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2 regular?
though that's not necessarily specific enough
cycle graph probably works
Googling... Ok, a "2 regular graph" describes the totality of a graph that contains nothing but the things I'm talking about.
I don't understand the distinction
Consider the chart at mathworld.wolfram.com/Two-RegularGraph.html. The graphs in the rightmost column contain 1, 2, 2, 2, and 3 things respectively.
@Kevin yep, it's a cycle graph en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cycle_graph
Hmm. Suppose I had the following graph:
Can I say "this graph contains 2 cycle graphs"?
Maybe it'd be better to say two cycle subgraphs
Ok, that'll do. Thanks
FWIW I wrote a subgraph finding script the other day stackoverflow.com/a/42156796/4014959 Tobias_k did an interesting alternative algorithm to my simple DFS approach.
Reading about Graph theory is so much fun.
bleh. trying to add tests to another repo (lol) and running into import issues is not so fun
damn dam
that's a thriller
There is a plan currently in place which would hopefully plug a hole in the emergency spillway, including using helicopters dropping bags of rock into the crevasse to prevent any further erosion. Here's the loud, chaotic scene as the choppers prepare for the rock drop via @judywbrandt on Twitter. Judy Brandt @judywbrandt

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/news/state/california/water-and-drought/article132332499.html#storylink=cpy
I'm waiting for someone on facebook to say "this is why we need solar" so I can be super pedantic and say "dams are powered by the rain cycle-- they are solar."
"we need orbital microwave"
And wind power is solar because it's caused by heat/pressure differentials which are caused by the sun... Wave power is partially solar because the tides are caused by the sun/moon about 50/50
and bio is solar
oil is also solar energy
Fossil fuels are solar because they're made of plants, which stored energy via photosynthesis, or are made of animals which ate plants, or are made of animals which ate other animals that ate plants (ad infinitum)
well, almost everything is stellar in origin :P
uranium... etc...
Although you might argue that the intense pressure exterted by the Earth to turn them into sludge imparted some energy into them, a geologic force which would have happened with or without the sun
Geothermal vents is the least solar you can get I think
Wasn't the sun's gravitational pull necessary to pull enough rocks together to make this planet in the first place
but yeah, there are 3 kinds of energy sources:
I always imagined that the planets had started to form from the accretion disk before the main blob in the center of the solar system had undergone any appreciable amount of fusion
easily renewable solar energy, not that easily renewable solar energy and stellar/supernova energy
stellar (atomic) energy wins
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… Suggests that the planets formed after the sun graduated from "protostar" to "star". So much for that.
Assuming that the paragraphs there are occurring in chronological order
well earth is also a kind of star but very lightweight :P
and cool
@MooingRawr How's the graph theory going?
Black holes that pull in a good amount of matter will fire high energy x-rays from their poles. If we harness that, does it count as solar energy?
Step 1: Find a black hole
it would count as black market energy
Step 2: Harness black hole energy
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit
Step 2: convince world leaders to use the x-rays for the betterment of all mankind instead of employing it as a death ray
Anything that involves convincing world leaders to not learn how to kill people better is tricky
Possibly by demonstrating how difficult it is to aim.
How about just using it as a death ray on the world leaders first
weapons already got the the point where adding more energy is not necessary ;p
They haven't cared about collateral damage since WW2, either
then use the left overs for the betterment of mankind
Possibly before that
now what the hell was I supposed to be doing right now?
@Code-Apprentice I missed that class... :( was so much fun. I remember wanting to write a paper on how train tracks could used A* to calculate the shortest graph position and how it would benefit, turns out some train company's trip planner actually uses A*...
harness black hole energy as far I remember
I like trains.
before that...
I got out of bed to google something...can't remember what I was thinking about, though
Just google trains.
Make sure to call them choo choos to get the most accurate results
and you gonna probably end up with watching videos of any cats traveling by train
we should replace cat memes with train memes
OK, it's been kind of a jet-lagged day so I am going to rhubarb out. But media.giphy.com/media/JDKxRN0Bvmm2c/giphy.gif ...

I've been working on this, I want the guess coordinates in the twoshipcoords list to be deleted, but it doesn't seem to delete the proper element. I'm not sure how to explain this so if I can answer questions please let me know, thank you.
@Tokencodingnewbie are you storing your coords as a list in twoshipcoords?
Consider a simpler example which your code is roughly equivalent to:
seq = [1,2,3]
x = 3
for item in seq:
    if item == x:
        print "Found x!"
        print "Did not find x."
The output of this code is:
Did not find x.
Did not find x.
Found x!
From this we can conclude that "an if-else structure inside a for loop" is not the correct approach for determining if any item inside a sequence satisfies some property.
Also you do know if you store a game board as gb =[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] to get at it: gb[row][column] not [column][row]
But we can modify the code slightly to use the somewhat obscure for-else structure:
seq = [1,2,3]
x = 3
for item in seq:
    if item == x:
        print "Found x!"
    print "Did not find x."
@MoinuddinQuadri how goes it?
Now the output is just Found x!. No incorrect Did not find x messages.
@MooingRawr Great. How about you?
Were you busy from last few days? Haven't seen you around
Ohh... I forgot. Weekend fun ;)
@MoinuddinQuadri I dreamed about working (you know those dreams that last like hours and you feel every minute of it?). I had one of those, just to wake up and end up having to "work" again >.> So a bit tired that it feels like I'm working 10+ hours and it's still going.
I don't come on weekends, cause reasons..... sorry bud, if you ever need me you can ping me, and I'll come in.
Same here. I am working on (trying to work on) side project. But every time I open my laptop, I end up using SO. Bad addiction :(
Hence I stay away from SO on the weekends if I can, I just want my weekends to be trading card games, anime, food, sleep (relaxing I guess). I don't wanna think about coding since I do that 5 days a week... don't wanna get burnt out on something I love, If that make sense.
@Tokencodingnewbie Also, depending on the structure of twoshipcoords, it may be possible to accomplish this with no for loop at all.
twoshipcoords = {(0,0), (3, 5), (4,2)}
guess_row = 3
guess_col = 5
guess_point = (guess_row,guess_col) #note: must be tuple, not list
if guess_point in twoshipcoords:
    print "You hit my battleship!"
    print("You missed my battleship!")
    gameboard[guess_col][guess_row] = "X"
@MooingRawr You are doing the right thing..I am the one screwing my life I guess :P
Note that membership testing requires exact equality comparison. [3,5] in twoshipcoords evaluates to False, because [3,5] is not equal to (3,5).
^ Hence why I want to ask for details before typing all that out. Glad you took the plunge for us ^^
@MoinuddinQuadri Nah different people different style, at the end of the day, if it works for you then that's all that matters.
man. this is making me really wish that this project was a properly constructed python project

This is I guess the 'structure" of the coords? It's randomly generated
ugh, someone put connection stuff at the root of their module so if I import it without valid credentials it throws errors even if I just want to use a test? :'(
@Tokencodingnewbie it's [row][col] first btw see chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/35639725#35639725 for reason
this repo is full of stuff that would make you guys cry even more than I am crying
Midday cabbage.
@DSM cbg, did you build a snowman?
No, although I did a lot of shovelling.
That was the only way I could get it to work.
if I did row col 0, 4 it would just make the rd element of the first list
@Tokencodingnewbie is that all of your "ship generation code" or is there more since it's missing a return statement
Here is the whole thing I have so far, some of it doesn't work because I'm trying to hone one part before moving on. I got ships to randomly place, now I need it to remove the co-ords from a proper guess in the ships list.
@Tokencodingnewbie pastebin.com/27P2RPev fixed it to some degree... you kept mixing your y and x coord, you weren't consistent anywhere. so yeah..... too much to explain, just compare to what you did with the changes. Also you are only checking if you are hitting the second battle ship not the first one, so please add that feature in >-o
Yeah it's a shitty rough draft. I'll look at it in a minute, I will probably have a lot of questions. Was my attempt at least okay?
If you have questions just ping me or ask someone here if someone isn't busy they will try to help. I'm kinda busy atm, will help when I can...
Just look at what you tried and what I sent back... and compare the differences it should clear things up for you
Row-column ordered indexing is just as valid as column-row ordered indexing, as long as you're consistent about it.
@Kevin spoilers: OP wasn't....
checked for col,row but appended row,col .... etc etc...
bureaucratic yam it all cabbage
@AndrasDeak Y'all wanna talk about it ?
@MooingRawr I felt like when I used board[x][y] it would mess up when generated.
@Tokencodingnewbie so is it working as intended right now ? cause I don't know what've done before :\
@AndrasDeak did you watch the video yet
It looks like it
@MooingRawr nah, thanks, I'm fine. Just research money things
I haven't tried entering coordinates but it generates properly
@AnttiHaapala not yet, it's been a crazy day, and tomorrow will be similar
@AndrasDeak you should move to finland, you'd appreciate the academia in hungary :P
@Tokencodingnewbie What I've noticed, if you fire at the same spot it still counts as a miss, if you shoot at the first ship it's a miss even if you hit it cause you are only checking for hits on secondship
before when I did it the coords didn't match the marking on the map so I switched to [y][x] and it worked. lol now I feel more confused because I thought I figured out this problem I was having
yeah I haven't messed with it yet
@Tokencodingnewbie you were inconsistent with your x and y and y and x and row and col, you were checking for one thing but appending another and so on...
I was just trying to get it to remove the correct coordinates from the list when it's guessed properly
Ugh, well I tried :(
hyneman receives honoray doctrate from lappeenranta university of technology
@AndrasDeak stay strong buddy, we're here for you if you wanna talk about it.
@AnttiHaapala right:P
@MooingRawr thanks:)
@AndrasDeak it is very common to spend >50 % to secure funding for the <50 % :d
Cbg everyone [ :
@AnttiHaapala I finished reading Torvalds' Just for fun a couple of days ago. Now I wanna move to Finland during the 80s
lol :d
crazy times :P
Yet they feel just right :D
I am not even sure if I did ever read it yet
I doubt it would tell you anything you didn't already know. But just for the humor, it's worth the read
I don't laugh at myself
I'm sure the rest of us are willing to take up the slack.
: D
@AnttiHaapala In all seriousness, a lot of impressive information about Finland in this book. Education and lifestyle-wise
What's even more interesting is Linus' insight and way of thinking
I see a lot of myself in him, minus the brilliance
well his snark surely lives in me :D
@randomhopeful the gov in Finland is trying hard to destroy that Finland of past
@AnttiHaapala That's unfortunate. We're on the brink of a less fun era, for sure
@randomhopeful they call it "progress"
Haha, I know. My government has the same style of jabber. Well, it is an onward movement into some situation, alright
Today I'm playing with cross-sections generated by intersecting planes with polyhedrons.
I believe you're tapping into the physics of my bedroom after a good night out
I've got it 80% working. It crashes if a plane happens to pass right through a vertex or if a polygon's edge lies on the plane.
Fortunately both of those corner cases are unlikely to happen if I rotate the cube by "ugly" values, i.e. not 0, 30, 45, 60, 90... degrees.
Kevin, have you consider taking commission to make "shape style loading gifs"?
I think this one might have z-fighting issues
I'm using the laziest of painter's algorithms to decide which order to draw polygons
@MooingRawr I don't think there's a market for it.
Kevin how much would it cost me for you to make a loading icon ? :D
This one's smooth
@MooingRawr I have no idea. Everything I've made so far has been $0 so I have no basis to work from.
I see three possible modes for commission work:
- client says "just make me something cool". But I would have done that on my own anyway, and I would have given it a liberal license so you could use it for free, so why did you contact me to begin with?
- client says "I want this exact thing". If you can envision it well enough to describe it to me, you could probably implement it yourself, so why did you contact me to begin with?
- client says "I'm not sure what I want but it involves [quality A] and a dash of [quality B]". I've read enough of clientsfromhell.net to know that the client wil
There's a little bit of room in mode #2 for "I know exactly what I want and can describe it with perfect precision, but I don't know enough about vector mathematics to implement it myself" but that's a small bit of the overall pie chart, there
> you could probably implement it yourself
not always... like you said... xD Also what if client knows roughtly what client wants, but don't have the time or skill to do it? as for payment dodging you gotta get payments up front, or just do it as a side hobby for friends and friend's friends
nobody shits bull as much as a person with a character-count objective and a deadline
Just did my performance review, my team leader wants me to stick around for another 3 years if not more... I don't know what this means.... I feel like I didn't do anything for the last 5 months.
Well you did that nothing convincingly enough. Good job:)
@MooingRawr No work means no production issue and no escalation. I think it is good enough :P
Interesting: A curated list of falsehoods many programmers believe in github.com/kdeldycke/awesome-falsehood
is there a built-in grow list in Python (kind of like defaultdict vs of dict)? So like x = [] and I run x[3] = 1 then x becomes [None,None,None,1]? I made my own using __setitem__ and extend but was wondering if there's a built in version.
I'd be surprised if there was one
@MooingRawr so what's wrong with defaultdict(type(None))
he wants a list
I guess I could, use the index to be the keys..... actually that might work.... less commited space if needs be.... oh but then len(x) would be wrong, so I would have to keep a reference to the biggest key/index .... hmmmm
well, max(x)+1
I love room 6's sum(brain), can't wait for that Python book, I want a signed copy!
I'd still define __len__(self): return max(self)+1 for clarity
why not just len(self): return max(self)+1
because that would need x.len(), whereas len(x) would call x.__len__
so abc(x) looks for x.__abc__?
no, len is one of a few special cases
some of them don't translate directly to method names
i dont get it. whats special about len?
>>> len
<built-in function len>
>>> abc
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'abc' is not defined
@frederick99 Search for Magic Function in Python. It could be a good start: python-course.eu/python3_magic_methods.php
ha ok. so i can use int and sorted. right?
Note that they're officially called special methods.
@frederick99 use backticks to prevent dunderbold
yea i realizd dat.
`>>> init
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#72>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'init' is not defined`
but we use __init__
and x in y invokes y.__contains__
5 mins ago, by Andras Deak
some of them don't translate directly to method names
Some behaviours have dunder hooks to allow class instances to behave differently. That's it.
welp, works over for me, cya tomorrow. \o rbrb
Rhubarb for MR.
thanks i learned smth at least.
i genuinely don't believe in reading
antil it is really required :P
@frederick99 in that case you'll have difficulties in life
and especially on Stack Overflow:P
you can also edit your messages up to 2 minutes after posting
i know. been two years in this community and noobies have more rep than me
@MooingRawr BTW few minutes back you mentioned that you do nothing. Then how are you done with your work? ;)
Rep is irrelevant, you can be a great programmer by reading existing material. But you do need to read:P
Rep is irrelevant << you saying that cuz you have 13.1k
I'm not 10x a better programmer than AD.
but i need at least a five hundred...
61 is not smth to be proud of
Ehh, it's what it is. Everyone has different amounts of time to waste spend.
maybe :D
@frederick99 everyone starts answering post with the same thought and ends up spending the entire day on SO
this site has a bug
the page scrolls all the way up everytime i hit return
alright see y'all guys
be safe
We're a politics-free zone here.
@frederick99 what DSM meant is that he's way more than 10x better :PP
(he didn't, he's a great guy)
I just opened my blog and found that it was hacked. That hacker just made a post that it is hacked but haven't messed up the previously posted content. Gentle Hacker :/
good guy hacker
I'd still keep an eye out for some hidden malicious code elsewhere
I am also looking for that. Everything seems to be ok till now.
your avatar might not be the best incentive for friendly behaviour
Haha. I am hacker just by the image. Though, I wasn't having this image on the blog
Funny part is that I am happy. Attempt to hack means my block is attracting audience ;)
well, if all things work out... :D
Till now I haven't found any malicious content on the server
I just got to know that he didn't made a new post. Instead removed the content of my last article. He was not that gentle after all.
Leaving it as it is for now. Tomorrow will be setting up a new server. I can not afford a risk of loosing more content. I had spent around more than a week for each article (except 1) that I have posted. I generally research a lot before making a new blog post
rbrb for now. Having a bad day :|
rhubarb, I'm sorry about that:(
recbg, Antti
good luck. Really windy at the airport, I could change my seat to 4C, plane was behind schedule... last bus to home leaves at 1:20, I was at the bus 1:19 after running through the airport, driver didn't want to wait for anyone else, so now here I am alone in my own bus.
had the plane been late for 1 more minute, that'd be ~40 € for taxi :P
post-workout cbg, then:P
How come you're always itinerary? Do you basically commute by plane?
or is it just a not-always-but-often kind of thing?
not always but often yes :D
basically I have customer in helsinki, so I fly to get the gold frequent flyer :P
Lazy customer doesn't come to you, eh?:)
this is a good deal to me.
I have an excuse for drinking beer too...
I can pay myself 40 € for increased living expenses tax free...
I get to meet saner people than in my hometown
the tickets are practically free...
and soon I'd invoice the customer for those too (in addition to normal rate)
ah and sometimes I grab groceries from helsinki :P
sounds great if you like flying:)
so american to go to grocery store by car. I go by Airbus A320.
sweet ride
welp, time to go sleep, just for a little while:/
(there is much wider selection in etno shops in helsinki)
more bread
oh and, I get to drink free blueberry juice
hmm this feels odd
I've been the only guy on in this bus now for 20 kms
I know we've settled that it's not that, but still
I hope there is someone else coming in the city centre...
have a nice post-apocalyptic trip
this isn't exactly environment friendly
28 years later...
He finally walks up to ask the bus driver, "Excuse me, why isn't --" before realizing, there is no bus driver
yay :D
2km to home we got another passenger :d
I am pretty sure they will cancel this nightbus soon
@AnttiHaapala What is Airbus?
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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