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12:01 AM
perhaps pizza hut instead
@LightnessRacesinOrbit There are so many variations. I'm sure there's one you could pick then :) ...
Currying is the best though
Like that (+1) thingy is just awesome.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Pizza Hut is pretty boring compared with the number of available kind of curries. Think twice!
where the fuck are the poppadoms
12:04 AM
@πάνταῥεῖ so what i ended up deciding was create an installation directory in home and put everything there. similar to windows do in program files in C. Now program assumes that these files are at this location.
i considered various options and this seemed more legitimate.
@πάνταῥεῖ You know exactly what I've read that as.
now I need to find £1.60 of stuff I don't want to reach the minimum order amount
@AjGauravdeep Well be happy with this ...
12:06 AM
fine, I could do with some more Pepsi
@πάνταῥεῖ I don't want to seem insensible on the topic, but what I meant is that if live is really all about getting to know yourself, then wether you are a male or a female stops mattering.
Is that wrong?
@Jefffrey who says its about " all about getting to know yourself".. that seems incomplete.
Which behavior do you think makes more sense for a repeating Timer class that invokes a callback: For a timer with period X seconds:
1. the next callback is rescheduled for X seconds from the invocation of a callback
2. the next callback is rescheduled for X seconds less the required adjustment to make the callback trigger N*X seconds after the timer has started
12:08 AM
life is about asking poorly worded questions and getting closed as dupe, leading you to find the answer.
Also I'm not saying that because I don't understand it doesn't make sense. I just think I don't get it.
like a c++ class, our life is a class with attributes and implementation. Attributes seems to be the things we find out about ourself and choose to keep and then there is implementation.
We are nothing but ADT.
@AjGauravdeep what
i think you're thinking a bit too deep here
@Jefffrey It does matter! I can't help, even if I'm trying to extrapolate (as mentioned), it seriously matters. I can't just change genders, and achieve really all of the aspects in it.
12:10 AM
oops @Blob. Well i believe to have devoted my life on it...so maybe little bit too deep.
Life without puppadoms is impossible.
@πάνταῥεῖ Achieve really all of the aspects in it? What?
how can one achieve all aspects pf something that big? its too big...
I love Stack Overflow :D
@Jefffrey As in "Being able to get pregnant, and breed new little humans" of course dude!
@Pris #2 is inconsistent as the caller might skip a "beat" and crap. I'd say #1.
12:12 AM
@πάνταῥεῖ Are you trying to troll me or something?
Navta pei wants to be a girl and pantoona wants to be a guy?
@Jefffrey Certainly not! (I'm all empathic with you)
Do you think that rightfold wants to get pregnant and breed new little humans?
looking at this Java library
89 lines of import.
humans are dumb, why breed more of them?
12:13 AM
@Blob No, humans are not dumb.
@Jefffrey But what I wanted to say is: Even if I would change gender to be a women, I wouldn't be able to get beyond that point I've mentioned.
@Rapptz That's quite a lot.
+1 @Jefffrey Not all.
@AjGauravdeep Reply to message is what you want.
12:14 AM
Yeah definitely not normal.
do we have the capability to straight-up convert a multidimensional array to pointers?
Don't do that man.
You don't want arrays to decay to pointers.
@DemCodeLines Good evening!
@πάνταῥεῖ Hi!
12:15 AM
@πάνταῥεῖ So?
@Jefffrey Well, is there a specific reason not to do that? I'm learning C++ (one of those online courses) and currently on pointers.
@Jefffrey We cannot simply exchange gender arbitrarily as we'd like to do. That's all my point about.
@DemCodeLines Yes, an array has a type and that type has a different semantic than "a pointer to something". Deeply different semantic.
@πάνταῥεῖ So?
@DemCodeLines There's a number of points not to do so ...
You should listen to Jefffrey; she's talking sense.
12:18 AM
For once.
@Jefffrey So what?
Hey LRiO can you get a new avatar please?
get the old one back
That was even worse somehow.
@πάνταῥεῖ Oh, I thought you were trying to make a point, and I just couldn't see it.
and i can't tell if lightning's a dude or a girl
12:19 AM
who the fuck is lightning
@Jefffrey why?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I don't like this one.
i liked the old one. bringback plis
12:20 AM
Put the one when sofffia was here.
Well then I shall keep it, just for you.
This course probably not what I should be taking in that case, right? It has one of those things where it tests you after each "chapter" and one of the questions was them giving me a bunch of functions (with arguments) that did different things and asking me to "convert the following function parameters from two-dimensional array(s) to pointers"
@DemCodeLines Are you reading a book?
What do you need? I surrender honestly. You've always done the same for me. So I would do it for you.
or taking an online course? or physical go-to-lecture course
12:22 AM
@Jefffrey Well, I've made a point. You can change genders physically nowadays with help of surgery. But you'll not be able to get into all dimensions that gender gets you into at least. That's my point.
@DemCodeLines Read a book, don't take online courses. It's a scam.
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkThis question attempts to collect the few pearls among the dozens of bad C++ books that are published every year. Unlike many other programming languages, which are often picked up on the go from tutorials found on the Internet, few are able to quickly pick up C++ without studying a well-written...

@πάνταῥεῖ Oh, then I agree.
@Blob It's a weird online book that shares a lot of stuff with online resources.
"all dimensions" wot
12:22 AM
@DemCodeLines check the link i linked; don't bother reading anything else
"online book" lol
Although I definitely remember this sort of problem in a previous school lecture class and I never "figured" it out.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it's clear what he meant >.>
@Blob I honestly don't understand it
Probably because my English is so bad
@DemCodeLines Yeah, you've been expected to do some hard working on it!
12:23 AM
One day baby we'll be old.
Every person is a degree of freedom.
And think about the stories we could have told.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit if you're a dude and you get surgery to be a girl, you still can't have babies and crap so you're not completely female.
@DemCodeLines Redo that class!
@πάνταῥεῖ Too much money man
12:24 AM
By the way I think I'm growing limerence.
to who? that same girl?
@DemCodeLines Get employed!
And DemCodeLines is here so I guess the circle is complete
@Blob So, how many people on this earth does this apply to?
@Blob Yeah, don't worry though. It's my fourth ride, I'm just having fun right now.
I know how to handle it properly.
12:25 AM
@Jefffrey wait...no no no
@Blob ok
because having babies defines being female
It kinda does.
biologically female in the sense that you have ovaries that work
Hey brother, there's an endless road to rediscover.
12:26 AM
we are all equal
@Jefffrey Sorry, yes. Kinda does :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Get your gender shit out of my sex definitions.
Oh no, that equality crap again.
@πάνταῥεῖ Those guys wouldn't look at my resume and wise men have said that if you're putting C/C++ on your resume, you better be good at it, good enough that you can answer questions during interview.
12:27 AM
LRiO is a shemale ... looks like a female but not really
@DemCodeLines You are looking at >= 2 years of pain. Good luck bro.
More like 5 years
I'm bored
That's new.
Is it?
12:28 AM
Years of pain for what? Learning or interviewing?
I keep misreading things.
So be good at C and C++. What you're actually asking about?
BTW I'm handling you here just sideways off the really interesing (gender related) discussions.
@Rapptz Not really.
@DemCodeLines Learning.
only productive thing i did today was implementing while loops in ~5-10 mins. life's a waste
Best The Kooks song.
12:29 AM
i have a shitton of hw due monday. one day left ;_;
@Rapptz That's naive.
no lrio
just no
@DemCodeLines Years of pain being a human, women or man!
your joke license is revoked
12:30 AM
@DemCodeLines crying
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Terrible jokes (and/or puns) hour. [c++] [c++11] [c++14] [c++-faq]
i have to refresh page to see the change
12:32 AM
@Rapptz Reminds me of youtube.com/watch?v=3jbdw43yvTY
@Nooble hurry up you have one hour
I remember when the room description change info said, room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Now featuring relationship advice [c++] [c++11] [c++14] [c++-faq]
@Blob Until?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit O won't you stay with me! Cos you're all I need.
12:32 AM
that was like two days ago
@Nooble read room description
Sep 17 '12 at 16:02, by Cat Plus Plus
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: A lounge generally for relationship advice, but we sometimes give C++ advice, too. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [stop-removing-my-tags]
@Blob Ahh okay :)
Is that it? lol haha
Oh the days
But darling stay with me.
You know what my current status remembers me of?
American beauty.
12:33 AM
Guys how do I HTTPS
Right before the guy gets shot.
louder, louder than the lion cause I am the...
Feb 14 at 19:17, by FredOverflow
room topic changed to Box<Chocolate>: We help you with relational algebra and relationship problems! [c++] [c++11] [c++14] [c++-faq]
I was joking
$150 fine
@Rapptz "Guys how do I HTTPS" Have a certificate of course :P
+ $850 taxes
@Rapptz openshift
@Rapptz You don't know how to do HTTPS? Oh, man. My heart bleeds.
ok, your license in unrevoked, welcome back
12:35 AM
what? that was bad
not thanks for the comma abuse though
God awful.
I think that means it's time for me to play video games.
where we are now? I'm just confused a little bit (the alcohol ya know)???
good night
I'm playing Halo, waiting for Chicken Rogan Josh, and supping at a chilled Doom Bar.
12:38 AM
I'm gonna play some Smash 4
.... which I just accidentally dribbled onto my Xbox controller
@LightnessRacesinOrbit "Chicken Rogan Josh" Well that's soooo yummy stuff, just love it.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I got thrown out of the bar for sneezing loudly:(
were you aiming at someone else at the same time?
12:41 AM
@chmod711telkitty No, there were no West Ham fans in.
@MartinJames That's certainly not a reason for being thrown out. I'd suspect you've been celebrating that some how?
@πάνταῥεῖ I have a bad cold. OK, I was not actually thrown out, but my presence was not appreciated, so I left:)
I wonder how much damage a person who suffers from a full blown of a highly contagious strain of influenza would do if the person insisting in going to the middle of the time square on the new years eve
You think that doesn't happen?
12:45 AM
I have that colleague sitting vis'a vis who's sneezing that loud, that the whole building is shivering (literally). My comment on this is merely "Gesundheit" :-D
get your damn flu shots
@πάνταῥεῖ When I do sneeze, it's very loud. Once, on a plane, the flight crew called through to the cabin staff to ask what the noise was:)
The quality of English in this Lounge has deteriorated dramatically over the past few weaks.
> weaks
it's still pun hour, is it not?
12:46 AM
is that a pun referencing the influenza?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Sorry, I'm not a native speaker. But I'm trying all my best :(
@Blob Pun intended?
I don't have flu, it's just a cold. I'm recovering now, no problem.
why is it "the flu" but just "influenza"?
> i have the flu
> i have influenza
Alright, I'll try to be more straightforward, what the heck is wrong with this code:
void set_row( double *the_array , int row_num, int col_size, double row_vals[]) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < col_size; i++)
    *the_array[row_num][i] = row_vals[i];
@DemCodeLines Ask on SO main? We're discussing extremely loud sneezing right away here?
12:49 AM
It's honestly not worthy of that site. I'll get kicked out lol. "It doesn't contribute quality"
@DemCodeLines *(the_array+row_num+i)?
@DemCodeLines *the_array[row_num][i] ... depends on how you have defined the_array
@chmod711telkitty double the_array[ROW_SIZE][COL_SIZE];
'double *the_array' cannot be indexed with 'the_array[row_num][i]'
@DemCodeLines Lack of std::array/std::vector
12:50 AM
@DemCodeLines So what should we do? Is it going to be better quality asking here?
@πάνταῥεῖ I apologize.
if you add enough *, it compiles
@DemCodeLines Keep on context, as best.
double ***the_array
you mean /* ? ... yes if you put enough corresponding */ at the right places
12:52 AM
@milleniumbug using namespace std;
@DemCodeLines wrong.
I think it should be the_array[row_num][i] = row_vals[i];
@Blob Three star programmers will get double the salary :-D ...
without pointer
nothing makes your C++ code complie faster than enough //
12:53 AM
Count the number of "*" and "[]" pairs and make it match the number of "*" in the argument
Or even not, of course ...
or just use std::vector
We can't use vectors :(
wait, is this a legit course or a book?
@Blob That's a decent idea!
12:54 AM
if it's a book, dump it while you can
It's a fucking type mismatch. Wherever the shite came from, get rid of it.
@DemCodeLines WUT? We can use std::vector, I'm doing it all the time. Who told you you cannot? Just kick them in the ass!
Dribbled my beer again
@πάνταῥεῖ likely an instructor. kicking their ass would negatively impact their grade; possibly resulting in them getting kicked out of the course.
I can't remember when I last used an array with more than one dimension.
12:57 AM
I've got nothing
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Catch it in a saucer and pour it back in again.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That's 'cos you're ratted.
@Blob What kind of stupid person of such instructor. Piss on such authorities. Piss on authorities at all, by ever means. They just suck!
@Rapptz temporary relief if you like cats ...
@MartinJames I'm not! I'm only half way through my first
@Blob this one's from a real school course. Missed a class, teacher hasn't replied to my email. Homework's due today in 2 hours. Have no choice but to learn myself and do the homework.
But I don't get it at all.
@Blob this.
12:58 AM
So I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down.
@Puppy I'm getting an assert saying my operands to ICmp are not of the same type. Except I printed their TypeID (after the necessary conversion) and they're identical =/
@Nooble .............
@πάνταῥεῖ I doubt the purpose is to teach C++; they're likely attempting to teach lower level concepts.
12:59 AM
@Nooble it's been about half an hour and that's all you've got?
@Nooble You need to bring your jokes back down to Earth.
@DemCodeLines You're stuft.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Stop trying to get a rise out of him.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit i.e.
1:00 AM
@MartinJames Just drop it
@Borgleader OK
@Blob Like I said, to busy reading.
it peaked at lightness's joke and now it's just going down
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That went right over my head.
@MartinJames oh man, this won't end well with this homework
@DemCodeLines SNAFU
1:01 AM
@DemCodeLines C++ Primer - 5th(?) Edition
not sure what that means
only a few thousand pages
in less than 2 hours?
you got this
just read the standard
1:02 AM
also a thousand or so pages
I'm a massive idiot /cc @Puppy
@Borgleader are you obese? ... is that why you are massive?
C++ standard - 1.3k pages. C++ Primer - 1.4k pages. One teaches you everything there is to know about the language, other teaches you the basics. Take your pick.
Speaking of books, I also was reading one about black-holes. It sucked.
@chmod711telkitty There is a gravity problem in the Lounge tonight.
1:04 AM
@Blob you mean read that 1k+ book?
@DemCodeLines C++ primer has ~50 more pages and it only teaches the basics.
@Nooble I was reading your mom's black hole. It also sucked
1:05 AM
@Nooble Posted from Vista 64 ultimate..
Well, _homework_ rarely wents ending well (having a happy end) on SO, even less at the _Lounge<c++>_. Just give your _stupid instructor_ a kick in the ass, and give them a correct c++ solution. Ignore stupid restrctions, that weren't well founded by any means. As them for real world reasons for these restrictions applying. Make them sweat!
I'm suffering from such stuff in real world!
@Blob Oh.. FFS it's a pdf...
@MartinJames what format do you prefer?
@Blob For a standards doc? At this time of night? Nothing!
1:07 AM
there should be an audiobook for the standard
Meant: "Ask them for real world reasons for these restrictions applying. "
This day has been completely wasted.
I did nothing productive.
@πάνταῥεῖ He's trying to teach basics.
i'll attempt to do something for a while; bye
@Blob Your fault for expecting koalaty puns.
@DemCodeLines It's a boss-key, isn't it?
@DemCodeLines Is that an advanced c++ course? Or is it meant for beginners? That aren't the basics, it's a common (and merely bad) misconception of "teachers", what the necessary basics actually are IMHO.
@πάνταῥεῖ The course is called "Programming w/ Data Structures"
@DemCodeLines Refer to my blog post. Your instructor is just an incompetent twat. He's hurting industries needs for good programmers in an absolutely inadequate way.
@DemCodeLines I wonder what 'Programming w/o Data Structures' is?
1:19 AM
@MartinJames programming in my language :D
there are numbers and strings, but that's it
@Blob Sorry, but your language isn't c++
@Blob Wot? No structs or classes?
@MartinJames those are a bit too difficult to implement, at least for now.
development on it will cease for now
i'll start working on it again during spring break, whenever that is
@MartinJames "No structs or classes?" Just blobs I'd suppose :P ...
@πάνταῥεῖ might call them that :D
1:23 AM
what he is referring to is called binary in the industry.
not that primitive
@DemCodeLines I don't actuallly know what binary should mean? And I'm programming industry level software.
I was joking, but nice job. You actually have a language of your own. Nice!
there aren't any functions yet ;_;
@πάνταῥεῖ I meant base 2 stuff, 010011111
1:27 AM
functions are pure abstractions for mortals
@DemCodeLines There's a number of mechanisms available to handle bitwise operations. std::bitset might come in handy in 1st place.
i don't need them
@πάνταῥεῖ He was making a joke about how little features my language offers.
@Blob I'm still ranting about incompetent twats of instructors :P
I was making an ALU in minecraft.
Complete with 8 bit binary adders, subtractors, and a decoder.

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