@Kevin @davidism @anyoneElseWhoIsInterested if ever you want to have a prolonged discussionabout sopython-dev topics (for instance if chat is busy and you want quiet away from lolcats and snark) then we have a room here chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/115967/sopython-dev
So if it is crap, and you only have time to provide some friendly advice on what to do to improve it...tough luck. You have to go in and make all the changes
and if you can't...then it remains in its crappy state
Every communication that I've seen is along the lines of: "You guys are smart, you'll figure out how SOD is supposed to work! It will be great! We'll have some garbage, but we'll totally clean it up!"
Except that's exactly the opposite of how it should work
SOD is like the Quora of SO -_-
@Ffisegydd I don't know, I tried to create a documentation request for how to use documentation but I created the request in the Xamarin.iOS documentation? So I don't even know how to do that :(
Documentation has sucked so bad because rather than saying, "How do we make a documentation site that doesn't suck?" they said, "Hey we'll make a documentation site and you guys figure it out!"
When so many questions are being brought up and "wait and see" is always the response, it starts sounding more and more like "we didn't put thought into it so we don't have a clear response". This is why I'm unhappy with seeing that response everywhere.
Cassandra (Greek: Κασσάνδρα, pronounced [kas̚sándra͜a], also Κασάνδρα), also known as Alexandra or Kassandra, was a daughter of King Priam and of Queen Hecuba of Troy.
A common version of her story relates how, in an effort to seduce her, Apollo gave her the power of prophecy—but when she refused him, he spat into her mouth to inflict a curse that nobody would ever believe her prophecies. In an alternative version, she fell asleep in a temple, and snakes licked (or whispered in) her ears so that she could hear the future. (A snake as a source of knowledge is a recurring theme in Greek mythology...
Really, I've been amazed at how smoothly the Docs launch has gone. Consider that it's a new feature being launched to thousands of people who... aren't used to new features. And they're developers, which really only means they're really good at breaking things.
@bluefeet When an idea is fundamentally terrible, and furthermore a danger to the success of the wider project, opposition is the only constructive response.
I am currently supervising someone making an iOS app by cargo-culting from SO. Doesn't understand basic control flow. I feel Docs is definitely going to help.
@BhargavRao someone created an Anti-SOD team, some people joined it. Then mods and CMs deleted all mentions of that team across all chatrooms and deleted it.
I really want Docs to succeed, but I really don't like what it is or how it's handled currently. I was really excited to use it as a way to replace the "snippets" part of the Flask website.
I vaguely remember Flask had issues with keeping docs up to date because it was mostly $flask_author doing them and no easy way to break it out, so this could solve that, perhaps
@davidism Nothing about docs ever excited me - but then again I wasn't ever really using the snippets section - pretty much only when I clicked a link from Google
just think about who'd want to write documentation for mysql... all those 1 rep PHP/MyISAM custom web page solutioneers who now finally have a chance to gain some rep.
As part of the Documentation Beta, we’re going to be doing a series of meta posts (and blog posts in all likelihood) with what we’ve learned, and what we’re planning to change accordingly.
These posts will normally be about once a week, but since we just launched last Thursday we’ve already got ...
I was the one who linked to the free speech zones wiki page in response to "You can complain about docs in the place we feel like letting you" and I'm not suspended either.
I can easily understand how a siege mentality may have developed within SE Towers over this whole thing. I'm actually pretty impressed that cooler heads prevailed re: the chat ban.