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woah Io is weird.
Not sure why this happens
1 hour later…
@BenjaminGruenbaum Typically they don't - as long as not both sides yield the return value of emitting respectively return a Promise, in the model I described. — Is there any reason why it's not done that way though?
A: CSS animation moving and changing color

karlisupTry out this Codepen link. It has some nice examples together with code. I am sure you can find someone that matches your expectations ;). Good Luck! dummy code

@bwoebi with observables? Composition issues with combinators mostly - and the fact that it's not needed most of the time.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what combinator problems? And well - it's not needed maybe - but it doesn't harm anything either to have it (?)
I have updated ionic and now the ionicPlatform.ready does not get fired, any idea please?
@bwoebi getting backpressure to work with things like flatMapLatest and distinctUntilchanged is hard
All the combinators have to be aware of it - unlike with async iterators
You can read about it in the RxJS repo and in the es-observable one.
In my experience, Rx isn't suitable to problems where backpressure is an issue - which is not that many problems anyway
@BenjaminGruenbaum they only have to be aware of it if they want to forward the backpressure though
They need to forward the backpressure.
If things like filter aren't backpressure-aware then backpressure is useless.
The whole point of observables is their composability and how they simplify concurrency - if backpressure doesn't work with combinators it's useless.
With async iterators - you get it for free because of the design.
Then again - Rx is perfectly fine to most problems - where backpressure isn't needed.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I must admit, I've never used or needed combinators for observables though…
They're much more of an edge case for me than backpressure …
@bwoebi what? You never used things like .map .filter and .flatMap?
Then what's the point of observables? You might as well just use event emitters.
@BenjaminGruenbaum for promises, yes, for observables, no…
Then you haven't really used observables much at all yet :)
At least, not in the reactive sense
@BenjaminGruenbaum event emitters are just some sort of subscribe mechanism, just like Observables have I thought? … it's just usually a named event?
The point of observables is that they combine
You can .map then .filter them
@BenjaminGruenbaum you could as well just write a library around event emitters to create these combinators?
@bwoebi right, and end up with observables.
Look at my presentation, autocomplete is a very hard problem to solve well and with Rx it's 10 LoC
@BenjaminGruenbaum okay, the throttle() thing is clever
Just look at the async iterators example at the end, it works and it solves a lot of problems very easily.
Every line in the autocomplete solves at least a few nontrivial bugs I've seen in autocompletes online.
@BenjaminGruenbaum but TBH my code usually looks like the async iterators one
What code?
@bwoebi it's very hard to write that code for most people - you're not most people but async iterators are also very new.
@BenjaminGruenbaum my PHP code using Amp.
The only language that has them ATM natively is Python.
$observer = new \Amp\Observer($observable);
$delay = $last = "";
while (yield $observer->next()) {
    $value = $observer->getCurrent(); // poor mans asnyc iterator
    if ($value != '' && $value != $last) {
        $delay = \Amp\delay(500, function() use ($value) {
            yield fetch("/autocomplete/$value");
    $last = $value;
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^ that's what it'd look like with Amp (v2)
That's missing the flatMapLatest though
But yeah, it looks fine
flatMapLatest is a little harder, it puts requests in order.
But yeah, that code looks fine.
@BenjaminGruenbaum well, it always iterates until current end anyway. FlatMapLatest would also just advance until not possible anymore
flatMapLatest handles cancellations for you.
But generally looks fine.
Wait, how is fetch aware of cancellation?
@BenjaminGruenbaum you want to cancel fetch too while executing?
Because, the flatMapLatest solves a harder problem for you - let's say that it's not (which is sometimes the case) - your requests, even with a 500ms delay might come out of order from the server.
So, if you type a, delete after 1s and then type b, if the results for a haven't returned yet the server might actually return them after the results for b.
Which means the user ends up seeing the results for a. Fun fact, windows 10 search does this.
flatMapLatest ignores a first.
Also, how can you yield from inside a closure? That's super cool (or does delay just forward that)
@BenjaminGruenbaum delay() is taking the closure as a coroutine if it returns generator
Ah, cool.
Well, yeah, then you have a hard problem with flatMapLatest, but you can solve it more quickly with cancellations manually. In the general case flatMapLatest is very useful.
What I like about the Rx code is that it's very declarative, I can explain easily and in order what each line does to the sequence.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes, in that case you can just share a simple deferred and yield it before the next fetch
@bwoebi write it :P
$observer = new \Amp\Observer($observable);
$delay = $last = "";
while (yield $observer->next()) {
    $value = $observer->getCurrent(); // poor mans asnyc iterator
    if ($value != '' && $value != $last) {
        if ($fetcher) yield $fetcher;
        $delay = \Amp\delay(500, function() use (&$fetcher, $value) {
            yield $fetcher = fetch("/autocomplete/$value");
    $last = $value;
That introduces a delay since now the request for b has to wait until the request for a has completed.
Do it without the delay :)
$observer = new \Amp\Observer($observable);
$delay = $last = "";
while (yield $observer->next()) {
    $value = $observer->getCurrent(); // poor mans asnyc iterator
    if ($value != '' && $value != $last) {
        $delay = \Amp\delay(500, function($watcher) use (&$fetcher, &$delay, $value) {
            if ($fetcher) yield $fetcher;
            if ($watcher != $delay) return;
            yield $fetcher = fetch("/autocomplete/$value");
    $last = $value;
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^ better?
You still yield inside the delay, so b would still have to wait for a
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's intended, no?
I'll repeat the scenario:
else the result of b might be displayed before a?
you surely could alter this slightly and get:
- User searched for a - server takes 4 seconds
- 1s later - User deleted a, typed b - server takes 1 second
- results for b are displayed
- 2 seconds later the results for a that returned are displayed
Before yielding the result from the fetcher - you need to verify it's still the last result.
and you want to cancel the fetch if that's possible.
And you can bet that "discard data I don't care about" is a pretty common problem :)
got it now, sec
$observer = new \Amp\Observer($observable);
$delay = $last = "";
while (yield $observer->next()) {
    $value = $observer->getCurrent(); // poor mans asnyc iterator
    if ($value != '' && $value != $last) {
        $oldFetcher = $fetcher = fetch("/autocomplete/$value");
        $delay = \Amp\delay(500, function($watcher) use (&$fetcher, $oldFetcher, $value) {
            $result = yield $fetcher;
            if ($fetcher != $oldFetcher) return;
It should compose, so it should only yield relevant results.
@BenjaminGruenbaum like this ^ ?
This looks generally fine now. but you now fetch too many things.
If I type a and then b within 100ms, you fetch both of them. I want it to only fetch after 500ms
Not that easy :)
$observer = new \Amp\Observer($observable);
$delay = $last = "";
while (yield $observer->next()) {
    $value = $observer->getCurrent(); // poor mans asnyc iterator
    if ($value != '' && $value != $last) {
        $delay = \Amp\delay(500, function($watcher) use (&$fetcher, $value) {
            $result = yield $fetcher = $currentFetcher = fetch("/autocomplete/$value");
            if ($fetcher != $currentFetcher) return;
Still need to solve the display issue, I want to be able to subscribe to it.
Also, I don't like this line: $result = yield $fetcher = $currentFetcher = fetch("/autocomplete/$value");
You didn't tell me that's an issue
@BenjaminGruenbaum put it in two lines if you want ^^
Now, wouldn't it be useful to have a ->flatMapLatest( you can call instead :)?
$postponed = new \Amp\Postponed;
new \Amp\Corotutine((function() use ($observable, $postponed) {
    $observer = new \Amp\Observer($observable);
    $delay = $last = "";
    while (yield $observer->next()) {
        $value = $observer->getCurrent(); // poor mans asnyc iterator
        if ($value != '' && $value != $last) {
            $delay = \Amp\delay(500, function($watcher) use ($postponed, &$fetcher, $value) {
                $fetcher = $currentFetcher = fetch("/autocomplete/$value");
^ but your example in slides doesn't show any subscribing ^^ That also makes it probably a few lines longer then @BenjaminGruenbaum
I'm not convinced that it does everything mine does :)
Oh, I just yield it outside, you can look at the end of the slides there is a link to a working example
@BenjaminGruenbaum the only link there is to the repl? and to TC-39
@BenjaminGruenbaum must be missing it, or where to find?
Is there anyone who get the job from stackoverflow ?
@AwalGarg quora.com/… lmfao
@Mr.Developer yes
@littlepootis @SomeGuy @Abhishrek I have to give a presentation on "Women Empowerment through micro-finance" tomorrow come to hangouts please urgently
I've got one too
@littlepootis hey create a new room
any idea how to convert this code to nodejs
#define NOMINMAX
#include <windows.h>
#include <cstdlib>

// Start L2 as .bin with IP as parameter.
// You can use IP or DNS as IP parameter.
// You could include other parameters.
// You can change the path to the .bin file to avoid including the L2.exe inside the System folder.
// Author: Zoey76
int _stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE prevInst, LPWSTR szCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
	ShellExecute(0, L"open", L"cmd.exe", L"/C start l2.bin IP=", 0, SW_HIDE);
So, that basically executes a shell code?
but i dont know how to convert it to nodejs
i found a c++ add on
No need for addons, NodeJS is prefectly capable of spawning processes.
@gtzinos alternatively, you can just run that C++ code as is by hooking it with the v8 abi and call into it from node
which is faster?
@gtzinos Insignificant.
as fast as that c++ addon you found
Note that .exec() is asynchronous
You're just spawning a child process.
Which is what does the work
i can easier with addon
@gtzinos How is an addon easier than using the built-in stdlib?
because i have a script already defined, so i just need to call
otherwise i need to read about nodejs shell execute
@gtzinos It's exactly 2 lines of nodejs...
You can use the method @MadaraUchiha described provided you know the value of all constants used.
but its the first time with nodejs
@gtzinos Great time to start :)
(I can't read C++ very well, but am I correct to note that you aren't doing with the result of the exec?)
You just run it and forget?
@MadaraUchiha right
i just run it
Q: Web Crypto API crypto.bundle is undefined in Apache Cordova

MarekI am working with Cordova and forge library and browser's Web Crypto API to perform sign and importKey operations. Nonetheless, Web Crypto API on Android device only offers crypto.getRandomValues() and SubtleCrypto is undefined (crypto.subtle). So I thought adding Web Crypto API shrim and its dep...

Would be more than happy for any halp! :)
So yeah, importing the process module is one line, executing is another
I'm assuming the logic of bringing in the parameters is already in place?
Why does ShellExecute take the name of the executable?
@littlepootis lol win32 api
So yeah, it's exactly 2 lines of JS, no addons needed
5 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
Specifically: https://nodejs.org/api/child_process.html#child_process_child_process_exec_comma‌​nd_options_callback
See this link ^
@jarvis it's unreadable af
btw, did you know, if your execution file name contains spaces - say it is "foo bar.exe", windows will try to find "foo.exe" first, and if it is found, it will run it with the parameters "bar.exe". If it is not found, it will try to find "foo bar.exe". Place a file called "Program.exe" in C drive and many things go to shit :D
@jarvis Gotta love counterintuitive api
@jarvis haha yes
Do we get to ask off topic questions in this chat?
the xkcd guy is funny?
1 message moved to Trash can
@user6582640 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
1 message moved to Trash can
@user6582640 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
It's not letting me post the code for some reason
@user6582640 "Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq."
paste code and press Ctrl + K
I think he is just trying to be funny
.ninja {
	color: black
	visibility: hidden
We were talking about nerd humor. I LOVE code jokes for some reason
How old are you, if I may ask and you are comfortable sharing?
That's ok Jarvis
lol you pedant
So, how old are you?
Doesn't sound odd at all
Wow I just learn at school that 12 is not od
@littlepootis ...
Saying things like these cause accounts to be irreversibly deleted, even if said jokingly, then you can plead to the staff, but it's too late.
oh, yeah, lol
If it gets accidentally flagged and a staff member sees it and doesn't know you're joking, they might take action.
SE takes underage users very seriously.
Legal shite
Yeah, I understand
which is good website to learn javascript for beginners ?
@little pootis thanks also any other you have to suggest ?
@JitendraPathak Definitely that.
That and practice practice practice
If you have questions about things in the book, feel free to ask them here
@JitendraPathak after you're done reading this, there are several books I'd recommend as follow-up.
After you finish that, you should have the base required to read other books/tutorials.
@JitendraPathak Do you have prior programming experience in any other language? If so, which ones? If not, then sorry.
Effective JavaScript, DOM Enlightenment, Third-Party JavaScript and Beautiful JavaScript by Anton.
@Jit ^
Yes i have basic knowledge of oops terms and c c++ html little js css etc
Thanks for all suggestions @littlepootis and other members i will start reading books which is you suggested.
oop is one letter away from poop. functional programming starts with fun. decide which boat you want to hop on.
@JitendraPathak Right, so remember the concepts of OO (inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, etc) but forget the concrete details (classes, interface).
JavaScript is a classless OO language, it doesn't have a concept of classes (before ES2015, in which classes are introduced as a syntactic sugar around the normal, prototypal OO)
@jarvis actual FP in JS is pretty horrible.
Have you ever tried using FP in an actual project in production? Outside the playground realm?
I mean FP as in curried functions, function compositions, etc.
Not just "return things from functions"
@MadaraUchiha Yes. And that is what FP really means. just using reduce is not FP, and forEach is definitely not FP at all.
@jarvis returning things from functions isn't FP
that's just... P
@MadaraUchiha Thanks i will remember that
The biggest problem of FP in JS (and in general, really) is tooling.
It looks beautiful and pristine when it works.
But when it doesn't, good luck debugging it.
You have a single expression which is a composition of 3 functions, each a composition of 5-6 other functions and so on
Stepping through with a debugger is impossible. Setting breakpoints at the caller level, impossible.
I like FP as a concept, and I like having the functional perspective, but it's not refined enough to actually be used in JS, today.
@MadaraUchiha imperative programming and OOP is not much different in that regard... and specially not in JS where everything depends on 500 other things.
@jarvis It all depends on how you code, really.
Exactly. So pinpointing FP is not fair :P
If you have clean abstraction layers and sane conceptual interfaces, it's fine.
@jarvis No, but the difference is that if you do OO well, you can debug.
If you do FP well, you can't.
Ofcourse you can. composition helps in tracing too.
@jarvis I tried FP (with and without Ramda) in 3 side projects before deciding it doesn't work for my main project.
I have FP elements in my main code, but pure FP? Nope.
Nobody does pure FP :P you have to go impure at some point. You can however isolate pure and impure parts well.
@jarvis Yes, I do that.
I try that as much as possible of the things I do are pure functions.
Easier to read and test
@MadaraUchiha do you do that only on a "function as a unit" level or on a module/file level?
But I don't do currying or composition
@jarvis On all levels, recursively.
Functions, modules, layers.
The abstractions I do are still OO abstractions
Dependency injection, polymorphism, inheritance (to a degree)
And not functional composition or partial application
Well it seems like you are already following the "being pure" part of FP then. And currying, composition, partial application, and the likes are best used where they suit (which happens to be an awful lot of cases in well designed code bases) - so if you come across some cases where they don't help, then don't use them in those cases.
@MadaraUchiha dependency injection is functional too
@jarvis Not really
How is DI functional?
It's everything that functional is not
It is functional. The only thing which changes is the type of dependency values in implementation. You pass functions of well defined signatures instead of objects implementing an interface.
@MadaraUchiha DI is as well OO as it's functional.
in FP, function signature is also an interface
Hmmm, okay, that's fair.
Now apologize to John McCarthy
@jarvis No.
Madara Uchiha does not apologize to anyone.
guys please help
can't convert this one line of code
from c++ to nodejs
@gtzinos Didn't we go over this already?
@MadaraUchiha Madara doesn't, but you do.
Just use it as a native module. It is not as simple as you think.
@bwoebi Hush now, don't spoil the fun.
@gtzinos child_process.exec("cmd /C start l2.bin IP=", callback)
@rlemon I left my VPS host for lesser reasons.
@littlepootis oh thank you. i search hours..
@littlepootis inb4 "ReferenceError: child_process is not defined, what do I do?"
@gtzinos I gave you a link two hours ago
With a full example...
2 hours ago, by Madara Uchiha
5 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
Specifically: https://nodejs.org/api/child_process.html#child_process_child_process_exec_comma‌​nd_options_callback
yes but can't use it
need ms tools
madara does apologize to lord awal
i installed them
but nothing
@MadaraUchiha lol...
What are.. MS tools?
@littlepootis viruses
I just realized why 7. * 6 returns 42 but 7. * 6 == 42 throws a SyntaxError and it blew a few neurons.
(Er.. In ruby)
Not a SyntaxError
I swear it threw one before. Now it just throws a TypeError. Wtf?
2.3.1 :009 > 4. * 2 == 8
SyntaxError: (irb):9: syntax error, unexpected tINTEGER, expecting '('
4. * 2 == 8
	from /home/erik/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.1/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
it was running on continuation from a previous incomplete expression
@littlepootis why did you guess a syntaxerror would be valid for that case anyways?
@gtzinos wat
It wasn't a guess, but I've come to know * is a method on 4.
You don't need no "ms tools" to execute a shell command
Even in Windows.
@MadaraUchiha i tryied with c++ addon
ELECTRON_ASAR.js:167 Uncaught Error: A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed.
but returns me this erro
I... what...
You in fact do need MSBuild and the MSVC++ redistributable to build native shit with node
On windows.
Why use the addon? :/
19 mins ago, by jarvis
Just use it as a native module. It is not as simple as you think.
i tried because you saied its the same time
@littlepootis because the ability to reuse code from native packages is important?
i will try your code now
I was wondering how I can achieve this.
I have a variable number that has a value of 0 by default. Then I have a formula: var formula = 2 + 2; What I would like to have is when number is not zero, but another numb it will be added to the formula 2+2, so the formule will be 2 + 2 + number;
@gtzinos what are you trying to do?
he's trying to execute a shell script
@Caspert var formula = 2 + 2 + number
2 + 2 + 0 = 2 + 2
github.com/Zoey76/L2/blob/master/L2/Main.cpp i try to convert this code to nodejs
So you can add number anyway.
Which he could do with child_process.exec("cmd /C start l2.bin IP=", callback)
You need the Microsoft build stack to compile that code even if you don't use Node @gtzinos
Did you manage to build it (regardless of node)?
By the way, in case the obvious wasn't already suggested - you can start the external code (L2) as an .exe in Node via child_process and use stdin and stdout to communicate with it. @gtzinos that is likely simpler if possible.
@littlepootis ninjad
@BenjaminGruenbaum @littlepootis the difference is that he wants to start the cmd in a new "window". TMK this can't be feasibly done with node's exec.
Why would you want to use l2 anyway? It looks like it hasn't been updated in 2 years.
@jarvis you can just use start for that, start "" "your_command.exe"
Okay, so that's the proper solution then.
@BenjaminGruenbaum thank you my friend. Its an open source project i used for years. I like it.
It doesn't look like it is maintained anymore though.
Q: Web Crypto API crypto.bundle is undefined in Apache Cordova

MarekI am working with Cordova and forge library and browser's Web Crypto API to perform sign and importKey operations. Nonetheless, Web Crypto API on Android device only offers crypto.getRandomValues() and SubtleCrypto is undefined (crypto.subtle). So I thought adding Web Crypto API shrim and its dep...

Is there anyone familiar with Web Crypto or forge.js, please?
Hmm, I can kind of see why it would be undefined in cordova
@BenjaminGruenbaum what do you think?
@Marek you have no choice except including a polyfill github.com/Netflix/NfWebCrypto
That one is pretty solid and well maintained.
wait, whoops, looks like that's no longer the case for the last half year... sorry.
Wait, nevermind, should have read you already have a shim
@Marek honestly? I'd do it from Java with a host object, anything else is scary and I don't trust the polyfill you included.
Here is a polyfill @Marek npmjs.com/package/subtle it'll work but I wouldn't use it
@BenjaminGruenbaum Of course... Stupid question haha. Sorry for that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Benjamin, thank you for suggestions, gonna try it right away!
Sure thing, happy coding.
@towc @Meredith I minimally reproduced that problem I referred to yesterday. Ionic is such a piece of garbage. jsbin.com/nikohaluza/3/edit?html,js,output
If you click and drag to scroll, it's great. Mousewheel scrolling downward to trigger the infinite scroll loading causes the request to hang
in Chrome, that is
Anyone here from Japan?
Maybe in the anime room, or in JLU
@BenjaminGruenbaum No, but I think I'm Turning Japanese I think I'm turning Japanese I really think so.
@KendallFrey imgur.com/a/eKoMr
posted on August 21, 2016

So far in the calculords series we’ve accomplished: Part 1: Solving a level of Calculords in sub-sandwich time Part 2: Building an API between Calculords and our code Despite what your college might have taught you, there’s another layer beyond all the Big-O notation the ivory tower academics like to squawk on about: O(sandwich). Specifically, if I run this code, do I have time to go

anyone here used exceljs before?
the name gives me nightmares!
anyone mind helping me with a small jquery queue question?
Is there a way to have two different queues that run concurrently?
var posts = [];
var workbook = new Excel.Workbook();
workbook.xlsx.readFile(templatePath).then(function() {
    var worksheet = workbook.getWorksheet(1);
    worksheet.eachRow({ includeEmpty: true }, function(row, rowNumber) {
This is weird, in that last line, posts is empty. However, within the loop, if I simply print the row values out using console.log, it prints just fine. For some reason, it just won't insert into the array. Anyone know why?
@BenjaminGruenbaum unfortunatelz subtle cannot be installed, due to many errors :/
Q: Values are not getting inserted into an array

DemCodeLinesI have a NodeJS app, where I am using ExcelJS in one of the routes (powered by Express). In the following snippet, a simple loop is supposed to read rows from the Excel file, then insert them into the array. However, they don't seem to be inserting. router.get('/work', function(req, res, next) {...

hey guys
hey taco
hi bill
How can one specify piecewise function expressions for desmos.com/api/v0.7/docs/index.html? I'm trying to use latex:'y={0<x<1: 1, 0}' but the graph doesn't render. I also tried latex:'y=\\{0<x<1: 1, 0\\}'
@Zirak I've always used an MBox and ProTools. Never let me down, except they can be pretty brutal when it comes to supported OS versions
should i include a js code that will rotate an image from my website coming from another website or should i go to photoshop and rotate my image but have it stored on my website?
@FluffyWuffy Write a build script that rotates the image before deploying it
@copy hi handsome
@copy this method is faster than me using a photo editing program and rotate it, but then i have to store it on the web app?
@FluffyWuffy The image? Yes, you have to upload it
@BadgerCat hi cutie
@BadgerCat I'm eating one of your cookies
@copy so if i put the js script that rotates the image 45 degrees first, then the image loads, wont i get an exception because the image hasnt loaded yet?
@FluffyWuffy you should definitely use jQuery for this. Also css: transform: rotate(90deg)
right, but do i let the image load first then i rotate? or can i rotate it first and once rotated it can be shown
Would anyone know how to do C# X509Certificate2.GetRawCertData in forge.js?
@copy error: command 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1
@FluffyWuffy No, I mean you do it once but using a script
But using CSS transform is probably better
@BadgerCat Need more information
convert input.png -rotate 90 output.png
@copy wait, I'm trying something
It worked, but then it failed somewhere else
@phenomnomnominal ProTools seems cool, I might go with Ableton+GuitarRig because...uuhhh...I dunno, I have no criteria to base these decisions on. Will wing it. It's reassuring though to hear that people have been succesful with these set ups.
If anyone wants a card, fill this form
@Zirak yeah a DI is pretty straightforward for guitar
actual mics is when it gets complicated
@BadgerCat why am I getting a card?
@Feeds @SomeKittens I made a simple text recognition once: First a simple algorithm searches for the bounding rectangle of single characters (by scanning lines from the left and top). Then make the image black and white, then hash the result and look it up in a table
he's so stunned
@phenomnomnominal because your butt is cute
@BadgerCat Address should also be optional, you have all addresses already
@BadgerCat I mean yeah, but how do you know that?
@copy But I don't have the new people
I guess I could find them
@rlemon ahahahahaha
00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 00:00

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