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Abdel, iOS?
nope android
bleh, my tablet is dead
@Ahmad doesn't even load for me
hmm...maybe I'm just not waiting long enough
Has anyone watched the Silicon Valley show (on HBO, I think?)
it's really cool
How'd you get it?
It's awesome, Code. But one of the best actors on there died this year so :(
I think I heard about that...
code, it's pretty funny.. slightly exaggerated of the real thing, but hits home.
It's definitely on my watch list.
I don't have a lot of time for TV, though.
and I don't even have cable at home
Great...another "reality" show
I've got to watch whom I address as "code" here... CA and cM it is..
tss, people are so uncreative with their names, right?
Yes, I should be a little more daring and change my username to "James"
You could change it to assBourbon
i will if you change yours to assmad
beware, you can only change your name every 30 days. chose wise.
Hm...that doesn't really work since it looks like "ass mad"
more like mad ass
I like that one
Heh, I love hyphens in English, the difference between a "big-ass drink" and a "big ass drink". So, ahmed.. go with ass-mad.
haha :D
Yeah, Ahmed, go with that
So, our new piece of bluetooth hardware is not going to have a way to manually shut it off
This will be discussed
good thing you never need to turn things on and off to get them to behave well
I think the hardware guy made changes based on what was easiest for him instead of discussing them
At least he's willing to change. I've discussed a few things with him that need to be different in the firmware and he agreed to change them
He's probably worried I will go all mad-ass on him
I think that's a fear we all share.
anyone DL android 5.0
Someone has but I haven't yet
I have
it says it requires jdk 7, does that ring a bell
Weird, I'm already using JDK 7 so I didn't have to worry about that
i dont even know where to get jdk7
i went to java's site and its telling me to get se8 with all this dumb shit i dont want
standalone jdk7
It looks like there is a download page forjdk 7
does jdk 8 work with android?
only with Android JB or something iirc
JDK 8 can compile byte codes for Java 7
Q: Android, Detect when other apps are launched

IanHi I'm trying to develop an app that prevents a user from getting to a specified app without a password. The scenario is... user clicks on "Email" app (for example) my app detects launch of an app my app confirms it is the "Email" app my app opens a view over the top, asking for a password user...

Even getRunningTasks is gone now.!!
with Android L
any idea for a workaround??
why do you need to know another app is running?
Carl! Knob Creek was delicious.
And also, the name alone is good value.
glad you liked it
@Code-Apprentice Trover doesn't have "requirements" per se - you can use it on the slowest connection in the world if you want to, it just won't be very enjoyable.
wanna build something that does a specific action when I open eg: facebook or something..
but i'm more curious to know what AppLock would be doing now
Apparently they cracked it somehow.. tested that the app and is working in Lollipop. love to know how did they do that..!
xdevel, I guess my point is - there doesn't seem to be much of an argument for that API call unless you're writing something malicious.. So I was hoping for an example of something non-malicious.
I can't install it ;-(
C-A - we have known issues with tablet screens, so they're locked out from downloading it until we get our Tablet version up and running
well, and by "Tablet version" I mean - fix all the layouts so that it looks good on a tablet
ahh...that would be the "requirements" that I was asking about
I only have a working tablet atm, not a phone
Hm.. got it. "AppLock" is an example for non-malicious. Ask a password when you want to open an app you'd like to secure.
really useful actually.
@nana I'm glad I'm all about the love-hate :D
codeMagic, where is the love ?
I just got back and the first thing I see is my name and love...uh oh, what did I miss?
the graph nana made
your love to hate/fuck/shit/fucking ratio is the worst
Ah, I felt my hate numbers were a little low
Raghav has all the love
he does
probably because he doesn't visit us while he's deep in the trenches coding stuff
magic beat me by a bit for the most shit saying person
I do talk a lot of shit
we know
I didn't even analyzed my graph
Do I win for the most Mexican?
Also, why can't my SSD just work. I don't have time for fucking around
Emm: you need to give more fucks
As long as I'm around, you will always win that title
how does one remove tea stains from a wooden step
Maybe he should have added "Mexican" to the list so I could win another category :D
Adil - sand it down and restain it?
without attracting attention to myself
Start a rumor that someone else did it
that's an oddly british question
I was gonna do that but no-one else drinks tea at this time, apart from me
Are you using the TeaStainRemover from the new AppCompatv7 lib?
posted on October 20, 2014 by Android Developers

By Ankur Kotwal, Developer Advocate Android 5.0 Lollipop is the biggest update of Android to date, introducing an all new visual style, improved performance, and much more. Android 5.0 Lollipop also extends across screens big and small, including phones, tablets, wearables, TVs and cars, to give your users access to information when they need it most. To get you started on developing a

Wow...Windows even managed to screw up the task manager
crisis averted!
the stain isn't as obvious now
@kritya denied for poor A:Q ratio and no
And with that I will restart and see what happens
@kritya see above.
what'd i miss... hate and a diy stain-removal?
Hello everyone.
Hey, naners!
So I started reading about the DI dependency injection yesterday, found some resources on YT Reddit.
Are you guys sure it's not just a fad?
Like Ruby?
no you didn't
I'm giving you the look of disapproval, nana
jlindenbaum: dependency injection
look up this cool lib from square called dagger
really nice
Is that @ me?
22.6k rep? Some of these question fall foul of the 'off-site resource' rule, and some are in themselves too broad. The whole lot is much too broad for a single question on Stack Overflow. I'm sure you know where this is: help centerMike W 3 mins ago
btw how's the OnePlus One, nana?
It is also cool, but I haven't played with it yet.
I am so used to Nexus devices I am not sure I want to use a non Nexus one.
It's quite close to a Nexus device for me
It's so big that after holding it for couple minutes when I grabbed my N5 it felt small. And I still remember the first day I held the N5, it felt huge then.
Though I haven't had time to really mess it up yet
Heh. Mine keeps falling out of my pocket
I thought my Nexus 4 was huge when I first bought it
^ Yeah it is close, it's nothing like the bloatware zoo Samsungs are.
I can imagine it's the same for other brands when you buy from a carrier, but I only have experience with the big S.
@codeMagic > The Google?
did you see Stephen Colbert's recent rant against Google (and particularly Larry Page)
oh man
Should I have said, The Bing??
Error:Attribute "theme" has already been defined
f me
@codeMagic Colbert's lead-in mentions "the world's institutions: the Church, the Family..., the Google"
this is just awesome
He seemed overly upset that his height was off by an inch
So is the 10.5 a fix? Or was it always there?
Either way he's still short (5 ft 11.65 inches)
5 feet at 10.5 inches is the current listed height of Stephen Colbert
@nana 10.5 is Google's response to his complaint
Oh, I was hoping that's what it was. :)
and notice the "-ish" on the end of the metric conversion
I did I thought that was algorythmic, to make it more human.
> 5' 10.5" (1.79m -ish)
@codeMagic He seemed pseudo-upset from my point of view.
I had no idea Ballmer is 6'5, nor that Jobs was fairly tall too.
all the great things you learn on Google!
Wait a sec...
What is a ToolBar?
It can be used in place of an ActionBar
And you can also add it anywhere on the xml
It supports navigation...
Which means I can have a navigation component anywhere on my XML?
That sounds like a bad idea...
> Added in API level 21
I understand that
Toolbar is an action bar, just in a different style? Why would they introduce another way to navigate inconsistently, and present another inconsistent way to interact with menu items.
Boom! (I now have a travis.ci script that automatically generates documentation and pushes it to the gh-pages branch)
That is what I mean
I'm with you. Sounds like a bad idea. Rabbel rabbel!
This whole "I want you to use material design, but I do not show you how" idea sucks
Only the finest documentation
Noah, returning false when trying to doShit() seems like it could lead to a lot of internal problems
My tablet got an update today...is it Lollipop?
I expect Google to release a series of videos explaining how to transition to Material Design
@codeMagic I've filed a bug report will fix asap
I didn't know travis could do this
Where's the reference to the code this bug report addresses?
careful about linking code in here Noah, everyone's going to review it if you do :D
@Code-Apprentice How silly of me, fixed.
also creating documentation for a project that only has two files from which one only has an empty method called doShit() sounds counterproductive
I think you're procrastinating lol
Ahmad, It can also do android tests. You could make it run tests on as many Android devices as you have the images for.
Gasp You saw right through my plan!
how does it run something on a device?
make a test suite, fire up your adb images, load app, run test suite, wait for result on command line
Or what jlindenbaum said
oh dear lord they've automated it for you!? Time to spin up Travis
I didn't know travis had all these emulator images
So Travis Ci with Spoon = Test engineers wet dream.
I don't wanna paaaaaaaaay. Ugh. $129
does travis have more support for Android? Last time I look you had to script almost all of it.
@NoahHuppert another square lib?
Check out link
yah, I saw that...catching up on chat while digging my own rabbit hole of other topics...
Yea, it just organizes all your tests, runs them on every abd device that is can connect to.
but yeah $129 is too much for me. I'm cheap. I use buildbot.
The unfortunate thing about Travis Ci is that there is no way to test your script other than pushing it to Github, thus the 39 useless commits.
lol, that's ugly
$129?!??!?!? Whoa! Theres a free teir guys... And if you are a student you can get the $129 tier for free(It just adds some private repo support, and 2 builds at once).
I thought Travis was free...
It's free for open source repos
wait. travis comes with the github education package, noah?
shit. that's awesome.
I didn't know
gonna make use of it lol
I would create a separate repo for testing the travis script on...
I connected my GitHub account to Travis a while back, but I still haven't commited a travis.yml file to my repo yet.
> Just 24 to go
Someone should add xkcd to the feed
> Swift fun fact #1: You can use emoji characters in variable, constant, function, and class names
I played with Swift a bit
it seems pretty cool
they took features from Groovy
why carl. why.
I've been reading a lot of ios code lately, can't stand objectiveC
so hopefully we migrate to swift soon :P
bracket madness!!!!
[self [self [self
and remember...you do not call methods....you sends messages...
use dot syntax if you hate brackets.
Ok, I'm out of here. Cya tomorrow
Jeeessus, Since when does gradlew assemble take 15 minutes
Jesus doesn't generally answer questions on StackOverflow Noah, sorry
Ok :(
What about Mozes?
Noah, why are you flooding me with questions?
Im sorry for being a help vampire Carl.</sarcasm>
I was trying to make a pun, silly
I'm sure you never get Noah flood jokes
Actually, its been like 2 days since the last one
just like I never get anyone saying <agentsmith>Mr. Anderson </agentsmith>
Well anyway @Jesus, its now taken 25 minutes for gradlew assemble, whyyyyyy
All I want to do is use javadoc :(((
Have you considered upgrading from 486SX to 486DX?
@NoahHuppert it is in the feeds
the feed just doesn't work
Good evening
hi nana
love the graph
No seriously Noah, why does it take so long? Is it a massive project?
I am glad you do @CarlAnderson. Did you do well?
I was greatly amused that pretty much every time I've used the phrase "fucking", that it was some sort of quote
Not huge(Look above for comments on how complex the code is), just running on an external build server, so it needs to download a lot of stuff.
31 minute? what the f are you building?
I feel like it should be a script we should be able to call anytime for any words and any users, maybe a bot plugin?
Ahmad, you know, building shit...
More specifically that one method(doShit()). And actually completely by accident, Travis Ci just assumed I wanted to build it because it saw a build.gradle file in there.
But canceling the job failed so I had to wait...
Heh, Ahmad doesn't want to spoil his word graph with swear words :) Wait till it can understand context and know what the f meant!
How much Googling should I do before asking my question here instead?
Oops, that's a question :p
If you have to ask then probably not enough
Or just one box it and leave, thats the best way to get people to like you</Sarcasm>
I'm implementing the new Toolbar and my activity is extending BaseGameActivity, is there some advanced NASA hackz that allow me to use setSupportActionBar(toolbar);?
How many developers does it take to change a light bulb? Startup – 0, it's not MVP Enterprise – 0, there's no budget in Q4
@Ahmad He's building doShit()
Hey is it really impossible to set ActionBar to a preference activity using the support library?
@Code-Apprentice snort
Did you miss the earlier link to Noah's github?
@NoahHuppert fwiw, you can always rebase master once you get your travis script sorted
Yea, just trying to get the basics sorted out
2 hours ago, by Ahmad
@NoahHuppert https://github.com/Noah-Huppert/DiamondDb/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/noah‌​huppert/java/android/diamondDb/DiamondDb.java#L10
@CarlAnderson --^
oh, I'm well aware :D
I'm just saying you got me to laugh hard enough I snorted in real life
I love the descriptive commit messages
Im thinking of just re making the git repo. At this point the commit history is absolutely ruined.
> travis.yml v49
I think you're spending way to too much time on that.
Wait wait wait fu
if you want to see cool commit messages and a ridiculous write up then just let me pull something up
Every commit is literally changing 1 or 2 lines
Right now I am in the project phase where essentially I turn into a 5 year old who wants to play with all the toys
I just changed BaseGameActivity extends FragmentActivity to BaseGameActivity extends ActionBarActivity
I posted this a while ago, but now the author deleted it from medium.com, but I was clever enough to archive it on the waybackmachine on archive.org because I knew he would delete it
and because I wanted to make sure I could laugh about this in the future
ha ha ha ha ha hah ahahahhaha
I got carried along with the rant about this article
Sep 2 at 14:14, by Ahmad
wow wtf
I rambled quite a bit
14 mins ago, by jyoon
Hey is it really impossible to set ActionBar to a preference activity using the support library?
why should it?
isn't there a preferenceactivity?
rofl Ahmad
nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing
NOTHING. WOW Android developers.
well in my new codebase, I have a couple of "fixes"
Sep 2 at 14:38, by Ahmad
I mean the commit messages was one thing, maybe he had an alias set up with alias fukit=git add .; git commit -m "nothing"; git push
by a couple I mean...a lot
does anyone here use iTerm2?
I think @gui does
git rebase git stash do not work after upgrading to Yosemite...
A: How to add Action Bar from support library into PreferenceActivity?

Chris BanesThere is currently no way to achieve with AppCompat. I've opened a bug internally.

don't know if it's still the case though
I've personally rolled my code to ABC, and rolled it back to ABS, and now I'm probably going to drop pre ICS support so yeah, don't really care anymore
This was entered almost a year ago and no resolution?? — Someone Somewhere Apr 6 at 3:21
can you use the new ToolBar?
Emmanuel: did you upgrade the command line tools?
@Emmanuel What does "does not work" mean?
Maybe I should drop pre ICS Honey..
I think you can safely drop it as well lol

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