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01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

Anyone a simpledateformat expert?
@TimCastelijns ¬_¬
@RED_ watcha need¿
need for format a date and return a date now, figured out my previous problem
@TimCastelijns Oh you got me grumble, grumble, grumble
does sqlite have a db change listener ?
god dammit it does not
why would you need that?
sips cup of coffe filled with anger
@codeMagic @MarkOSullivan94 dunno how we got it working at all.
Realm has one :)
dbflow too but never used it.
That's it, I'm claiming I'm an expert in BLE since I got it working.
@CptEric we are magicians
'<issue id'> has been merged into this issue. x4
> We have products on the market that are no longer working with Android 7 because of this issue.
oh. i don't have any 7x device to test this nonsense
guess it'll be a surprise.
hope we have closed the project before shit hits the fan.
Well isn't that just great
And I'm going to be back on BLE here real soon. f me
> We have also problems with about 50% of our BLE devices on Android 7.0.
kill me now
like, this is a big thing
and probably there just an intern with a rented mbp on it.
@MarkOSullivan94 we're the fucking Wizards of harald
Harald Blåtand (en nórdico antiguo Haraldr blátǫnn, en danés Harald Blåtand), llamado también Harald Gormsson (m. 986), fue rey de Dinamarca aproximadamente desde 958 hasta su muerte, y rey de Noruega a partir de 970. == Biografía == Sucedió a sus padres, Gorm el Viejo (rey de Jutlandia), y Thyra Danebod (supuesta hija de Harald Klak, jarl de Jutlandia). A principios del siglo X los vikingos dominaban el norte de Europa y establecieron reinos gobernados por clanes familiares con un rey al frente. Del rey Gorm ‘El Viejo’ y su mujer Thyre, que gobernaban sobre Dinamarca, nació Harald que s...
I'm using Android 7.0 on my 6P
No issues for me
don't tempt fate
My phone using BLE next week
i guess i can trust you
I also have 7.0 on my 6P and it's done okay
maybe it's a 6P thing
6P master race
what's the price on the 6p now that pixel's announced?
we still can't buy it from spain
It was taken off the Google store iirc
guess google doesn't want to sell phones in spain.
459 € 2nd hand
a bargain
I got the BLU R1 HD as my test phone.
Arriving today, let see how it works :)
@CptEric I mean "it's very cheap" in a sarcastic tone
I dont get it isnt creating something like an EventBus simple enough to be done without using libraries like eventbus?
or rxjava?
you just need to create a mediator class that keeps track of subscribers
why would you want to do the effort yourself
if someone has already done it and tested it for you
umm, eventbus does too much doesnt it?
what if you dont need all of that
just need a mediator class
then do it.
but you also use sqlite database right
why don't you just write stuff to a file manually
sqlite does a lot that you probably don't need
i don't have the time, the resources or the cash to mantain code that must be mantained XD
If you guys aren't using the web app for Spotify, shame on you
Free and no ads :D
i'm paying for it :P
shame on you!
why? cause over 14gb of offline songs on my phone
for long tirps
and that's just my most liked playlist
296 followers \ø/
That's decent
Offline storage is good and is a receive why I'd consider getting it
it's free via web app so I'm not sure how much use I'd get out of it
f1 ___________________ f3 _______
(flatmap) | (zip)
f2 ___________________ f4 _______| ___________ final output
\ |
\____________ f5 _______|
follows that diagram
not sure what that is
its demonstrating rxjava's flat map
f1 and f2 are requests done in parallel, f3 depends on f1 and f4 and f5 depend on f2
the final output depends on all combining f3 f4 f5
so that gist accomplishes this using rx java's flat maps pretty neat example if you ask me
that's why we can't have nice things.
people rx'Em
Can Rx slow down
there's RxEverything
I haven't look at Rx yet
Is that what all the code artisan's are using these days?
it's lovely new ways of programming
that i don't have time to learn
and that are still not enough stable to apply to new projects
wish i was still an etern student doing internships
I may start using Rx when it becomes readable code :)
Bro, I barely touched you https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-gb/tid=CUSA03617_00 https://t.co/3q1aV2VWgV
it didn't show the gif :/
is there a way to add text to a marker like this: developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/…
Which is not Android Maps Utils
because it doesn't keep the style of the marker
Turkey Blocks GitHub, Google Drive, Dropbox & Microsoft OneDrive To Censor RedHack Leaks http://bit.ly/2dF9iT1
wtf Turkey
sort it out
o/ Een
good to see you cM
Yeah, it's always good to see me
been wondering, why is everybody doing Kotlin
cause they've clearly not got not enough work to do
Supposed to be good and can just Java libraries iirc
*can use
Kotlin is supposed to be android's swift
but not really getting a lot of attention yet
holy crap am killing it with ripples over here and activity transitions
I am gonna ask for a raise cM
can someone suggest me a 'free private cloud storage' where i can upload some images using their Java API. Don't say dropbox please. they are still developing their API v2
app engine
app engine is paid
googledrive have a Java api, free to use?
there is a large free quota
you don't have to pay for most of the basic features of app engine, including storing images
is it free for upload via api?
i will try looking into it
Yes but you have to implement the api
my boss just told me he will make me a shareholder in the company
I have to buy a yatch now
you wanna a ride cM?
I just tried getting out of doing something by asking if this is really what the users would want
didn't work
float with the big guns?
Heck ya! Come pick me up
I will meet you in the Hudson River
Can we make it Lake Michigan? That's closer
Or the Elkhart River
Either way, I'm going to get lunch because I'm starving and have waited long enough
You're still not as free as we are! 'MURICA.
Countries with true freedom: 1, Countries with fake freedom: 0
you're too free tho
oh hi!
oh hi!
how's it going?
pretty good
its monday
teh debate was hilarious
hows your stuff going?
it's not been going well, TBH
laughing that my politics are not as silly
alpha testing for Chase's Chase Pay SDK has been really frustrating
almost finished an app
Chase's tech is a shit show in general
The sad part is, it's among the best in the banking sector
chase pay! fun
are you building thatinto your app?
we're the first app to ever integrate with it
it would have been fun, if everything had just worked and the work was done in the ~2 weeks that it should have taken
instead I'm at the 2 month mark now
and still working on issues with it
chase is easy to implement on web
hm, see y'all some time later, bye-bye :)
its cool to be the first to implement something though
I'm hoping once we launch it, it will work well, and then I'll be somewhat proud of it
as it stands currently I expect it to increase our crash rate.
why would you integrate with a specific bank instead of just a payment processor?
don't see the advantage unless they are paying for it
is this player
@RED_ they are. It's part of a bigger contract where Chase is becoming our Point of Sales vendor.
@CptEric In the dark theme, @rlemon has mp4 support which is what that link was.
yeah yeah i saw it
that's why i was wtf-ing
@RissmonSuresh Welcome! Please read our room rules before participating.
o/ Dave
that sounds like on of our devs
Dave, I'm going to lose this week. Fucking McKinney (and everyone else)
There is a hope though. Just need about 40 points from Olsen tonight :P
that sucks, I'm projected at 140, I have 132 and Carolina's kicker left to play
most people in my league had a bad week though
this is glorious
can someone explain why everyone is so obsessed with ken bone?
I don't know I didn't watch the debate. I should watch your video though
oh your video is not the real thing
Well, judging from the video and american culture there's several reasons
the synchronisation is perfect
"Hey girl, you ken bone me anytime. ;)"
Dave, some highlights from this week ^ haha
I don't know why this Ken Bone thing happened either. But his question is about all I caught of the debate so that's interesting
Oh well, drop to 4-1.
omg did you guys see the UM Rutgers game?!
No because no one cares about UofM
j/k (sort of). But I did see that score. That's crazy
isn't rutgers a brand of coffee?
I'm reviewing a PR right now
> for (LoyaltyModel baseModel : items) if (baseModel.hasError()) return true;
fucking kill me
My coworker just said "I'm really proud of that one liner for loop and if statement."
It made me claw my eyes out.
sigh, just let them know that its not as readable as they might like
line count means jack shit
readability is everything
yea...line count is only nice if you are a code reduction.
I mean, I love brackets, but even if he had done
for (LoyaltyModel baseModel : items)
   if (baseModel.hasError())
      return true;
I would have liked that better.
Hello, Android!
for (LoyaltyModel baseModel : items) baseModel.hasError() ? return true;:;
omg is that valid
no lol
You might be able to do
you can't execute statements on a ternary, only assign values
oh right
maybe you can't
Jon Skeet can execute statements using a ternary.
resists the urge to edit with "Dave Sucks" after the stars
Jon Skeet knows the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow, both African and European.
Jon Skeet knows to ignore Tristan before ever meeting him.
Chuck Norris was the orginal sculptor of Mount Rushmore. He completed the entire project using only a bottle opener and a drywall trowel.
@DemoMail This room requires a little higher answer/question ratio. Give back to the community a little more before requesting access again.
@RissmonSuresh Removing your access for leaving without saying anything.
wow, people aren't just faster than me in chat, they beat me on SO too
2 hours later…
I thought everyone knew that already adam...
lol couldn't pass that burn up
Haha look at this guys :)
in Teenage Territory , 19 hours ago, by zondo
@Dsafds You don't give me enough credit. Jon Skeet is just a bot that I coded. You are all under my control!
lol nice one
@eski haha
so funny :)
you know what else is funny? your face
Hello, Android!
01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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