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if you're confidant that it's always latin1 then iconv is the way to go
@nikita2206 the w3c validators say that you should declare the encoding at document level... dunno if that's changed for HTML5 though, I haven't bothered validating any HTML for ages
@Fabor I mean why do you have $this->roomId instead of $roomId. I'm not sure about the context this code is in though. So my question might be totally irrelevant.
@PaulCrovella it does seem to be, I just tried googling the names of various U+>256 codepoints and they are always returned as HTML entities
It's only stuff like © and ® that appear as latin1 literals
@DaveRandom oh yeah.. file_get_contents('https://www.google.com/search?q=cydia+protocol&lr=lang_en'); var_dump($http_response_header); - low and behold: "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
well at least there is some sanity there
the meta tag is weird, I guess the header has a higher precedence or something
(idgaf about this stuff as a general rule)
composer self-update is giving me an error - The openssl extension is required for SSL/TLS protection but is not availab
le. If you can not enable the openssl extension, you can disable this error
, at your own risk, by setting the 'disable-tls' option to true.
I'm a back-end kinda guy. Just ask @PeeHaa's mother.
@DaveRandom I see what you did there....
@virepo what OS and PHP version?
windows 8 , and php 5.6.0
Where did you get your PHP build from? windows.php.net?
im not sure ,
i use mamp lol
but im trying to get up and runnning with vagrant now
OK well I have no idea about mamp but you should just need to enable the extension in php.ini
how do i find the php.ini
Also you should update your PHP version
thats being used
look in the output of php -i
You should see some lines near the top that look something like this:
Loaded Configuration File => C:\Program Files\PHP\php.ini
Scan this dir for additional .ini files => (none)
Additional .ini files parsed => (none)
only with whatever paths and info are use on your system
thanks ill look
But srsly, what is the point of shit like mamp if it doesn't deal with this shit for you?
whats that gordon?
@virepo the quickest way to get a php stack with vagrant
php - i shows as Loaded Configuration File => (none)
Scan this dir for additional .ini files => (none)
Additional .ini files parsed => (none)
@virepo the puppet alternative would be puphpet.com
Im using homestead
oh… a laravel dev… nvm… you are on your own then
:( dont be like that lol
im only trying to support a laravel app
oh… a laravel dev… nvm… you are on your own then
@virepo I know of only one person in here using laravel and he's not online atm
I havent got a laravel problem though
Can someone please reject this edit request from our new smart young user (I smile through gritted teeth)
@virepo "i am only trying to support a laravel app" is the new "I am asking for a friend" :D
Oh, someone just rejected it - nevermind :)
gees I was trying to find out what button I should click
@AlonEitan he was probably envious of all the rep present over there
@PeeHaa which button should I cliiiiiiiiiiick. on tuesday, tuesday, gotta click buttons on tuesdaaaaay. everybodys looking for the buttons buttons… clicking here, clicking there, hey, clicking here, clicking there, hey… fun fun fun… everybody and so onnn
@DaveRandom and google doesn't seem to care about Accept or Accept-Charset headers at all (it's always returning charset=ISO-8859-1) ... so yeah, iconv it.
@andho No reason. In fact I should remove it. It's all pretty new to me.
@Saitama Sure. He also submitted this topic request He's a real charmer
theres nothing wrong with laravel anyway ...
@virepo Buzzer DU DUUUUUU. Wrong answer!
^ dat
@PeeHaa It'd be awesome if, after posting a gif from Jeeves, it was automatically moved to the bin after 30 seconds or something
Sorry , but theres nothing wrong with it lol
@Jimbo JS does auto unonebox
@virepo true, nothing that a rm -rf wont fix
@virepo And this comes from an educated and informed perspective?
I think I like gif binning more indeed because that's where all the awesome continues to be awesome
@PaulCrovella I'd guess it has a set of criteria for identifying known browsers, the defaults to the "safest" (i.e. Legacy All The Things) options if the request doesn't match one of those
@jimbo , i can set up a quick app on laravel and it helps me work quicker
@virepo Oh, if it's only about getting something done as fast as possible, then you're correct
@virepo the point is not about quick app, but longterm…
and if im to be honest
I think me writing a project in plain php vs in laravel would be weak
@Saitama o/ long time no see :P
@DaveRandom I am not gonna try to figure out the magical incantation necessary to get both UTF-8 and actual html full of search results.
@virepo Replace Laravel with <framework>, and perhaps
@virepo so, you basically learned Laravel instead of PHP?
@Naruto ohai there \o :D
No no no
@PeeHaa there was a reason I didn't already implement binning (as a ChatClient method) and I forget what it was but I think there's something else that needs implementing first for it to work properly
@DaveRandom I'll switch the plugin to bing before I do that
i learned php , then laravel
@DaveRandom keeping track of posted messages prolly?
Conphpucius said, teach a man how to laravel and you will feed him for a day, teach a man plain php and you will feed him for a lifetime.
but a laravel app, can be picked up easily as the work flow is the same
@PaulCrovella meh, they tell us the correct charset in the header. That + iconv is good enough for me.
@DaveRandom try giving it "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko", for me it started responding with utf when I add this user-agent
where as jumping on a custom app, would take longer without any idea how its been written
@PeeHaa possibly
@virepo Yep, and it's typically full of terrible practices, poor re-use and has support from a toxic community. It's effectively a toy framework
toxic community?
Absolutely, you've seen the maintainers responses, surely - but I like how you chose to focus on that, not the poor programming practices it employed, or reusability
@nikita2206 will try it now, ty
in the chat or forums or what?
@Jimbo Why do you care of the terrible practices found in a library?
@virepo Public responses on twitter and most mediums of communication
You aren't developing it, you only use it.
@MadaraUchiha framework :-) Because when they're taught to a cult-like community who puts them forward as the 'right' way of doing things, it's a recipe for disaster
I only speak on the irc webchat , and they seem alright
@Jimbo SSDD
without this header it gives me windows-1251 encoded body (either because it's google.ru, or because my IP is in Russia), seems like google is trying to save on network using the most appropriate encoding in order to reduce amount of bytes heh
@Jimbo I hate frameworks of all kinds, not just Laravel, for that exact reason.
What makes Laravel so special in that regard?
@MadaraUchiha You be trolling. Let's not talk about facades, global state and all of it's beautiful statics, intentional coupling to the framework. Add to that the lies and marketing, my personal dislike for the maintainer because of his terrible responses online to other people (basically a complete asshole, and shits on any one elses opinions), I'm naturally disinclined to give it additional consideration even without the technical points
hey hey, I just realized that when I retired as a mod, I went out of the blue and into the black. my my.
@nikita2206 gives me utf-8 but no search results
wait, i take that back.. had collapsed the wrong thing
@Jimbo I'm not trolling, I've never used or even looked at Laravel, is all.
Yeh it seems to be working for me, investigating whether the HTML structure is still the same (or at least would work with our existing XPath)
hmm, apparently no neil young fans in here
Jimbo , taylor helped me out before
and ssh into one of my vms to sort a problem out and was sound
@virepo it depends on what you actually make
what depends on what you make?
(notice the arrow)
well if its a simple crud app, then its fast
which 99% of the time i have to build -_-
@Jimbo where do you have this toxic community in Laravel from?
@bwoebi from the community
if it was bigger i would probably still use laravel. If it was a massive scale application , i probably wouldnt use PHP all together
@virepo That's pragmatic which I kinda like
@PeeHaa thanks for answering my question.
always welcome
@bwoebi I think @Ocramius has some input perhaps too
if you are doing only "business card" sites, then using a php framework is perfectly fine
@Jimbo those terrible practices don't really matter when all you're doing making a simple CRUD website that is used by no more than a few hundred people.
@Gordon that is the story of a Johnny Rotten
@bwoebi Pick any random reddit thread / twitetr thread
@Ekn \o/
I just avoid them. I have no idea if Laravel got any better or not, but I just don't care
@littlepootis They should matter to your career
Got enough angry DMs to not care anymore
@Gordon That .... doesn't look quite right.
@MadaraUchiha fix it!!!!111
@PeeHaa then the toxicity must be so subtle that I'm missing it…
@Gordon that must be a really nice answer
what kind of sites do you do then tereško?
@Oldskool it continues up the entire remaining scrollbar
@bwoebi I thought you were only deaf not blind :P
There's loads more where he's an asshole to phil sturgeon but he deleted his tweets. It's a regular thing though, easy to see
that said, all I've been doing for the last few months is port this laravel "app backend" to node
only php framework are abused or other languages framework are bad?
Does anyone know why a MySQL query that is apparently using the primary key index, would also need to examine almost all of the rows in the table as well:
explain SELECT * FROM articles
order by id
OFFSET 86803;
@Linus both.
@Linus have you used Ember.js ?
1	SIMPLE	articles	index	NULL	PRIMARY	4	NULL	68122	NULL
@tereško nope
@Linus yes
consider yourself lucky
That 68122 rows examined seems valid - as the query takes 4 seconds to run....even though it should be using a primary key
@PeeHaa it doesnt show up in my badges list though: stackoverflow.com/help/badges/23/nice-answer?userid=208809
@Danack It's using a btree index… which doesn't count how much entries are in each branch of the btree. … Thus needs to do at least a full index traversal
@Gordon lol. nice teaser
isnt PHP looked at as a bad language though
It is. And it is
Tbh there is lots that isn't very nice
@virepo You'll find many people, especially in here, who help propel it forward, onwards and upwards
Mostly because it largely enables people develop in bad ways.
^ That -> Low barrier to entry
@Danack it is the ancient problem which boils down to "never use OFFSET"
@Jimbo forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom
I will port Laravel to Java and call it Javavel!!
@nikita2206 how to page through the rows then?
lol Gordon
@Danack WHERE id BETWEEN (x, x+2) is the most efficient way which always uses indices
But it is hard to build UI upon this
@nikita2206 only doable if the ids are continuous though [i.e. without holes]
@nikita2206 How does that work?
Or, in a way, it would be kind of non traditional UI
That's pretty much impossible?
records can get deleted. orders can be changed
@PeeHaa what exactly? you mean pagination using ranges of IDs is impossible?
Q: I've earned a badge 6 times—is this a bug?

Marcel50506Today, I flagged my first post, hooray. Because of that, I've got the "Citizen Patrol" badge. But not once, but 6 times already, or at least: I got the notification 6 times now. A bug? To be clear: I'm getting the notification over and over again, I only have the badge once.

@nikita2206 and really hard when using UUIDs as the primary key rather than incrementing ints....
@nikita2206 Yes in most cases
And yes, what about gaps?
@Danack about gaps you can do WHERE id > x LIMIT 20
@Danack you need to use an IN() subquery for pagination anyway, afaik
How to fill a form values from database based on the selected value from dropdown?
@bwoebi Fair point
Doesn't fix different orders though :(
Please help me
That totally doesn't sound vampery :P
Yes, it fails on gaps, the range can be adjusted for gaps though. Like, if you want to select 10 elements starting from ID 2000, you can try to select WHERE id BETWEEN (2000, 2020). If you get less than what you need (20), you issue next query WHERE id BETWEEN (2020, 2040) and so on until you get desired amount of records
@bwoebi that is kind of hard when using UUID's rather than incrementing ids - and the gaps problem still exists for ids
@nikita2206 ermagerd.
That still assumes that no deletes EVER happened on your data :P
works rarely
@nikita2206 that depends on how big holes may be
I'd still do LIMIT x, y unless I know there going to be big amounts of data to paginate
@e-Designary Get your db values into Javascript, and then Google the JS answers from there :D
@Danack and why shouldn't you be able to do > on uuids?
@JayIsTooCommon I'm a beginner
@Danack With UUIDs you're probably ordering records on created_at or something like that (on a date of something), so you'd paginate using that date then instead of ID
^ yep
Have you wondered how you can stop using OR-mapping and easily store #DDDesign aggregates? Read: http://bit.ly/2b9w2Du
So the conclusion to @Danack's answer is actually: you cannot really easily do it?
@JayIsTooCommon please check out my question here stackoverflow.com/questions/39099541/…
Because it requires the input of what should be the 86803th UUID to begin with. That number needs to come from somewhere.....which either requires the user to page through all the data, or for the database to be queried........with order by id offset 86803, which is the same problem as I'm starting with.
It is kinda difficult and results are eventually successful :P
@Danack why do you need to know what the Xth UUID is?
ugh /me goes back to writing static html
@Gordon oh god, custom serializers
@bwoebi I want to jump to page 50?
I'd rather shoot myself than writing custom persistence logic for an aggregate
@e-Designary Looks like there's already answers there?
@bwoebi "and why shouldn't you be able to do > on uuids?" - how else to know what to put for the value in the > bit?
@JayIsTooCommon but my problem is not sloved
@PeeHaa In that case, sure, you need a slow lookup… but why would you want that?
Why would I want to jump to a page when using pagination?
@bwoebi Because it makes the consuming API be easy.
@DaveRandom Did you hear back from your chap? I'm thinking of just splashing out on amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/B01IBGY0EG/…
!!urban tw?
[ [tw](http://tw.urbanup.com/6188560) ] abbreviation for trigger warning

warns the audience that the following media may be triggering for mental disorders such as eating disorders, self harm/injury, and bipolar
@PeeHaa you do not jump to a random page, but to neighboring pages though
@bwoebi uhm that depends
@PeeHaa usually at least.
@bwoebi No - the editors want to be able to see the last 20 articles.
@bwoebi That very much unbtrue
the b is for boolean
But also....jumping through pages is a normal thing to do on websites.
@Danack show them SELECT * FROM article ORDER BY created_at LIMIT 20 then, no need for offset (I lost a DESC)
@PeeHaa no, that was just me typing in the wrong window :D
@nikita2206 yeah I misspoke. reverse ordering wouldn't need it.....but being able to page through the data arbitrarily will be needed.
guys , any idea why this : ideone.com/p3H3eE , gives syntax error : SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''table1''
@PetruLebada It could be a syntax error?
@Ocramius tactical wank?
oh - table alterations might not be preparable?
well,yeah probably , but i can't find it ....
table alterations ?
what do u mean?
@tereško possibly: you'll never know
@Danack Actually, if they want to be able to deterministically navigate to a list of articles which probably includes one that they need right now, it might be better to show them this: 65555.., 65535.., 65515.. ... 20.. instead of 1, 2, 3 ... 999. So instead of pages they would navigate over ranges of IDs (and they would realise it and use this knowledge)
@PetruLebada actually, you just can't use any table name as a parameter in a prepared statement: stackoverflow.com/questions/22697634/…
@PeeHaa At least from my experience Pagniations (of very big datasets) often show something like 1 2 ... 567 568 569 570 571 ... 12476 … (if there are 12476 pages and you're at page 569)
If it's not very important to keep the old UI for them, that could be better
@bwoebi Yes so?
What prevents me from jumping to 570 ?
Or 1100?
Or 10045?
@PeeHaa there's no link.
@Danack i also tried with the backticks
wtf :P
Not sure if trolling or serious now
@PeeHaa there's a link for 570 because the id is known
!!? hyperlink
Search for "hyperlink" (https://www.google.com/search?q=hyperlink&lr=lang_en)
• Hyperlink - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - In computing, a hyperlink, or simply a link, is a reference to data that the reader can directly f… (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperlink)
• HTML Links - W3Schools - HTML Links - Hyperlinks. HTML links are hyperlinks. You can click on a link and jump to another do… (http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_links.asp)
• What is hyperlink? - Computer Hope - Computer dictionary definition for what hyperlink means including related links, information, and… (http://www.c
i.e. the link looks like startid=50026
Nothing prevents me from sharing the thing
@PetruLebada instead of putting the table name as a parameter, just embed the table name as a string in the query. And of course whitelist your table names.
@PeeHaa what are you trying to tell me?
My point is that saying there is no link in the view doesn't say much :-)
@bwoebi it might be better to not leak this abstraction at all, if you're not really worried about users seeing empty pages because they stumbled upon an empty range (i.e. admin/editorial panels)
@PeeHaa you can easily jump at page 10045 if you know that page 10045 starts with id 1254385
@Danack alright, but i thought it would be safer if i bind it , what do u mean by whitelist table name?
@bwoebi No you cannot
@PeeHaa ?
oh id nvm
$knowTables = [

if (in_array($table, $knowTables) == false) {
    throw new \Exception("nononoonnon");
@Danack I did not, I will give him a poke now
@nikita2206 you are usually though.
I am agree with ^
Is there a hypolink?
@bwoebi it's just that it seems like @Danack is doing this for editors, hence I'm saying this
@bwoebi I think I get you
Yes that would make sense @bwoebi
@Fabor ping
oh you're here.
Could I have you email addy or something to pm you on?
DM me your email on Twitter: twitter.com/DevFabor and I will email you my gmail
@Gordon I have that red book. It.......has many words.
I had to give up after the first 120 pages, after there was only one piece of information that was moderately interesting.
who has twitter? send me an email at jay at room11 dot org
@JayIsTooCommon everyone who doesn't want to give out their email to strangers....
@Danack I'm not a stranger and this is for nudes so worth it.
I think almost all of us here are on twitter FTR :P Emailed.
@Danack I have the blue one and the red one. they have different foci. the blue one is the technical one. the red one is conceptual. he also has amazon.de/dp/B01JJSGE5S/… now
@JayIsTooCommon Naked code?
With big... Traits fully exposed?
NO! I'm not a slut.
@Danack (summary) "The cheap ones tend to work OK but have really crappy sound quality and usually poor range. There aren't many mid-range ones because people either use all cheap or all decent components. List them in price order, find the first one that costs > £100 which has the features you want, then buy the 3rd next most expensive one".
@JayIsTooCommon nudes of daniel?
@Gordon Surely my nudes would be better appreciated?
No actual recommendations because the ones they use in-house (works in a recording studio/stage management co.) are all professional grade and £500+
@Gordon @PaulCrovella a simple fopen/fgets worked like a charm for splitting this XML, and, by the way, it worked even faster than csplit (which didn't work the way I wanted).
thanks :)
@SergeyTelshevsky oh, I assumed you wanted valid xml coming out the other end
it's valid :)
@DaveRandom serendipitously, those ones I linked actually meet that 3rd next most expensive ones criteria when searching on ebay: ebay.co.uk/sch/… - although ordering them from somewhere in the UK rather than china is more expensive.
@Ekn nice one
iirc there is an entire site dedicated to those
Close enough reddit.com/r/PBSOD
heh, someone shared that one on irc
subreddit to be pedantic. Downvote me!
Still don't get it :P
I must be getting too old for this :D
Or drunk.
Or both
Speaking of which. I could do with a beer right now
I'm saving one of these for afternoon
morning all
fine bourbon ftw!
true that.
that is bottled here in this city and is $70/bottle here... If you can find out outside of this state, I guarantee it's >$100/bottle
I can't recommend this highly enough. https://t.co/C0fAUiZ6eX
@Ekn Extra English - have never encountered before
what is it? I can't see that here at work
@PaulCrovella I love that
@MadaraUchiha gee a login page. tnxs
@PeeHaa Try again
damnit. All the build up for a dupe :(
@MadaraUchiha I've seen that one. Awesome list
I´m generating a PDF with fpdf. I return the output to a mail function return $attachment= $pdf->Output('attachment.pdf', 'S');. This works, but I can´t answer my sever request with JSON, because it throws Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by. What options do I have here?
this is the part where the error is thrown
$mailSend = $notify->vacationRequestStatusUpdate($data['userMailResult'], $generatePDF->vacationRequestStatusUpdate($data));

        if ($mailSend) {
            $response['error'] = false;
            header("Content-type: application/json");
            echo json_encode($response);
any ideas someone?
'noon 11
or use output buffering :D
!!docs ob_start
[ ob_start() ] Turn on output buffering
@crypticツ o/
oki thanks. I take a look there
@crypticツ Any progress on the backlog UI lately?
Ooh! Happy b-day @Ocramius!
@Oldskool no, sorry =o( been real busy. I did dome some updates a few weeks ago, but it's still in disarray and not functioning.
let's link SO autocomplete once more. damn that's hilarious
@crypticツ OK, I've been fiddling with my own implementation of things recently. Currently working on a small Symfony-based library for generic SE API development to get pretty much anything from any site. Got a working script to fetch the latest questions with that on my local devbox, currently in the progress of tweaking and polishing it, but I think it shouldn't take much longer to complete a basic working version.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier no worky
press space? @PeeHaa
@crypticツ Not that I dislike your implementation by the way, this just felt easier to work on for me personally and can also be used a bit broader than just SO PHP questions, which was a nice bonus.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier oh it only works without typing before it
@PeeHaa you mean you actually tried to use it for real? lol you lazy half-arsed bastard!
@Ekn Nice. Ale is swiftly becoming my goto. Though I prefer it really cold.
I just did this now and the error is gone, but is this the right place for such code (correct usage) or will i run in further problems?
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '>=')) {
            ob_start(null, 0, PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_STDFLAGS ^
        } else {
            ob_start(null, 0, false);

        $mailSend = $notify->vacationRequestStatusUpdate($data['userMailResult'], $generatePDF->vacationRequestStatusUpdate($data));

        if ($mailSend) {
            $response['error'] = false;
            header("Content-type: application/json");
            echo json_encode($response);
code is copied from phpdoc´s :S
damn, what have I done.
Anyone used RxPHP in here? From what I can tell from the example, it's pretty much identical to something in Ratchet except it uses observer pattern. That's it. Any thoughts?
@elsololobo please forget I pasted a link to the doc and go read that answer crypticツ linked!

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