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Hello, I'm using focus() to focus and blur() to remove focus on my bootstrap button (it's like / didn't like states). And it works. But initially to focus button if it's liked i'm adding "focus" class to button, this "class focus" isn't removed by .blur() function, of course I can use removeClass("focus"), but maybe there is simpler way?
@AdamMańkowski Why are you using focus, and not just a class?
Because it seems to be not working, jsfiddle.net/0zmqsyd3 check here, focus is not being removed
Dreamweaver doesn't actually do debugging right
Also, all your friends will make fun of you for using it
Is there a recommended way to find content on a page with JS? I'm trying to make a chrome extension which basically looks for specific content on a page and alerts user yes/no.

not wanting to XY myself down the wrong route (pretty sure regex is a bad idea ;-) - is there a best practice way to do this?
Maybe try to get the whole site in a string (the same like you see site in text editor) and try w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_includes.asp
Hi there, anybody familiar with Node and callback hell^
I have sort of a generator function, which loops over an undefined set of functions. Each of those iterated methods does some stuff and returns a promise. The outer generator cannot just collect those promises and return a Promise.all(), because it decouples the iterations itself. Is there any best practice to deal with that scenario using promises?
Should I wrap the whole thing into one promise and return that, resolving it when all returned "inner promises" are fullfilled?
@AdamMańkowski hm. I guess that could work - for my step 1 of learning JS/chrome extension I think that'd be sufficient :)
1 hour later…
@enderland this is an interesting article, depending on the content you're searching for on page: perfectionkills.com/the-poor-misunderstood-innerText
eg: innertext vs toString and it's implementation in various browsers...
@wayland700 If you have a working callback hell you want to get out of, try codereview.stackexchange.com
@Sheepy Ok thanks, I will give it a shot
@Sheepy In fact no, it is not working
@wayland700 Ok. Here is the simple version: Working code goes to codereview. Non-working code goes to stackoverflow. Both should go through google first.
I try to get my respect back, I am not allowed to ask questions right now.
@wayland700 Google is always there for you. For example this is my third result on "javascript callback hell": terlici.com/2015/10/28/solving-node-callback-hell-asyncjs.html
@Sheepy Yes, I have been working on the problem all day long, looking around on the web, but it is a particular scenario that is not common. It has a loop inside the nested callback
@wayland700 And how does the loop change the situation? It that a generator loop or an async callback loop that would time wrap the code flow?
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@wayland700 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
exports.getItems = function(id, next) {
var itemsArray= [];
var i = 0;
    findItem(id, function(err, item){
      while(i !== item.arrayProperty.length){
        findOtherItem(item.arrayProperty[i], function(err, secondItem){
Ok. Let me see...
@Sheepy I appreciate it. Let me clear the problem if you have uncertainty
This is not the typical callback hell because it isn't async and can be simplified/refactored by changing the design, the simplest being breaking the tasks into smaller functions.
best datepicker with easy ui for erp use quick entry shortcuts should be easy to use
angularjs / bootstrap / jquery
@wayland700 Main problem is infinite loop? Because the i is only increased when you have a match, instead of always moving to next index.
exports.getItems = function(id, next) {
   var itemsArray = [];
   findItem( id, function(err, item){
      item.arrayProperty.forEach( function( property ) {
         findOtherItem( property, function(err, secondItem){ itemsArray.push( secondItem ); });
      } );
      next( null, itemsArray );
@wayland700 I don't know what next() does, but I have the gut feeling that itemsArray may need to be moved into findItem's callback too.
Got to go. There a computer fair today and need to accompany my mom in law as advisor. o_o/
@Sheepy Oh wow ok good luck, I will take a look at your code
@Sheepy The code you provided is returning an empty array.
@wayland700 I would suggest calling your callback on each "other item", rather than collating the other items and then calling the callback
@Meredith You mean I change
itemsArray.push( secondItem );
As in don't create an array at all

next( null,secondItem )
Yeah something like that
I'm working on an example for you one sec
Btw just make it a rule not to use [].push
Huge red flag that you're doing something wrong
@Meredith Ok understood. Which container should I use if I want to use .push
@Meredith And thank you very much, it's appreciated
Use concat instead
You never need the mutability of push
exports.getItems = function(id, cb) {
  findItem(id, (err, item) =>
      .forEach((i) => findOtherItem(i, cb));
@Meredith Ok, I'm giving it a try
@Meredith Wow you are my hero
@Meredith It is returning the expected result. Can you tell me briefly what it the => operator?
@Waxi I see, really nice feature, it is making the code more simple and readable
What kind of things happen here in this Java chat? Can I get help or shoul I reserve that for the ask questin part of StackOverflow?
@RyanMartin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I read the rules.....
So, n00b question, what is the game?
Somehow I feel I'm about to get teased, hard.
The Game is a mental game where the objective is to avoid thinking about The Game itself. Thinking about The Game constitutes a loss, which must be announced each time it occurs. It is impossible to win most versions of The Game. Depending on the variation of The Game, the whole world, or all those aware of the game, are playing it all the time. Tactics have been developed to increase the number of people aware of The Game and thereby increase the number of losses. Though the origins of The Game are unknown, a game featuring ironic processing was played by Leo Tolstoy in 1840. == Gameplay == There...
Also, this most definitely isn't the Java chat, and if you talk about Java here you will be shunned.
Oh, I thought it was something new
I played that back in the early 2000's..... I_Lost_The_Game used to be my Playstation ID
Still learning the difference between Java code and script
There's no such thing as Java script
JavaScript is wholly and entirely unrelated to Java.
It's like ham and hamster. Or car and carpet. Java and JavaScript.
ah, I gain wisdom exponentially here
@someguy happy birthday
Also, hamster ham is gross if you eat it off of a car carpet.
Thanks for letting me in the community, will be back now and again to learn from greatness.
How can I make an safe infinite loop in codePen? setTimeout(); doesn't seem to work
This loop is running but none of the code inside is working properly.


Javascript line 18 is the function that appears broken
@Abhishrek Thanks! :D
window.performance.now() does not work with codepen
I can't use the Date() function because it will reset after certain marks
like a new second
or a new minute
Seems to work on JSBin
Hi All.

I have a problem integrating the flowplayer, when I click the fullscreen icon on the player the player starts showing the loading mask and audio is played only...
America where bottle of 1lt water is $3.40 and 3 liter coke is $2.99
Try Norway, where 0.5 litre coke is the same price as 1.5 litre
try india
where its hard to tell what you just drank
And you get 1.5 litre of liquid stool at 70 kmph?
But I'd actually like to visit India once, everyone I know who's been there had a good time
There's snow up in the north, right?
hello guys
I would like to create cross platform desktop applications using web technologies
is a good idea to use electron ?
or baseljs ?
I think both are best .... but baseljs build with angularjs and bootstrap .... so its easy to handle view with baseljs ....
@NadimulDeCj Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
wee the weekend
Guys, I have no idea how to start writing a function that filters a nested object!

e.g. somewhere down the line my nested object has "due_date:today". then I'd want to hide all nodes that don't have that, but do show all the children underneath!
@mesqueeb look at filter
const new = obj.filter(i => i.due_date === today)
@mesqueeb is the key due_date:today or do you want to check if due_date === today?
hey ppl, I'm trying to go to the next a tag on key down and go to the previous on key up. jsfiddle.net/K9uDn/150
2 hours later…
@FlorianMargaine Haha, I thought I'd read the Kernel Memory Barriers doc today, but it's 47 pages :O
Didn't expect it to be that long. It'll probably take me a week or two to read it, if not more :/
It might be a nice one to print out and read in class, though
I'm reading this in class right now
Do you guys know any algorythm suited for searching the frequency of the appearance of a word in a word puzzle? The word can occure vertikally or horizontally or a mix of both.
@dystroy IIRC you were the one who linked to that paper? Did you ever finish it?
@SomeGuy I'm writing my C programs in my notebook in class right now
@Mosho not using the shitty, useless, limiting class keyword. :)
You can write classes in C
If you have an MDN account (connect through Persona), link to your Github profile before Nov 30 or you'll lose access to it. developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/MDN/Contribute/Howto/…
its really nice what pointers can do
yes, they're nice
Sometimes I wish I could just leave C to do all the string manipulation for me lol
Seeing String classes in Java just messes with my brain
I hear a lot of people saying Strings are datatypes. Wtf?
I've never fully understood just what a class is. :/
Just a wrapper that also acts as a namespace in some languages
I'm trying to jump up or down to the next a with class of cv_item and trigger a click on it. jsfiddle.net/K9uDn/150 any suggestions?
So a class is a type?
@Asperger wat
your nuts
@littlepootis about what?
@Asperger in C?
@littlepootis no
Apparently Answer in the version the OP is using isn't popular, when it comes to the ES5 vs ES6 debate...
@Asperger C is the worst language you could use for string manipulation.
I've never fully understood just what a class is. :/
@littlepootis yes but its the fastest man!
A class is like a blueprint for an object, but really isn't.
Its just a lot of work but its so fast
@Asperger There are faster way to do string manipulation.
Like.. perl.
Or anything else, really.
Never tried perl. Isnt it a dead language? (not sure, im asking)
C-style strings are a pain
@Asperger nope
C is a fine language for some stuff, but just not string manipulation.
My C lecturer who is a scanf-o-phile would disagree with me, but..
she also uses void as a return type for main and thinks return 0 in main is required, so her opinion doesn't really matter
@Cerbrus It's not only ES6. Object.values() is a part of ES 2017.
The question is about answering in ES5 vs ES6 in general, not?
@Cerbrus And I wouldn't say that it "isn't popular". The only person that downvoted your answer is me, and that's why I asked for more opinions.
will be a part of ES2017.. it's in the latest ES2017 draft.. :P
Why did you downvote it then? Isn't it a logical answer?
@Cerbrus Rather "ES5 vs ES6+".
@Cerbrus I just disagree with it.
@Gothdo Sorry, but that's nitpicking. you know what I mean.
> In other words, use what version the OP is using, if you care about your answer getting accepted.
Of course there's no harm in adding an ES6 example as well.
Seems logical to me.
But that question already has an ES5 answer.
And OP didn't said which version he's using.
It's a question from 2013.
Of course he wasn't using ES6.
@Gothdo That question had an ES6 answer already, as well.
But did that have a Stage Zero answer?
I have my own ECMAScript extensions.. :/
@littlepootis AFAIK there aren't any features on stage 0 that would make the solution simpler.
@Gothdo well, simplicity was thrown out of the equation by JS devs in 2015.
Although stage-0 should probably go to tag..
@littlepootis im also in programming school and my teacher is weird
they kind of seem incompetent...like just robots who know their theory
This is uni, though. :(
oh crap
They suck.
uni and that bad?
yes, because India
oh darn
I'm making a list of incorrect stuff she says and then teaching the few interested around me.
She asked us to write on paper a C program that adds two numbers taken as input, and outputs them...
And then she looked at my "code" and gave a "u wot m8" look and asked me where the 'clear screen function' was.
"Clear screen what?" "clrscr open bracket close bracket" "what?"
Her: clrscr clears the screen. Me: "!?!?!?!?"
Her: Why u miss last class m8?
Her: It's a function defined in "conio.h".
Me: What is "conio"?
Her: console input output
Me: It's not standard
Her: It's in your textbook
Me: What textbook?
Can someone explain what is happening at these lines of code:
`var viewportOffset = win.scrollTop() - $('figure').offset().top + win.height();`
`var offsetPercent = ((viewportOffset / win.height() * 100) - 100) / parallaxFactor;`

It's used for parallax on a site, but doesn't know what these formules do exactly, except what scrollTop and offsetTop do, that's clear for me.. Code comes from: http://neverbland.com/work
Her: Puts on my desk a C book from 1995 that "covers the latest features in Turbo C++ 3.0"
Me: .....
fuck this shit I'm going to pluto
why not a planet?
you planetist
How Can Planets Be Real If The Mirrors In The Observatories Aren't?
@Caspert yes it seems they are trying to calculate some sort of parallax effect
for the images supplied in viewportOffset. Im not sure though
@Asperger I forget to paste this as well:
So when they scroll down they apply some offset to the image position
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@Caspert Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
lmao this guy has no idea what he's talking
Honestly I can only know if you send the entire code with html. Oh and let me rewrite it in vanilla js xD
@CapricaSix Sorry for that. I understand
Or if you need a scrolling effect let me know and ill code one for you. Currently bored lol
@Asperger I already post a question for this, with all the other details + Codepen what I've so far.. stackoverflow.com/questions/39047678/…
What are you trying to achieve? That the img translates faster than its parent?
or lets say
just tell me what you want xD
@CapricaSix Maybe you can help me with the problem of the unformatted code. Overtime I hit CTRL + K or for me CMD + K doesn't work, only in the "ask question" section. Also on manually add `` to a code doesn't do anything as you have seen..
a parallax effect right?
@Asperger Haha, of course. Yes I want to achieve a parallax effect, that what you already sad: the omg translates faster than it's parent with the use of TweenMax
I dont like Greensock software xD. I created my own Tweening system which has a visual gui for me to work with. I will release it later this year
@Asperger And I would like to know what that code (that I can't paste here correctly for some reasons) exactly do, so I understand the "process" of the parallax. That's why I want to recreate it by myself..
well see it this way
you have a few layers
while you scroll down each layer translates at different speeds
giving the entire process a sense of pseudo depth which does not exist really
this site does a pretty good job at explaining how (css) parallax works imo
@Asperger Yes I know the parallax effect (how the concept works) to be clear, only the part to calc the speed or so is where my knowledge stops
@Asperger But nice explained, it's clear to me :)
Well the calculation
lets assume your imgs have an absolute position and the parent relative.
@Asperger Okay, so the images should be placed absolute in the parent?
you could do: img.position.style.top = (img.getBoundingClientRect().top - event.PageY) / someFactor
or actually the child can be static and use translate instead
I didnt test this, was just a first idea
maybe even multiply instead of divide
But what does the formule do exactly? Why img.getboundingclientrrct().top minus pagey? @Asperger
my bad
Will correct a few things
Hello, I'm using focus() to focus and blur() to remove focus on my bootstrap button (it's like / didn't like states). And it works. But initially to focus button if it's liked i'm adding "focus" class to button, this "class focus" isn't removed by .blur() function, of course I can use removeClass("focus"), but maybe there is simpler way? Using only "focus" class to add or remove seems to be not working, jsfiddle.net/0zmqsyd3 here focus is not being removed
for some reason parallaxFactor is undefined, need to see why lol
forgot to pass it as a parameter
Just a little idea. Got to work on something now. Good luck :D
wow.. levelling in pokemon go really slows down as you progress. Just spent 30 minutes doing nothing but evolving pidgeys with a lucky egg and still didn't make it from lvl 24 to lvl 25
@Asperger do you not put a semicolon after the last css declaraction? you blaspheme why
If you cant reorder lines without having to mess around with adding semicolons or commas you're doing it wrong
Jun 23 '14 at 6:44, by Awal Garg
is there clrscr(); in js?
@IgnoreGreg You've got some reading to do, son: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/32396893#32396893
I lose my mind every time there's a C class.
Such a great deal of work laughing at newbies, right?
Yeah, but you pulled off something I've never seen anyone do.
wow, hangouts
I was studying Angular2 and I came up with this:
localStorage.setItem('username', user);
I believe that allows you to persist data in your browser
Is it a cookie?
And is it safe to store something like a session id to identify a user who is logged in?
No it's not a cookie, it's just... storage. It's specific to the domain it's created on so you should be able to store a session id there but since those are usually pretty short you might as well use a cookie
Though, granted, the storage API is a lot nicer than the cookie API
@ivarni Is it safe to store a session id there?
Can a user, for example, alter it?
Yes, they can
but if it's only an id and you look that id up on the server then what's the harm? You'll simply not find the session
The user just screwed themselves and lost their session unless they got amazingly lucky and managed to guess a valid session id
Although I'd recommend just storing in cookies (or resorting to other methods when you cannot).
Store only a minimum amount of data in session, which, even if exposed, doesn't make for a great leak - because any sane architecture will not allow client to write to the session pool - which is what causes actual harm anyways. If you somehow allow the client to write arbitrary data to session (even their own session), you are screwed.
Imagine I used Angular2 for my webapp.
And it communicates with a remote API and has auth, etc.
I find it hard to imagine anyone would :p
What would be the best way to hold the authentication
why ;o
@AwalGarg we believe in equality of data. If data can be read/written on my computer, why can't the data on their server be too? XD
^ I expect to actually see some kind of extreme feminist starter developer say that
@HassanAlthaf server-side
> data is a perfect example of how wrong things are and holding data should be eradicated as a concept, to set an example for all of the sexist humans out there. Show them we can make a difference!
@FlorianMargaine I learned basics of lisp. 10/10 (the self-hosted eval implementation is actually pretty cool)
- hypothetical extreme feminist
@littlepootis Oh.... shit.... I keep forgetting yeah.
So, if I was using PHP for example.
I'd create a cookie on the server side API
which you wouldn't
You don't create a cookie
I mean
$_SESSION variable
$_COOKIE sends a header that sets cookie on the client side
Confusing me
Send a cookie to the client
and recognize it and send data
Is that right
$_SESSION sets a phpsessid cookie and puts corresponding data somewhere on the server.
You shouldn't really use that to store any sesitive data.
I will just store a session id that is basically random
and is stored in the db as well where I find out which user it belongs to
Would that be the best approach?
Wait, what? No.
I mean, that depends on your requirements.
It's like, for an app where login is a must to access.
But let PHP handle that for you.
@HassanAlthaf IMO yes
@ivarni Yes for that? Is this the best approahc?
But if your using any kind of server tech and not making everything by hand then you should not have to do it manually
I didnt understand.
What do you mean server tech
If your server does it for you, don't do it yourself.
Consider the PHP example, you tell PHP you want a session and it creates it for you, including setting the cookie
Basically, the server will be an API I will develop my self.
I get you.
Most probably in ASP.NET or Node
Well I wouldn't personally develop that myself, I'd use a library
Wait, library for?
Makes sense.
Why would I re-invent the wheel.
For APIs I use Loopback at work.
Loopback is for ASP?
say you're using node, then use something like passport. There's tons of libraries around
no, node
I might do it in both Node and ASP.
They abstract that away from you, letting you focus on just creating sessions and getting things done
Because the aim of this project is to learn both.
Alright. Let me bookmark passport and loopback.
Thanks a lot for your advice guys!
Highly appreciate it.
Also, talking of Node,
What is the best ORM?
Thanks a lot guys!
@Loktar was he ok afterwards
lol not sure
how do you build a 3rd party widget that other websites can use? :o
something like intercom chat
@Loktar Lmao!
@jory there's a guy that does just that
you just inject stuff into the page.
it's that easy
also, make sure you don't have too many dependencies. (it'd better have none)
@littlepootis could you elaborate? I honestly can't tell if you're joking or not. Im seriously new to web dev and can't find much on making third party widgets
No, I'm not.
what do you mean by "there's a guy that does just that"
@jory there's a regular who works on stuff like these.
@littlepootis you mean in this chat?
Also, there's a nice book on that topic.
what book?
thanks i'll take a look
oh wow haha it's an actual book
That book's worth reading. Not just for the third-party js dev stuff, but for those truly enlightening "hacks" that you just can't find elsewhere.
is there anyway to get a more verbose output with webpack?
my dev server is getting stuck on "95% emit"
and i don't know -where- and so i don't know why it's freezing
i heard of webbpack dashboard
hm i guess i could try and stick that on and see what happens :p
and it's not my dev server actually, just my production webpack build
setting up karma and webpack is so exhausting
don't you push webpacked code?
@littlepootis how do you mean?
(Isn't that how it's done?)
@bitten just pushing the bundled thing
well i'm using webpack to transpile and then send the transpiled code to karma
Oh meta... There's this guy debating that there's no point in flagging accounts with offensive usernames, if the account has no activity.
His argument is basically: It's a waste of mods time.
Straw man. There's always better things to do than enforcing site rules. — Cerbrus 46 secs ago
Hey don't poke fun. It's his site. Respect it.
@littlepootis what did you mean though? perhaps there's an easier way to do this.. :p
@littlepootis it's typescript
@Asperger Sorry for the late reaction. Thanks for the demo, unfortunately I don't understand the concept behind Math.abs(img.getBoundingClientRect().top - document.body.scrollTop) / settings.parallaxFactor why is this formule used. Why the offsetTop of the element minus the scrollTop of the body?
@littlepootis to send a cookie in php, you need to call setcookie(), barely setting a new value in $_COOKIE won't do the job
Hi guys
I have multi step form in which I want to maintain form values on next and previous click
Can anybody give me some idea regarding this??
use the javascript
or the css
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