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5:00 PM
@Abhishrek oh shit :) , let me try to fix that
@SterlingArcher no lol we jus kinda do our jobs
I'd let the air out of your tires for the lulz
id slash your butt for a chuckle
That'd be a good prank... Cause you know how long it takes to pump up my tires... lol
allow only one answer by person (connexion required) < should work
// is there a better way to do this?
callAsync('createOrder', user._id, function (order) {
  return Promise.denodeify(Accounts.resetPassword).call(Accounts, token, password)
    .then(() => Promise.resolve(order));
}).catch(function (err) {
@LanaKane probably like 10 years
@SterlingArcher I try not to fuck around at work
I act completely different
most of it is containing rage tbh
Careful, containing rage is like trying to poo real hard. You'll burst a blood vessel
5:03 PM
just take it out on the new guy
No lie, I crapped so hard one day (sorry tmi) I burst a blood vessel in my eye. Looked like one of my eyes was straight out of 28 days later
Hurt so bad but was one hell of a story
I don't understand people's fascination with that genre of music; Literally every artist in that genre sounds the same, shouting into the microphone as loud as they can until their vocal cords explode
5:04 PM
that description man
> one of my eyes was straight out of 28 days later
@Claies if you hear it as that, it's not for you. Just like how I see country music as the same way
Everybody has their own tastes
@Loktar my cowork (turned ex boss) started crying he was laughing so hard
So embarassing
@SterlingArcher Bad example lol country music is inherently bad. Only genre that is like that tho
5:06 PM
When was the last time you talked to someone who liked country music lol
@JacquesMarais Stop it
I love how people make the "screamo is so generic and bad" as they try to show me how Rhianna or that new "sing the same sentence 100x in a row" songs are better
What's that one song...
5:07 PM
> Baby I'm worth it
Uh huh I'm worth it
Give it to me I'm worth it
fuck that song
I hate that song so much
People don't see the meaning behind the screams
I fucking hate that song with a burning passion
Lok and I do :)
5:08 PM
Oh I'm not suggesting that everyone should have the same tastes; I don't like or dislike country music, or rap, hip hop, etc... I just don't understand why people like it; I actually think that a lot of those artists have great voices, when they let people hear them....
We're music lovers. That's a connection he prolly doesn't have with his wife <3
(Don't fight it bb)
She likes some of it, but not all
we had the same taste in college
then they drifted
i was into old school emo (1999-2000), which evolved into screamo
My tastes got heavier in college lol
5:09 PM
and then post hardcore, ect.
I started out with hair metal then evolved to post hardcore
I used to throw major rage parties when my brother was out of town in college. Oh man the chicks that came.. so many tattoos
when were you in college?
lol man
a decade after me
5:12 PM
@Loktar haha, Dinosaurus Rex
!!youtube Jack White Lazaretto
We had the best sound system on campus. My brother and I took my dads old JBL 10 speaker setup and hooked into his old car sub/amp. We cracked a glass window one night the bass was so intense
lol the last project I was on at this company was a product that was originally launched when I was 3 years old I think
Cops said we couldn't play dubstep anymore after car alarms went off lol but they loved us because we were respectful and didn't let people litter at our parties
5:15 PM
You're so old @Loktar that when you were a kid, the Moon had no crater marks.
@CSᵠ that's because Kendell's mom was too fat for space travel. Those were recent craters from her landing!
cc @KendallFrey #TakeThat
Q: jquery .prop() not working for dropdown with checkboxes

krishI am doing a small project with Mysql as backend, Flask as framework. When I load the page, drop down list should be populated with values from database (onLoading() in my code.When I select "All" option from drop down list with checkboxes(I can select multiple), all the options in the list shoul...

does anyone even use flash anymore?
@Claies I don't see flashes anymore
5:17 PM
Something something guys in the park use flash
How else am i supposed to navigate Rock Tunnel without Pikachu's flash? Very annoying.
@SterlingArcher My mom made a crater in your mom. How cute.
Helluva crater tho
in C#, 25 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
I refuse to deal with software that can't be updated without uninstalling
in C#, 25 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
I refuse to deal with software that deletes its own installer
5:20 PM
@SterlingArcher nearly as big as your mom's belly button hole
apparently about 1000 IT companies living in a cave
your mom at the beach
wow I walked in at the wrong time
@KendallFrey we... we might wanna stop talking about our moms being crater-making close to each other ._.
What about your moms pounding craters into each other?
5:22 PM
@CSᵠ lol
Your mom and me pounding made them actually.
@Loktar is so old, he witnessed both of your moms get born. //cc @ShotgunNinja @KendallFrey
Plot twist, call me grandpa.
meh, no fun
5:23 PM
your mom is so FAT, she's 32
Loktar is so old, the big bang was his orgasm
(afraid few people will get it)
@crl yo mom's so FAT and old, she's 16
5:24 PM
Hello. How can I prevent the multiple digests here ? All I want is a simple calculator jsbin.com/pedafofeyo/2/edit?html,js,output
I get it
@RoyiNamir I though of it, maybe you just need a watch (but I'm a noob in ng)
@Loktar is such a good programmer, as when he was in his 40's he helped Microsoft finish the next Windows
I fixed a bug in mahjong
they ended up not included it with 3.1 though
5:26 PM
I fixed a bug in KSP
well, a mod
i fixed a bug with superglue
But hey, fapworthy
nice @office
5:27 PM
I'm so old I made nocd cracks, megagames.com/fixes/deadlock-2-shrine-wars
lol remember cds for games?
@Loktar We called them pucks
I remember CDs for games
how do you even make a nocd crack
hammer + cd => nocd crack
5:28 PM
@Mosho use a program like OllyDbg
one easy way is to wait for the error window to appear
and trace the code backwards
you can usually find where the check is made and override it, or provide it with a fake value
then just save the new exe, and done
makes sense
^ really simplified vs, they all aren't easy though, but some are
but ain't nobody got time for that
I like games that don't require cracks
Like yo momma
5:30 PM
@KendallFrey I use them now on my old machine because I hate having a stack of cds
I have like 30 games installed.. I dont want 30 cases sitting around, its annoying
The lab instructions are incorrect about SAVE. Welcome to the world of high education, where you're forced to learn things the hard way, that you'll never need to know in real life anyway :) (mind you, knowing how to SPOOL will come in useful) — Jeffrey Kemp Jan 25 '12 at 14:37
It's been 3 years and SPOOL has yet to be useful >=| Y U LIE JEFF
SPOOL is still relevant in Oracle?
@crl Thank you. I was hoping not to use watch :-)
But if there's no other option....
5:35 PM
if you put the computation directly in {{}} it would work though
@Trasiva well, that was 3 years ago.
I have never seen SPOOL in the professional world
Yes but what if I have complicated logic ? I would prefer it to be on the controller.
@SterlingArcher We had some Oracle based stuff back when I worked at the NSA, we weren't allowed to use SPOOL. Naturally I still played with it.
I can see why the NSA wouldn't like you spooling queries lol
save data.sql create;
select * from NSADB
save data.sql append;
select * from StackChatWatchList
save data.sql append;
spool the chat. spool it all!
Oh god.
5:39 PM
@crl and with : $scope.parseFloat = parseFloat; and then in the HTML parseFloat(a+b) ?
So, ASP .NET gridviews are so much fun. I'd almost rather skip my nail pulling appointment.
1 result found:

    user: {{rlemon}}
    threat: canadian
nail pulling appointment..?
1 message moved to Trash can
@AmericanSlime Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@SterlingArcher Yea, as in the torture thing.
5:41 PM
1 message moved to Trash can
@AmericanSlime Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
I thought you were getting a pedicure/manacure
I was like.. go you
@SterlingArcher No, no. ASP is being lame and I'm trying to figure out a work around.
I have forgotten nearly 100% of the ASP I learned in college
I was all about PHP back in those days
@dievardump good idea, but didn't manage to make it work
It's pretty awful honestly.
I mean, it's handy for quick and dirty.
But when you want to get check states on a postback...it's a headache.
5:43 PM
Ahhh yeah, I remember I was very weirded out by the runat attribute to get it to run server shit
WHY ARE YOU YELLING — Sterling Archer 16 secs ago
@SterlingArcher Amongst the other things. THis project should be fucking done.
!!urban caps
oh, infinite loop for her
@crl and with a {{a + b | number }} filter ?
5:51 PM
@dievardump This works but as I said to crl , if I have complex logic- then this is not the place to put it
@dievardump didn't make it work well jsbin.com/cigivo/edit?html,js,output (I like the first way the most)
@Pheonixblade9 I'm sure you had something of value to say in that all caps statement, but partial sentences don't get that done.
Main is making me mad
@SterlingArcher I have a shirt that says that.
5:56 PM
@SterlingArcher I found it in DC when they had a bunch of street vendors.
I'll be going back to DC for the first time since August on saturday
It's so awesome not having to take the train anymore
You know, I didn't mind the train too much for Odenton.

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