I have a mongoDB, if I find a value within the database how do I return a value from that collection e.g.
existing_hash = url_list.find_one({'url_hash' : hash})
#If it finds the hash
if existing_hash is not None:
return 'url'
I can't fix that, this website is honestly so bad for entering info.
I don't know much about MongoDB, but I'm concerned about the premise of the question. Most hash functions are not reversible, so If you have the hash you can't unambiguously determine the unhashed data.
You may very well have multiple URLs that share the same hash
This grows increasingly likely as your DB accumulates rows
Is there a word that means "decide where to send an HTTP request based on something about the request, e.g. customer has paid for gold service thus goes to the good servers"
so this is my "I swear I did this right but obviously I FUBAR'd something" moment. I have a bunch of lines formatted like "sitenum day day day day" with a variable number of days. When I iterate by hand in a for loop for line in lines: site, *days = line.split() it works great in Py3.6. When I put it in a list comprehension [(site, day) for line in lines for (site, *days) in line.split() for day in days] it doesn't. Am I dumb?
I should get tuples like ('13', '11') but the list comp gives me ('13', '1')
somebody forgot to run a script this morning that backs up some files before they're processed, so I gotta go grab them from the backups on the remote sites
@AdamSmith your for loop version looks like 1 level: for line in lines -> site,*days = line.split() only once. But in the comp you have for line in lines -> for (site,*days) in line.split() -> where did that loop come from? Also what DSM said ^
In [26]: lines
Out[26]: ['sitenum day1 day2 day2 day3']
In [27]: [(site, day) for line in lines for (site, *days) in [line.split()] for day in days]
[('sitenum', 'day1'),
('sitenum', 'day2'),
('sitenum', 'day2'),
('sitenum', 'day3')]
For the record, I wouldn't do this. I'd start with your for loop, make it a generator by using yield instead of append, and now you have a nice clean function instead of something where we're taking advantage of a cheat to fit *days in there.
To poke fun at myself: I mentioned being okay with silly hacks to make a one-off script work, but I did import namedtuple to properly encapsulate that data....
Yesterday an acquaintance of mine told me that trebuchets are bourgeois. I didn't get the chance to ask him if catapults were better or worse in that respect.
:D this question... even if OP got the answer, is OP going to the prof and say "a bunch of random unknown people on the interweb from a recognizable site says you're wrong"
How do i make my code more efficient? is amusing to me. Half of the code calculates the number of spaces in a line, when the requirements mention absolutely nothing about spaces.
Food $200
Data $150
Rent $800
Candles $3,600
Utility $150
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying
Hammerers: what should you do when the question is an exact dupe, but there's a better answer possible that the dupe doesn't have (because it's old, usually)?
What the "right" thing to do depends on perspective. What is the right thing to do for the current question asker and future readers? What is the right thing to do for the original answerer and question asker? What is the right thing to do to maximize site traffic and ad revenue?
nudge nudge wink wink solution: write your own answer for the old question, and during the time of day when the room has the highest concentration of people that like you, post a link and talk about what a shame it is that all but one of the answers are out of date, and if only there was a way to fix this injustice...
I'd personally, answer the old question and hammer new question. If there is an existing answer on new question, I'd flag and ask mod to move answer (if they can do that)
But I don't think my actions would be in the best interest of future readers... So, idk
I have a big folder th a lot of files in them and I want all of them to go into in a single executable. Do I really ave to name all files separately when I execute
@wim Thank you. I have a professor who took off 1.5 letter grades because I didn't user getters/setters. Her response on the subject: "Getters and setters are basic building blocks of proper OOP. They are language independent. No employer or client will accept software where you're directly accessing variables, as it is akin to building a car without doors."
If you're writing code with the aim of being completely language-independent, then your output is going to be longer and less efficient than code that actually utilizes all the tools available
Devil's advocate: Let us assume that the class is specifically about learning principles of object oriented programming that isn't specific to any one language. The instructor chose Python not because of its many unique and good features, but because it most closely resembled "pseudocode except it actually runs". Sort of a platonic ideal of OO.
Given the goal of the class, students should not be adhering to the idioms of Python, no matter how labor-saving, because it will pollute their mental category of "things that are portable between all OO languages"
@JGrindal So show her that you know the proper way to do getters and setters in Python. As Wim's PEP-8 link says "use properties to hide functional implementation behind simple data attribute access syntax".
class Foo(object):
def __init__(self, attr):
self._attr = attr
# See teach? Even though this is dumb, I did it to make you happy.
def attr(self):
return self._attr
def attr(self, newval):
self._attr = newval
The descriptor protocol is all about getters and setters, so in a sense she's right. But the way she described it is very "holier than though" and authoritarian.
[I accidentally enabled "responsive design mode" in firefox, and it took me a minute to go back to the regular view. And they say it's hard to quit vi!]
I would prefer if the bulk of the grade was based on "does your code run and produce the correct output?". You should be able to get a B+ if you submit functional chicken scratch.
My opinions about education, let me show you them.
Yeah, she's just being a super hardass - if the project is about cryptography, then let it be about cryptography. This isn't some undergrad CompSci 100 class.
I suppose if some of the grade is based on "is your code secure against injection attacks?" then they would also need to grade based on "can I read and understand your source code?" or else everybody would run their project through an obfuscator to make it harder for the graders to identify weaknesses
oh a somewhat related (if non-programming) topic: my daughter is a 2nd grader and I've been arguing with her teacher about the homework assignments that are coming home. In response her teacher sent me a 2 page abstract of a pedagogical study of elementary school students demonstrating how repetition helps subject retention.
I had to point out that "repetition" in this case doesn't mean to re-assign the same exact worksheet on addition three times in as many weeks.
> At the zoo. > kid: Daddy, what kind of animal is that? > dad: ... > kid: Daddy, what kind of animal is that? > dad: ... > kid: Daddy, what kind of animal is that? > dad: ... > mom: Honey, why won't you answer him? > dad: Darling, let him keep asking, that's how they learn!
Sounds like a bit of a Courtesan's Reply gambit on the part of the teacher. For the unfamiliar, the gambit goes like this: "I won't engage in debate with you until you finish reading all of this information relevant to the topic", followed by lots and lots of boring books. It's a conversational DOS.
Little did the teacher know that your attention span buffer is larger than two pages >:-)
The Courtier's Reply is an alleged type of logical fallacy (specifically, an ad hominem) in which a respondent to criticism dismisses the arguments of the critic by claiming that the critic lacks sufficient knowledge, credentials, or training to credibly comment on the subject matter. Additionally, a "Courtier's Reply" will refer (either explicitly or implicitly) to authorities that the respondent considers to have the requisite expertise and body of work in the subject matter, whose work the respondent claims the critic failed to address. It may be considered a form of argument from authority...
The teacher clearly doesn't understand what it is he's assigning. Seems like he's just pulling out a worksheet to hand out at the end of the class without regard for what's on it
the worst example of this was an assignment he sent home a month or so ago
one table spanning two pages. Left column questions, right column answers. Match the questions with the answers
perfectly fine, no biggie
except that he re-assigned the same worksheet across two days three weeks later
pg 2 one day, pg 1 the next day
pg 2 has no instructions, and some of the questions on pg 1/2 pair with answers on page 2/1
Someday I want to ask one of those OPs if they'll properly credit us for writing the code when they turn in their assignment, the reaction's bound to be great (:
Hahaha one of these OPs presented their code as "the latest permutation that doesn't work". That makes it sound like he's randomly shuffling characters around because he has no idea what he's doing
Hah, "too basic" has never been a close reason, but sometimes I wonder how things would be if it were. The site would take a hit, and the CMs wouldn't want that.
I'd learn tkinter 'cuz it's batteries included, not too hard, and having to think about GUI is useful for understanding the more practical aspects of programming as a career
(thinking about data structures in terms of UX is sometimes different than thinking about it as a DBA)