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I don't get where this Promise.denodeify comes from
It's not in MDN as a standard part of Promise...
At the risk of sounding like a dumbass, is there a testing environment online grunt tasks or node scripts
@corvid It's a Bluebird thing
Something is borked on my local and I can only run Sync functions in FS
@Plummer Like JSFiddle, but for node?
@SomeKittens yeah
@SomeKittens I am not using bluebird
Runnable always crapped out on me
Has it gotten better?
The terminal would also infinite load, and it would just lose any saves half the time
@Cereal Nope - no one works on that section anymore (and hasn't for ages).
Why doesn't Babel like this js? Taken from MDN
@SomeKittens D=
@Cereal I don't work there anymore
@KendallFrey I have stopped watching porn !
Anyone know why normal fs jobs wouldn't run in node?
I can only run Sync jobs
@Plummer unicorns
I will blow endless Unicorns if that will solve the problem
If Unicorn blood makes you immortal
after you blow them, you can upload your code somewhere so people can help you
Unicorn splooze has to be just as good.
If not better.
Q: node - async functions are not outputting

PlummerRunning v0.12.7 None of the default fs functions are running. Example is fs.readdir grunt.registerTask('commentTest', function (arg) { var fs = require('fs'); console.log('Outside Test 1'); console.warn('Outside Test 2'); fs.readdir('./', function (err, files) { conso...

@Plummer your answer is here: gruntjs.com/creating-tasks search the page for "Tasks can be asynchronous"
@Luggage you glorious bastard.
<- too lazy to answer question for rep on main
hello could somebody help me
@thwildfire Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
If your emergency is medical in nature, call 911.
not for all countries
911 doesnt work
The following is a list of emergency telephone numbers by country. Emergency telephone numbers are short, mostly 3-digit number that can be easily remembered and quickly dialed. Some countries have different emergency numbers depending on services. == AfricaEdit == == AntarcticaEdit == == AsiaEdit == == EuropeEdit == The common European emergency number is 112 (following Directive 2002/22/EC – Universal Service Directive) and also standard on GSM mobile phones. 112 is used in all member states of the European Union, Georgia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Republic of Macedonia, Montene...
please refer to this document
rlemon i will sure
Another happy customer. Feels good.
anyway its not much of an emergency i just wanted some help on how to upload an image using ajax like i have been browsing for hours now
what is your server lang
@rlemon You've played a shitload of Terraria. Can you suggest ways for me to pass the time between fishing quests?
@KendallFrey fish more
Then getting bait becomes a pain
not really.
rlemon im using php with codeignitor
get crate potions
fish for crates
crates contain bait
get fishing gear to reduce bait loss
$("#form").submit(function (ev) {
  var formData = new FormData(this);
            type: $(this).attr('method'),
            url: $(this).attr('action'),
            contentType: false,
            processData: false,

            success: function (data) {

                //$.notify("Advert Saved!", "success",{position:"bottom"});

I'm saving my crates for hardmode
thats my code but i cant seem to capture the image on the other side of things (server)
Q: Codeigniter Ajax Upload image

SimonI'm currently developping some forms for my school project with CodeIgniter. The idea is that I have a form with image upload. I'm trying to do it dynamically with Ajax but it seems not working at all. I tried the non-dynamic version with php and It works perfectly, my images are in my folder an...

At this point I'm really only after Fish Finder parts
@KendallFrey idk. make pots.
mine for pot parts
I'm constantly looking for more potion resources
Is Profile Pic shaming a thing?
Can I not help someone based on their profile pic?
Is that judging a book by it's cover?
Ohhhhh Yea Baby!!
:looks constipated:
Show me. If I judge them, too, then it's ok to.
@rlemon I've pretty much got potions covered with my herb farm
there are many a herb farm cannot complete
!!info terraria
@rlemon Command terraria does not exist.
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: apocalypse
lots of commands didn't make the backup
rlemon thanks
!!tell KendallFrey terraria Crate Potion
got a bunch of those
kinda slacking on crates though
Should I collect as many crates as possible for hardmode, or isn't it worth it to make a huge stockpile?
I'd spend some now
then collect more
What do I gain by spending them now?
I don't think there's any more loot for me
at least not stuff I want
more bait
more bait === more creates
spend crates -> get bait -> get crates back :/
with crate potions you'll net more crates overall
stockpile bait and crates
you can also look up worm farms on youtube if you want
I am amazed how fast Adobe Reader is. I remember the days when it was bloated and slow. (Well, it is still bloated, but it is fast now!)
can anybody help me on this question please
Q: Display no records available in jquery multi select and adjust height of multi select according to multi select records

LearningI am using Jquery Multi-select:http://www.erichynds.com/examples/jquery-ui-multiselect-widget/demos/ Now i want to display "No Records Available" at first when displaying this multi-select Dropdown but this is the problem i am facing: When no records are availablt then height of multi select ...

@Sheepy you sure it's not because your computer is faster?
@CSᵠ No. I compared it with Chrome, Firefox, Reader (Windows), Word, LibreOffice, and a few standalone PDF readers (Foxit and a few anothers that I forget).
good suite
I didnt get its usecase and why it should be used
@Ant's When the form is invalid
Ex. required, pattern are not satisfied
> Default Action
Varies (can prevent a form to be submitted).
@Tushar: Oh
I have never seen that / heard it before!
alert('Ups. It looks like there are a few errors on this page. tsk tsk')
!!> alert('Ups. It looks like there are a few errors on this page. tsk tsk')
@Tushar "ReferenceError: alert is not defined"
@Tushar: Thanks
2 hours later…
Morning Room 17
Some people would like to help me in angular? I suck at getting some basics, jsbin.com/rapovi/edit?html,js,output < this is 'freezing' (makes your cpu run but doesn't seem to work)
@crl Thanks for crashing my tab ;D
Pretty hard to debug a jsbin with an infinite loop
uncheck autorun JS at the top-right
	<body ng-controller="ctrl">
		<script type="text/ng-template" id="node.html">
<ul ng-if="item.children"><node ng-repeat="child in item.children" item="child"></node></ul>
		<node item="o"></node>
.directive('node', function () {
	return {
		restrict: 'E',
		scope: {
			item: '='
		templateUrl: 'node.html'
.controller('ctrl', function ($scope) {
	$scope.o = {
		name: 'Earth',
		children: [{name: 'America'}, {name: 'Europe'}]
@crl That is confusing on several levels
You have an li outside of the ul, the li references the scope element item, which isn't defined, but in the ul you're trying to iterate of members of it, even though item is only defined in the scope of node
StarGate fans : For sure like 4 people wrote teal'c's character
		<script type="text/ng-template" id="node.html">
<node ng-repeat="child in item.children" item="child"></node>
		<node item="o"></node>
let's simplify with this, (no li, ul)
how to trigger teh required field validation manually on some text without a required attribute
@OliverSalzburg you mean <node ng-repeat="child in item.children" item="child"> is confusing?
it should be just doing

<node item="firstChild">
<node item="secondChild">
@argentum47 stackoverflow.com/questions/5688122/… ? checkValidity()
thanks.. developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ValidityState is ok.. I canb do custom validations
so cul
@OliverSalzburg jsbin.com/rapovi/4/edit?html,js,output works with different directives at each level, but I'd like to make it recurse
Q: Does QueueBackgroundWorkItem actually queue background work?

Benjamin GruenbaumWe're running an ASP.NET WebAPI 2 service and we want to log some requests with our logger to email/database. Because it's background work, and because in asp.net I figured we should use HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem to run it in the background. I want my logs to all be in order - ...

Isn't C# kinda like Java, but good?
@ivarni and JS is kinda la C#, but better
@CSᵠ But JS is nothing like Java
@MadaraUchiha stuff got lost along the way, important part is JS > C# > Jabba
@Abhishrek Stopping watching porn is easy. I did it thousands of times.
@MadaraUchiha :P Haven't watched for more than 2 year.
hey just want to ask something
if($usersReviewsCount > 1){
                        $votes = "stemmen";
                        $votes = "stem";
current code is that but when the usersReviewsCount updated the text not reflecting immediately
how to update that automatically without loading the page?
@winresh24 the code you posted doesn't deal with the problem you described
what I mean is that when usersReviewsCount change $votes change also without reloading because $votes currently need to refresh the page to change
Fun coding style question: Which code do you think is "cleaner"?
Hello everybody
@user3697142 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi everyone
@Sheepy Both are bad. The 2nd is a tad nicer, but much messier.
Would it be correct for me to refer to a newly created object as the "Prototype" of its parent object?
@Sheepy Both suck. It's still not clear what's going on.
named variables go a long way.
People in the IRC refuse to answer this question, for some reason.
@user3697142 Nope
How would I call the newly created object?
@user3697142 It's the other way around.
Wonderful. I love this room. :D
@user3697142 newly created object
extension of parent
And the parent is the protoype?
There are two (conflicting) meaning of prototype:
1. The property of functions, like `fun.prototype`, which contains other properties to inherit.
2. The parent of an object from which it inherits properties.
@user3697142 yeah
@user3697142 Object, instance, child, ...
why does my ajax get request works but my post request don't?
@Maurize does your server support it?
you may need a cookie or similar
Thank you towc, Zirak :)
@Maurize Because vague answer.
to use as a key
Of course. Tested it in php -> works.
@user3697142 Enjoy
@Maurize Elaborate "tested in php"
Will do :P
But if I am using an ajax request -> data in server is empty
@Maurize php runs server side, it's allowed pretty much everything
The request returns data.
gives back empty array
function ajaxSet(url, parameter, func){
	var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
	x.addEventListener("load", function(){
		if (func){
	x.open("POST", url, true);
You forgot to set the content type
you didn't set the request header :P
fuck :D
so xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' )
I'm sending username and password
is there a better way to do this regex101.com/r/wA7xX3/1
-> works. thanks guys. What would I do without you
<3 xoxo kisses and shit
@Maurize you would be forced to polish your google-fu which would avoid these questions altogether
1 message moved to JS trash
@Maurize He's right.
Google JS AJAX request -> jquery
seems like vanilla is getting old, huh?
That's the content bubble at work. You searched to much for jQuery.
!!google mdn ajax
> polish your google-fu
nervermind ~
My top three "js ajax request" google results are all about native ajax. The third is specifically about non-jquery ajax, in fact.
@VishnuVikraman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Oh hi @Zirak
@BenjaminGruenbaum ohai Mark
Did you hit her?
I did naaawwwttt
@argentum47 I'll change it to ([a-z]+)\s+(?:(\d{2}),\s*)?(\d{4})
@Zirak we haven't had a beer in a while. Well, I haven't had a beer while you drank coke and gave me judgmental looks about my life choices, anyway.
Also with @Mosho and @MadaraUchiha
don't feel bad, doing coke is only marginally better
@Zirak Girls you've had sex with is hardly relevant to the conversation right now
Also, dating alien chicks?
@Neil So suddenly Benjamin's not the only one having their life choices questioned!
@SterlingArcher Well, they did try to kill him.
@MadaraUchiha SterlingArcher is afk: home
@CapricaSix That's not an excuse.
@Zirak Benjamin's in here? I'm sure I can accommodate him somehow
how send multiple var with socket.emit ? if try socket.emit('password', {'valPass':'This password is available', 'valid':'true'}); => don't work ?
An idée ? ty :)
Updated my bios last night. One of the fixes was a runescape crash.
Felt like I was back in 2004
in reactjs is it possible to bind more than one cb to a single event inline? other than having a function that calls both the functions inside it
> i'm going to become rich and famous after i invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet
saws all of your hands off
By the way, that "Wat":
Already did
@AwaisKhan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix Ha ha
@BenjaminGruenbaum: My "Wat" shouldn't have been moved.
wat is tat
Please check this. Thank you
Q: Fetch values of checkbox from database and populate on page load

krishI am working on a small application. HTML <select id="nodes-select" multiple="multiple"> </select> JavaScript <script type="text/javascript"> document.onreadystatechange=function(){ $('#nodes-select').multiselect({ onDropdownShown: function(event) { ...

Does anyone know if there is a shorter way to declare ES6/TypeScript class with a function that only returns a value? e.g.
// Shorter?
class Foo
  bar() {
    return 'Hello world';

// Not a prototype :-(
class Foo {
  bar = () => 'Hello world';
a class that only return a value, what's the point?
A function*
For example, when you have a bunch of accessors that you want to shorten
Or in my case, to write a React component in 0.13.3 with a shorter render
var Foo = _ => ({bar() { return 'Hello World'; }});
OutgoingMessage.prototype.end = function(data, encoding, callback) {
  if (typeof data === 'function') {
    callback = data;
    data = null;
  } else if (typeof encoding === 'function') {
    callback = encoding;
    encoding = null;
let's laugh at node js together
Q: Fetch values of checkbox from database and populate on page load

krishI am working on a small application. I am using Flask as the framework and MySQL as the database. HTML <select id="nodes-select" multiple="multiple"> </select> JavaScript <script type="text/javascript"> document.onreadystatechange=function(){ $('#nodes-select').multisel...

@BartekBanachewicz isn't that something that is used since years? Replacing arguments when they are optionnal?
@dievardump it's absolutely retarded
@dievardump But Haskell is just better, so let's orgasm together
if it has been used for years and nobody noticed it's terrible then GJ
Why's that?
@Zirak great way to accept criticism. You're fanboying JS harder than I ever did fanboy haskell here.
People noticed, but that's the only solution for this language right now.
@BartekBanachewicz lol CPS
@dievardump it's not. You might say outright "the language doesn't have optional arguments"
@BartekBanachewicz But it does
half-ass broken replacement isn't nearly enough for an acceptable solution for an API like Node
It now does.
@BartekBanachewicz I don't think it's great either, I'm just tired of seeing your arguments.
@Zirak then leave the room.
The language has optional parameters, but only if they're last in the argument list
nobody's forcing you to participate in the conversation.
I do not see how it is "half-ass broken" though.
@dievardump well I'm working on instrumentation mechanism for node.js right now
@BartekBanachewicz My conscience does
btw, this is actually solved nicer in Java with polymorphism. There, I said it.
I agree with you that is a shame to have to do that, but since it was the only way to achieve it at the time it was done, then it's ok.
I doubt the merit of most of the arguments you bring along
but meh
@Zirak then participate on an equal level, because resorting to ad hominems and meaningless interruptions isn't helping anyone
@Zirak You don't bring any.
@dievardump They could've just said "we don't do optional arguments"
He who thinks that it could be done better, should contribute
It would be better in the long run.
Sure, the client code wouldn't be as "beautiful" and agile and smart and web 2.0, but at least the API would be consistent and without hidden traps
@BartekBanachewicz You're right, I made a mistake in engaging you, it won't repeat.
@Mr_Green It's really not about contribution (the changes are trivial); it's about design decisions
yes but mistakes happens..
Besides, a much better solution could be to get into V8 internals and work out custom annotation mechanism
you should definitely suggest that to them
@Mr_Green We've started the discussion from the point "node didn't do anything wrong here". If you both agree that they made a mistake then I'm at least half-successful here.
ok I don't know much I was just trying to say that if you have a better solution then suggest/contribute
@rlemon this sounds like your kind of thing: youtube.com/watch?v=vZqInpk1LNk
that would imply I see value in actively improving node, which I haven't decided yet
Then you're just noise
@ivarni why? Just because I don't want to contribute to node doesn't mean we can't all learn on its mistakes.
just raise an issue and leave it to evolve
who knows it could do better for many devs
to be constructive for a sec here
are there any reasonably small libraries for signature specification that would do the kind of voodoo end is doing?
jsdoc (which is used by multiple tools) might support it
@copy I need that in runtime though.
as in, I am doing heavy argument manipulation
I want/need to own the logic for that
Without preprocessing?
I guess I'll need to add some form of signature description
so this would count as preprocessing / manual reflection data
There was a guy here some time ago who had a project like that
are node.js signatures available in a machine-parsable format?

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