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The Grouch? :p
@AshishNitinPatil ty
 I have a mongoDB, if I find a value within the database how do I return a value from that collection e.g.
 existing_hash = url_list.find_one({'url_hash' : hash})
        #If it finds the hash
        if existing_hash is not None:
            return 'url'
I can't fix that, this website is honestly so bad for entering info.
Yes, chat is not "great", but I wouldn't call it bad :)
My DB:
"_id": {
"$oid": "5a13171a1f85540798c71e2f"
"url": "http://google.com",
"url_hash": "mTIyYFJ"
So if I find url_hash, I want to return url. If that makes sense. Thanks.
if we're honest, the UX on all SE sites is horribly counterintuitive. It's not bad, but it really takes a while to get used to...
I don't understand what you're asking. To return the url key from the matched document use return existing_hash['url']
I'll try that, I presumed it was simple. I just didn't know the syntax
I don't know much about MongoDB, but I'm concerned about the premise of the question. Most hash functions are not reversible, so If you have the hash you can't unambiguously determine the unhashed data.
You may very well have multiple URLs that share the same hash
This grows increasingly likely as your DB accumulates rows
@Kevin That won't happen, it's a small db anyway.
Is this some sort of web caching solution?
Why even hash urls though?
@Calvin-Castle By the looks of it, you just need to assign the result of find_one to some variable. If it's not None, then it's the object you wanted.
@vaultah Thanks man"! That worked, can I give rep in chat or?
Fun fact: when 23 people are in a room, there's a 50% chance that at least two of them share a birthday.
@AshishNitinPatil that's what the code will do I think
@Calvin-Castle no
@Kevin yeah I like that
I'll delete my messages so the feed is not clogged. Thanks again.
That's not strictly necessary.
existing_hash = url_list.find_one({'url_hash' : hash})
if existing_hash is not None:
    return existing_hash['url']
Not very sure, but from what I understand from your question, that should do the job
Messages have to be wayyyy more disruptive than this to really earn a deletion
@Kevin: we had one here, with the puppy and randomhopeful. ;-)
@AshishNitinPatil Yeah, that worked. Thanks
One of my meatspace friends shares a birthday with his coworker.
Have a good day guys.
you're welcome, and same to you :)
@Calvin-Castle :-)
I need to kill some tabs
s/\t/ / there you go.
@Rawing necromancy
heh. Don't leave your dead answers where unsuspecting people stumble upon them :P
Is there a word that means "decide where to send an HTTP request based on something about the request, e.g. customer has paid for gold service thus goes to the good servers"
It's routing.
I'd call it routing
@RobertGrant something something net neutrality grr
You, sir. You.
(cbg, all! Been a while)
@AndrasDeak not all routing is about the network :)
Well, the open network.
yeah I even have one of them routers at home
also, cbg Adam
I don't mean network routing; I'm trying to in a few words describe BobCorp's API gateway product
so this is my "I swear I did this right but obviously I FUBAR'd something" moment. I have a bunch of lines formatted like "sitenum day day day day" with a variable number of days. When I iterate by hand in a for loop for line in lines: site, *days = line.split() it works great in Py3.6. When I put it in a list comprehension [(site, day) for line in lines for (site, *days) in line.split() for day in days] it doesn't. Am I dumb?
I should get tuples like ('13', '11') but the list comp gives me ('13', '1')
Those two tuples look very similar
Hmm hard to say without an MCVE
yeah. I'll see if I can recreate it after the script is done churning with the for loop version
My advice would be to break it into for loops first
Ah, and you've done that :-)
got tired of hacking at it and just made it work
Also use small amounts of test data so you don't have to wait :-)
network waits. They're file copies :P
somebody forgot to run a script this morning that backs up some files before they're processed, so I gotta go grab them from the backups on the remote sites
My vague suspicion is that it's iterating one level too deep.
I don't think for (site, *days) in line.split() will work, listcomp or not.
@AdamSmith your for loop version looks like 1 level: for line in lines -> site,*days = line.split() only once. But in the comp you have for line in lines -> for (site,*days) in line.split() -> where did that loop come from? Also what DSM said ^
If you want to play games with a for loop here, you'd have to cheat and use the old put-it-in-a-dummy-list trick.
also you're then even looping over days...
In [26]: lines
Out[26]: ['sitenum day1 day2 day2 day3']

In [27]: [(site, day) for line in lines for (site, *days) in [line.split()] for day in days]
[('sitenum', 'day1'),
 ('sitenum', 'day2'),
 ('sitenum', 'day2'),
 ('sitenum', 'day3')]
can we bikeshed whether the list is the best sequence for that? ;)
ah shoot, of course
DSM got it exactly
For the record, I wouldn't do this. I'd start with your for loop, make it a generator by using yield instead of append, and now you have a nice clean function instead of something where we're taking advantage of a cheat to fit *days in there.
or zip(cycle([site]),days)? ;)
morning cabbage
We could also reorder, e.g. [(site, day) for site, *days in map(str.split, lines) for day in days].
power is out at my office, so my boss gave me a laptop and told me to go use the wifi at barnes & noble nearby
Meh this is a one-off script. I don't mind hacking list comps to make it work once.
how's B&N?
@Code-Apprentice: the joys and pains of modern tech!
@AdamSmith well...there's lighting...
lights are a plus!
half the mall is out of power, too. Just not the half with B&N
To poke fun at myself: I mentioned being okay with silly hacks to make a one-off script work, but I did import namedtuple to properly encapsulate that data....
power is back on and I have been recalled back to base ;-(
boy that didn't take long
well...it's been out for a few hours
you totally jinxed it
not that I'm superstitious or anything...
I'll finish downloading docker and then go get lunch before heading back, though.
Yesterday an acquaintance of mine told me that trebuchets are bourgeois. I didn't get the chance to ask him if catapults were better or worse in that respect.
I'm still trying to sort the whole thing out.
well if you're a commoner you can't afford either
there are some here who would say that nametuple itself is a silly hack
that's the one with the dynamically generated and execed code block, right?
> Is my professor wrong? Python [on hold]
:D this question... even if OP got the answer, is OP going to the prof and say "a bunch of random unknown people on the interweb from a recognizable site says you're wrong"
I hope so.
I wonder what the response from the prof would be "yes you are correct, sorry" or "Yeah I don't care, stop wasting my time".
[it's the children who are wrong.png]
Segfault that happens 1/20 times :-(
I assume 20 pdb sessions are not an option
The segfault involves multithreaded cffi code. This isn't going to be fun.
this might be a stupid question but can't you restrict the number of threads?
The threading behaviour is mandated by the library, I can't do anything about it.
I see. I was only asking because I know this can be changed with envvars for numpy's blas stuff
rhubarb for a while
I don't actually think it's the threading causing the problem, just makes debugging harder. But if it were easy anyone could do it..
Apple rhubarb for Andras! ;-)
Rhubarb Andras. : )
@DSM I'm not a hipster; I have to wait until it gets cool ;)
I also had debugging in mind
How do i make my code more efficient? is amusing to me. Half of the code calculates the number of spaces in a line, when the requirements mention absolutely nothing about spaces.
Food $200 Data $150 Rent $800 Candles $3,600 Utility $150 someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying
Hammerers: what should you do when the question is an exact dupe, but there's a better answer possible that the dupe doesn't have (because it's old, usually)?
If the question you hammered doesn't have any answers, nothing
It has answers, but they're outdated or bad
Actually, in this case, the question only arises because of a misguided design. context here.
The "right" thing to do is to write your own answer for the old question and pray that it will get upvoted to the top somehow
Despite not having had any views since 2013
What the "right" thing to do depends on perspective. What is the right thing to do for the current question asker and future readers? What is the right thing to do for the original answerer and question asker? What is the right thing to do to maximize site traffic and ad revenue?
nudge nudge wink wink solution: write your own answer for the old question, and during the time of day when the room has the highest concentration of people that like you, post a link and talk about what a shame it is that all but one of the answers are out of date, and if only there was a way to fix this injustice...
I'd personally, answer the old question and hammer new question. If there is an existing answer on new question, I'd flag and ask mod to move answer (if they can do that)
But I don't think my actions would be in the best interest of future readers... So, idk
Hello, anybody here who is familiar with pyinstaller for python 2.7 :)
The easiest way to determine the answer to that question, is to ask your actual question about pyinstaller, and see if anyone gives you an answer.
> You may ask your question without a preamble.
@h_e_u_r_e_k_a See sopython.com/chatroom
I dislike both of those technologies
And no matter how many times I have made the same mistake in formatting content, I keep making it. :(
I have a big folder th a lot of files in them and I want all of them to go into in a single executable. Do I really ave to name all files separately when I execute
pi@rpi@~ pyinstaller -F /home/pi/first.py /home/pi/second.py ...
pyinstaller is embarrassingly old-skool. It's 2017, take a look at pex instead.
Python experts please clarify: it is general python convention to not use getters/setters, yes? Is this documented in a PEP note somewhere?
We don't need them because you can do it through descriptor protocol with "normal" attribute access.
There is a section in PEP8 about it here: designing for inheritance.
> For simple public data attributes, it is best to expose just the attribute name, without complicated accessor/mutator methods.
@wim Thank you. I have a professor who took off 1.5 letter grades because I didn't user getters/setters. Her response on the subject: "Getters and setters are basic building blocks of proper OOP. They are language independent. No employer or client will accept software where you're directly accessing variables, as it is akin to building a car without doors."
She's flat-out wrong.
@JGrindal I got hired and I don't really use getters and setters all the time (only sometimes :) :D
Most of my clients don't even look in my code ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@wim You could hammer the old question as a dupe of the new one
That's kind of my thought. The client cares that the duck glides gracefully across the pond, not how many kicks its making to do it.
That is acceptable when the answers to the new question are vastly superior to that of the existing
some clients care how the duck swims :( duck swim-style matters
If you're writing code with the aim of being completely language-independent, then your output is going to be longer and less efficient than code that actually utilizes all the tools available
I don't know the solution here. You could tell your prof that some guys in an internet chat room said she's wrong :)
Haha, I'll point here at PEP8.
@MooingRawr sometimes they want you to remove the duck
haha nice ... jeep?
> building a car without doors
I'm sure "-1.5 grades because I'm wrong" teacher will be flattered by wellactuallying their poor reasoning
Save your scathing emails until after she no longer has the power to change your final grade
Yeah I was thinking of a Kawasaki motorcycle or something but it didn't seem to fit. Python as a jeep is much more fitting!
-1.5 grades for not putting a snake behind the steering wheel
I mean, this is kinda like building a thing unlike another thing, so it's like -1.5 points for omitting two wheels
for not filling the brake circuit with snake oil
Anyone here good with setuptools?
I'm trying to use setup_requires=['setuptools_scm'] to try and get around the dreaded check-the-version-number-without-importing-your-package thing
can't seem to get it working properly
I have use_scm_version=True but it doesn't find the version even though I've stored it in the one obvious place (mypackage.__version__ string)
Devil's advocate: Let us assume that the class is specifically about learning principles of object oriented programming that isn't specific to any one language. The instructor chose Python not because of its many unique and good features, but because it most closely resembled "pseudocode except it actually runs". Sort of a platonic ideal of OO.
Given the goal of the class, students should not be adhering to the idioms of Python, no matter how labor-saving, because it will pollute their mental category of "things that are portable between all OO languages"
@JGrindal So show her that you know the proper way to do getters and setters in Python. As Wim's PEP-8 link says "use properties to hide functional implementation behind simple data attribute access syntax".
@Kevin The class is on cryptographic methods. We got to choose the language we would write the final project in, I chose python.
There goes my benefit of the doubt :-(
class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self, attr):
        self._attr = attr

    # See teach? Even though this is dumb, I did it to make you happy.
    def attr(self):
        return self._attr

    def attr(self, newval):
        self._attr = newval
OTOH, Kevin does have a good point too.
the comment is necessary.
The descriptor protocol is all about getters and setters, so in a sense she's right. But the way she described it is very "holier than though" and authoritarian.
[I accidentally enabled "responsive design mode" in firefox, and it took me a minute to go back to the regular view. And they say it's hard to quit vi!]
It's possible she just doesn't know about __get__ and __set__. I was able to use Python effectively for years without knowing about them.
IMHO, a class on cryptographic methods shouldn't be critiquing language-specific design decisions.
teacher probably has a very strict understanding of C
@AndrasDeak Java, more likely.
Yeah but the class isn't "write C in Python" so that doesn't seem to matter here
I would prefer if the bulk of the grade was based on "does your code run and produce the correct output?". You should be able to get a B+ if you submit functional chicken scratch.
My opinions about education, let me show you them.
Pedagogy bikeshed START
I could imagine "skull and crossbones" mistakes in a topical project, but that would be for things like exec or injection vulnerabilities
Yeah, she's just being a super hardass - if the project is about cryptography, then let it be about cryptography. This isn't some undergrad CompSci 100 class.
I suppose if some of the grade is based on "is your code secure against injection attacks?" then they would also need to grade based on "can I read and understand your source code?" or else everybody would run their project through an obfuscator to make it harder for the graders to identify weaknesses
oh a somewhat related (if non-programming) topic: my daughter is a 2nd grader and I've been arguing with her teacher about the homework assignments that are coming home. In response her teacher sent me a 2 page abstract of a pedagogical study of elementary school students demonstrating how repetition helps subject retention.

I had to point out that "repetition" in this case doesn't mean to re-assign the same exact worksheet on addition three times in as many weeks.
Secure against injection attacks isn't a criteria, it was mostly prevention of MITM attacks
In other news: I have parent/teacher conferences this evening and halfway expect to be thrown out.
> At the zoo.
> kid: Daddy, what kind of animal is that?
> dad: ...
> kid: Daddy, what kind of animal is that?
> dad: ...
> kid: Daddy, what kind of animal is that?
> dad: ...
> mom: Honey, why won't you answer him?
> dad: Darling, let him keep asking, that's how they learn!
My brother-in-law is Dean of Students at a nearby private K-8 and asked strongly to be skyped into this conference
I'm not looking forward to it
Sounds like a bit of a Courtesan's Reply gambit on the part of the teacher. For the unfamiliar, the gambit goes like this: "I won't engage in debate with you until you finish reading all of this information relevant to the topic", followed by lots and lots of boring books. It's a conversational DOS.
Little did the teacher know that your attention span buffer is larger than two pages >:-)
he's met his match! I can read and response asynchronously! ;)
My bad, I misremembered the name.
The Courtier's Reply is an alleged type of logical fallacy (specifically, an ad hominem) in which a respondent to criticism dismisses the arguments of the critic by claiming that the critic lacks sufficient knowledge, credentials, or training to credibly comment on the subject matter. Additionally, a "Courtier's Reply" will refer (either explicitly or implicitly) to authorities that the respondent considers to have the requisite expertise and body of work in the subject matter, whose work the respondent claims the critic failed to address. It may be considered a form of argument from authority...
brb import itertools as functional_chicken_scratch
The teacher clearly doesn't understand what it is he's assigning. Seems like he's just pulling out a worksheet to hand out at the end of the class without regard for what's on it
the worst example of this was an assignment he sent home a month or so ago
one table spanning two pages. Left column questions, right column answers. Match the questions with the answers
perfectly fine, no biggie
except that he re-assigned the same worksheet across two days three weeks later
pg 2 one day, pg 1 the next day
pg 2 has no instructions, and some of the questions on pg 1/2 pair with answers on page 2/1
What's your beef (or chicken) with itertools? There's some good stuff in there, IMHO.
I agree there's good stuff in there
My beef is when people try to use it when they don't need the "lazy", and plain old for loops, conditionals, and generators would be more Pythonic
print(' '.join(itertools.chain.from_iterable([["How", "dare", "you!"]])))
Because the lazyness, which can be very powerful, often comes at a cost of less readability and clarity
OK. In that case I agree. It's similar to using regex for something that can be easily done with plain str methods.
although I do like itertools.product better than nested for loops 90% of the time.
@wim Also, generators have an overhead, and if you use them when they aren't needed, they can be slower, especially if the amount of data is small.
I use product and groupby and very little else from that module
I wonder if anyone ever quit their job over stringent and weird code review requirements
I end up using the grouper recipe quite a bit
NP-hard: a problem that requires you to import numpy as np
There is a sister problem set named jquery-hard
I've got a colleague who always writes "np" to mean "no problem" and I can't help but read numpy now :(
I like isdigit for client-side validation, especially of data I want to manipulate as a string anyway (UPCs come to mind)
My UPC-A should always pass isdigit, but since 050000246649 is valid, I need to keep it stringy to manipulate those leading digits.
phone numbers too. Translate out the punctuation and check against isdigit, then send the whole phone number as-written.
took me a while to realise you didn't say stingy
A chapter in my Haskell book sounds like the most depressing autobiography ever written. "How I learned to stop worrying and love Nothing."
Embrace the void
stringy & stingy == {'jellyfish'}
are jellyfish known for being stingy?
The flood of text based user login/password questions is in full force.
School projects are due soon.
alrighty, break time's over. rhubarb
"Simplest answers are welcome! Its an assignment for a class. Thanks everyone!!"
Haha, they become more shameless by the day
Someday I want to ask one of those OPs if they'll properly credit us for writing the code when they turn in their assignment, the reaction's bound to be great (:
They come on here only because they know they don't have to - there's no catch, people are willing to answer just about anything for points
You may be right, but I doubt many of them think that far ahead. I think most of them are just like "this is a place where I can ask for help"
Well, maybe, but what I said certainly applies to the so-called repeat offenders... sigh
Hahaha one of these OPs presented their code as "the latest permutation that doesn't work". That makes it sound like he's randomly shuffling characters around because he has no idea what he's doing
Hah, "too basic" has never been a close reason, but sometimes I wonder how things would be if it were. The site would take a hit, and the CMs wouldn't want that.
A wise man once said this about this subject:
Aug 22 at 16:12, by Andras Deak
@Rawing I usually close those as unclear. "This can't be your actual question"
Wise words indeed.
This OP who keeps dripping a bit more information each time I respond :\ we need a name for em.
quick: how do I speak truth to power about the physical impossibility of encoding more than 10k users into a 4 digit (base 10 :P) space?
I have a list a = list('abababccc'). I want a list of tuples that calculate the cumulative count of each element of the list. I want this:
[('a', 1),
 ('b', 1),
 ('a', 2),
 ('b', 2),
 ('a', 3),
 ('b', 3),
 ('c', 1),
 ('c', 2),
 ('c', 3)]
How dirty is:
d = {}

[(k, d.setdefault(k, d.pop(k, 0) + 1)) for k in a]
dirty. side-effects in list comps eww
how clean does the code need to be?
I'm just messing around with ideas
Oh, there's a nice little recipe with itertools.count. Let me type it up
[(char, count[char]) for char, count in zip(a, accumulate(map(Counter, a)))], maybe?
Side effects yes, but... I'm using the both side effects and return value. That has to be ok-ish... right?
c = {k : count(1) for k in v}
[(x, next(c[x])) for x in v]

[('a', 1),
('b', 1),
('a', 2),
('b', 2),
('a', 3),
('b', 3),
('c', 1),
('c', 2),
('c', 3)]
I am so not good at formatting
ooh that's cute
That's very slick; disappointed I didn't think of it.
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ please see the second pinned post -> :P
There's been a lot of that lately. I think the ol' noggin's slowing down.
You still have time...
@DSM do you get the same amount of sleep?
I've seen that a few days of minor sleep deprivation makes me feel like a Neanderthal
a few days of 5hr nights just eat up my weekend 'cuz I'll sleep 'till noon each day
Whoa.... Neanderthals were smart!
hah, I'm out of time.
But you get the picture
Let's not make this personal
...which is not to say that you're acting like a hominid or anything :P
Sorry, 23 and Me says I'm 3.5% Neanderthal. I have to look out for my peeps
"I'm not insane, my mother had me tested"
I have more Neanderthal variants than 70% of others on 23 and Me
@piRSquared Can I have your expertise on this question? stackoverflow.com/q/47402346/4909087
It seemed pretty obvious at first until OP changed their MCVE
In meeting. But I will look
Oh, nevermind then. At your leisure
u, i, c = np.unique(df.cluster, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ does that work?
@piRSquared Yeah, it works perfectly.
You should post it, I'll delete
Nope! You post it (-:
Anyone know if knowing a gui interface for python is nessecary to get a job?
I'm beginning to understand what it does, and wow. Mind blown
@user43850 Of course, if you're hired as a frontend GUI developer using Python....
@AdamSmith Thank you
I'd learn tkinter 'cuz it's batteries included, not too hard, and having to think about GUI is useful for understanding the more practical aspects of programming as a career
(thinking about data structures in terms of UX is sometimes different than thinking about it as a DBA)
@piRSquared Always saving the day... Still reeling at the fact that that works. Anyway, I've CW'd my answer because it isn't mine anyway
but in general I'd say no, your ability to make pretty menus on the desktop is irrelevant to most jobs that might hire a Python programmer.
@user43850 ...unless you're talking about using an IDE, in which case YMMV based on what shop you're employed at
but generally the best ones don't care how your code gets written, as long as it passes code review and isn't like pulling teeth to read.
hmm... that blue avatar looks unfamiliar
Was it always like that, or did Gravatar change their code again or something?

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