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02:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

im will start to cry
Fruit makes you cry?
"I know what bad code is, so why do I keep making it?"
- Wietlol, 16/08/2017
nah js makes me cry
cannot get react native to work on ios
my coworker has been working on it for more then a month
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Thanks this does something right! : )
i have been working on for 3 days now, still 0
try 3
@Feeds you disappoint me
Wait, I actually like this one.
@Nerdintraining why are you mad at Feeds?
i think its too weak
@mikeTheLiar i not mad eh
I like it aswell
I r dum
(Not me= not me --> i am not dissapoint)
ya very dum dum
Thank you for confirming im an idiot c:
^ star as many times as you want
Courtesy of @Kieran
@Wietlol you think it's weak?
needs to be exaggerated
@mikeTheLiar if you are going to quote me, get it right
Feb 27 at 16:02, by Kieran
Thank you for confirming im an idiot c:
I literally copied and pasted it
Aug 1 at 16:04, by Wietlol
why is there no quote for me?
So I don't know what you're on about
!!info wietlol
@mikeTheLiar Command wietlol, created by mikeTheLiar on Tue, 01 Aug 2017 16:09:05 GMT
Yes, but it makes it seem like you are calling yourself an idiot
2 mins ago, by mikeTheLiar
I r dum
nvm me then
i r dum 2
y r u so dum dum
i dum dum, u give gum gum
@mikeTheLiar nah you didn't do the !!kieran
Feb 27 at 16:02, by Kieran
Thank you for confirming im an idiot c:
@CapricaSix wait I created that command?
@Wietlol you need a better quote
i know
i did make a few statements which would qualify
4 mins ago, by Nerd in training
ya very dum dum
but i think it'd be wrong if i made the quote
!!forget wietlol
@mikeTheLiar Command wietlol forgotten.
!!learn wietlol <>https://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/139?m=38687685#38687685
@mikeTheLiar Command wietlol learned
in Java, 37 mins ago, by Wietlol
"I know what bad code is, so why do I keep making it?"
Much better.
i can actually live with that
Oh, you're one of those people.
i dont fall under the category "people"
Oh, you're one of those assholes.
but i do fall under the category "sane beings"
please explain to me why you are not a guy because you dont want to be a guy
I will warn you that I am LGBT
And I will not accept transgender bashing
if you dont like to be poor, does that make you rich?
I am not going to debate this with you.
if you dont like to be a guy, does that make you something in between?
This is not up for discussion.
But i agree with @Wietlol on this matter
Fuck off Cap
@Wietlol cease. This is not only off-topic, but dangerously close to insulting.
Why insulting Squi?
@Squiggle off-which-topic?
we are talking in chat, and the current topic is sanity
/me checks channel
i think im fine :D
yup. Still says "C#" up there
I was the one that brought this topic into the chat, and I deeply regret it. This discussion stops now.
<3 Mike
❤️ u
testing, 1, 2, 3...
If you want to be a cunt do it elsewhere.
Aug 9 at 13:57, by mikeTheLiar
Hey everyone, @Failsafe sucks.
Back to Failsafe bashing?
Yes please.
@Failsafe sucks.
@Failsafe is the nicest being i've ever met
He knows it, I know it, you know it, everyone knows it.
no one sucks better than me
Many, many sides know it.
@Failsafe I'm sayin'
Maybe Kendall's mom
But other than that
You're the suckiest suck who ever sucked
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan like a lion kills an antelope?
@Squiggle how about topic?
@Wietlol it's a polite way of saying "shut the fuck up"
!!afk standup
@ntohl wat
SaveCommand = new Command<string>(() => await fileService.SaveTextAsync(fileName, serverName)); Delegate Action<string> doesn't take 0 arguments.
Zladko “Zlad” Vladcik rose to prominence in 2002 when he won Molvanian Idol in controversial circumstances - the other finalist, Ob Kuklop, pulled out due to a serious throat condition after one of the judges tried to strangle him.
@Nerdintraining I read cantaloupe. So I had to reference Zlad.
What the actual fuck?
a judge strangling a contentor?! molvania.com/eurovision.html
A day may come when I will be polite,
when I will say please
and listen to what people think,
but it is not this day.

An hour of peace and properity,
when we all agree to make the world a better place,
but it is not this day!

This day, I fight!!
All that you hold dear on this good Earth,
I will destroy it and there will be no rest!!!
@Wietlol mikeTheLiar is afk: standup
@Wietlol I'm not sure what point you're trying to make but I suggest you drop it.
I see drama I come to chat
you must have developed a sense for that
ROs get notifications when someone gets kicked
moderators do as well
!!forget wietlol
@MadaraUchiha Command wietlol forgotten.
Please use the new !!quote
!!info quote
@MadaraUchiha Command quote, created by God
@CapricaSix Gee, thanks
!!help quote
@MadaraUchiha quote: Manage and administer quotes.
Add a quote: `/quote add msgid ...quoteName`
Get a quote: `/quote get ...quoteName
List quotes: `/quote list [username]`
Get a random quote: `/quote random`
@MadaraUchiha you wot?
There we go
/quote list wietlol
hi all
@MadaraUchiha doesnt work
!!quote list wietlol
"List quotes: /quote list [username] "
how can I pass parameters for IN operator in a stored procedure?
I have an app that you have to log into and has an automatic timeout of 15 minutes. I want things like using the mouse or keyboard, or the app communicating with the server to refresh the timeout and start the 15 minutes over again. I want a countdown of how long till the timeout displayed on the app. What's the best way to go about doing this?
I'm dealing with old code that I want to re-write.
Right now, it checks every 30 seconds to see if there has been any user interaction or webservice communication in the past 5 minutes, and if there has, calls the "keep alive" function on the webservice.
Ahh the old heart beat method...
back in '87 we did stuff like that
I already have the mechanism in place for recording the last user interaction time and the last server communication time.
@007 up to 2047 we will still do that
Fantastic! The Future is a good one
There's no way to tell how long until a DispatcherTimer is set to tick, is there?
Look up the interval
set it equal to a var and display to screen
it may be a harsh way to do it..
The interval doesn't change during the wait. If I set it to 15 minutes, 5 minutes later it will still be 15 minutes.
true... hmmm
do you have the source codes?
I mean, I can make sure I'm only setting it and starting it in one place, and record the time when I set it, and just do the math
yes that would be brute force way of doing it for sure
is there a way to trace thread activity?
Hihi 69 new messages
Is there any issue in keeping a static class for an application's entire up time that has DispatcherTimers running in it?
you don't "keep" a static class
Yeah, I know.
You know what I mean, though.
you mean keeping a variable in a static class? or a singleton instance?
static. Not an instance.
This is in WPF, btw
uhm. I can't see an issue with that. Just make sure you're OK with handling threads.
but then again I don't know the inner workings of WPF. Is there not a recommended approach?
What issues would I need to be worried about with threads in this case?
There might be a recommended approach, I have no idea.
. o O (Hey, how can there be 500+ new messages when I just posted a couple minutes ago... oh. I've had another window to the chat room open since yesterday.)
i love u
!!giphy cheese it
!!quote add 21648318 steveg
@mikeTheLiar I will cherish this memory for the rest of my life
!!quote get steveg
Feb 19 '15 at 16:57, by Steve
i'm looking for a new apartment and this one rents cats, wtf
ah, good times
2 hours later…
Question about data binding return value to be delivered from ViewModel to View. Should I ask here or WPF?
I think it all works the same HC
LoadCommand = new Command(async () => await fileService.LoadTextAsync(fileName)); returns a text value in the ViewModel. How would I go about getting this back to the View? MVVM structure
I am 100% sure the guys that come to this room can answer that
I am not good with the view model concept
but let me look thru one of my examples as I may have a link that I read that may be related
Well if you ever want to dive into it, I can vouch it's not that bad. It's roughly day three of me "correctly" implementing it project wide.
Check this out.. its not 100% like your question but it shoes get sets in the view model which may help you some...
I was trying to concatenate some thing and this allows it to be done in the view model so maybe you can work something like they show into what you are trying to do... it's a shot in the dark...
wait what? @007 actually helping someone?
@007 Thanks but I think I'm looking for something different
no prob... good luck though... I am sure someone will drop in and will be able to help
there are some really smart people here... not sure why they are not in the room.. I guess most are on holiday
Holiday? Which one?
@HappyCoding Holiday in British English refers to vacating the premises (vacation) not a specific day (holiday)
@FrostyFire he's become our resident Access guru. Things are much better than they used to be.
3 hours later…
@SebastianL yes, though now most people use card, but to send money you use cheques. answers 2 thousands years later
Jesus that was literally like a week ago.
@KendallFrey you would vote to keep Haskell wouldn't you github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/issues/289
Although I thought that got changes to a non-chat quote?
Feb 16 at 17:00, by War
@KendallFrey no-one gives a shit about haskell
Oh did it get reverted in the last back up?
or maybe just reverted by hand
On a completely different note, you'll probably appreciate this. I was playing GTA 5 recently when Danger Zone came on the radio and my wife just burst out laughing and says "LANA!"
She's a keeper
!!giphy danger zone
We are going to be entering a zone of danger.
is it possible to reference value on same object, like that:

new Article()
Headline = "Some headline",
Body = "Some body",
PrivateHeadline = Headline // I give it same value as Headline
!!tell taurib format
@taurib Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
And why don't you try it and find out?
it doesn't work like that
at least not like that
but I am thinking, if there is something similar
@Taurib Wouldn't you just make PrivateHeadline a computed property?
@KendallFrey what you mean?
but I think it wouldn't matter, because in code I need to use it in LINQ
as in get { return Headline; }
What does Linq have to do with this?
@mikeTheLiar are you lying?
in this context
I could just copy paste those two values, but I'm wondering, if I could make it easyer
@FrostyFire actually I'm not. He's still a little weird but he's much less vampy than he used to be. He pretty consistently helps people with MS Access and at least tries other things. His questions have definitely improved as well.
All in all I'm glad we kept him around and didn't go full kick-on-sight.
@mikeTheLiar wow
I didnt see that coming
Yeah, me either.
Like I said he's still a little weird but it's at least entertaining weird.
23 hours ago, by 007
but all my funds goto my geriatrics care givers
@mikeTheLiar my wat
so I picture him hooked up to life support
if he doesnt meet deadlines they disconnect it
if there is a bug they take it away for like 3 minutes
and then bring him back
why does my brain do this
i dont see the image
are.....are you serious
no image
just text
Did you eat a lot of paint chips when you were a kid or something?
Hi, I was advised to learn C# for .Net APIs, however most of the tutorials out there are for VB, is it fine to learn VB first till I get the idea behind APIs and then move to C# ? or is it going to confuse me ?
@justastudent Well of course you can learn VB, but I'd suggest to move to C# straight away, if you plan to use it
How on earth are you only finding tutorials for VB?
@mikeTheLiar you mean wall dessert?
That's like "I'd like to learn how to another language but the only Rosetta Stone CD I can find it for Latin"
!!bing c# tutorials
xD, I mean the official tuts are in VB, I was start there and move on
wall dessert is the best
Again, how can you not be finding official tutorials for C#?
the flavour is rich
but it depends on the color and brand of paint
lead based paint tastes the best by far
its like the difference between BQ and MD
xD I am starting with this usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/… and it says vb
@mikeTheLiar do you like BQ or MD?
Why on Earth are you reading a tutorial for building AutoCAD plugins when you want to learn .NET APIs?
writing plugins for CAD software pays really fucking good in the right circles
sorry I forgot to mention that that is the application of learing Plugins
oooh I am not doing it professionally btw, just for personal usage, I am a civil student
@FrostyFire I don't think I understand the question
@FrostyFire hell just knowing how to use CAD software pays really fucking good in the right circles
In the context of autocad plugins the only difference between VB and C# are mere syntax right ?
@mikeTheLiar what question?
there was no question?
whats wrong with you
The one I replied to.
4 mins ago, by FrostyFire
@mikeTheLiar do you like BQ or MD?
ok I want to make a plug in that will automate a lot of stuff I do manually in autocad, and I am not from the CS community, the official guide for that is in VB, and I think the official one is better, so should I learn it in VB then move in to C# ? the only difference will be in syntax right ? nothing VB only ?
posted on August 16, 2017 by Phil Haack

Twin Falls lies around a forty minute drive east of Bellevue, Washington. From the trail head, the path leads to views of three separate waterfalls. Yes, three. “Twin Falls” has a nicer ring to it than “Triplet falls.”

@justastudent Well, C# and VB are pretty different in my opinion. I haven't done much VB (mostly for macros in Office programs)
There's a linked PDF in that forum thread that looks like it covers both C# and VB.
Stick with C#.
so it's better to start off with C#
It's better to stay the fuck away from VB as much as possible.
The sooner the old VB programmers die off the sooner we can kill the language itself.
great, thnx @Taurib @mikeTheLiar
@mikeTheLiar burger king or mcdonalds
not a hard question
VB is like eugenics. An idea that was terrible to start with that's only still barely hanging around because old people who don't know any better think it's worth consideration.
@FrostyFire you said BQ you fucking window licker
Anyway I haven't eaten at either of them in years.
I prefer local places if possible. Five Guys is acceptable in a pinch.
Ok the second question: Should get familiar with C# itself by going through microsoft guide on C#? then grab one of those books?
@justastudent not a bad idea
Great, thnx gentlemen
If you don't get a feeling for basic programming and just jump right into making AutoCAD plugins you're gonna be back here in a week asking stupid questions that are just gonna piss everyone off.
HAHAHAHAHA I am gonna be ok I think, passed a little course in C++ before :D
That does not guarantee not asking stupid questions, see you guys in a week xD
We'll be here unless Frosty gets banned in the meantime.
@mikeTheLiar burger queen perhaps? :P
five guys is good
I too like local places
but sometimes mcdonalds is just begging you to come
you know?
I have a mssql server running on get same machine I am developing on. I can connect to it fine in VS 2017, but when my app runs it states: The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.
the app settings.json matched the connection string used in vs
any ideas? :-/
I'd start with using the debugger and verifying that it's actually using the connection string that's in the config file when it opens the connection
@mikeTheLiar I believe it is, I am using: var test = Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"); and it shows it is
test comes back with the connection string that VS is using
@justastudent you could start off with this for example: mva.microsoft.com/en-US/training-courses/…
pretty good for beginning c# or programming overall
posted on August 16, 2017 by Phil Haack

I started my first blog at haack.org some time in the year 2000. You can still see pieces of it in the Internet Archive Wayback machine.

02:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

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