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02:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

lol who going staring random messages
Staring random messages?
meaning the star was on the measages that make no sense/ just a regular nothing special chats
these staring are prohibited on most rooms. :P
not quite
var integer = (myObj as MyClass)?.GetPositionX();
Why integer are not nullable?
are not C# shall return a nullable int? in this case?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but a var isn't a nullable because it's not an instance of <Nullable>
Wouldn't you want int? integer = ?
(spoiler: I don't know C# I'm just googling)
yes, int are struct which not nullable. But null check are used in this case
the var will be on nullable if Im doing it in kotlin(other language)
@SterlingArcher its ok, thx anyway.
My code working fine, just curious about null-check returned :P
this Xamarin.Grid.Children.Add(view, left, right, top, bottom) is fucking shite
whoever did that is a fucking moron!
lol, why
Xamarin.Forms needed to make multiple platform compatible. So some their code may looking strange.
what is left, right, top, and bottom in a grid? it doesn't make any sense
and that fucking function even throws! like WTF!?
I can't even move my views in the 3rd row ffs
they even start to count the row at 0 instead of 1. how fucking idiotic the developer of that could be
they counting row at 1, but index at 0
and what's more is the col/row span. it needs to start to 0!! jfk ZERO!? how does that make any sense
public void Add(View view, int left, int right, int top, int bottom)
    //..exceptionhandling removed
    Grid.SetRow((BindableObject) view, top);
    Grid.SetRowSpan((BindableObject) view, bottom - top);
    Grid.SetColumn((BindableObject) view, left);
    Grid.SetColumnSpan((BindableObject) view, right - left);
this is the source code, you can see what they does in left, right, top, and bottom
at least they should have add a comment or change the parameter name where it would make more sense
uggh.. this fucking pissed me.....
@mr5 I found the extension wrote by others to make this method more understan-able
Why not native. Android API will make you become Hulk :P
yeah. I don't even know why they chose Xamarin.Forms instead of Native. This Xamarin.Forms sure is Alpha AF
morning lovelies.
lovelies - what goes on in this room after dark? lol
you wouldn't want to know.
mildly curious
well, Avner and Mr5 have things going on.
they are disguised as Male.
but they are such beautiful ladies.
i admire them.
We all start out as beautiful ladies. For some of us, our chromosomes took a turn for the worse, somewhere during gestation.
somewhere life said this way
posted on August 16, 2017 by Scott Hanselman

I dig everything that Paul Betts does. He's a lovely person and a prolific coder. One of his recent joints is called Refit. It's a REST library for .NET that is inspired by Square's Retrofit library. It turns your REST API into a live interface: public interface IGitHubApi { [Get("/users/{user}")] Task<User> GetUser(string user); } That's an interface that describes a REST API tha

I want to subscribe to an event with an anonymous method, but also unsubscribe to it when it runs once. But I can't. Because it's anonymous. Ugh.
obj.Collection.CollectionChanged += (o,e) => { DoSomething(); obj.Collection.CollectionChanged -= /* what? */;};
morning =)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan if you own the class, write the method obj.Collection.ClearCollectionChangedEvent()
@nyconing I don't. It's a standard ObservableCollection<T>.
Also, I don't want to clear it, just remove my own registration. There are other event handlers registered to it.
then moving lambda method to a standard method.
But then I don't have the captured context, which I want.
I found a 5.25" floppy on the street today. The label says "DOS 3.2. Property of Corinne". I wonder who Corinne is, and how she's booting her PC these days.
captured context means?
@nyconing My event handler needs the local variables in the calling method.
An anonymous method automatically captures the local variables in the method it's defined in.
var localObject = new Object();
myCollection.CollectionChanged += (o,e) => localObject.DoSomething();
private void MyCollectionChanged(object o, EventArgs e)=> localObject.DoSomething();
@nyconing If it's a local function, it would work, but needs C# 7 which I'm not using.
If it's just a normal named private method, it can't access localObject.
nope,its not a method in method, it just a standard method in class
localObject only exists in the method scope, not in a class scope, so is inaccessible.
you may mean localObjectis method local var?
And I can't store it as a class field, because that's not thread safe. There can be several instances of it at once.
are myCollection class can be inherited?
Nope. ObservableCollection<T>.
I can encapsulate it, I guess, but it's really overkill for such a small feature.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Well, that's why sender is the local object, right? ;-)
Oh wait, nevermind that then.
Guess you need a wrapper class.
I think in this case you need wraping ObservableCollection in own class like class OwnCollection<T>{public ObservableCollection<T> _collection;}
Yeah, not gonna do that. ObservableCOllection is a well known class. If I put my OwnCollection, anyone using the code will have to stop and guess and check the code to see what it does.
Eh, no, make it simpler:
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' class neglecterinos!
class OwnCollection<T>:INotifyCollectionChanged,
	INotifyPropertyChanged{public ObservableCollection<T> _collection;}
how about this?
public class LocalObjectWatch<T> : IDisposable {
	public LocalObjectWatch(localObject, collection) {
		_localObject = localObject;
		_collection = collection;
		_collection.Event += MyHandler;
	MyHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) {
	public void Dispose() {
		_collection.Event -= MyHandler;
Or for that one-time change:
public class LocalObjectWatch<T> {
	public LocalObjectWatch(localObject, collection) {
		_localObject = localObject;
		_collection = collection;
		_collection.Event += MyHandler;
	MyHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) {
		_collection.Event -= MyHandler;
hehe later
no lol ?
@RoelvanUden have i told you that my wife is pregnant again?
@Nerdintraining congratulations!!
Ty kamil
#2 is on its way^^
@Nerdintraining congratulations !
@Nerdintraining Hey, congrats!
How big is the first one?
Like 95cm i think
he will be 2 in october
A two-year gap is fair, I expect.
I have some friends with less than that between their kids, and it can get rough.
We have 3.5 years difference between the two.
"My father are smaller than me in age?"
@Nerdintraining Hey, congrats man! It it yours?
Haha :D
I am 99.99% certain it is :P
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan isn't 3,5years allot?
Very convenient, having one child be old enough to reason with while you're chasing after the baby and changing diapers.
True dat, but i thought when they hit 3 they become very... i think ' stuborn' would be the english word
@Nerdintraining Wait for 16 to set in
Yeah, stubborn would be the right word.
Stubborn is still a subset of "reasonable".
I don't have to worry about her climbing out of a window or running into traffic.
If I tell her "I know you want X, but you'll have to wait a minute because I'm changing your brother's diaper", then she understands, and usually also waits for me to finish.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Don't say that, yesterday i was riding my bike back home and suddenly there was a 4year old kid on the street on his bike and the father was running towards her shouting she shall not go on the street just liek that.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan This is called great parenting^^
@RoelvanUden If they are anything like me, than they will stay in their rooms and play video games all day long and otherwise be just fine :D
Yeah, get them addicted to PC gaming, they won't have money for drugs or tabacco.
Smart man
and if i get him into DotA he might win the international and be a millionaire
Exactly, train them young
good morning
@Nerdintraining congratz
@RoelvanUden Nah, they'll turn to a life of crime to support their MMORPG habit.
Because I'll teach them early that FREE TO PLAY means PAY TO WIN, and winners don't pay for powerups, only for access.
why is it foreign to make around 50 http requests with different credentials and keep connection open or save cookies for later use
@Mathematics By "foreign", you mean...?
ill make him teach himself how to hack into the DB so that he doesn't need to pay to win but hack to win

then i'll sell his knowlegede on the darknet and make millions $.$
And no FTP not always means PTW
DotA is FTP and only thing you can buy are cosmetics
juust like TF2
and numerous others
Yeah, I don't mind free to play games either. Many are properly balanced so that paid powerups aren't too unbalancing.
But I needed it for the joke.
For instance, I used to play D&D Online, which was f2p, and had about 50% of content available for free, and the rest purchasable. But since I was a very casual player, the free content was more than enough for me.
And because D&DO is very PvE-oriented and highly instanced, I didn't really care if other players paid for better gear.
I agreed FREE TO PLAY means PAY TO WIN in most genre. That is just why game are free. Note that WIN are not just related on gameplay results/points.
The "Win" in Pay2Win usually means "The game is frustrating, unbalanced or otherwise not fun unless you pay".
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I mean it's not very common
Oh god what have I done
I kinda bought a whole chicken roast by accident
For instance, in competitive PvP games where there's a distinct advantage to the players who shell out more for gear.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan can also be "buy premium items, sell them for ingame cash and buy best gear"
@Mathematics Are you talking about requests to the same service, but with different credentials?
@Nerdintraining Same thing, yeah.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan thats why free to play but still ask for payment in props
I don't mind "replace grind with money". I don't even mind "replace skill with money", as long as you can choose to grind, or be skilled, and get to the same level as the ones with money.
But if people with money will always be better than the ones playing free, in an environment where it affects each other directly (not necessarily PvP), then it sucks.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan The problem is "grind for 5 days to be able to buy a revive scroll" or "buy 10 revivce scrolls for 5 bucks in 30 seconds"
@Nerdintraining Yeah, that's where developers get greedy and make the grind too long to be fun.
Looking at you, Lineage 2
mhm 'specially if you die like 2 time in those 5 days
and loose all your exp
You can see it a lot in kids' games, where they make the grind so boring and the shortcuts so easy.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yes
Free: Get credit by rewards
Paid: Get credit by rewards too and get more extra credit
like creating different sessions
all in parallel
@nyconing what is that kitty flag on the starboard?! Oo
maybe consider using different random proxies too but don't know how yet
@Nerdintraining It is more beautiful than blue flag.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan the worst thing is, actually, when peps hack the game and get all kind of crazy shit
!!tell nyconing wat
I explicitly asked for a half of a chicken, and I only realized after I brought it to work.
Does that look like a half
Not really.
it looks disgusting^^
the legfs look like human baby legs
@KamilSolecki But your payment is twice?
Ye, although I did not realize
Was in hurry
that happens
I find the picture quite disgusting but it's lika a road accident
Have you never seen a roast chicken :P
@Mathematics Why? To bypass throttling restrictions?
@KamilSolecki Have a roast chicken party with coworkers.
Everyone loves free food.
Except for Lisa
I just asked him, but he's not hungry
The vegan from floor one
For instance, I found leftover sushi in the office fridge that was officially abandoned. Did I eat it? Yes, I did. Will I regret it? Possibly.
@Nerdintraining just simply redecorate the house with full mirror.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan what was the sell by date?^^
@Nerdintraining It's from yesterday. I'll probably survive.
@Nerdintraining not enough :D
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan no, There are no restrictions there as far as I know, I just want to do it in code :)
automate it
like create a test case
I once had magerine. I ate it in August, the sell by date was in Februrary
the same year
it was still good
Hat to scratch of the top wich had gone bad but the inner parts where still great
Yeah, but raw fish is a different... kettle of fish.
If kept in fridge, raw fish will hold a day just fine
Yeah, that's what I'm hoping.
Is that chicken will survive?
Elli has it
Elizabeth <==> Elli
@nyconing already ate the half. Will take the other half home, I guess.
@KamilSolecki giff me the other half
Please can anyone help with WebAPI and .NET Core? :/
I recently used EF to insert to a DB from my controller
I created a WebAPI controller and tried replicating the same
I was getting a 400 bad response from postman
@Nerdintraining call her bazooka
I put breakpoints on my code and got nothing
Is it possible to use Task <IActionResult> in a WebAPI controller?
@Nerdintraining congratulations! taps dick #nohomo
@mr5 #allofthehomo
hello, getting incomplete response text in ajax call response. at Sever side full data is sent.but in response text data.d getting someportion trimmed out
what could be the problem
can you guys help me with SSIS(SQL Server Integration Services) ?
i have 2 inputs. One: 2 columns from the excel file. two: 2 variables.
that makes it total of 4 columns. I can't able to pass the variables to Database. Only excel columns :(
google is not helping out much about it
@NoMan post your code
what ya think?
I want to perform a comparison between two JSON objects to get the dif, is it better to do it with JSON libraries (JSON.NET for example) or compare using reflection after deserializing?
@MohamedAhmed Libraries for diffing. There are standards for it.
@MohamedAhmed RFC6902
@MohamedAhmed why not turn those JSON objects into Model objects first and do your comparing?
@RoelvanUden really! I searched a lot, didn't stumbled in on of those!
@mr5 using reflection?
why would you need a reflection?
I'm not sure doing reflection-based deep comparison is better than using something like JSON.NET's DeepEquals method.
@MohamedAhmed There's even a website for it: jsonpatch.com
what I need is getting a Dictionary of the changed properties,
It looks like RFC6902 specifies the format for a diffpatch, not for the diff oepration itself.
is there a method in json.net for that ?
@mr5 to iterate over the properties and find the changed values..
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Sure, but any feasible library has the diff as well
If you don't care about the diff, newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/DeepEquals.htm
@RoelvanUden I found that as well. I think it generates its own patch format, not JsonPatch.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan No, that's the RFC6902 spec
No, the diff it creates isn't an array of objects with the "op" property containing the operation.
my input is like:

output: Dictionary<string, object> diff = <"age", 22>
What is considered good code practice, when dealing with a Large number of constants/static variables, that are only used once or twice.
Should I store them inside structs? Also If I need to put all of the static variables into a single read only list, whats the best practice for that?
I was previously just using a single Constants class to store around 100 variables that get used all over the place...
but Im trying to clean it up and make them easier to read by putting them in seperate classes...
But IF I wanted to loop through all of the variables in an object, whats the best object for the job? (I was looking at using structs but It doesnt feel right).
Here is how im currently dealing with more complex objects:
public static class RegionIDs
        static RegionId _northAmerica = new RegionId() {Name = "North America", LegalId = "en-US", Flag = Properties.Resources.us};
        static RegionId _germany = new RegionId() {Name = "Germany", LegalId = "de-DE", Flag = Properties.Resources.de};
shouldn't it be const instead of static?
EF 6 problem guys

I get an entity from a DbContext instance that I've used dependency injection

var entity = DbSet.Find(id);

// Later on

I try get the Original Values of the entity

var originalValues = DbContext.Entry(entity).OriginalValues.GetValue<Property>("Property");

ERROROROROR o/ o/ \o \o

Additional information: Member 'OriginalValues' cannot be called for the entity of type 'Entity' because the entity does not exist in the context. To add an entity to the context call the Add or Attach method of DbSet<Emtoty>.
I'm going nuts?
@JasonBrown I store my constants in classes where it is most relevant and have the most read
I'm about to tear all my hair out
this shit doesn't work when i try it
Very obvious error
Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Suppression State	Line
The primary reference "Censored.Censored, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=Censored, processorArchitecture=MSIL"
could not be resolved because it has an indirect dependency on the assembly "Censored, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=Censored"
which was built against the ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" framework.
This is a higher version than the currently targeted framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.0".	Censored
This is just a warning, and fails my build... if I make changes to VS and let it build regardless, it going to work
Thanks @mr5 But considering a lot of my constants are for Winform BindingLists that would just make my main much messier :)
no it won't work, answering own question
@JasonBrown imo, I don't think it's a good way to store all your constants in a single class, I'd say, store them where they're more relevant so you don't end up with messy class
I wanted to put all the constants that change minor things, Like network address, html parsing namespaces and the like, in the same general area
anyway il keep that in mind. Im just not sure where Id put them since most are either only used once, or End up getting used everywhere.
for now Im splitting them into groups and putting them inside subclasses of my Constants.cs
Hi guys!
I'm looking for an application, software or solution where I can log my application changes, versions and issues. Do you have any thoughts?
You mean like Git //Bugtracker
Source control, basically?
With a change log file?
Or Project Management software like Redmine? It also supports VCS
why doesn't someone mentions TFS? nobody? really? give it some luv... okay i'll kill myself now, can't pretend to like TFS, it's impossible....
It shouldn't be online. It needs to be on local server.
@KevinMaxwell github =/= git
setup a local gitlabserver and you've all you need
is this the one inside VS?
Redmine can be configured to work in offline as well
weel. gdi
From redmine.org:

Some of the main features of Redmine are:

Multiple projects support
Flexible role based access control
Flexible issue tracking system
Gantt chart and calendar
News, documents & files management
Feeds & email notifications
Per project wiki
Per project forums
Time tracking
Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users
SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial and Bazaar)
Issue creation via email
Multiple LDAP authentication support
User self-registration support
it supports a lot
yeah but I think it's not hard to enable/disable a certain feature
good to know
haven't tried myself though. We just used it configured already by my TL from my previous employer
the feeling when all your tests are green :)
you puked?
✅ Syphilis
✅ Tuberculosis
✅ Ebola
✅ Cholera
✅ Malaria
✅ Plague
kind of
How do I update data in dynamic?
For example I want to update fruit in dynamic:

// ...

string fruit = "Apple";
string diary = "Cheese";
DoSomething(new { fruit, diary })

DoSomething(dynamic values)
// ...
lmao @SebastianL
that dynamic value should be updated in 'values', because I need to pass it on
@Taurib Instead of an anonymous object, maybe pass in an ExpandoObject.
dynamic expando = new ExpandoObject();
expando.fruit = fruit;
expando.dairy = dairy;
Then, in DoSomething, do values.fruit = "cantaloupe";
02:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

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