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@FaizRasool no, it's the reason why @ELOISSIFIAhmed gets the 500
@Leigh need a solution im just a beginner I commented the extension in phpini but in vain
Did you restarted apache/fpm/whatever after the config change?
no coz im afraid there a lot of projects on the server
That's probably not even the cause of your problems, turn on full error reporting in the app that is causing you problems

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
!!canon errors
Cannot find the canon for you... :-( Use !!canon list to list all supported canonicals.
Q: How to get useful error messages in PHP?

CandidasaI find programming in PHP quite frustrating. Quite often I will try and run the script and just get a blank screen back. No error message, just empty screen. The cause might have been a simple syntax error (wrong bracket, missing semicolon), or a failed function call, or something else entirely. ...

Seriously ^
So basically. What I said
!!man test
@Leigh Exactly as you said, but when OP cannot even be bothered to click on a link I know for sure it's hopeless
@Gordon What? Did I miss your PR?
while (!$clue) {
    print "HALP!\n";
    //TODO: $clue = try_things();
@Leigh That's super useful! brb implementing
@PeeHaa I said if I can be bothered I do one. That didnt mean that you are not supposed to slave away on your own
I am busy getting me stuff in my car to go to willingen
does anyone a simple and inexpensive way to dim a laser pointer? my r800 is so bright it hurts
@Leigh check the error log file out pastebin.com/N26raWd3
@PeeHaa skiing?
@Gordon Well the plan was indeed snowboarding, but it looks like I only got tomorrow because it will rain after that :(
Put googles :D
@PeeHaa so dont go and code man into jeeves instead ;)
@NullPoiиteя that would help me but it will make the audience go blind
@Danack woop, created a PR for first couple of methods \o/
Looks okish for now
(and the tests passed!)
@Leigh help
@ELOISSIFIAhmed Seriously staph
I shouldn't speak for other people, but from experience it gets really annoying to keep getting halp pings
well here's a problem

PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20121212/php_openssl.dll'
PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20121212/intl.so'

Why are you trying to load dll and so files?
@Leigh i dont know lol Im just trying to make my laravel project works on production and get rid off internal server error
@PeeHaa lets not throw cold water on him let him tar with the same brush :D
never heard of dll and so both file on a system :P:P
:P @Leigh ... he is brave tho to point his fingers at the PHP development team... :P
@Leigh can you please help me
@Leigh I am shocked that someone would do that. Shocked!
man ive been seeing @ELOISSIFIAhmed asking for halp since evening ....... why dont you ask a question on the main site @ELOISSIFIAhmed ...
@GourabNag I dont froce anyone to help me :D
@Leigh Hey, Leigh, you're awesome! *cough*
@ELOISSIFIAhmed I am wondering. what more information do you need? the extensions cannot get loaded. isnt that sufficient info to know that you need to disable them in your php.ini?
@salathe I saw what you did there
@ELOISSIFIAhmed you probably should just contact your sysamdin
@Leigh if I had to guess: copy-pasting from the internet
No doubt about that
@Gordon I dont wanna restart the server coz there is a bunch of websites in the server
then contact your sysadmin
my sysadmin doesnt know shit about that im the sysadmin now
.. that sentence can be interpreted in at least 3 different ways
please use proper english
heil ekin
@ELOISSIFIAhmed so what do you expect us to tell you now? there is no magic way fix your php. if you are not willing to restart your apache, the ini will not get reloaded.
@tereško heh, did you mean heineken or I need a coffee
no, I meant it in german
squatty potty starred again. actually, it's even pinned
@salathe I finally figured out the docs thing to make a commit (Peehaa shared the secret handshake hidden menu). Not sure how to link it for approval
@Gordon If I commented those extensions in php.ini does this gonna affect other websites on the server ?
posted on February 18, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by Rasend van Sinn */

@ELOISSIFIAhmed probably
though I wonder why the other sites run at all if the missing extensions cause the 500
so probably not
And how can i stop loading them
disable them in php.ini
@Gordon I followed the same steps here medium.com/laravel-news/…
@rtheunissen a smart way to reallocate vectors dynamically? rather than using a multiple (or something) of the current capacity? i was thinking to allow the user to customize it through a callable.
@ELOISSIFIAhmed out of curiosity: if you are just trying a laravel tutorial there, why don't you spin up a virtual machine instead of messing with your production server?
deploy it to your vm instead
@Gordon the project is working fine on local i mean homestead
please contact your sysadmin
@ELOISSIFIAhmed so. is there any particular reason you need this on your production host right now?
I have to host that website today or ill loose my job
Maybe you should consider a different career then
im in internship
why would an intern be responsible for handilng as production server, which hosts multiple other projects ?
@ELOISSIFIAhmed ok. so what will happen when you restart apache and something goes wrong? you will lose your job, too?
@Gordon you made my day lol alright ill restart apache
@tereško I guess someone took "fail fast, fail often" to the company level :P
I feel like we are already watching the aftermath of a meltdown
I dont know why people commenting and talking about me if you can't help just shut up and relaaaaax
ugh it's gonna be a hard day
You missed three words...
okay that you for your help yall
does it work now?
@Gordon this server is shit when I tried to restart it it shows an error lol
maybe @tereško's suggestion to call your sysadmin wasn't that bad
anyway. i am going home now. l8ers
25 mins ago, by EL OISSIFI Ahmed
my sysadmin doesnt know shit about that im the sysadmin now
@Gordon he thinks that everything is shit
... of course, with the obvious exception of himself
@Machavity right click the patch in the "patch for review" section, open up the diff, at the top of the tab that opens, there will be a link "Direct link to this patch..."
@ScottArciszewski > *If you choose bcrypt, however, passing a base64-encoded SHA-384 hash to bcrypt is probably a good move*
Why would you do this? base64 encoding provides no benefit here (you're stretching the same "entropy" over more bytes, but there is no gain in entropy, and if you have SHA-384 you almost certainly have access to SHA-512
Never mind, you're avoiding nul bytes
@Asgrim cool...btw this is the first time that guy has pulled requests within 1 day....there's a couple of small things that probably need to be worked on. I'll comment on the lines.
@Danack that'd be great, thank you :)
@Asgrim btw I forgot one thing from the set of instructions for compiling stuff. If you add export CFLAGS="-Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Werror -Wall";
it will help pickup some errors, rather than having to wait for travis to find them. That isn't usable on all code bases.
@Danack link?
@FlorianMargaine why?
@Danack because I'm curious?
I've had an idea for an RFC I'd like to write a patch for; engine-protected immutable classes, maybe something like:

immutable class Foo {}

whereby an exception would be raised if a property was tried to be modified outside of __construct
We need a "number of days since people suggested working on immutable objects" counter.
Yay morning v2
home from work
@Asgrim people were discussing it yesterday - chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/11?m=28807278#28807278 I'd suggest reading that conversation, and some of the others.
I'm staying out of it for various reasons.
tommorow is Frydai and I am excited (as I have vacation afterwards)
Yes @PeeHaa again!
@RonniSkansing what comes after Friday?
ah right; reading up
@Danack Caturday?
> relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
hey guys
seem to be stuck on a simpkle query
anyone know codeigniter?
Is CI knowlegde needed?
rarely is
=) fire the question
k 1 sec
$names = array('Frank', 'Todd', 'James');
$this->db->where_not_in('username', $names);
// Produces: WHERE username NOT IN ('Frank', 'Todd', 'James')
I don't see how I can put the table its selecting from and then use the results
so like my normal query is:
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT username FROM default_usernames WHERE username NOT IN('Fred')");
But I want to use the active records for this now
@RonniSkansing any ideas mate
k thanks
3v4l.org/mdKIe I'm starting to think we have no business trying to translate objects in json to objects in php
@PaulCrovella "I'll take things that have always been true for $600 Alex."
> What was your specialist subject again? Ahh yes, The Bleedin' Obvious.
@PaulCrovella :(
I';m gettting
Call to undefined method CI_DB_mysqli_result::where_not_in()
@Leigh Raw SHA384 hash -> nontrivial chance of 00 showing up
that would lead to hash truncation
$where = array('Fred');
		$query = $this->db->get('usernames')->where_not_in('username', $where);
tried from() too
am I doing it wrong?
curl wttr.in
^ cool ;)
@Leigh it's explained in detail right below that line
@ScottArciszewski Yea kneejerked. I said nevermind, you're avoiding nul, right below where I pinged you ;)
heh sorry, I missed your coment
$where = array('Fred');
		$this->db->where_not_in('username', $where);
		$query = $this->db->get('usernames');
This works
Is this the right way then?
Sweet Jesus lord I hate query builders
Just write some fucking SQL and move on
Dude, nobody wants to understand what they're doing, they just want to get paid
I cannot count the hours I've seen people waste on creating a query that could have been done manually in 2 minutes
@DaveRandom lol
Yes I built the query manually above
but there are reasons
SELECT * FROM usernames WHERE username NOT IN ('Fred');
Not to mention, one-size-fits-all queries produced by query builders are inefficient
I personally find query builders easy to follow/translate
tangent pet hate: people who offload processing to the DB, because the query language supports it
@Asgrim I think I've covered everything. Just wanted to check you get the notifications, even though the PR is actually closed.
@RonniSkansing It's a sore subject at the moment, as I am currently writing something to fetch data from a remote database via soap, by passing a query ID, where the query has to be built in a properly retarded GUI query query builder which produces horrifying SQL, and I happen to know for a fact that the underlying database is fully isolated in its own instance and I effectively have full write access because I can construct DELETE queries
Just give me a fucking SQL socket over SSL and end this madness!
@DaveRandom =) Often how I feel when working the frameworks... like I want to do something simple... but nooo' hh its not gonna be like that
On top of that, the WSDL for the web service has been constructed by hand and doesn't work with any code gen tool known to man
Sorry to hear about your loss of time =)
@DaveRandom oh my
It's the loss of sanity I'm more concerned about
this is what hell sounds like
Q: Reviews using classes and function inside function

Guillermo Andres Fuentes MoralI have the following code class Core { public $notice; function __construct(){ $this->core_function(); } function core_function(){ global $globalvar; $globalvar = $this; function notice_global(){ global $globalvar; return $globalvar->notice; } } function set_notic...

var_dupm() all the things
hahahahhahahah var_dupm()
the right way to do that is to delete everything and never try again
@JoeWatkins oh wow
so many terrible practices dumped together
dupmed together you mean ...
why do newbies always go straight to learning globals
Because it allows them to accomplish more stuff sooner.
At a cost that is deferred until later.
Can anyone recall me why:
php-src-X bob$ ./sapi/cli/php -r 'interface x { function a(...$args); } class y implements x { function a() {} }'

Fatal error: Declaration of y::a() must be compatible with x::a(...$args) in Command line code on line 1
because invariance
i mean, you have to actually search for them. unless the first page in the php manual says "use global variables!!!!!1!!1"
so... can we add global to the deprecations list for 7.1?
@PaulCrovella ummmmmm. no.
global are nice bro... why should we deprecate em'
@FlorianMargaine brml… :-(
@GourabNag because a variable is like @PeeHaa's bottom. ask him if he wants it to be globally accessible
:P @Wes
@bwoebi Yup, but this works:
php -r 'interface x { function a(); } class y implements x { function a(...$args) {} }'
yeah, you can always add
you mean paas doesn't stand for @PeeHaa's ass as service ?
I quit the internet ...
@GourabNag jquery is the only answer
hehehe my stomach's aching for laughing so much... :_)
do you guys take snapshots for your servers after you transfer your content, or after a clean install without any of your project sent?
@GourabNag We've helped him now
Nice welcome :)
@samayo a lot of people do for AWS, where building a server can take longer than you would hope, and to have repeatable deploys i.e. to not be dependant on running yum update and hoping to get exactly the same versions.
"This post has been deleted and is no longer viewable"
I don't know much about AWS, I just use unmanaged vps, and in this case, I am allowed only one snapshot, and I am thinking of taking a snapshot of my clean working server for the reasons you mentioned @Danack
A: signal() and wait() functions for c++ posix threads

Joe WatkinsMake this your mantra: Only ever wait for something ... Waiting should almost always look like this: if (pthread_mutex_lock(...) != 0) { /* something terrible happened, panic */ } while (test-condition) { pthread_cond_wait(...) } pthread_mutex_unlock(...) If the exclusive check...

me ... saying words ...
@Ekin you need to collect 10'000 internet points to be able to see deleted posts
@PeeHaa ohai @PeeHaa :D
@PaulCrovella we probably should start with deprecating static instead
@tereško I guess it can... wait
what else changes at 10k though?
@tereško seems more like a punishment than a perk
golden unicorns arrive at your house every morning to take you to work @Ekin ... also Elvis is there ...
you can change tags inline at 10k too
yeah there's the thing ^
at 10k you can vote to delete and you get notified about chat flags
oh that's nice
so you can have nice things...in the end
well, at 1000 you can see information about up and down votes for a given post
yeah right
can you ever get to see who voted? don't really think so
that's fair I guess
ugh I'm gonna go swim to wake up properly
later all
phil is cheating on me with a hot young dancer type ...
@philsturgeon is it because I can't move like @SammyK, because I can change Phil ? @PHPRoundtable #WillPatchForFoodAndLove
@AwalGarg well, JS arrow funcs and Obj-C caret lambdas (This is the correct link: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/…)
@bwoebi yeah, but the expression closures have closer (the same, actually) syntax to what is proposed in the RFC. It was originally planned for ES4 - then arrows came.
@PeeHaa yet the OP has 11.1 K reputation
@Jimbo oh, how funny.
@bwoebi You not in a good mood this evening? :P
@GourabNag Yeah. Bit crazy right
yeah.... @PeeHaa
@Jimbo I wasted a lot of time figuring out how to install nokigiri with x86_64 arch :-( (well, I succeeded, but it took me an eternity…)
posted on February 18, 2016 by nlecointre

/* by leonzero */

@bwoebi sure you learned something in the process too :)
inb4 all the butthurt fanboys downvote
@Jimbo mhmhmpf^^
gotta go to the css room ... BRB :P
@GourabNag It's dangerous to go alone. Here, take this hands shield of the front-ender
It has come to this...

user2223059So, I am NOT using an AcroForm. There are 50 million things on here about that, and none of them apply to me. I'm doing overlays on a PDF. The document is just something that went through a scanner and was sent to the system I'm running. I'm trying to overlay text and images onto specific points ...

@Machavity :D
That's ^ how I feel sometimes when coding. Too bad I am a terrible stripper
Is there a performance difference between "string" . $var and "string {$var}"? I've only ever seen it concatenated, but recently learned about the curly braces.
@Waxi Doesn't matter.
@Waxi You don't even need curly braces. With double quotes PHP will interpret the string and replace the variable
Maybe there's a performance difference, but my rule of thumb is, if you have to loop over something a million times to find out how many microseconds slower one way is over another, stop being stupid and optimize your SQL queries.
@Ghedipunk That's 0.002 seconds of my life I'll never get back
Haha I was just wondering, I didn't think there was a difference.
@Machavity Good to know! To think all this time I've concatenated unnecessarily.
@Waxi The only reason to use the curlies in a string is if you need to output an array
"$why[foo]"? ;-)
What's your guys opinion on ternary operation (if...else shorthand)? I hate writing an if statement for 1 line of code to execute, but I've been told to stay clear of ternary.
Only use it for super simple things
I always have a ton of code like this if ($desc === '') { $desc = 'N/A'; }; (with line breaks) and it's starting to bother me.
That's because you should initialize it first
Not sure I follow, please explain.
@Machavity Or want the variable to be more visible when reading the code.
$desc = 'N/A';
// fill $desc if possible here
@PeeHaa Wow...can't believe I didn't think of that. Effin' genius.
@Waxi Ternaries are nice provided you aren't concatenating them into a string (poor readability). I use them a lot when I need to set a variable default
$var = (isset($_POST['var'])) ? htmlentities($_POST['var']) : '';
You have a typo in there. It's htmlspecialchars :-)
Bleh. Can't edit now
@Machavity "Ternaries are nice" WRONG.
@Danack they are … depending on contexts. Luckily we have ?? now :-)
@bwoebi the only context where they are better than the alternative is C....
const int x = y ? y : 5;
It allows you to init the variable as a const which can't be done with an if else statement.
no, why is it so bad in any other context?
Nov 8 '15 at 16:39, by Danack
@Abe Having to mentally push things onto a stack to understand code is bad. Having to parse horizontally is bad.
11 mins ago, by Machavity
$var = (isset($_POST['var'])) ? htmlentities($_POST['var']) : '';
That code means that you have to scan across the line, and 'push' functions onto the stack of things you're holding into your head.
not really. That code (with isset) falls more under the "standard constructs" category which are parsed immediately without an expensive parse across the whole line
So why is that inferior to
$var = '';
if(isset($_POST['var'])) $var = htmlspecialchars($_POST['var']);
lol at that markdown fails
Screw markdown
The ternary version of that is easier for me to read... I'd really not have to remember some initial value, then read through the conditions that could change it.
but, hey, i used the right function this time :P
$var = '';
if(isset($_POST['var'])) {
    $var = htmlspecialchars($_POST['var']);
I wish I could bookmark revisions @Machavity :P
@Danack but if you do isset($_POST['foo']) ? htmlentities($_POST['var']) : '' , I'll most definitely not see it immediately. I see isset and then the then-branch
The distance your eyes have to travel when it's written like that, is much smaller distance in total, also has less horizontal movement.
My eyes don't travel at all for a simple ?:
a simple ternary is small enough to fit into the small field of sharpest vision
$a = '';
$b = '';
$c = 'default';
$d = 'default';

if (!empty($_POST['a'])) {
    $a = $_POST['a'];
if (!empty($_POST['b'])) {
    $b = $_POST['b'];
@Danack If I need to scroll a lot vertically, nothing is gained though.
Yeah, ternary is still easier.
And actually, the field of sharpest vision is smaller vertically than horizontally, btw. @Danack
But, the real rule on which is better... What is easier for the maintainer of the code to understand? Doesn't matter if I find it easier to parse simple initialization code horizontally if Danack is the one who's going to maintain it.
Everybody should just write code diagonally because obviously it's the best of both worlds
@PeeHaa you mean like indentation hell? :-D
Yes, but diagonally ascending or descending?
@Ghedipunk both
Like in a > shape
@bwoebi No only half of it
Patch that in please. It's beautiful
In the diagonal parser, would it trim a leading newline from a string literal, or leave it in?
it'd add some of its own
hey guys i'm having trouble with passing a timestamp to my database: code here
, last_update='".$datatable['last_update']."'
WHERE user_id=".$_SESSION["user_name"];
@Ghedipunk so… it must be written to match sqrt(2)? :-)
@AboutLeros You meant to ask "how do I prevent SQL injection" right?
@PeeHaa no
@AboutLeros You sure? :)
Circular dependencies!
Seems that "how do I prevent SQL injection" is the question that I'd be asking, if I shared that query to any of my peers in any context whatsoever...
If nothing else, I'd be getting the answer to that question from everyone standing near me...
I would rather be asking why you search by user_id with a user_name
ok guys i get the point, my code is shit. :P
pro bangers team guys, keep it up :p
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Considering my username is 1 OR 1=1 it doesn't really matter
No, not shit... just inexperienced. There's potential, just as a rock at the top of a mountain has potential.
@Ghedipunk smooth
@AboutLeros Seriously I am going to help you once, but please fix that horrid hole in there
!!canons sqli
Fuck you @Jeeves
Oh jeeeeeeves!!!
@AboutLeros but really, if you'd use parameterized queries, you would rule out sql injection, and you would be able to forget the single quotes without it messing your query
!!canon sqli
Q: How can I prevent SQL-injection in PHP?

Andrew G. JohnsonIf user input is inserted without modification into an SQL query, then the application becomes vulnerable to SQL injection, like in the following example: $unsafe_variable = $_POST['user_input']; mysql_query("INSERT INTO `table` (`column`) VALUES ('$unsafe_variable')"); That's because the us...

print out your query and see what is wrong @AboutLeros
yeah. . . i'm using a UPDATE query :'(
You either screwed something up, something isn't what you think it is or sql injection

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