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Make reminders as soon as they come to mind
How can i extract hdrlnk value("sony vaio") with scrapy from the following:
<a href="/sys/5105448465.html" data-id="5105448465" class="hdrlnk">sony vaio</a>
1 hour later…
delete this ^^^^, got it working..
Good job.
But what you really want to do is try to make such good comments that you don't have to ask for them to be deleted. See, like I did here? So good, no deletion needed. :)
Watching The Color of Money
I'll bet it turns out to be green.
When is Tom Cruise going to play the old guy schooling the young one?
Hi, I wonder what will happen with Greece...
after they rejected the bail-out?
The like voting themselves money.
I don't see anyway they'll be able to stay on the Euro
granted my knowledge of economy (particularly European economy) is not worth much
Good night everybody!
2 hours later…
cbg all
Hey up
So I finished the python tutorial from here docs.python.org/2/tutorial as someone suggested here :). Now where do I go from there? Should I look at other people's code on github ? I'm really confused about what I should do now :s
I'd start writing code
Yeah, but what kind ? I mean what should I start with ? I've done some basic stuff like solving different kinds of math problems and all , is there any place I can get some ideas?
The internet.
There are literally tens of thousands of things you could do.
Pick a problem and research it.
I'm a complete beginner though,so will this help me get acquainted with all the obscure modules and stuff in python?
Maybe. Maybe not. You won't get acquainted with everything though as there's far too much.
Ok.Thank you!
It takes years of work just to fully understand the stdlib, never mind 3rd party libraries
@VatsalMishra I really got going once I had some real stuff to work on; in my case it was an online multi-user text game. Called a MUD (multi-user dungeon), once you reached the highest level you could graduate to become a coder, and I went from small experiments on my home computer before to full-blown maps and monsters.
(that was before Python was even invented, the MUD was called KoBra, the platform LPMud and the language LPC).
I will check it out! Thanks a lot! :)
Yeah I think the best way is to find a problem you're passionate about and look into it. Research it and find what has been done before. If work has been done then try to understand it and think how you'd improve it. There's always improvements to be made. Or write your own thing to solve it.
Point being that I had something to be passionate about and code for.
I'm pretty sure that's when I learned vi as well.
cbg all
Hey up
cbg Jon
heya @FastSnail
i want to know how compilers read source file ??do they use regex as we do??
yo bobby g
@vaultah tnx that is a nice one
Should be an interesting Monday...
cgb @Poke
I'm arguing with people about the Grisis on Quora. How has my life come to this?
Sounds like you're having a... mid life grisis...
/me groans
Yes! Welcome to my Dad jokes parlour :)
@Ffisegydd possibility of a job in Andover
Which it turns out isn't in Germany
Two flies were sitting on a turd having dinner... one of them farts, the other says: "do you mind? I'm trying to eat here..."
(there's one for the parlour!)
I've been contacted about multiple jobs in Andover.
That's just crude Jon, jeez :/
Blame Dara O Birian
@VatsalMishra I imagine that someone suggested the python 3 tutorial, located here: docs.python.org/3/tutorial/
Hah, touche.
@RobertGrant What's the Grisis?
Two nuns are driving along when a vampire jumps on their bonnet! They try and swerve but nothing will shake him off. Finally, one nun says to the other: "lean out the window and show him your cross!" "Good idea!" says the other nun, so she leans out and screams "GET OFF THE BLOODY BONNET!"
Is the that same as the Grexit or the Grefault or the Gruck-up?
Or the Grome-on, pay your grebts
@RobertGrant “Andover” sounds very un-German to me
Yeah I think it made me think of Hannover or something
The most amazing part of it is people say that then creditors shouldn't have lent money, so they're just as culpable, and don't get that as well as that, the Greeks got money and the creditors gave money
It's actually bizarre how they focus on small elements of it, or try and relate it to emotional situations such as "it's like your parents letting you stay at their place free, and then kicking you out" to twist a relatively simple (though difficult) situation
Anyway. Money, eh? Who needs it?
@RobertGrant People. For goods and services.
I assume that the greek thing is as geopolitical and ideological as it is financial.
does SO give me a tshirt after hitting 100k?
@tristan woohoo!
wants a peanut
Just a single peanut? You're easy to please :)
I'm trying to work out if @tristan was quoting Homer's brain
@RobertGrant I don't understand the reference.
I can't get on youtube to check if it's the best link, but hopefully this will explain :)
@Robert there's also that Family Guy one with Peter's last neuron or something :)
When Lois finds out Peter's a musical genius, but only when he's completely off his trolly with beer ;)
Oh yeah I remember that episode :)
Hey guys, did you know that space programs are intensely interesting? I started working on a talk and wanted to use some aeronautic examples and instead spent about 12 hours reading and looking at pictures of satellites and rockets.
Example: Did you know that during the 70s, NASA pressurized its cabins with pure oxygen, while the RFSA used an oxygen/nitrogen mix meant to be pressurized at near-sea level?
I guess we do now... :p
Space is fun.
nice, now they opened an airport train in helsinki, one can buy a single train ticket from helsinki airport to moscow (alas no direct train but a 8 minute strip in another)
I did not know that. Pure oxygen sounds... Explosive. To be hoped no electrical faults there.
@AnttiHaapala How long is the trip?
@JRichardSnape Yeah, that actually caused issues. I think it was Apollo 1 in which the doors opened inward and the astronauts were killed.
Yeah I thought you needed (small amounts of) C02 to stimulate your breathing reflex
"8 minute strip" - umm... sounds interesting... :)
I am prescient fir the 1970s
nighttrain to moscow
13 hours
helsinki - pietari is little short of 4 hours
@AnttiHaapala Do you know if the trip is scenic at all? I'd consider taking it next weekend.
@AnttiHaapala Very interesting, thank you for sharing. I'm in Petersburg now.
see around 18:00 for exmaple :D
not very scenic on the finnish side :D they're cargo railroad routes, not some sightseeing tours
Still interesting. I think trains are a more humane way of traveling than planes.
yeah, no ass probing
lower chance of exploding in fireball of death, too
so you're coming to finland:P
I am going to france since it is too damn cold here :d
More room, a way to avoid screaming children, safer, treatment like people instead of cattle.
and a chance to get up and go drink beer
The number of times I'm standing with everyone else on a plane, the thing rocks and everyone starts defecating....
the allegro is a modified italian pendolino train
Possibly coming to finland. I'm taking a week off right now, but next week will be stress in trying to finish content for a talk and work.
allegro I haven't travelled, but the pendolinos used by the finnish railways...
they have 6 cars in 1 unit
and about 4 toilets
I'd hate to come to finland, only to stay inside in front of the computer the entire trip.
and all of them will clog at the same time
hmm no python meetups at this time :D
meetup.com/HelPy-meetups <- you should pop in a helsinki python meeting if it happens to be within your timeslot
I don't speak any Finnish -- I'd feel incredibly rude showing up and expecting everyone to tailor to me
So show up and don't expect that :)
Hi all
hi @Dania
Is there anyone who has experience with Tkinter?
@Dania just fire it up..
Thanks Avinash, I've a asked a question, but didn't get an answer yet, can you please help me find the answer, here is the link, stackoverflow.com/questions/31241112/…
@Dania please see sopython.com/chatroom
In particular, please don't bring recently asked questions to the room.
My apologies, I didn't know this before
No worries :) Unfortunately we have the rule because, in the past, people would come in, throw their question, and then never return (not that I'm saying you'd do this :D)
If in a day or two you still don't have an answer, feel free to come back and link it/ask around/etc.
You're right, it's a good rule :)
Ok, I will wait for sometime, if I didn't get an answer I will come her again. Thank you.
Awesome, good luck with getting an answer.
Thanks :)
@RobertGrant I need small amounts of caffeine to stimulate my breathing reflex these days
@Ffisegydd starting the distributed ML course today on edx
Sounds awesome Bobby G :)
Caveat: I know this is insufferably lazy I thought I'd try out EdX. How's it work Robert? I have a confusing screen that says I am enrolled, but do I want to "pursue a $50 certificate" or "audit the course". Can I just do the stuff for free, or do you have to take on one of the options? If so, should I "audit"?
Audit, yep
The $50 thing is basically so you can have a certificate that says you passed the course that doesn't even show your mark on it
OK - it would appear that I am now auditing the course :)
It's also electronically tied to your account, so easier to verify for potential employers etc
Yeah I think it's an American word for doing it without being enrolled
@Ffisegydd yeah true
TIL Americans spell enrol, enroll. I don't know why this continues to fascinate me
The guy narrating this course is much better than the last guy, who was clear but somehow soporific
Anyhow - it's not something for the CV, TBH, just for general interest, so no need to have it verifiable by a court of law.
Need to get some reports out - rbrb for a bit
cool - thanks both
@JRichardSnape yeah same
Apart from the cert it's exactly the same course.
If all I have is an intro to ML cert from an online course then I probably shouldn't be hired
Ah, unsurprisingly, there's always the option to pay them $50 upgrade my enrollment, should I wish to have a certificate :)
Indeed :)
Last course they graciously extended the period in which you can do that :)
I did a few complexity MOOCs with the Santa Fe institute. They were far more hippy about it, but still gave ample opportunity for anyone to hand over some cash. They were very good, by the way, if anyone wants to learn a bit of chaos theory, fractals, bifurcation etc.
There's so much free knowledge out there now :)
I want to do an economics course or something
I did some Khan Academy on financial stuff for job interview prep.
Is that pay per view training?
As in do you have to pay to access the content?
No it's all free.
It's just video-only rather than a set course with coursework.
Huh, cool. Do you mind sharing links? I wouldn't mind doing some financial course stuff
They were quite well done, basically a guy with a blackboard app drawing in the video and explaining as he went.
Awesome, thanks
Wow they zoomed through some matrix stuff I haven't seen in a good long time. I'm probably going to rewatch that
hello everyone, I have a question regarding Python and Imaplib. I want to fetch my Gmail conversations using Imaplib,

provides following list of UIDs


If in the above Thread I have to find that How many mails I have sent and how many mails I have received, Is it possible?
I can fetch UIDs using Thread_ID as I shown above
@arshpreet you might have better luck if you post a full question on SO with your example code.
Sure,,, Here is my example Code.... pastebin.com/CsyDBLee
@arshpreet That's not what I said. I meant you should ask a question on Stack Overflow itself.
Yes I want to post there but in this ID I am blocked by SO, :( Tried with posting with new ID but no one replied. :(
1. If you've been question banned, making a new account is not a good way to get around that. 2. The fact that you've been question banned doesn't invalidate the fact that this would be better asked in the main site. 3. If you've asked a question then you have to give people time to reply and answer to it on the main site.
Thanks for the guidelines, Is there any way that this chat can also be helpful? (I mean if I can make my question/curiosity more precise)
Well you can ask questions here, it's just that there's maybe 20 people in the room (and maybe 10 people reading at the moment). There's 100s/1000s of people online on the main site though.
So you will reach a much larger audience on the main site.
As such I'd make sure that the question you've posted on the main site has all the necessary detail.
Well thanks, I will also wait here to hope for best. :-/
By the way - if you want to lift a question ban - here is what you can do when you're in that situation:
Q: What can I do when getting "We are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account"?

ArjanDo not repost the question you were about to ask until you have READ EVERYTHING WE ARE ABOUT TO TELL YOU. While trying to ask a question, one could get: We are no longer accepting questions from this account. See the Help Center to learn more. Likewise, for answers: We are no longe...

No guarantees, but it's a good list of steps to follow
@arshpreet Your Honey account has been deleted - as @Ffisegydd says - don't create new accounts to avoid a Q-ban - instead - read meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/255583/… as to what you need to do to get your current account out of a question ban instead.
side note. I have just answered a question on type erasure in Java. My brain needs a wash. Give me some good python to chew on...
I improved my answers+questions , I will look more I can do,,Thanks for help+support guys,
Is this good place to discuss Algorithm of For fetching using Imaplib?
It could be. Are you trying to improve your answer on this question - stackoverflow.com/a/31160516/838992 ?
Or work on it?
(Another manic mondaaaaaaaaaay)
If I were you - I'd also have a look at whether you could reword a question of yours that was somewhat downvoted to make it more specific...
cabbage @IntrepidBrit <80s bangles guitar crash>
wonders if it was the bangles or whether memory has once more failed him
Quick question on Python (3) and the GIL. If there are two threads:

1) Will be blocking (pending Ethernet connections)
2) Will be blocking (pending serial connections / communications)

Is it possible that they can lock each other out - with respect to the GIL? Or has that been fixed in more recent versions of Python?
cbg @kevin
I'm recommending that we should be using the multiprocessor module rather than direct threading, but want to make sure I've got all my ducks in a row before committing it to official correspondence
@JRichardSnape I think that's right ^^
@Kevin wow - early for you isn't it? :p
pass @IntrepidBrit, sorry. I think that would require more research on my part than I can put in right now. Reckon someone round these parts must know, though
@JRichardSnape I am doing similar work so I answered there, But I guess their requirement is bit different
@JonClements Traffic was good today.
cbg @PM2Ring
Cbg all
Kevin, I just saw your answer to that tkinter question. I didn't realise that tkinter doesn't allow you to specify args for callbacks. That sucks!
One small doubt
Why is that we can use file.read()
only once
@JRichardSnape Thanks though.
As per the doc
morning everyone
@VigneshKalai because you've read to the end of the file.
@PM2Ring Ideally they would take a page from threading and let you do command=f, args=(x,y,z). But no, you need lambda trickery
It moves to the end of line how to make it come to the start
Again Sorry if it silly
file.seek(0) should to go the start UNTESTED
Anyone know if it is possible to change speeds of animations on mac OS X?
@arshpreet OK. Well - I would say - your approach in that answer is fair enough if you can make the statement that it is not possible to get all the message uids for multiple thread ids given the gmail api. Note - I'm not an expert on the gmail api, so you'll have to find documentation to back up that statement yourself, although it seems to me the OP has almost stated that in their own question
ooh. Too bold
@Ffisegydd Worked like a charm thank you
We need an emoticon that succinctly describes "What I just said is untested, use at your own risk!"
@Ffisegydd ☠ ?
(You might need to zoom in)
Basically I wanted the results like this: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32435266/Graph3.png..... So I thought If I could Fetch Conversations and make some checks on each thread-reply, check like 1, Replied in 5 mintues, 2. Replied in 1 hour, 3. So on.....
@JRichardSnape yeah, That seems cool..
@Ffisegydd ISO standard warning signs have you covered:
                     .YXi       .i1c.
                    .YC.     .    in7.
                   .vc.   ......   ;1c.
                   i7,   ..        .;1;
                  i7,   .. ...      .Y1i
                 ,7v     .6MMM@;     .YX,
                .7;.   ..IMMMMMM1     :t7.
               .;Y.     ;$MMMMMM9.     :tc.
               vY.   .. .nMMM@MMU.      ;1v.
              i7i   ...  .#MM@M@C. .....:71i
             it:   ....   $MMM@9;.,i;;;i,;tti
We can appropriate the "hot surface" sign, reinterpreting the heat waves as stink lines, to indicate bad code.
Sorry for the spam - I just had to!
The sign is also good for warning users of innumerable tiny snakes
The only problem is I might touch that surface in case it's a palm-based neural interface, a la the Foundation series
I propose \(-___________-;)/
If there is an autocmd in vim bound to a key, is there a way to find out what it is?
Touch all palm-based neural interfaces with the back of your hand first, just in case it's actually a flattop stove
I guess technically a flattop stove could easily interface with my nervous system via my palm
I think Kevin's sign is CodingHorror ducking behind a wall to avoid being plucked from earth by a giant.
Haha amazing
there definitely needs to be a warning for that
Maybe the giant is trying to save him, as he's fallen farther down the trap door than usually depicted.
CodingHorror at t=500ms, as opposed to the usual t=100ms
@Kevin In GTK, the callbacks take user params as optional args, like this: def callback(widget, user_param1, ...). I guess using a keyword arg for them would be a little cleaner, though.
@Kevin :)
Untested code should have a gif like those tacky "under construction" stick figures, except they're looking at colored fluid in a science flask.
And if you watch the gif long enough, the flask boils over and explodes.
Hey, the event organiser for jsinsa just contacted me to let me know there's a spare ticket!
And it's 5 minutes away from our flat
Go show off your mad D3.js skills.
Yeah I'll just introduce myself as Mike Bostock :)
What could go wrong?
I'm Mike's younger and more talented brother, Bob Bostock!
Can you append methods to a single instance of a class?
You can do anything if you believe corvid! Apart from work with unicode in Python 2, that sh** is messed up.
@corvid My gut says no.
You can assign functions as attributes to an object the same way you could with any other type. But the self magic won't work
My gut says "feed me". My keen intuition thinks it may be possible, but the self stuff won't work, so you'll effectively make a staticmethod.
class Fred:
def f(self, foo):
    print self, foo
x = Fred()
x.g = f
#expected output: <Fred instance at some_memory_address>, 23
#actual output: TypeError: f() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
class Crow(): pass

corvid = Crow()

def caw():
    return "CAW!"

corvid.caw = caw

print(corvid.caw()) # CAW!
So I guess it depends on what you mean by "method"
Akin to _.extend(myObjectWithFunctions, { myFunction: function () { ... }) in javascript in a way, but that's not really a "class".
I wouldn't be surprised if there was some kind of extend equivalent, nestled somewhere in the stdlib
I've just been doing javascript for too long :\ I just got my business card too and it says "lead software engineer". I had no idea I was the lead of anything
Does it maybe mean that you're on a lead?
(Assuming that Americans know that the term "lead", as a noun, is synonymous with "leash")
Hmm, only lead engineer? Let me know when you get to Invictus Dominus Rex Engineer.
Psh, you silly British folk with your polite sounding words. Like "Give Way" instead of "YIELD"
@corvid Yes. Take a look at the answers to Adding a Method to an Existing Object, especially the stuff about types.MethodType() in stackoverflow.com/a/2982/4014959
I only hire invincible god kings to manage my point of sale app, TYVM
Pontificus Maximus of the Programming Department
@corvid it does make asynchronous programming in Python a bit laborious, yes
Ah PM you're always so helpful with these things
give way from
Thanks, Corvid.
Just had the best name idea for my secret "Dark Dark Council"
@corvid not too long ago you were asking advice about jobs, and now you're a lead dev, making hilarious jokes, etc. So proud.
"Adeptus Serpentes" (yes I was bored at the weekend and reading the 40K wiki)
Yeah that thing is pretty addictive
It's no tvtropes, but it's good
@RobertGrant kinda surprised because I'm never quite sure how much the average programmer at my level knows
The story of 40K is pretty fantastic, such rich detail.
@Ffisegydd Do I get an invite? looks longingly
Quick! Read the Inner Ring!
wb @Morgan
Is that a new avatar ?
@JonClements Thanks!
The dark dark council is so secretive, members don't even know who the other members are.
Ffisegydd just wrapped anonymous invitations around some rocks and hurled them far into the distance.
This is nicely self-selecting, since we don't want any members of the club that can't handle a little head trauma
The dark council is so secretive members don't even know what the dark council is

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