feel nervous when you see a normal callback".
9:44 AM
allright how many scripts did I trigger by clicking on that link
All the scripts
Good noon people
9:57 AM
how on hell can the nintendo switch be more expensive now that at launch?
high demand
like the best selling console ever right
or at least in recent years
it was the same with the wii
I sold mine after 2 years for more than I paid for it originally
@TimCastelijns looks really nice in Twitter - twitter.com/dmytrodanylyk/status/956085395023777792
LOL wat tim
also insane that it's already been out for 2 years?!
didn't it come out last year
isn't the wii like many years old??
10:01 AM
yeah this happened in like 2009
i just know it came out in 2017 for 299€ and now it's 333€ on mediamarkt
and with a 10% discount
not gonna buy :V
wait, you have mediamarkt in spain?
hij is toch niet gek?
seems like the germans are overtaking once again
luckily i am on the winner side
sure we do.
it's the main tech store here
10:14 AM
any other german stores?
we have supermarkets where you can buy all kinds of sausages, does that count?
yo dudes
@MuratK. Lidl, aldi
dunno if more
man starbucks coffee is the worst
just came from there
no starbucks in my city \ø/
10:22 AM
definitely one of the worst coffee i ever tasted
lol nice eric
not to mention its so fucking costly
waste of money i better throw my money in trash
starbucks coffe price is costly
but it's even costlier their cookies
Damn, even aldi
and i don't know if there are more
schlecker was here but now it's got another name
they went bankrupt
10:31 AM
how did they predicted that shit
usually you can see it coming by looking at the quarterly reports
if there is a constant decline in fincances, chances are bankruptcy is coming
he's talking about the simpsons thing tim
not about bankrupcy
tim always so serious :D
I know he is, this is my way of messing with him
@MuratK. oh I thought he was talking about the switch
10:36 AM
nah I switched to the wii
I have a wii
it's boring mate
except for the sword fight thing
i liked the wii for the HD nintentoish games
I used to play with GC controllers because wii controllers are so dumb
yeah GC controllers -> wii sticks
a friend of mine has the switch and says it's cool
@TimCastelijns :(
i dont have a wii
10:42 AM
i never had one
but my friends and gf do
i jsut have my pc and a xbox one
I have xbox one and ps4, but don't really use either
i use the first from time to time
but i bought most of the games i could play on it for PC because they were cheaper
So, I have a module for wrapping(?) context, getContext() is a @Provides and @Singleton. And, my component has this module and @Singleton specified. Component has been built too. And, the application class has a getter for component which makes it like ((AppController) getApplication()).getAppComponent().getContext().
Now, I need to somehow take this from my Activity to Presenter -> LocationRepository -> DataSource -> LocalDataSource, so that I can initialize LocationManager there, using context.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE)
Or, should I just create LocationManager in View and pass it to the end maybe?
maybe my module needs to have getLocationManager() instead of getContext()
Any new horizontal bar chart libraries released in the past year or so?
weren't you using Mpandroidcharts¿
aren't they cool nuff?
^any way
10:57 AM
@rupinderjeet can you not just provide locationmanager with a singleton
the only thing you need to construct it is a context and you can just use app context for that
@TimCastelijns Thanks !
like new Presenter(... , getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE))
no rup
yesterday, by Tim Castelijns
Presenter must not know about android classes
didn't actually think of this
11:02 AM
rookie mistake, don't worry
if you ask jordy he can show you to the noob corner
So, where will we do location, gps or google_services, if not in presenter.
i was doing mvp before all of you mate
in 2013
and you still don't know how it works
sad right
should fetching user location even reach repository or data sources?
I should research more
11:05 AM
yes, repo can know about android stuff
i mean it's gotta
repo has the database
it's difficult to split it up in a way that both makes sense, and also follows mvp
but tbh you could also just have a callback to the activity and make the activity do it
but ideally go with what tim is saying
so, okay, new Presenter(provideLocationRepository(LocationManager), LocationContract.View)
for my previous project I had view, presenter and model with the MVP stuff, and a separate package "platform" where the android platform stuff was parked
and the model package could access the platform package, but the view and presenter could not
11:07 AM
rupinderjeet: do you have a dagger module that has global dependencies
just add a locationmanager there
oh actually yes what you now suggested seems right
is there no way to avoid the view having to provide the repo?
So, context should not enter directly in presenter. It should be perhaps wrapped in something else. And, Repositories and DataSources can have context.
i dont remember what should presenter hold?
the idea is that presenters should be testable without having to mock android classes, so avoid android dependencies in presenters
they should be pure java logic
11:17 AM
and so what does it hold?
damn my memory :(
however it's very difficult to do this perfectly - I've never seen anyone do it successfully
yeah i figured that
since android is so tightly coupled
11:18 AM
i think i have context in presenters
yeah also this fucking context object is so annoying
the only thing that I inject into my presenters are use cases
rupinderjeet you need to wrap your repo calls into a biz use case
what is a usecase for you?
usually the place where I do all my rx heavy lifting
just a class that has a run method and returns an observable
11:20 AM
googlesameples/todo-mvp-clean uses use cases, I am trying to follow todo-mvp
but what is a usecase
what purpose does it serve
my use case base class looks like this
isolating business logic tim
you fetch something from the repo transform it, save it to the database
you don't want to do that in your presenters
oh that seems like a approach
what do your presenters do?
my presenters only react to results from use cases
11:22 AM
why do they exist?
I subscribe to the use cases (since they return an observable) and just steer the ui logic
tie the biz logic to the UI?
why what do your presenters do?
m8 don't get all offended, I'm just asking the master of MVP some questions to learn
@TimCastelijns no
shouldnt that be separate
11:24 AM
hahah nah i'm not offended
i think he is separating them not tying them
I want to understand what you do different :)
that passive aggressive smiley
11:26 AM
my presenter does rookie stuff like view.showSuccesfullySavedMessage(), view.showDetailsUi(Model) etc
i can genuinely be intellectually curious ok
just messing with you
i know m8
just playing along
11:27 AM
sometimes even i am not sure if tim is chatting for real or just being sarcastic
I'm never talking for real, this is just text chat
you can't talk for real if you're not for real
confirmed tim is a bot
a creation of raghav for trolling?
nsa spying tool
11:29 AM
Tim Sarcastelijns is a more fitting name :D
lmao true^
even better^
11:30 AM
Lord Joker Tim Von Sarcasmelijns the first of his name
I always blend the last name out cause I have no idea how to pronounce it
pretty sure i can't pronounce tims surname right
It's not simply Casteli-J-ns?
Cas teli jns?
11:32 AM
you can pronounce jns?
yes jns
jeens in american.
11:33 AM
lol what gins
no, cf, not jeeá , just jeee
tim still alive?
or died of laughter as foreigners try to pronounce his name?
Google translate says: "Casteleyns"
cas - as 'cas' from casablance
te - as 'tu' in tut tut
l - as regular 'l'
ij - as 'ei' from Eigen(Vector)
ns - as 'nce' from once
it's really easy
11:35 AM
i'll keep saying castlejeens.
it doesn't matter how you spell it, pronunciation is key
because i'm not sure i can say castuleince in english without dying.
in that case make it castle-einz, einz from german
11:36 AM
Does anyone have an idea on how to secure Google API map keys in Android ?
that's pretty good actually, castle-einz
I searched a lot but most of the methods exposed the key
we will just replace tim's surname with Realm
Tim Realm
Tim Realm.
11:37 AM
nah that sounds off
@RaghavSood will make sure no trace of castuleince is left on the internet.
Realm Jins ?
bat don't bother, nobody is interested in your google maps key
11:38 AM
lmao tim
worst case scenario : someone else parses a map.
also nice explanation tim
11:38 AM
best case scenario: only you parse a map.
@CptEric that's Sir Tim Realm to you
Lord of the Realm
Defender of Room 15
Son of a mother
Everybody is a son of a mother you know that is redundant info
what if the mother doesn't identify as a mother
you ever think about other people's feelings?
i knew it tim would say it lol
11:44 AM
Apologies Sir Tim Realm, Lord of the Realm, Defender of Room 15, Dagger wielder
I woke up today without ever thinking that at some point CF would be hurting other peoples feelings again
Tim is Realm boy
lmao what
dammit mehdi never leaves any opportunity
Tim can hurt you with his insults and his newly discovered Dagger skills
11:45 AM
@ColdFire What about anakin? what about jeebus? what about horus? and athenea?
you insensible!!
I am Anakin Skywalker
sigh so triggered
Where are the Siths ?
lmfao tim
11:46 AM
Those are PHP Siths :P
there are no other Siths
those are where all the Siths are trained
I opened that room for the first time, brb gonna repent
Oh Siths in Stack overflow...We need more Jedis
11:47 AM
And Jedis are here..
Tim is Realm Jedi
please stop worshipping me, I'm not as great with realm as some of you think. Mark has surpassed my skills
Modest as well, all praise Sir Tim Realm!
I am only an apprentice
Yeah ! All hail Realm King..Tim
Tim is the sith lord and mark is his apprentice
everybody knows wht appretices do with their masters
11:54 AM
Oh my god a sith here
dark lord
I feel dirty
lmao mark
11:54 AM
you mean phew?
Pew pew.
chew chew
All aboard the worship Tim train
11:56 AM

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