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Your suspicion is right. According to The Martijn, glob using inclusion only: stackoverflow.com/questions/20638040/glob-exclude-pattern
There are some solutions there, but probably not what you are looking for
@Kevin: you're (almost) famous! A question you answered came up in a queue test (this one).
what is a more elegant way to raise an exception if the chained keys are not found in the dictionary? dpaste.com/3ST5830
I'm not sure what you mean. job = config[args.version][args.pipeline][args.topic] will already raise a KeyError if the keys aren't there.
and you will know which key is not there in the exception message
I came back to the office to get some work done instead of sitting around waiting for the subway system to come back online and of course things started up as soon as I got set up. :-/
I always wonder why people call computer turing machines
While, fundamentally, they are just state machines - limited by memory they have a finite number of states the transistors can assume.
1 hour later…
Apparently logging in was suspicious. at least on my tablet heh
Hey all, just wanted to drop by and let you know that I found another thing about why LPTHW is bad. Ex37 says that is is like ==, prompting this recent question. I don't know who curates that list, but hopefully this gets to them.
lol wow that's bad
holy garbage batman
that's just plain wrong
i thought it was maybe a misunderstanding - nope
> is: like == for testing equality : 1 is 1 == True
oh geeze. del is delete from dictionary. i mean that's fundamentally actually true, but not only true
that page is painfully bad. I'm not surprised, of course
I'm pretty sure strings isn't a python type.
The if example has wrong syntax, too.
The example for lambda as an "anonymous function" gives it a name. =D
This list is very entertaining.
I'm just in awe of how wrong a lot of that is. maybe i should start writing a book series and call it "The Zed of..." and then justwrite whatever i feel like
The "Data Types" table confuses types with values of those types.
yeah so you can delete from a list. .. pretty sure there's no way to construe that as a dictionary
i mean, x = 3; del x js technically deleting from the locals dictionary. .. but obviously that's not what it meant
"Operators - [ ] - List brackets"
"( ) - Parenthesis" You don't say?
He sells that book for $30...
A guy at my work bought that book .. :-\
He's a beginner in python
I told him to throw it in the trash ..
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
Hi folks, I'm starting to learn python, and I just installed it on netbeans
Can you help me out with this answer: stackoverflow.com/q/42431944/6226536 ?
Or else what other IDE can I use to program in python?
cbj from office
It's 1:50am here.
and its 12 :01 pm
Hey guys. Thank you for helping me for stackoverflow question. Especially to davidisim
cbg folks
@AgilYolchuyev so can I move that question of yours to trash now :D
Sure ))))
now people can see the glorious midi unicorn :D
@WayneWerner that is awsum baroque sound there
Does someone care to spend a close vote (OT) on this super old question: stackoverflow.com/q/2778382 ?
sorry wrong close reason but it doesn't matter
I'll star it and try to get it deleted - this was "not reproduceable"
yea, noticed later that "no longer reproducible" would have been a better fit
hi people again can someone please response to my question
Q: How can I configure path for BeautifulSoup to open file from the same directory?

Agil Yolchuyevhi guys maybe someone faced with problem like mine. I have application where I upload file this is a function: APP_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) UPLOAD_FOLD = '/Users/blabla/totti/files' UPLOAD_FOLDER = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, UPLOAD_FOLD) app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = UPLOAD_...

class names are in CamelCase in Python (usually). However, classes are nouns. get roi is a phrase that starts with a verb. It is not a name of a class.
I want to use variable declared in bash in python(my email and password)
I have used app.config["MAIL_USERNAME"] = os.environ.get('MAIL_USERNAME')
app.config["MAIL_PASSWORD"] = os.environ.get('MAIL_PASSWORD')
but it does not work
when I replace it with my real email and password ir works
(I am using python 2.7)
how you run your script @Freddy?
I run it in bash using python hello.py shell
I am following this book
@Freddy and how are you "declaring" the password in bash?
export MAIL_PASSWORD='fsdfdlfladfaf'
when I do echo $MAIL_PASSWORD it shows my password
so, you have one terminal window
you do export MAIL_... = , then you run a script and variables are not available?
yes @marxin
hey guys maybe someone will response my question here I upload new file to server. When I am trying to access that file with BeautifulSoup I got an error that there is no file with this name. How can I give static path to open file that everytime when I am writing soup = BeautifulSoup(open(new_file.filename)). It accessed to to the uploaded file
@Freddy you're running your python script in the same window, and not with say sudo?
@AnttiHaapala aha...I got it...I was running python script in different tab
melon @marxin @AnttiHaapala
@Freddy ;)
@Freddy one thing you could do: change os.environ.get(...) to os.environ[...] - if the vars are missing you'd get error for sure
export sets the variable only temporarly in current bash instance
this is why it was not working for you
I figure it by printing username in shell
@marxin Avocado
@SohaibAsif thank for response. Could you please look to my question?
Q: How can I configure path for BeautifulSoup to open file from the same directory?

Agil Yolchuyevhi guys maybe someone faced with problem like mine. I have application where I upload file this is a function: APP_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) UPLOAD_FOLD = '/Users/blabla/totti/files' UPLOAD_FOLDER = os.path.join(APP_ROOT, UPLOAD_FOLD) app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = UPLOAD_...

@AgilYolchuyev this file is not saved yet, therefore you cant open it
Trying to read through all the posts about webscraping in parallel. Anyone have a strong opinion on which library to use? I am using a combination of webdriver & beautifulsoup right now and it is way too slow. List of 500-600 links are taking 2.5-3 hours. :(
rather than that, just do
soup = BeautifulSoup(new_file.read())
use lxml
@SohaibAsif Thanks. I will just get into it. lxml will allow multiple urls at the same time?
It would probably be constructive to determine which of the two parts of your program is slow: retrieving the web page? Or parsing the web page? If retrieval takes a hundred times longer than parsing, then changing your parser from BeautifulSoup to lxml probably isn't going to help.
This is what we call "rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic"
@Kevin I think I understand what you mean. Basically, right now I am opening each page(webdriver) in serial, using a for loop, then parsing the data through BeautifulSoup. My main aim is to go from serial to parallel where atleast 5-10 links are being worked on simultaneously.
I would highly appreciate any pointers.
but whats the problem, what doesnt work
The problem is that it's slow.
I'm not trying to tell a joke, I'm just relaying what he already said. "I am using a combination of webdriver & beautifulsoup right now and it is way too slow. List of 500-600 links are taking 2.5-3 hours. :("
he said that he is trying to go parallel
and i've asked him whats not working in going parallel ;)
i know its slow
I read his question as, he's still in the planning stages of turning the project from single-threaded to multi-threaded, and wants to know if, in general, there is any advice we can give about pitfalls or best practices etc. And that's OK. Not every question comes with a MCVE.
I'm basically pulling this interpretation from thin air so I understand if you see it differently
@Kevin yes that was what I was trying to ask. I read a bit and it seemed that grequests was the way to go. Then that it wasn't very well supported/abandoned. @marxin I am trying to learn, I bet you also started somewhere.
@Sid so im trying to help you
I expect that retrieval will be a bottleneck, even if whatever library you choose can support multiple connections at once, just because bandwidth is a naturally limited resource. Even so, I think you can still expect a performance increase, since I/O is generally not bound by the GIL. So one thread can parse an already-fetched page while another thread waits for the server to reply with the next page.
@Kevin Thanks.
@marxin thank you so much. Thanks a lot. around 3-4 hours I am trying to read that with different ways ))))) lol )))))) Thanks again
@AgilYolchuyev np :)
No no, it's Cabbagium Leviosa. Remember to swish and flick.
I keep forgetting. Thanks
There's an ostensibly open source project I use and I found a bug that I'd like to try to fix. In their FAQ, the answer to "how can I get the source code for this project?" is "ask on the forums". Are they not aware that computery people tend not to be extroverts?
I should not have to interact with a human to get a .zip file. File servers are perfectly suited for that task.
they expect you to go to a forum and ask for the source code?
@Kevin hmm, its sounds like they are not very proud of what they've done
Excuse me kind internet folk, may I please acquire your very best tar ball of your source code?
> There are essentially two ways of obtaining the source code of Forge:

Either ask in the forums or, if you plan to contribute code regularly or want to stay at the top of new developments, read our guide on How to Get Started Developing Forge.
that's so tedious
Granted, they do sort of exist in a legal gray area, since it's a program that lets you play Magic: The Gathering, and they have zero permission from Wizards of the Coast to do so.
So maybe they have incentive to keep a low profile. If Hasbro's legal team can find you in one google search, you're doing a bad job.
\o cbg
@MorganThrapp I was just looking at that. I click on "forge", expecting to see the contents of the forge directory, and it takes me to... That same top-level directory. I have no idea how to get to the code.
@MoinuddinQuadri Oh, that stinks. Late night deployment for you.... I went home and looked up starter drones xD
Yeah, svn's web client is not good.
That second link has the actual code.
You should be able to plug that into an SVN client. Which is still not a great solution (because you have to install SVN), but better than dealing with angry open source devs.
Oh, rad. Now at least I can browse around and see how things are laid out.
The bug I'm interested in diagnosing is: when you click on a part of the window which belongs to multiple overlapping elements, the bottom-most element gets selected, rather than the topmost.
But this seemingly only occurs for tokens, not cards, which is really odd. There's no reason for those two classes of elements to have different UI code.
eeesh. Cloudflare vulnerability
Hello, I just wrote this: https://www.facebook.com/notes/custom-made-bots/facebook-customer-targeting-bot/917279168375031
and I would highly appreciate if I could get some feedback on it :)
morning cbg
morning cbg
@SebastianNielsen Too many grammar issues
Well english isn't my first language. :/
Could you help me fix, I would like to seem professional.
I'm sure that if you would invest just ONE license price, someone would be more that happy to fix it 8)
- "a lot more efficient" should be "a lot more efficiently".
- "Using an advance filtering method" should be "Using an advanced filtering method"
- "All the matches that was found" should be "All the matches that were found"
- "will the bot now proceed to open the profiles of" is just kind of word salad. Consider rewording entirely.
- "And Finally write" should be "And finally write". Also, consider rewriting so that "And" isn't the first word of the sentence.
- "you will first be asked for two thing" should be "you will first be asked for two things".
- "there is a lot of interesting and advance filtering methods" should be "there are a lot of interesting and advanced filtering methods".
- "You can use the computer while it running" should be "You can use the computer while it's running".
- "The price is a onetime buy at a cost of 67€ " should end with a period.
- "the more features and wishes being added" sounds odd. Consider rewording.
- "you will safe money" should be "you will save money".
- "buy buying it as soon as possible" should be "by buying it as soon as possible"
- "Since the code was written in Python a very popular programming language" is a sentence fragment. Consider rewriting.
- Cuong Do's quote should probably end in a question mark. But I guess you can't change that if he didn't originally use one. Maybe ask him to say it again with proper pronunciation this time.
Wow, thanks a lot @Kevin ! You are the absolutely best! :D
- There shouldn't be a space before the exclamation mark.
- "You are the absolute best!"
- Emoticons have noses.
When referring to Kevin as the best, calling Kevin, Kevin will suffice
creepy as fuck hehe
> You are the absolute Kevin, Kevin
Now I am just getting mind fucked.
relevant to recent discussions
There are also some bits that don't quite sound like idiomatic English, but those are more subjective, both to identify and to fix. Like, maybe I think "one-time buy" would sound better as "one-time purchase", but maybe Joe Shmo in Wyoming likes it just fine the way it is.
I was going to say, it's a great time to go bankrupt buying magic cards, because the rarest card in the world is on sale for $200,000. But it looks like the auction already closed :^(
My brain was not made for SQL in the morning T.T
I really have to improve my english phrasing. To make my sentences "sound more english." :/
Wow, that eBay listing sounds super shady.
awww I want to say cabbage night, but I've never used cabbage night
I feel great sympathy for anyone that wants to improve their English, because it seems really really really hard.
but...now I want to always use it
I before E except after C, and also this list of exceptions that's actually longer than the list of words that follow this guideline
> What do you call a drive-through liquor store?
seriously? Those exist?
Yeah, they're pretty sweet
@davidism The card has only changed ownership once, so it should be easy to at least demonstrate a continuous chain of possession.
Call up the 1996 world champion. "Hey dude, did you sell your trophy to this guy who can't write a decent sounding ebay description?" Yeah dude, that's the guy." "Ok, later"
This doesn't discount the possibility that the guy made a counterfeit card and encased it an a counterfeit acrylic block in a counterfeit trophy, and is keeping the real one in his secret collection. But at least you know you're probably not going to get mugged in an empty lot in the shady industrial district. It's not Craigslist.
@davidism mine -> nyti.ms/2mfw1rx
@idjaw I saw a few of them during my family's vacation in Virginia. Down there, the chain is called "Brew Thru"
oh, that's way more hardcore than the ones I've seen
that is literally a drive through
I was expecting the classic speak to someone through a microphone
I'm not sure how you can reach those glass doors from your car. I think there's an attendant that fetches things? I'm 70% sure it's not self-service.
> What do you call the night before Halloween?
[] Cabbage Night
Nice B-)
Wow, "mischief night" is super localized to Jersey apparently
I know it as devil's night....but it's never used
Some of those answers made me wish I used the expressions. Like "Pineapple Rain" for when it rains while sunny.
I'm only familiar with "The devil's beating his wife" for the raining while sunny question, but nobody actually uses it around here
pineapple rain
I feel like I just don't hang out with enough folksy people. My hipster cred is slipping.
Apparently my distinctive answers are Hoagie, Mischief Night, and Sneakers.
> What do you call a drive-through liquor store?
> I have never heard of such a thing
^^ yep
I only heard of it when I went down south. And they have Food Lions down there instead of Shop Rites. What's the deal?
And Hardees just sort of abruptly morphs into Carl's Junior a bit past Delaware
>>> x = input("Enter time:    second(s)" + "\b"*12)
Enter time: 60 second(s)
>>> x
I came up with this dumb idea.
Finally, input prompts embedded in arbitrary strings. Just don't type more than three characters.
Do we have a dupe target for questions like "why doesn't open("C:\users\bob.txt") work?"
Pretty sure that's the problem Variable with double value in python is it possible? is having.
Albeit in a super XY Problem kind of way.
I changed my mind. I have no idea what OP's problem is, but I doubt having a string in superposition will help.
he just dont want to prepend "file:///" if playlist starts with "http://", this is what he wants I guess
Morning cabbage!
Colleague is sick :-( but meeting is thereby cancelled :-)
morning cbg DSM
It's Friday, meaning tomorrow is Saturday night hockey \o/
One might almost call it hockey night in Canada. ;-)
@DSM I miss that slogan, and the theme music It use to play... It was one of my childhood tunes :(
I also miss those bench clearing brawls :( Hockey isn't as physical as before...
edit: gah! Hiya Room6.
\o cbg
Came back from holiday to find people elsewhere in the business got our external vendor to change their API while I was away. Cue lots of people flapping and 'when can you fix it'?
So it's been a fun week.
@MooingRawr yeah, brainfail plus multiline formatting fail.
from datetime import datetime as date
if date.now().weekday()==4:
Haha, sorry. I just find this very similar to me and couldn't resist sharing it: techworm.net/2016/06/…
There you go bud, #credit to Withnail
This DJ seems to release albums pretty quickly o.o (based on the comment chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/6?m=35556225#35556225 ) only a few weeks and a new one o.o Hard worker
Same album, I just keep listening to it.
Last album was 6 years ago.
Oh my mistake, I will look into this DJ when I get home.
Zed Shaw - finally stopped swimming against the current when he got a turd in the mouth. :)
@Kevin satire? Or serious.... ?
been relistening to a lot of orbital lately
@MooingRawr It's real.
I was half expecting every link to go to his rant
Welp..... interesting..... I wonder if his sales numbers were that low that prompted him to jump ship....
Well, regardless of the motivation, willingness to change one's mind is a virtue.
I'm still waiting for room 6's book. One day it will be ready.
Sorry for all the feels
or not sorry
@Kevin Well, looks like he still hasn't fixed any of the symbol mistakes: learnpythonthehardway.org/python3/ex37.html
I've thought about writing a tutorial. I certainly have a lot of Opinions about how not to do it.
I have one in my head, I just need to put it on paper :P
I'm not sure if it's been linked yet, but Talk Python To Me did an interview with GvR for their 100th episode.
I'm listening to it now and it's really interesting.
ooh, cool!
I'm looking forward to that one
@WayneWerner can a room owner delete this please
sad video
I haven't watched it, but if it's sad enough to be worth deleting, I'll probably be too sad to delete it. Catch 22.
Sad, and also the reason we haven't got any puppers yet. It would just be irresponsible.
why we didn't get any either
would not be fair to the pup
I saw this a while ago
right in the feels
@SebastianNielsen that's genius! He should sell his testing not to the company for millions
I give this video 5 depression points out of 10.
For comparison, I rank Shelter at a high 7.
@Kevin high 7?
Let's say 7.8 out of 10.
Let's see, cross reference with the chart...
Yep, that's about right I think.
@Kevin really good music video :( I wonder if we will get a sequel to it
And so, the human race went extinct and the heroine floated through space alone forever. The end! No moral.
Is there ever a moral in Anime? I thought it was always just tragedy
There's a song that supposedly is the sequel to that song.
I think we had this conversation three months ago.
@WayneWerner yes there's moral, among other things in Anime. :D
@Code-Apprentice Do you like my bot? Sorry I was afk for some time.
ethical topics, philosophical topics too to name some.
Anime has morals sometimes. Princess Mononoke's moral was "don't construct heavy industrial parks in the middle of giant sentient wolf territory"
What does that even mean kevin? xD
Confucius is getting better
@SebastianNielsen it's what it sounds like
Graves of the fireflies' moral was that live could be really sad ;(
@Kevin I thought it was don't try to take the head of the weird deer-thing
Kill La Kill's moral was "don't lose your way" and Gurren Lagann's moral was "Fight the power". You can tell because they said it like eight times per episode each
Controversial opinion: I thought Luck of the Fryrish was sadder than Jurassic Bark.
@Kevin wow, can't relate... Jurassic bark was the saddest moment in that series
Are those Futurama episodes?
mhm- well I would hope so
haven't seen much of that - just a few random episodes
ah I remember now -- that ep was sad
I don't remember how that series ended. I should go binge watch it again...
It's all fun and games until the writers remember that the main character abruptly left his entire world behind in the first episode, and can never truly return. Whoops, we wrote a tragedy, didn't we...
He had a loyal dog too, right? Oh well... ummm yeah. Time to show fans that, and maybe give MC a noble reason for his suffering
I had trouble getting into Futurama at first because I felt like Fry adjusted way too quickly
That's because he didn't have a personality
They make note of that in the episode where his ex-girlfriend comes to the future and can't adjust. Turns out it's easier to acclimate when you don't have much to leave behind.
Yeah and he always dreamed of living in the future
Partly because of what is girlfriend did to him
Cool, Python 3.6 added SHA-3 methods to hashlib.
Also, Passlib added Scrypt and Argon2 support.
Is there a way to keep the class instance from splatting? I can't seem to form the appropriate google entry.
I can't wait to see how google "broke" SHA-1
class foo():
    def __init__(self):
        self.thing = [1, 2]
        a, b = self.bar(*self.thing)

    def bar(a, b):
        return a, b

tmp = foo()
So I'd need bar(a, b, c) because *self.thing would give me foo, 1, 2 but I just want 1, 2
@staticmethod, perhaps?
@SebastianNielsen did you use it to automate your job you could play LoL?
haven't checked in on scrypt in a while in terms of how it stands the test of time relative to bcrypt, PBK..whatever it was called, etc
Yeah staticmethod works here
Q: Is bcrypt better than scrypt

twigg Possible Duplicate: Do any security experts recommend bcrypt for password storage? I'm no security expert and do not pretend to be that's why I'm asking here. I write many PHP based applications and up to now I have been using bcrypt to hash my passwords. The scrypt website claims to...

@Code-Apprentice Are you talking about the article, because I haven't figured out how to fully automate my work. But I am currently making bots, as you can read about here: facebook.com/notes/custom-made-bots/…
So I am on the road to become that guy in the article :P
Just got a question and a bug report about Werkzeug's password hash function defaulting to sha1 with pbkdf2.
I'm still not sure if pbkdf2:sha1 is affected by the sha1 collisions.
I think it is though.
@Kevin works, thanks! Is that the only way?
You could move bar outside of the class definition entirely.
Or you could go in the other direction and move bar inside __init__ entirely.
does it treat all the functions after the decorator as static or just the first following one? The docs are rather sparse
That might have performance implications if you're creating a lot of instances, though. I'm not sure how that works.
> While I recommend bcrypt, I still follow NIST in that if you implement PBKDF2 and use it properly (with a "high" iteration count), then it is quite probable that password storage is no longer the worst of your security issues.
@excaza Decorators only affect the function immediately following the decorator.
cool, thank you :)
so much to learn D:
@idjaw what was the first one?
@idjaw Finally, we'll discover how Annie is!
@excaza decorators are just a shorthand. Write your own and you'll see what they do ;)
it's on the list! I can only do so much head exploding today :p
In [1]: def fun(func):
   ...:     print(f'Wrapping function {func}')
   ...:     def inner(*args, **kwargs):
   ...:         print(f'Got some {args} and {kwargs}')
   ...:         print('calling func and returning result')
   ...:         return func(*args, **kwargs)
   ...:     return inner

In [2]: @fun
   ...: def myfun(name):
   ...:     print('in myfun')
   ...:     print(name)
Wrapping function <function myfun at 0x106826950>

In [3]: myfun('wayne')
Got some ('wayne',) and {}
@WayneWerner yeah, PBKDF2 is probably fine when tuned correctly. More important is tracking what hash is used, being able to upgrade the hash, and being able to invalidate passwords. Passlib handles the first two.
@excaza Just do something like that
I can't wait to find out how Annie is doing
@WayneWerner the first one was a two season show in the 90s
it was a very odd quirky 90s mystery show
I loved it
Starring David Duchovny in a wig and a man who lovingly describes his cup of coffee to a tape recorder every episode
Can anyone suggest a way to connect to an SQL database using Python3+?
Seems all the modules i've come across have been for earlier versions.
I was just about to suggest SQLAlchemy.
SQLAlchemy? SQLAlchemy! SQLAlchemy.
I've tried but it is throwing an error, seems like it depends on other imports..?
ImportError: No module named 'MySQLdb'
That it does.
@Kevin but but sqlite was the second link when googling 'Python 3 sql connect' :S
al kem E
al and E(dward)?
@MooingRawr not going to help much with MySQL though :P
i'll try that, reading the docs on sqlite3.
Hayao Miyazaki is out of retirement, can't wait to see what movie he will help create.
wait, what?
old news
yes but wasn't before it was rumored?
How many times has he retired now?
I thought the old news was just rumors of him wanting to make a new movie, not actually admitting that hes doing it. I could be wrong
@MarcusS he soft retired during "Princess Mononoke", came back in 2004, in 2005 his family wanted him to retire, September 1, 2013 is when he officially retired, 2016 Nov, is when he wanted to make a new movie.
Hayao Miyazaki (宮崎 駿, Miyazaki Hayao, born January 5, 1941) is a Japanese film director, producer, screenwriter, animator, author, and manga artist. Through a career that has spanned over five decades, Miyazaki has attained international acclaim as a masterful storyteller and as a maker of anime feature films and, along with Isao Takahata, co-founded Studio Ghibli, a film and animation studio. Born in Bunkyō, Tokyo, Miyazaki began his animation career in 1963 when he joined Toei Animation. From there, Miyazaki worked as an in-between artist for Gulliver's Travels Beyond the Moon, where he pitched...
He's the Rocky Balboa of Anime
Or Brett Favre
I did not know Rocky's last name was Balboa... :D
he's actually a 25-year-old dude with a fake glasses-with-eyebrows, so he can fake retire 5 more times
You ̴wil͝l ̸n͜e͞ver͜ ͠be ͢frȩe of us, ̢H͡aya͞o.͠
LOL @AndrasDeak
The guy has made so many good movies :D I will fear for the day that his spirit goes away...
he will probably become a weird antlered forest demigod
He's already disillusioned with the industry. Now he's powered exclusively by the temerity to show these chumps how it's done.
I'm actually nervous of what he will produce, will it live up to the hype? Will his movie just flop? will it compete with 'Your Name'. If this is his last movie, will he be remember for this bad last movie? It seem so risky to me.
> If you don’t spend time watching real people, you can’t do this, because you’ve never seen it. Some people spend their lives interested only in themselves. Almost all Japanese animation is produced with hardly any basis taken from observing real people, you know. It’s produced by humans who can’t stand looking at other humans. And that’s why the industry is full of otaku!
oh man, that reminds me of that hilarious DX:HR review where that topic gets breached several times youtube.com/watch?v=vYLEuQrvND0
I'm just happy that Anime doesn't care about "humans" or at least the western's opinion.
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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