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2:01 PM
cool, that works :)
thanks for the help, guys
posted on April 17, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Thomas */

now I have to figure out why IE is not showing the circle loaders...
@TylerH have you made any progress yet?
So console.log(0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3) returns false.... Why even live?
floating point arithmetic, yay
2:10 PM
@GNi33 does it do that in all languages?
Q: Is floating point math broken?

Cato Johnston0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 -> false 0.1 + 0.2 -> 0.30000000000000004 Any ideas why this happens?

this is actually a pretty good explanation, if you care about it
@DarkAshelin yes. unless languages implement an arbitrary precision math lib
in php there's php.net/bcmath
java has BigDecimal and BigInteger
@GNi33 the answer on that question explained it pretty comprehensively
js sucks ballz
@DarkAshelin yep
2:31 PM
how do I hover the Preview (hover) image directly over my image or even better in the center of the page? jsfiddle.net/8banyzmL
is the popup fixed size
whats this for visibility: visible;?
@Phreak visibility: visible = setting element to visible.
2:36 PM
something like that?
got it of dynamicdrive
oh why not use display:none? what would be the diff @worf?
Unlike display:block or none, visibility only hides or shows elements, without changing the structural display.
^ that
@OsmondStudio thank you.
2:38 PM
plus you can animation visibility
ty @Worf
ah, yes.
guten abend
wie heist du?
2:38 PM
@Phreak where did i say to not use o to do use display, or even visibility
@worf i was just reading jojos code.
thought you would know :)
I sense a disturbance in the force..
@Phreak Ich heisse Mike. Wie gehts?
err... wrong person
@mikedidthis I saw your theme at ThemeForest. Nice work.
Was going to say that to mike, lol
@Phreak i don't think it makes difference in this case
2:39 PM
yea not my theme
codepen.io/anon/pen/gpYMPb.html Why the text This is green box is visible? when the greenbox is suppose to be behind red box
@OsmondStudio up key to edit previous messages :D
@OsmondStudio but thank you
thanks for the info
visibility:hidden elements can't be clicked through anyway
tag team it with opacity :D
2:40 PM
someone upvoted me randomly
who was it
crap I dont like this.. this is gonna be too hard
@OsmondStudio thank you :D
ah, up key is pretty useful
i have a fan?
@Mr.Alien ?
@Worf lol
2:42 PM
cause gonna need to be able to hover over one and be able to have your mouse over the hovered one: jsfiddle.net/8banyzmL/3
so if it is at the top of the grid maybe show the hover below, but if at the bottom of the grid show the hover above
gonna need JavaScript for position I bet
and my second question is, How do I create 3D type boxes? for same red blue and green
Can somebody help me on this?
what have you tried?
!!google 3dbox css3
2:48 PM
@CapricaSix you are my favourite
Before that I would like to know: Why the text This is green box is visible? when the greenbox is suppose to be behind red box as per this code codepen.io/anon/pen/gpYMPb.html
@overexchange because its a block element: codepen.io/anon/pen/LVPZRq
You haven't told it to sit behind anything.
I told, because redbox goes 1 level up when I say float-left and then similarly bluebox
now greenbox has to go behind red, if I do not say float-left
you can confirm that by setting
may be I will raise this query in SO
and proceed further
I don't know what you are following, but I think you have been told incorrect.
If that is important, than you should explicitly set it
@overexchange the z-index is the same, so you shouldn't make any expectations on which is on top of what
3:01 PM
float takes the element out of the document flow, but should only really so an effect on its parent element: codepen.io/anon/pen/aOoZJR
Notices how the pink box doesn't contain the two child elements?
If you want something under another element, you want to use position: absolute; and z-index.
I have a question about LESS. Let's suppose that I can have infinite nth-child items. can I do something like "for each nth child, spin the colour -30?

So however many there are, the first one spins -30, the second -60, the third, -90, etc? Or do I have to write out each nth child?
@Mr.Alien Are you here?
I need your help
This code codepen.io/anon/pen/EjYyvd.html does not move red box after saying left:100px but my online udemy tutor is able to
@overexchange you should take some time and learn css basics
3:16 PM
@overexchange position:left isn't valid
@overexchange You probably mean position:absolute
and id="" not id = ""
ah that was typo
want a good tutorial link ?
for css?
for html and css
3:18 PM
It doesn't really need 30 days
but he covers pretty much all the basics
@overexchange: I'd go for codecademy.com/tracks/web for learning
@Worf wut
are these paid courses?
@overexchange sorry bro am just packing up, other folks will help you, am noob
3:21 PM
@Kitler why not id = "? isn't it the same as id="? (without the spaces)
@overexchange: codeacademy is free (as far as I know)
@Mr.Alien one quick question, does positioning also raise one level up like float?
sorry if I missed something or the link was updated
@AlvaroMontoro not sure how the browser parses it but that's invalid html
@i7nvd doesn't look like it
everything I see forces you to specify the iteration count
3:23 PM
@overexchange depends on what position you are using, also you will have to check out z-inde
@overexchange the course i linked you to is free
@Mr.Alien the courses are not teaching in a way I shown in yesterday the screenshots for float.
@Kitler The w3 validator considers it valid
thats the closest thing I can find just messing around, all I did was fork someone elses and add the spin
3:24 PM
@Loktar Okay, I'll check it out. Thanks
yeah np
@Mr.Alien 3D view actually makes sense to understand css float and positioning
@AlvaroMontoro vOv
@overexchange: see the comments in this fiddle
it uses 'display:inline block' to put them next to each other.
@Loktar That was a big help. I just don't know all the functions/syntax for LESS.
3:29 PM
@Kitler webdesign.tutsplus.com/courses/30-days-to-learn-html-css is good to go for writing production code? I think I can complete this in 2 weeks
@i7nvd awesome glad it helped
I'm going to delete it, I hate having forks on my main CP account lol
@Loktar Do you know how I can do the following? I know this syntax isn't right:

@Mr.Alien may be, can you come up with a video on youtube for such explanations?
I want to start i at 0 so that my nth-child(1) doesn't spin at all
(i.e. spin(@header, 0);)
hmm not sure, you could always start the loop at 1 instead
heh that loop goes backwards it looks like
3:33 PM
.legend-color (@i) when (@i > 0) {
&:nth-child(@{i}) {
&:before {
background:spin(@header, @i*-50);
so I guess @i > 1
Ah, okay
I didnt even notice it was loop backwards
spin can go up to -360 – +360
.mixin-loop (@i) when (@i > 0) {
  @curI: @i + 1;
  div:nth-child(@{curI}) {
    color: spin(@color, @i*30);

  div:nth-child(@{i}):after {
    content: "@{i}";
  .mixin-loop(@i - 1);

something like that could work too I guess, have a temp variable that you assign the i value to + 1
3:36 PM
That's a good point
I did @i > 1 and set an initial background color
@Kitler looks like this tut is very informative and helpful for writing real world applications. thank you
@Kitler my plan is to learn html/css and then javascript/jquery and then php/mysql
complete web stack
Because there is more demand for UI dev and complete web stack developers
@overexchange the demand isn't just for people who have used these technologies once or twice though
we interview tons of inexperienced devs
the demand is devs who can hit the ground running, which are much harder to find
that would also depend on general programming skils
3:51 PM
yeah definitely
if you get some good solid programming skills you are much more useful
alot of times we can look past people not knowing X new shiny thing
as long as they have a solid foundation
@Loktar what are the most required X that you look for
here... javascript knowledge honestly
I guess it depends on particular position, but in general
everyone says they are an expert
but then when you ask them to do something simple they flake
yes, but any library/framework in particular?
3:52 PM
no, if you are good with vanilla thats what we look for the most
we have been looking for front end devs in particular though here
I think everyone is looking for Front-end devs 0o
we are precious
haha yea, as a front end dev it sure is easy to find a job :)
but how is the offer really?
3:54 PM
@AlvaroMontoro pay?
no, I mean, the population of front devs
I imagine its super high? I presume back end devs could class themselves as front end devs?
what shape is it in?
frontendmasters.com/courses thsi could be better place to learn javascript @Loktar i think one has to have an idea of programming using dynamic language like javascript
as you said, everyone is an expert here
3:56 PM
@AlvaroMontoro egg
I'm pear-shapped, that's close enough to egg, no?
@AlvaroMontoro who said that? :D
i come from back moved to front
i sucked at back lol
4 mins ago, by Loktar
everyone says they are an expert
@AlvaroMontoro haha, yeah. I think only real experts would say they are not?
3:57 PM
the thing is that I've found many so called front-end that were barely able to put a script together
and the general impression that I got is that there are many
but the percentage of good ones is not that big
yeah, to be fair the scope of front end has exploded over the last few years.
@AlvaroMontoro which is completly true thats why many front-end jobs start off as contract.
@AlvaroMontoro Are you talking about lack of programming skills? when you say: barely able to put a script together
posted on April 17, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by 40raw */

4:10 PM
@overexchange It's more of a general thing
I was working with a group of front-end developers that didn't know what jQuery was
and I'm not exaggerating on that one
the project was all done in plain JS because they didn't know jQuery
and they didn't seem interested in learning it either
so you mean, one is suppose to know, what jquery is?
programming skills has nothing to do with knowing jquery
Who doesn't know jquery it makes JS so much easier there dummies
seem like back-end folks :)
but with jQuery being used in a high percentage of web sites
and making JS easier
knowing how to use jQuery and some plugins is greatly useful
Anyone that knows vanilla javascript should be able to pick up jquery..
i think ur working with people that don't like change.
4:15 PM
@AlvaroMontoro Do you know some javascript courses that I can work on?
I don't know any at the top of my head, but I'm sure that the ones from MDN and w3schools are good starting points
oh know don't start the w3schools debate !
@Phreak LOL, I knew it was coming
there are only two things you can't say here 1- php is a good programming language 2- w3schools is a good starting point for learning
eek ugly typo oh no*
4:23 PM
oh know!
lol shush!
@overexchange yeah those courses are awesome!
I have a sub I need to watch more of them
I'm running into the same issuse as this person blurry text chrome when doing a transform codepen.io/Vestride/pen/CvBrw
backface-visibility doesn't do much
@mikedidthis if () or if() ? somefunc (); or somefunc(); then ? }else{ or } else {?
@Worf give a fuck :P
4:34 PM
:| that was me
what happened to you
I learned from you :D
ternary if possible, but if / else
I found php if / else odd
4:36 PM
i wasn't sure about the spacing anyway :P maybe wasnt clear
<?php if (condition): ?>

html code to run if condition is true

<?php else: ?>

html code to run if condition is false

<?php endif ?>
@mikedidthis I've never used that notation for an if/else on PHP
@AlvaroMontoro wordpress :|
oh that's not php, that's wordpress
it should be:
<? if(condition) { ?>

<? } else { ?>

<? } ?>
but wordpress is a magic world where programmers love to write more
5:04 PM
here is my plan as a beginner for webdesign course after some findings on internet, please review it and provide feedback..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ggh_y-33Eso html in 15 minutes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDyJN7qQETA html5
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMVqcTNsCrE xhtml
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-rTKuEhrCM&list=PL07454EA7FF8D28AB css tutorial
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cLvpJY2deo&list=PLBA965A22D89CF13B javascript tutorial
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l21g8dJmD7U&list=PL40BEA45C3DFF5EF4 webdesign and programming (php/sql/mysql/jquery/wordpress themes/pugins)
all videos are crap
I dont think so
I do :)
@ZachSaucier you viewed them all?
no, I'm saying videos to learn programming are crap
5:05 PM
.@DenzelMichaelUK we heard about ur recent tragedy, so we’re snding u a brand new pc for being a loyal fan chk it out http://t.co/09oQ10NUN0
check the comments and feedback from users who gone thru these videos
it's by nature a hands on learning process
posted on April 17, 2015

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham www.phdcomics.com title: "Teaching Pet Peeves, Part 1" - originally published 4/17/2015 For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

@mikedidthis ahahahahahha
I'm not saying they're not helpful
5:05 PM
@Worf lucky bugger!
@ZachSaucier You kinda are
derekbanas is a recent popular techie on youtube
just that people, with a written tutorial, would learn better hands on
that's why things like CodeAcademy are successful
@Phreak no he isn't. Learning a programming language doesn't mean you learn to program.
You learn to program from experience, and make things.
@ZachSaucier html/css are not really programming stuf, if you are coming from C/python background
5:07 PM
yes javscript/php would expect some programming skills
@overexchange so now you're talking about people learning from a particular background
at which point picking up a new language is more easily done by reading the docs
But he is getting familiar with the programs. Videos will deff help him -- watching someone else do it and then doing it is a good way to learn
It is, but the best way is experience. Try, fail and try again.
@ZachSaucier please ignore my updates
5:08 PM
Well if doesn't know what to try how can he fail? you need some basic groundwork
@Phreak docs and picking things to pieces.
@Phreak read what we say :P
picking the messages you read of ours is frustrating
not everyone learns the same..
they pretty much do.
5:10 PM
docs will help but some people learn by example, teachers, books
the "visual" "hands on" etc. learning have been proven false
@ZachSaucier according to?
1 min, I'll pull up the sources
Just to clarify. Tutorial videos are great, but you need to do at the same time to get any real benefit.
Well if that is true, which i doubt, then people like to learn in different ways..
I don't watch tutorials now but i did when i started off.
And what do you remember more? The videos or that time you coded something and it didn't work, so you found a fix?
there are lots more
@mikedidthis I'm not saying don't put in the time to code thats obviously the next step after the video
@Phreak I agree. But you do it straight after the video, not after a series. Otherwise you forget :D
But @ZachSaucier called all the videos crap for no apparent reason
5:14 PM
you fail at critical thinking a lot, haha
@ZachSaucier right bro i think you troll a lot, haha
I don't troll to my knowledge :P
@Phreak nope. He said you won't learn programming, which I believe is a true statement. You can learn about programming concepts, languages and paradigms from videos. To actually think and work in a programming sense, no. That comes from experience.
@mikedidthis he later corrected himself.. but yea i agree with you
5:17 PM
I hate IE - If I add a property via inspector it fixes a problem, if I add it via HTML or JS (exactly the same) it doesn't fix it...
@Phreak clarification != correction
@ZachSaucier jsfiddle or stfu
@Worf lol
@Worf am in process. Can't repro in smaller scale...
then stfu
I'm working on it
5:19 PM
licecap it?
!!urban licecap
@ZachSaucier No definition found for licecap
!!google licecap software
why not say "take a gif" or something
5:21 PM
because then you'd have asked "how?" it's shorter
@Worf you kidding me? I take gifs all the time with GifCam
@ZachSaucier That's a cool animation
which msie version?
@AlvaroMontoro thanks!
@Worf working on 11 right now
1 message moved to Trash
@Worf Evidently it can only go on the SVG element. But sometimes that doesn't work exactly...
5:31 PM
it works when added via inspector
but not via js
in JavaScript, 1 min ago, by Kitler
Q: Broccoli asset rev fingerprint urls in json file

KitlerMy rails app and index.html file are hosted on heroku and the rest of the assets are on s3, there's a manifest.json file that is required in order to enable mobile web app mode for chrome on android that looks like: { "short_name": "Kinlan's Amaze App", "name": "Kinlan's Amazing Application ...

CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Unresponsive design
@ZachSaucier apparently it's a rendering bug
because if you move the mouse over the progressbar
Q: Sublime Text 3 Tab Color Based on File Type?

EliI have many similarly named files in my project, e.g. 'items.create.html', 'items.create.controller.js' and 'items.create.scss', and I want to easily find the right one by simply color-coding tabs (maybe even putting custom icons?) based on the file type. Is that possible? Is there a package I ...

it updates faster
5:34 PM
did you notice?
that should be cv-ed
no, didn't move my mouse over it :P
also try resizing jsfiddle's panel
Ya, just did
another thing to bother Jonathan about
5:41 PM
found a solution :D
i m out
@ZachSaucier looks to be a rendering bug
code looks fine
you should consider bugging johnathan :D
Just did :P
that's the last bug I plan on fixing, lol
now I have to get it looking like a Codrops article
the original code needed to get the whole thing running in Chrome is so simple, lol. All this added stuff to get browser support makes it ugly
@ZachSaucier set "async" to true in xhr.open()
not that fixes it
5:56 PM
have you tried running the animation without the file upload?
*file download
because imho that interferes
since once everything is loaded the animation runs smooth

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