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Hey guys i'm trying to upload data to a database with php. here's what i've got, but says there is an error:
    if (mysql_query("INSERT INTO `users` (`name`, `email`, `phone`) VALUES    ('".mysql_real_escape_string($name)."','".mysql_real_escape_string($email)."','".mysql_real_escape_string($phone)."')")) {
    echo 'Success!'
    } else {
    echo mysql_error();
@AboutLeros Please format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and have a look at the FAQ.
wow @Jeeves ^ is that automatic? @PeeHaa
[ off-topc ] some people find out when sending an image with mac mail that it reduces the filesize automatically? Oo
no random pings wes...!!
@SagarNaliyapara ok.
Could somebody help me please with "artisan update" please?
I am running this command in xampp/php directory but it says "artisan is not recognizes as a command
@divHelper11 Laravel?
xampp must die
so many questions would not get asked if people would just stop using xampp and use vagrant instead
whats up peoples :)
I have a question for you :)
right gordon
@IgorBirjukov just ask
Best javascriptframework for making REST service??
I want your opinion
just one warning don't ping any people randomly...
I want your opinion then Sagar.
my only requirement is that api must woth with mySql
not MangoDB
@Gordon If I was to guess I would say it's about the interface. Same thing as using console vs Button Interface. I think people don't want to be writing they want to click buttons and make things happen not caring about what they are doing.
@Wes if only it could answer the question too :P
jeeves ex machina
@TiagoMatos yes, but setting up a vagrant box is not difficult. there is premade boxes and phansible.com
@PeeHaa very informative! thanks @PeeHaa
the link
@Gordon I call it the One Click Society. If it can't be done with clicking the 'Next' button then it's not worthy.
What can be wrong,... in the local network our website is showing up as a WHM website gone page or something
when I go outside our network, or use a proxy our site is working perfectly.
I tought it was domain caching but it's already for more then 2 weeks now... ><
What can internally went wrong?
@SergeyTelshevsky kinda. The #teksyndicate channel would count as "not really IT", but yeah, most of the channels are populated by people associated with IT
@Wes Yeah @kelunik implemented it. It will be less trigger happy though once I have pulled the latest version
@Azevedo np
@PeeHaa That message would have been triggered with the new version as well.
@SagarNaliyapara Thank you very much!
@kelunik Yes
@tereško do you remember irc.lv?
I think I was using 1188 server at the beginning
my university (VeA) had .. and maybe still has .. an active IRC room for dorms there
yes, there were many servers at that time, and even small groups had a channel with some people there
What's the approval % on WCWHNT? (As in, what does it mean?)
Quick question, how do you round a number with Laravel ?
Like 4.66 -> 5 ??
this is it all over again
Pretty famous :)
+1 use jquery ...
@Baldráni "computeur" is neither english nor french, for the record
Bobs-MacBook-Pro-2:Amplify bob$ ~/php-src-X/sapi/cli/php _
[Thu Jan 28 14:27:07 2016]  Script:  '/Users/Bob/Amplify/_'
Zend/zend_vm_execute.h(34202) :  Freeing 0x10465A3C0 (56 bytes), script=/Users/Bob/Amplify/_
[Thu Jan 28 14:27:07 2016]  Script:  '/Users/Bob/Amplify/_'
/Users/Bob/php-src-X/Zend/zend_hash.c(135) :  Freeing 0x104660A00 (264 bytes), script=/Users/Bob/Amplify/_
=== Total 2 memory leaks detected ===
@zaq178miami It's not handled as a regular type. It's parsed like the scalar types, but it's not allowed as a parameter type, doesn't have a corresponding zval type, and isn't handled the same in type checking.
I hate leaks …
try {
        $i = 2;
        $a = new class { function __destruct() { throw new Exception; } };
        var_dump($a = [$i]);
} catch (Exception $e) {}
@FlorianMargaine LMAO
@bwoebi I think I just lost a brain
@FlorianMargaine what happened?
@bwoebi I read your code
Just to clarify @Baldráni, you were kidding about the rounding yeah?
@FlorianMargaine that's a specially crafted reproduce case ^^
@bwoebi so what's happening here is that mid-assignment, it's jumping out of the assignment and into the catch()?
@Andrea well, not jumping. It's just not freeing the result temporary when going into the catch after the assign op
@FlorianMargaine jQuery is the Laravel of Javascript...
@Machavity I'd say the other way around, given the chronology :)
@bwoebi ah
result temporary? which is that?
@Fabor Not at the moment but i had a second tough ^^
@Andrea hm? opline->result.var ?
So you know c# but rounding a number is stumping you? :-/
@bwoebi the result of which operation, though?
[$i] ?
@Andrea of the assign
@Fabor Hum I don't really get the point there
@bwoebi ah right, the one that'd be passed to var_dump?
assigns return the value they were assigned to
I was just asking for the method ..
@Andrea yes
Sounds like the kind of thing google could answer tbh. round(), floor(), ceil()
Going to fix that later, I just stumbled over it while reading related engine code that there is a free missing…
@Baldráni rounding numbers is usually not the framework's job...
though number formatting might be
wait, we finally added safe array iteration to PHP 7? when did that happen?
:28413901 Well I'm doing a percentage like that if( reduction / initialPrice >= 10/100)
round(reduction / initialPrice * 100)
@Baldráni Please format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and have a look at the FAQ.
@Baldráni round() is what you want, then, which you could have found by googling
@Andrea It is what i have done ...
@PeeHaa ....^^ that needs a less sensitive trigger....
Since it is what I've posted
@Danack That should be solved once I pull
Best put your lucky pants on then.
I don't know why, but I was expecting something else
That word looks odd to me
@Andrea However why are you arguing I could find this on Google since it is what I have done and I have already posted it as you could see in my code bellow. Some times I just dont get you guys being all sarcastic.
on the Internet I am used to "pants" meaning trousers, despite that not being what British English does
@Baldráni you asked us how to round a number in Laravel when you could've done that yourself
Pants <-> trousers?
^ The same. Partner says pants when referring to underwear
I was expecting Elephant Underwear, which I googled to find an image but felt a bit too much when finding a suitable one.
@PeeHaa in American English, yes. In British English, pants = (male) underwear
so "take off your pants" has a quite different meaning in the US and the UK
english confuses me
@PeeHaa Dutch confuses me
@Andrea That's is kinda good to know. It also explains some rather odd situations
@PeeHaa LOL
though I suppose it's pretty sexual either way
@Andrea Dutch confuses me too :D
@PeeHaa Did you mean your lucky underpants?
I've used "pants" to mean "trousers" for as long as I've been using the word "pants".
@Machavity lol
not me. pants are the outer thing
@Andrea thanks, my original interest was whether we can somehow define from function reflection whether it void or not, but from github.com/php/php-src/commit/366ba4 it looks like it is not something that can be done yet (same as for other types)
!!urban pants
[ pants ] rubbish, no good, bag of shite
@zaq178miami there's support for IS_VOID as an internal return type
yeah. +1 for year long no pants day
I don't know if it works properly for that purpose
British English is ridiculous, American English moreso.
oddly enough Urban seems to back @andrea up
!!urban trousers
[ trousers ] trousers: anther word for pants.
oddly? this is something any british english speaker knows :p
we are some not british english speaker out there :p
@Andrea yeah, I see that, but I was talking about userland code. It looks like ReflectionType and ReflectionFunction do not provide any info about function return type (except whether it is generator func, null allowed in return value or whether return value has builtin type).
@zaq178miami oh, I see what you're saying
@Andrea Are there any plans to add return type info to reflections and whether it is possible from technical point of view?
I meant oddly in that the pants definition on Urban is something nobody expected. I don't think anyone has a slang use of trousers
@zaq178miami I'm not sure if the docs are up-to-date actually, let me check
Speaking of docs, how long before changes are reflected in the PHP docs system?
@Machavity As in "that code is totally trousers, dude"
@zaq178miami docs are out of date, there's getReturnType in the source code
I like to wear my trousers in autumn
$ php -r '$foo = function (): int {}; $bar = new ReflectionFunction($foo);
object(ReflectionType)#3 (0) {
you get a ReflectionType back
@Andrea thanks, and i just found that php.net/manual/en/reflectiontype.tostring.php __toString returns type string representation.
I am still not convinced that people, who wrote the reflection classes in PHP, actually have any clue how their code works
@Andrea and looks docs are ok - php.net/manual/en/reflectionfunctionabstract.getreturntype.php, it just me
@zaq178miami it didn't show up in the class outline page, which is why I thought it was missing. I think I need to fix that
@Andrea, btw, did you faced with something like php: /home/vagrant/php-src/ext/reflection/php_reflection.c:3032: zim_reflection_type___toString: Assertion 0' failed.` during ReflectionType::__toString() from void return function?
ReflectionType::isBuiltin returns false on StdClass. I wouldn't expect that by looking at the name of the method
* NSS error -12286 (SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP) EW who writes cipher like that... >:|
Oh there's a note
@zaq178miami oh dear, that might be my fault
@PeeHaa yeah, all classes interpreted as non-builtin
@Andrea do you need code to reproduce?
@zaq178miami give me a moment
What does isBuiltin check?
@Andrea and i have a bit outdated version (built: Jan 13 2016 14:10:52), rebuilding from master now
just scalar + array?
Not sure if I don't like that name or php's broken type system :P
@zaq178miami ty
@zaq178miami it's my fault, I forgot to update reflection when I added void
@Andrea so we know this now =).
@Andrea btw, thank you for that void type implementation!
how to add WHERE condition in Yii's query builder
@tereško it could be like… a bit easier?!
@tereško I feel the pain
working on Yii right now
Yii 1 matter of fact..
yii1 and yii2 are practically the same
It's nice to not work with such frameworks.
fucking hell
Why do you need that YII?
i thought that was just me crazy, now i know that it's yii
@SergeyTelshevsky its not mine. It was shared by MBriedis on skype
@tereško well, wouldn't it be easier if they'd just parse the sql and eventually translate it? o_O
@tereško everyone says it's not his in these awkward situations :P
@bwoebi I suspect it would be easier to open a socket to mysql server and send the bits to it by hand
I can tell you it definitely isn't.
Can't read that chat.. really.. too much "low stuff"..
I have enough experience with this shitty protocol …
rarely an interesting topic :(
I've implemented it once and it's bad enough in code.
@SergeyTelshevsky I tend to drop by time to time
current status mvn install teh-interwebs
@Machavity you need a framework? Boo!
I wish we had short closures with scope variables copy :x
Hello hi guys.
I want to convert web.config file to .htaccess file. Do you hav eany idea for any online generator
Not sure if troll..
Hi. any guys are listening.
@CodePirate listening to what? Music, birds, ...?
@CodePirate Don't think so. Apparently it only works the other way around.
@CodePirate write one, open source it
Thanks guys for your suggestions. but i need an online converter. i want to migrate all of my domains to linux server. if found any, then contact soon.
Do you gus think my profile image is a little off, for when an employer has to see my SO page?
@samayo Depends on whether or not you want to work for an employer that has a sense of humor.
Yeah, I just picture my future employers as fat cats, and pen pushers ..
If you have ambitions to work for like a huge corporation or a governmental body, you might want to change it.
Wow. Found an use case for preg_replace_callback_array.
@Oldskool yup, just changed
Yeah, that's more neutral.
@samayo what's wrong with you profile pic, that isn't you? :O
Aren't we all code monkeys? ;-)
Ooo cool, can I have a banana? :)
throws a Banana at Naruto
Was thinking more along those lines... ;)
@Naruto :)
Do you know any web.config to htaccess converter tools
@Oldskool @Gordon there are actually some strange people on earth who calculate the bet way to throw a banana :D
@CodePirate you asked that already
yeah i know it, but i desperately i need help.
@Naruto yes, and there is also some people who open the banana at the lower end. can you imagine? crazy folks.
16 mins ago, by Gordon
@CodePirate write one, open source it
@Gordon tbh, eating it from the bottom is the easier way to open it... basically our parents fucked up didn't know when passing this intel to us...
The're also the best way to escape a fart you just released. Though that's kinda handy.
@Naruto yes, or you open it on the side monkeys open it and realize it opens even easier ;)
isn't that the bottom? :P
wait, you guys don't eat the skin?
@Leigh depends on the color of the skin of the banana ;)
Eat the sticker for a little extra boost too.
Hi, @Oldskool
@Naruto they grow up, so I mean the side not connected to the stem. that's where monkeys open them
well that's pretty open for a discussion now isn't it (top/bottom part)? ^^
there must be an ISO definition
Yeah, but you squeeze the bottom and you get bits on your fingers
@Sean how does a your cat open a banana? :P
@Sean depends on the bottom. sometimes you just get a slap in the face ;)
With great difficulty :P
Are there any solid resources out there for learning about caching at different levels?
Guess I can use PHP:TRW as a starting point
@Sean Yes, but they are all cached
@Sean "different levels" is subjective?
@Leigh Point.
(A good one, I mean)
\o/ home!
@tereško have you started working again?
@RonniSkansing not yet
okay, the whole Yii thing earlier made me think that you where back in the con(trap)tion
my roomie downloaded wordpress in laptop
What's the best way to reset a commit to git?
@Duikboot Remove the commit?
I did something as test and don't want it anymore
git rebase HEAD~1 and then delete the line with the commit from the list
Also git reset --hard HEAD~1
the latter doesn't require editing
should I do the same step online?
to the remote branch
because now it says: Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 2 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. :D
( Those 2 i just removed locally ) are still available on the live repo ( fcourse )
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion1.0 time for a new roomie
$o = $o->mutate1()->mutate2()->mutate3();

// or

$o = $o->mutate1();
$o = $o->mutate2();
$o = $o->mutate3();
@Duikboot force push to delete them on the remote branch
:-) and new laptop too
@NorthbornDesign don't mutate?
@FlorianMargaine copy-on-mutate :-)
Sweet! Hmm still those commits are their
@Duikboot o/ How are things going with your test server? All up and running now?
@Oldskool Hi! Yes yes ! It's still a lot of exercising. But it's very nice :)
@NorthbornDesign I've always found that my variables were badly named if I ended up doing this
@FlorianMargaine The former or latter?
Or either?
@NorthbornDesign both
How so?
doing $foo = $foo->bar();
Currently working locally, and pushing changes to a testversion.domain.com
So someone else is able to review the changes.
@FlorianMargaine How is that badly named though?
$request = $request->withContent($content);
Reads fairly nicely.
@NorthbornDesign because it means either $foo wasn't originally $foo, or it's not supposed to be
@NorthbornDesign context?
Or, if you want the original copy intact: $requestWithContent = $request->withContent($content);
@FlorianMargaine Well, immutable structures with copy-mutators basically.
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion1.0 the laptop was yours? (if so, my condolences)
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion1.0 no worries
atm I have a security bug filled with Automattic on WP... it's triaged atm.. abit excited to see how it turns out
how long has it been open?
let me check
it's submitted via hackerone
6 days ago it was triaged with the message "Hi, thanks for the report.
The WordPress security team has been notified and are currently investigating this issue."
Q: The way to PHP MVC design pattern

Mohamed AtaalaIn fact i need the help from the experts in this field,i want to improve my programming skills so i decided to learn PHP MVC D.P , in fact after research i found many of good resourses like Pro PHP MVC and many group of videos on youtube i have a good knowledge in (OOP,basics of D.P[MVC,sin...

ah, only 6 days, that's cool
it's not a RCE and has limited scope for the attacker .. but I think it' still fun
Doing some bug hunting stuff that last 4 month or so.. and it has really been educational
Like.. one of the reports to a vendor was session fixation. When the user logged in a session cookie was set with httponly .. thing was because it had a short lifetime (the cookie) it was possible to set a cookie with the same name on ".domain.com" (via. xss) instead of "domain.com" ... when the cookie expired (the original) it would just use the fake/fixated one instead creating a new.. that coupled with lack of updating the sessId on login and etc.. .. I learned alot from that
@Fabor sounds like the commute would take some time... ;)
@tereško will give it a watch, thanks
@zaq178miami I fixed the ReflectionType::__toString() issue now: github.com/php/php-src/commit/… - I should've done that when I originally wrote the patch, my bad :)
@Andrea Commented. ;-)
@kelunik oh dear. fixed!
Hey room
PHP rooms. Anyone used Node? Thoughts>
yes. no.
What don't you like Patrick?
no as in no thoughts
it installs a great many shit. I somethimes feel there's too much unused code.
I'm just today learning about appveyor
I'm a bit annoyed at you all that you never told me about it ...
it has taken many hours to get as far as a working php-sdk ... I hate windows, so much ...
Hello roomies
!!docs pdo::prepare
[ PDO::prepare ] Prepares a statement for execution and returns a statement object
!!docs pdo.prepare
@Jeeves thanks
[ PDO::prepare ] Prepares a statement for execution and returns a statement object
@Jeeves jeeeeeeeeeeeeves.
6 hours ago, by Baldráni
Quick question, how do you round a number with Laravel ?
Like 4.66 -> 5 ??
WTF I clicked to check it and it seems for real :P
> But we've just proved that we're not working with the source array, right?
Proved looks soooo icky in there @DaveRandom
@PeeHaa Should really use a PHP Javascript engine and use jQuery.
@PeeHaa It's really funny how Google Code got a new design now it's archived.
WTF lol you are right :D
Could somebody explain to me why SplObserver and SplSubject are a thing in core?
Probably done by the same folks that decided on the hilariously inadequate descriptions for the SPL exceptions.
Don't get me started on that
@PeeHaa it's useless.
@PeeHaa Don't ask me why we used those in Aerys. :P
Do you give a shit that nothing in core is namespaced?
@kelunik yep… I removed them because LSP violations we had
@bwoebi Yup, because I said you should remove it because of LSP :P
@NorthbornDesign Yes
@kelunik that definitely wasn't your idea
If "yes", how butthurt are you that nothing has been done about it, and that nobody seems to care?
It would open things up to having sane names both in my userland code as well possibly in php eventually. Like in 10 years or so
@NorthbornDesign I've gotten used to crap up to the point I pick specific crap to whine about
@NorthbornDesign Remind me what the benefits of core being name spaced would be?
@NorthbornDesign Thou Shalt Not Break Thy Most Holy Backcompat
@Danack Sanely named definitions organized into containers of semantic relation?
@Charles alias('SPLFuckingRetarded', '\SPL\Less\Retarded')
Er, the other way round
woo namespacing SplObserver would save 3 characters.......
@Danack SPL shouldn't necessarily be a namespace; bad example was bad.
Or whatever.
@NorthbornDesign Whatever is a really shitty name imo
Yes, that'd probably be best split out into \What and \Ever
\o/ MD faiils
Specific derivations can be defined under \What\Ever or \Who\Ever or \How\Ever
The real benefit to namespacing is to be able to differentiate implementations without the names clashing. That just doesn't apply to most core code where because it's core, it doesn't need to worry about the clashing - let everyone else deal with that problem.
@Danack Fair enough. In the chance I'd want to define something at the top level, it probably wouldn't clash because things are named ludicrously in core anyway.
got blame is such a nice tool :P
I really need update my chat …
@kelunik yes. yes. yes.
@bwoebi PHP 7.0.0-dev (cli) (built: Jun 21 2015 17:08:12) (DEBUG)
@kelunik :-D
Can't update with current deployed code base because of BC breaks IIRC.

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