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I think that @Danack's command is probably still spinning around in there, but because the alias resolution loop has a yield in it it doesn't block the thread and it never overflows the stack
Isn't it just a simple key/value?
12074 jeeves    39  19  449068  44428  11772 R 100.0  0.6  15:52.22 php
What is zend_ast_list used to?
yes but because it's in it persistent storage it's accessed with an awaiter, even though it's cached in memory
@Daruchini if the project is online link it - if it's not......you either have borked interface definitions, or your IDE sucks. hard to tell from here.
lol is that 100% CPU?
i think its my ide
better fix t hat
var_dump($request->getMethod()); output bool(true) string(3) "GET"
I need to reboot the machine anyway
that cpu had nothing better to do anyway
Wil I need to manually remove the alias or isn't it added at all?
isn't there some way to list them?
!!alias list
7 messages moved to Trash
3 messages moved to Trash
Much better. Server not cooking anymore
@PeeHaa no it's there, I have a simple fix
!!!plugin disable alias? :P
can't think of a sane way to prevent creating them that wouldn't also be scope for abuse though
@DaveRandom isn't it 100% per core?
Well yeh but Jeeves is single threaded so it will only ever use one core
shut up
A guy started on me on Saturday night because I wouldn't stand next to him at the urinal
@DaveRandom can't resolve aliases of aliases on creation?
@PaulCrovella oh right, can just do the same the thing, duh
Should probably put a depth limit on aliases as well
Possibly the weirdest square up i've ever had
10 should be reasonable?
> Like a midget at a urinal, I was going to have to stay on my toes
I mean actually resolve the target and alias to that instead
^ that's a good idea
even if it is Paul
i have a php extension with some classes that does different helpers, basically utils class, i need to have a namespace also. Can someone assist me what what would be the best namespace for such a functionality. For example : Utils\Text::cutAfter.. Utils\Caster::getPostData... ?
@PaulCrovella it doesn't do that because aliases can include arguments
Built-in commands (* indicates admin-only):
 admin - Manage the bot's admin list. Use 'admin help' for details.
 *alias - Add a bash-style alias
 *approve - Approve the bot for talking in this room. Room owners only.
 *ban - Ban a user from interacting with the bot for a specified period of time
 command - Manage command mappings. Use 'command help' for details.
 help - Alias of 'command list'
 invite - Invite the bot to join a room. This can also be done through the chat web interface.
 *leave - Ask the bot to leave the room. Room owners only.
see e.g. lxr-7.0
@DaveRandom so? include those
`> var_dump($request->getMethod());`
`Output: string(3) "GET"`

Does this signify that the method is actually getting called?
@PeeHaa brilliant
posted on July 31, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@PaulCrovella well the point is that one might create a base alias and then additional aliases based on that, so you can update the base one and the change will propagate
just introducing a depth limit would solve the problem though
@JayIsTooCommon hahahahahah
@DaveRandom are you actually doing that?
@JayIsTooCommon carnivoo ahahah
the greatest troll ever lived
@PaulCrovella Since when was that an argument for doing/not doing something in Jeeves? :-P
Jeeves is pointlessly powerful
since I just brought it up
Jul 28 at 8:42, by Danack
@lix you have no beard; your opinion is invalid.
if you insist on keeping it then traverse for a cycle check instead of creating a depth limit
@PaulCrovella well I will do that as well but the point of the depth limit is to avoid being able to lock the process for a long period with a long alias chain
I've narrowed my problem to theres no parameters being passed
is anyone else experiencing SSL certificate problems with heroku?
@DaveRandom if you're blocking, then yield
well it would have a yield but it would still have the potential to burn CPU
I will set the limit higher than anyone would reasonably hit, say 128
that will take a fraction of a second to process and allow for any non-abusive use case
if it's burning cpu then that cpu wasn't doing anything else anyway
how long of a chain do you think it would take in order to have an actual impact on anything?
Dunno, would have to experiment with it
@fabor do you have any experience with Vietnam Airlines?
umm.. okay..
so I have the opportunity to change my name again...
I vote for "Holden McGroin"
Gaylord Ramsbottom
Hugh Janus
Drew Peacock
Wilma Dickfit
Bruce Dickinson .. wait...
okay... some very good ideas... I've picked the one!
Norma Snockers?
Ophelia Balls?
Seymour Butt
Phil Mianus?
Sheik Yerbouti
Justin Case
@Gordon We have a winner
^+2 that one
!!wiki Sheik Yerbouti
Sheik Yerbouti is a double album by Frank Zappa made up of material recorded in 1977 and 1978. It was first released on March 3, 1979 as the first release on Zappa Records and distributed by Phonogram Inc. == Background == Sheik Yerbouti represented a major turning point in Zappa's career. It was the first album to be released on his own eponymous label after his departure from Warner Bros. Records. It emphasized the comedic aspect of his lyrics more than ever before, beginning a period of increased record sales and mainstream media attention. Sheik Yerbouti remains Zappa's biggest selling album...
wait, Sheik Yerbouti is actually a thing?
it's the album with Bobby Brown on it
btw there was a kid the year below me at school whose name was Tim Burr
lata' lads
au revoir
This is adorable. I just called in to complete signing up with my company's new (ish) telemedicine provider, and they sent me an email with account details, and this is the first 7 chars of my temporary password: $2y$10$
@WesStark censorship.
@Dereleased does it actually allow you to sign in or have they accidentally sent you the hash instead of the cleartext?
you got what you deserve
Now what platform am i going to use to share my wisdom?
people always joke with me, never take me seriously :(
aw :( <3
@JayIsTooCommon how about www.twatter.com
@JayIsTooCommon putting the cart before the horse there
If you were cooking, i'd take you seriously <3
such an asshole.
@WesStark srsly (function () { $this->a->change(); })->call(getSafeB());
ain't nothin' safe
my imagination of wes is a chubby man with a big honking moustache doing this
@DaveRandom signed in fine
@PaulCrovella i'm talking about that safety. i am talking of not pissing off users that get a class that they can only use unless they pay attention on how they use it
Seems like they used the hashing function to create a "Secure "Random"" password, then hashed that too (dear god I hope they hashed that too)
the string they sent me isn't long enough to be a full hash though
@Kaori this is how i picture you i.imgur.com/hwQkUGv.jpg
Also, I swear Wes has face revealed
i don't have a mustache and i'm not particularly chubby
but he is a plumber
and a ginger
@WesStark ew... I'm not into emo and shit tho..
@Kaori you are into animes. it's the same fucking thing
@DaveRandom he reads them
c'mon, you know he can't read
@WesStark please tell me that's you
i was looking for that
is that you? @Wes
but you ruined it
it should be "is wes an idiot?" and then you link it :B
time to show my pro photoshop(GIMP) skills..
i cut you
I paste you
That is Wes..?
yes. that's my face
I palindrome I
@WesStark there
Hi! What's the best way to memory efficiently bypass the need of having an object as key when trying to do $columns[$complexObject] = $complexObjectValue;?
http:https://i.imgur.com/ZpNrC4V.jpg (Is @WesNetmo an idiot?)
aw, tweet works so well.
@WesStark That's you!?
You're beautiful.
@Jimbo eat a dick :B
@ircmaxell odoriferous? you just made that word up!
fetor is a similar word
I'm asking that since there're at least 20 places inside of Doctrine that would require such solution.
I remember a word meaning roughly "Not used in everyday language" which is in itself not used in everyday language
We all know using arrays is quite expensive memory-wise... I'm imagining potential solutions without trying to rely on array structure in PHP. More efficient data structures can address this problem, but only php-ds does and it's not in core. =(
@ircmaxell thoughts on this? wesnetmo.blogspot.com/2017/07/…
Mustache vs Twig
A bundle preferably.
So far my only solution found is this 3v4l.org/ciF3A
@Fabor And fetid
@Kaori you tried to comment anonymously but you failed you noob. i got a pic of your face. scared eh
your g+ account.
pls stahp
dox incoming
i'm not doing anything with it. i'll just draw some penises on your face i think :B ahaha
and an arrow
@PaulCrovella AGGGGGHH
@ircmaxell s/absolution/absolute/ - unless you're involving a priest.
What do you call a pony with a sore throat? A little horse
@WesStark if memory isn't an issue, why not just clone whatever object you get in the constructor to ensure you have a "private" copy? That is, as long as all values the object stores are not byRef, but if they are, I have to ask why your project is... just, why it is
eh obviously i want to avoid that
@WesStark 'obviously' ?
@WesStark Is that somehow worse than forcing a new instance every time?
@Danack defensive copies are bad
also perhaps is still want to access the object externally, but only for read
nah - they're fine.
@WesStark for that I add a 'getCurrentConfig' method, to return a clone of the clone.
i dislike that very much. it's ok with php types because copy on write but not with objects
Hello guys and girls :D I have the following scenario where i need to access certain data in a certain order example: acccessing the user by id. Now if i want to call all users i taught of passing the id to that function and i would get a list of users. I'm not sure peformance vise if its a good thing to do.The reason why i thought of doing it is becouse i would have to reuse that same function in in other scenarios and it would be useful.
If you need all users, regardless of id, then no that approach doesn't makes much sense
I don't want to have the same code for getAllUsers and getUser and since I'l have to reuse it in other classes and my idea was to just cal that single function and solve it by it.I'm interested if it will leave some peformance issues
why would getAllUsers and getUser have the same code?
Get users would return the list of all users, and one getUser would return just one.
doesn't sound like the same code to me :)
I'm not sure how since if i do a query which will return a list of products bought il get the list of user ids.Than i would call that one function and it would generate a list of users who bought that certain thing without repeating the code.Im not sure if i explained it good tho
> regardless of id
The same with get all users it would return me the ids of users and i would just call that query.But lets imagine that the user is splited out in 3-4 tables and they are not connected.
if you want to getAllUsers, regardless of id, then there's no point in asking for a list of ID's first? Unless you have a screwy design which needs that
The design is not screwy trust me i just took a bad example :D.The thing is that i have some actions that are similar and i repeat that code though my project several times thats why i tought of making those functions.
anyone participated in gsoc, here before?
I'm adding a new route to my Routes.php file with the following code: ['GET', '/{slug}', ['HEOR\Controllers\Page', 'show']], I've also added a new class Page which has a single method show($params){var_dump($params);}
I'm getting error message: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\sandbox\src\Controllers\Page.php:15) pointing to var_dump($params)
yo guys
Have Ubuntu
Server version 16.04
Got Node installed, and npm is also installed.
I'm not modifying the header so i'm pretty stumped
When I run npm install on the package.json folder, it doesn't create any folder
idea is not to create a folder, but to install the dependencies defined in package.json . what's the O/P from the command ?
!!canon headers
Q: How to fix "Headers already sent" error in PHP

Moses89When running my script, I am getting several errors like this: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /some/file.php:12) in /some/file.php on line 23 The lines mentioned in the error messages contain header() and setcookie() calls. What could...

@Daruchini ^
Seems BIOS virtualization is disabled by default, wonder why.
Mornin php
morning o/
@WesStark hmmm... I get where you're going, but I'd say that coupling on A is the problem, not mutating A. Do you have a real-world example of it?
@ircmaxell for example a cache. A reads/writes data from disk, B wraps A, caches the results with an expire time, etc. as long you work through B everything works fine, but if you change A directly B is not informed of the changes and breaks
observers require me to change A. so it's not really an option. also cumbersome
> I can enforce the coupling externally if I wanted, in a factory for example:
that I think is the proper solution
meaning, don't restrict from a design perspective. Let people shoot themselves in the foot if they choose. But make it easy to do right
it's nice for once being correct (i'm often wrong...) :P
what i think is, why encapsulation must be implemented at class level only? we use layers and we interact with deeper stuff only through the proper layer, not any layer. this is no different
@WesStark your thoughts align really well with the way I view it as well
so awesome! :D
it's way more awesome for me :D
thanks for the feedback though. really means a lot for me. i'm not sure if i should be writing about programming :B
s/about programming/
so mean
:D o/
good morning/afternoon/evening
it's a good morning to read about design patterns
especially since I've burned myself out on path of exile
@Tiffany wut (this is more of a wut than a wat)
@Dereleased video game
Two screens again <3 Feelsgood
I'm tempted to buy a second monitor, even though I have a gigantic one already
How big?
25", 2560x1440
the resolution is just right, but the monitor isn't oversized
it'd be nice to just have another one to dump stuff on so I don't have to make individual windows tiny for everything to fit
Problem is you'd want another 25" one to match
name = hello
say = (name == "hello" ? true : false)
it somehow equals false even though the name is hello
@Fabor I don't think that's necessarily true. One big monitor for your primary focus, and 1-2 secondaries for other stuff. That's how I work and play (usually)
at the moment I'm WFH because sick, and my home situation is... complicated, so I'm sitting in an easy chair with just the laptop
@PeeHaa Want me to tag as well?
@WesStark Don't you have a room where I'm allowed to talk about GOT?
Oh my god I just found a legitimate use case for eval
@Dereleased For real?
I can't really describe what it is because my employer would kill 5 generations of my family, but yes
@Dereleased That sounds like a non-legitimate use case for eval.
short version: escape declare(strict_types=1) declaration for single calls. I cannot explain when or why
@Dereleased This is sort of legitimate… github.com/amphp/amp/blob/master/lib/Deferred.php#L66-L70 Ok… maybe not because it's mostly for PhpStorm.
@Dereleased I think you can do that with call_user_func as well.
That also might have been fixed…
@Trowski can someone please do block asserts, or a DEBUG constant, something like that :B try { if (!@\assert(false)) {
Instead of using build tools, my companies solution is to use mod_pagespeed and deal with its insane complexity and non-support.
Plus the added complexity of having it behind a load balancer which we cannot install it on.
@WesStark Yeah… that's sort of horrible.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier :D
@WesStark I use an immediately invoked closure with assert for block assertions.
is github loading slowly for you guys too?
and unicorning
me too @Trowski
that reminds me something though. i could never understand how the new assert is configured. there is a cryptic option like, compile code but don't execute it. not sure why would i do that
@Jeeves don't let us down now..
@JayIsTooCommon That's true, but it is less confusing to those who are alive than to you.
major: Major service outage as of 2017-07-31T16:32:14Z
@samayo inb4 flag. Screw you!
anyway, tv time. another full day spent at my computer
\o bye
@WesStark what are you watching
@WesStark That option allows assertions to be re-enable at runtime. If they are not compiled, attempting to re-enable will fail.
I'm trying ot make a pull request and I'm missing something. I've cloned a repo and made changes, I want to push those changes as a pull request. Something I read said I needed to create a new branch and I guess commit to that branch? but I made the changes on the master (local) branch
or should I start over, clone the repo fresh, create branch, make changes, then try the pull request again?
fetch the branch you want to commit to, merge your local master with that branch and push to that branch
@Tiffany GH will ask you if you want to commit and PR, which is confusing. That creates a PR under your fork, not back to the original master. So you commit to your fork master and then PR back to the original
@WesStark yup, that guy is awesome
...is github down?
and now it works
@Jeeves yo
║ [4 days, 10 hours, 15 minutes and 43 seconds] without an accident ║
║                    since [2017-07-27 06:32:49]                    ║
GitHub killed the automation star?
@samayo You.
major: Major service outage as of 2017-07-31T16:32:14Z
why couldn't it go down in like... two hours... when I go to the store
you can go to the store right now :D
> node: using --force
I sure hope you know what you're doing
I know.... but it's lunch time here, and I don't want to put up with traffic
I complain about traffic here when it's nothing compared to a city...
@FélixGagnon-Grenier You should use node --hand-wave
@Trowski Whatever you want. Not a blocking issue for me
@PeeHaa The statement issue was handled correctly with the pq extension, but I totally failed on the pgsql implementation :-D
@PeeHaa How's the hunt?
okish. Still busy replying to some
@PeeHaa If you're able, I'd appreciate it if you could also try your code with the pq extension and let me know if you have any issues there. The big difference is that pq allows unbuffered query results.
@Trowski I accidentally ran with pq in production this morning
It all blew up. Didn't have a look at it though
Will keep you posted
evening :)
@PeeHaa Yeah, that's not so good. When you have time let's figure out what's happening there.

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