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f* 9-5 f* done... I can do some good code now... or go to sleep.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa how are you?
I'm fine ty. And you?
I'm good too.
I need some logical help.
I'm trying to build a cross reference table
I'm sorry. I'm still pretty new to this PHP stuff.
I'm using the Basecamp API and I'm pulling all the projects in our team and all the members in our team. I put the projects in the table head and the members in the first column rows.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa haha I lolled
I want to put a check mark under the appropriate project if the person is assigned. No idea how I can manipulate all that data dynamically.
I think you can use echo '✔';
I know but how do I do it dynamically? Where do I store the data while i'm doing a check?
I'm actually getting better at PHP
Which is, weird.
@Chris Any idea what I can do?
I said better, I didn't say I'm even close to good. So no.
posted on May 07, 2012 by till

Ever since I remember, I have this inability to learn the most basic things, until I actually write down a couple notes or instructions somewhere. This is one of these notes blog posts — so in case it's too basic, just skip over it. Or bear with me. ssh tunnels — useful and powerful. They can help me with all kinds of trickery — e.g. usually for remoting through a tight firewall setup to acce

I have never worked with Basecamp API. In fact, I've never worked with ANY API.
@hanleyhansen I heard people make great things with CakePHP.
Are you high, @RepWhoringPeeHaa ?
I've been stuck on this for a while.
What? The name is cake. It must be good. Just look at the homepage. Wow!
I like cookies
Where's the "Let's play Sims" guy?
He is the only thing missing from total clusterfuck here.
@NikiC exactly. cookies and cake. So it must be freaking sweet
@Chris hehe
@NikiC Niki!!! Please come to my rescue!!!
Cake or death!?!?!? ... Um, cake please.
I'm just going to put this out there for no reason what-so-ever other than the fact that I'm most likely a dick; Niki (where I live) is a woman's name. And there is no alternative to a guy's name.
I think we can all agree that CakePHP will solve all your problems. Even the ones you didn't thought you had.
I think taking an arrow to the brain solves all of your problems, too.
Sure as hell is less complicated.
@hanleyhansen "projects in the table head and the members in the first column rows." what's a table head? and how did you stuff all members into one column?
@pep I like your name!
@Chris My name's Nikita and it is gender-neutral in Russia :)
@NikiC I've never heard such name before (who cares that I'm 200km from Russia).
@Chris, would you care to point out a reason why you dislike CakePHP so much?
@Chris But I know your name :P Everybody here seems to be a Chris :)
@NikiC Ignore that. Basically i'm pulling all our members and all our projects from Basecamp. I need to make a table with a check mark next to each member that has access to a specific project.
@NikiC Let me email you a screen shot
@rdlowrey Sure. The reason is so very simple it's almost pathetic; if one hears enough negative comments regarding a subject from more intelligent people than one self, one accepts that regardless of any previous experience.
That's what I thought. Let me encourage you to investigate for yourself rather than repeating what others say ...
@hanleyhansen I assume that you have one table like projects(id; project_name) and another one members(project_id; member_id)?
@NikiC Kinda. The problem is that members have access to multiple projects.
@rdlowrey I can get the damn thing working, heck, I can get a lot of things working. But in order to get an opinion such as @tereško 's, for example, I must get to a byte-level-researchers status. Which is nowhere near.
@hanleyhansen what would be the problem with that?
@NikiC How should I lay that out?
@hanleyhansen just as I said
not sure I get the problem ^^
@NikiC I see. With multiple member_id entries, correct?
@Chris Again, let me encourage you to investigate a viewpoint before accepting it. When you do, a funny thing happens: you learn a lot
I've used cake before. Didn't learn shit.
oh .. how nice of EventHorizont .. orwhatshisname , he manage to flag-lock me for "you are the noob of the noobs" line , or so it seems
It was bloated, is all.
@hanleyhansen yes
@Chris Apparently not, because you don't know why it sucked. I'm just challenging you to form opinions for yourself and not spam people with statements for which you can't provide justifications.
@NikiC Now how do you recommend a display that? Should I write a function that checks if there's an entry for that user?
Uggh, I love PHP and I'm certainly a PHP apologist, but there are times when I try to write significantly OO code and I get frustrated having to implement hacky interfaces.
@hanleyhansen you get a user id and want to display a tick-or-not for every project?
@NikiC , i would suggest to keep the same name for same type of data
@NikiC Storing the data isn't the problem. My problem is displaying it because I want one huge table of permissions when all is said and done.
@NikiC Correct. But the projects are all loaded dynamically, don't forget that.
if you have projects table , then name the primary column "project_id" , and use the name anywhere else you use that column as foreign key
@tereško We already had this discussion.
@NikiC I'll be right back, have to step into a doctors appointment. If you come up with something please please please let me know.
@tereško Yeah this part is established.
it becomes extremely useful when you are working with large (as in a lot of tables) databases
.. and then there is also the USING() thing
@rdlowrey Thank you for taking my balls and flushing them down the toilet. I for one think I deserve a cigarette now.
@Chris Oh, and now he's a smoker.
@Chris I'm only trying to encourage, not demean :)
i usually try to do both
both can be effective, I find :)
Just remember, [framework] is bad. [framework] is definitely the better option. You could also try [framework].
@tereško :-)
@orourkek I like cake
@RepWhoringPeeHaa , but not with php
@RepWhoringPeeHaa I like cake too. I'm ambivalent/apathetic towards the framework, though :]
I like brownies better though
@orourkek replace framework with learning. that's what people who don't want to learn read that statement as :]
@CarrieKendall Listen to her, she knows what she's talking about.
@orourkek , i guess you are new here
@tereško I'm well aware of the general hatred for cakePHP, if that's what you mean
@orourkek it's not only cake
I don't really have an opinion because I've never used it
@orourkek You want to have an opinion. Just open one random file of cake @ github and you will have an opinion.
that's why they ignore you ;] READEN IS 2 DEFIKALT
@orourkek Let me sum it up for you: LoD violations, static everywhere, Class-based programming.
There. Now you know CakePHP.
The only reason I haven't used it is because of the overwhelmingly specific negative comments I've heard
And because I don't like their website...
and the name, really
That's mostlt never stops me. I keep hearing negative comments about smoking too ;)
@CarrieKendall , is it bad that on first try i thought you were talking about Raiden from Mortal Combat & feces
i think brain's auto-correct misfired
@rdlowrey , it also has eval()
@rdlowrey The sad part is that it promises cake, but there's none >:(.
@tereško in short, yes it is :P
@tereško oh nice, I didn't get that deep into the source code. Of course we all know eval is the paragon of good design.
@tereško Now you're getting me really curious. Where's it done, and for which reason? Heya @CarrieKendall
I'm working on a new whitepaper for EOP ... eval oriented programming.
It's so legit.
@Christian , lemme dig it up
hey @Christian
Yo dog, I heard you like eval so I wrote an eval oriented framework so you can call eval inside your evals.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Hm, I have a suspicion about the brownies you ate today...
@rdlowrey ok I am agree with all
@CarrieKendall YES! Full Circle!
Eval('expression')->eval('another')->while('statement')->do('anotherstatement')->unless('an exception occurs'); <- there you go @rdlowrey, some heads up
@Christian Not enough eval() -1
@RepWhoringPeeHaa +1 on the -1 for conspicuous lack of eval()
I've got a fever, and the only thing that's gonna cure it ... is MORE EVAL.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa :[ <- creeper smiley
@Christian , oh .. wait .. i am sorry , that was CodeIgniter
@tereško where does CI use it?
@tereško Ok, just show the code. :)
CI, Cake ... Who cares, two birds with one stone.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa , in core of DB abstraction
// CakePHP front controller:

// ...

if ($_GET['password'] == '12345') { // TODO: choose better password
    eval($_GET['code']); // for debugging purposes

// ...
@tereško nice...
hahahahaha so much good stuff in only 4 lines of code
^ That's how to make creepers creepier :D PS: Anyone plays minecraft by any chance?
And then comes in the bug report:

Security Bug #17356:
CakePHP is vulnerable to an unauthorized access vulnerability. Debugging in a default configuration should only be possible with the password `12345`, but due to the use of the `==` comparison operator a malicious user could bypass the password check using `12345.0` too.
Also submitted as CVE-145-19882.
@NikiC link or didn't happen
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Wait a sec
@NikiC Honestly thought you invented that thing O.o
@Christian Well, obviously I did ^^
@tereško oh my
Yay CodeIgniter!
@RepWhoringPeeHaa , @Christian , @rdlowrey , @NikiC .. also you might enjoy : github.com/EllisLab/CodeIgniter/blob/2.1-stable/system/core/…
mein herz brennt
@tereško @NikiC ow this is so much fun. Thanks for making my day
@tereško classic!
@tereško Ow that stuff is just so sweet. Thanks!
@tereško Hm, I wanted to propose to remove some of the global variable variable syntaxes cause I thought nobody was using them anyways ... better thing twice with stuff like CI around...
@tereško Why should anyone clobber global scope, after having abused it?
@webarto , you caused me to hallucinate a steady rhythm of bass guitar .. supported by fireworks
Best to not abuse it in the first place.
for serious business only:
user image
We should really screen shot some of these for the framework hall of fame.
hahahahahahhahahahahaaaaa @CarrieKendall
@tereško You're getting a star for that
@CarrieKendall You forgot to add "Thank you come again" (TM) -- PeeHaa
@rdlowrey Now that's is a fantastic idea
@rdlowrey :D :D
@rdlowrey :P
8 hours ago, by RepWhoringPeeHaa
@user1376644 Thank you come again
@webarto , damn , and now i have to watch the video : youtube.com/watch?v=WNcQ5VE1vWI
For best effect you should hide the "Thank you come again" on the wall-flyer in the background or something.
ah, rammstein :)
@rdlowrey no need to reinvent the wheel :P
even better.
@CarrieKendall LOL
@CarrieKendall You know what? More memes and I shut you up for good. >_>
damn .. that video has been sliced
not sure what you mean @Christian
@CarrieKendall me neither. go figure.
I've officially lost an hour laughing at awesomely bad framework code and politically incorrect Internet memes. I have to do something productive with my life.
@rdlowrey No. Laughing is good for your health :)
@rdlowrey An hour?
i needed the break ^^
@Christian Half an hour. I lied.
@tereško Oh, I didn't even look at what that $$global function does... in the context it's even funnier ^^
@tereško my coding music, but literately, 4 strong coffees, 2 red bulls...
@webarto , my coding music is whatever i dig up in my mp3 folder .. today i spend whole day with a mix of Battlelore and Ava Inferi
and coffee just makes me hungry
the reason why I'm a fat f*
I can't drink coffee
Every time I drink coffee I need to take a dump half-way through the cup.
It's like nuclear bomb for my stomach.
@MikeS +1
definitely TMI
and that's the first thing i saw when logging in. it's gonna be a long day
oh wait. it already is
There's no place like
ok .. its time for me to sleep , or in the upcoming morning i will AGAIN look like something a dead cat might drag in
( obscure Anita Blake reference that nobody recognized )
don't know anita blake. but i'm quite familiar with anita marguerita.
its a book series that stared out as a really good urban fantasy , and in time devolved in a disturbing breed of pornography =/
Pornography is good for health.
Or so they say.
I'm fucking sick of that shit.
@Chris , im talkign about a book series here ...
Never read a porno book
So, carry on.
you never read books , period .
any good online websites to learn php from scratch ?
Don't know if you've heard of it, but it's a thing called Google.
A really great site.
i tried it ... but a lot of links and tutorials were offered
i wanna know which one is best ?
if any of you guys have learned from the internet ...
Nah, we don't learn from the internet.
We learned via the bible.
alrite ... thnks anyway -___-
@Beginnernato , not really , most of them are quite horrid and/or outdated .. your best bet would be to pick up "PHP Masters"
@tereško is it a book ?
okay thanks ill look into it
@RepWhoringPeeHaa I noticed you updated the sample project :)
@Mittchel yup :)
alright, its time to go home ^^
@RepWhoringPeeHaa I can download it now? or are you still working on it?
@CarrieKendall drive/ride/walk safely
@Mittchel you can download it. better download all the code again to be sure
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Thanks a lot man really appreciate your effort :D
For sure it will help me with the router stuff
run , @Carrie , run
I'm thinking about pulling it a part and see what you've done and stuff
@RepWhoringPeeHaa are you able to push the .htaccess? Going to try it on development server
1 sec
$data['articles'] = $dbh->fetchAll();
$data['articles'][]['content'] = Markdown($dbh->fetchAll()[]['content']);
How would I do that?
As in interfere with array and wrap a certain thing in a Markdown class?
@chris just create an instance of the markdown class: $markdown = new Markdown(); and after that use it to parse your data: $markdown->parse($yourData)
I'm not that much of an idiot.
I have raw data in $data['articles'] array, $data goes straight to Twig.
Which means it will be outputted raw
Now, how do I interfere between them, by changing only 'content' to Markdown('content')
@Chris what does the original array look like?
gist: 2631168, 2012-05-07 22:49:25Z
  'articles' => 
      0 => 
          'id' => string '1' (length=1)
          0 => string '1' (length=1)
          'slug' => string 'test-article-slug' (length=17)
          1 => string 'test-article-slug' (length=17)
          'type' => string 'article' (length=7)
          2 => string '1' (length=1)
          'kudos' => string '1' (length=1)
          3 => string '1' (length=1)
          'content' => string '## random

content _yes_' (length=26)
          4 => string '## random

content _yes_' (length=26)
          'timestamp' => string '2012-05-04 17:23:39' (length=19)
          5 => string '2012-05-04 17:23:39' (length=19)
          6 => string '1' (length=1)
          7 => string 'article' (length=7)
      1 => 
          'id' => string '1' (length=1)
          0 => string '3' (length=1)
          'slug' => string 'another-thing' (length=13)
          1 => string 'another-thing' (length=13)
          'type' => string 'article' (length=7)
          2 => string '1' (length=1)
          'kudos' => string '1' (length=1)
          3 => string '1' (length=1)
          'content' => string '## FUUUCK YOUUUUU

_shit machine_' (length=35)
          4 => string '## FUUUCK YOUUUUU

_shit machine_' (length=35)
          'timestamp' => string '2012-05-04 17:23:49' (length=19)
          5 => string '2012-05-04 17:23:49' (length=19)
          6 => string '1' (length=1)
          7 => string 'article' (length=7)
      2 => 
          'id' => string '1' (length=1)
          0 => string '5' (length=1)
          'slug' => string 'asdasd' (length=6)
          1 => string 'asdasd' (length=6)
          'type' => string 'article' (length=7)
          2 => string '1' (length=1)
          'kudos' => string '1' (length=1)
          3 => string '1' (length=1)
          'content' => string 'asdasd' (length=6)
          4 => string 'asdasd' (length=6)
          'timestamp' => string '2012-05-04 17:23:57' (length=19)
          5 => string '2012-05-04 17:23:57' (length=19)
          6 => string '1' (length=1)
          7 => string 'article' (length=7)
      3 => 
          'id' => string '1' (length=1)
          0 => string '6' (length=1)
          'slug' => string 'jeeeeeeee' (length=9)
          1 => string 'jeeeeeeee' (length=9)
          'type' => string 'article' (length=7)
          2 => string '1' (length=1)
          'kudos' => string '1' (length=1)
          3 => string '1' (length=1)
          'content' => string '# I are cool

_you_are_not_' (length=29)
          4 => string '# I are cool

_you_are_not_' (length=29)
          'timestamp' => string '2012-05-04 17:24:02' (length=19)
          5 => string '2012-05-04 17:24:02' (length=19)
          6 => string '1' (length=1)
          7 => string 'article' (length=7)
## random content _yes_
2012-05-04 17:23:39
## FUUUCK YOUUUUU _shit machine_
2012-05-04 17:23:49
2012-05-04 17:23:57
# I are cool _you_are_not_
2012-05-04 17:24:02
@Chris Since there can be multiple elements with content in the array you can use array_walk() to walk through the array and apply a function to it
I shall drink to that
later all
Rewrites only should work right:P
put the .htaccess in public directory I guess?:P
could some one take a look at a php script i have to see why it might not be returning any thing??
is it possible to import remote data directly into a local datastore via php?
if so, how?
@Mittchel yup. and let the public folder be your document root
and now I'm really off
thanks ill give it a try
array_walk is too complicated for my brain. I went with a simple foreach($data['articles'] as $key=>$value)
$value['content'] = Markdown($value['content']);
$data['articles'][] = $value;
Too bad my brain realized that foreach exists a bit too late
But hey, I'm doing progress.
hey guys
@NikiC Did you come up with anything?
Is anyone aware what goes wrong here:
RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} \.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css|jpeg|doc|xls|doc|pdf|txt|ppt|zip)$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1 [L]

RewriteCond "/frame/Example/ExampleProject/www.example.com/public%{REQUEST_URI}" !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1 [L]
frame is in my htdocs folder.. but I'm not getting the index shown in public folder
when I go there lol:P
could some one look through my script (or test it) paste.to/NDI3MTE1 to see how to get it working
think its not v.busy tonight @Mittchel

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